The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 11


What is it like to be friends with a goddess

Yu Xiaoya replied:

Haha, everyone's brains are so big, but no one guessed it right. I will announce the answer directly, it is a big treasure!

The goddess taught me about skin care and the Pareto rule. Input and output are often unbalanced. My understanding is that after applying the cream, 80% of the skin care is done.

The goddess said, my understanding of rounding is not wrong. ~(≧▽≦)/~

Just now I swiped the school's post, and sorted out some other people's curiosity about the goddess, as well as the goddess in their eyes, to share with you.

Buddy A:

When I went to the student union to reissue the student ID card today, I saw the president of the student union himself! ! ! First time seeing it with my own eyes! ! ! She asked my name at the time, I, I completely forgot [crying] I just remember those eyes, they were so beautiful (1000 words are omitted here to describe the beauty of the goddess)

Buddy B:

As a classmate of the goddess, you must know who I am referring to. My greatest pleasure is to record the daily life of the goddess. Today's music class is on the 1st floor of Building 2. There is a little orange cat wandering outside the window during recess. Many girls open the window and try their best to lure the little orange cat in, but they are unsuccessful. At this time, when the goddess walked into the classroom, she glanced at the little orange cat, and the cold little orange cat nimbly entered the classroom, lying on the goddess' trousers and meowing. I know, this is a face-seeing world [crying] Then, the goddess picked up the little orange cat and scratched its chin! I swear, at that time, more than half of the people in the classroom had green eyes when they saw the little orange cat, and many people even wanted to replace it!

Buddy C:

I don't know if anyone has the post bar number, Q number, WeChat account, Weibo account, and non-group photos of the goddess of class X in senior three. I beg some of them to send me a private message, as long as the information is true, I will be rewarded! Goddess's workbook and exam papers are also collected!

Hahahaha, if I go to the school post now and post, saying that I have become the goddess' roommate and play with the goddess's mobile phone, there may be many people who come to me with resentment along the network cable.

I'll still have fun. You have no idea how good the goddess is. The goddess looks hard to approach, but is actually very gentle and kind.

————From the dividing line that wants to hide the goddess photos in secret——————

It's almost new year.

The reason why Xiaoya is looking forward to the New Year this year is not the same as in previous years. It is not to get red envelopes or not to write papers, but to have a feast on New Year's Eve.

Lu Xiaobei promised her that on the last day of the old year, she could indulge a little.

There are not too beautiful fireworks in the New Year in the town, and before night falls, the sound of large and small firecrackers is one after another.

The owner of the small landlord also remembered, and put two strings of firecrackers in front of the door. When he remembered, he put two strings of firecrackers in front of the door. Although the sound is very annoying, only the constant sound of firecrackers can add three points to this lonely winter. Year taste.

Since Mr. Qi took them up the mountain, Mr. Yu gave them a scolding, and he didn't dare to lift the tiger's whiskers. He just supervised them in the small building every day.

Gao Heng and the others wanted to go to the town center to buy some firecrackers, but Teacher Qi would only say, "Ask you, Teacher Yu."

Regardless of their dry lips, Mr. Qi added at most, "Mr. Yu doesn't agree, you must not act in private."

Gao Heng said angrily, "Teacher, you must have soft ears in the future."

There are no entertainment programs in the town, except for a hearty dinner, a few classmates borrowed a few pairs of poker from the owner of the small building, and the others can only go back to watch the Spring Festival Gala to keep the year old.

Not long after Xiaoya returned to her room, she received a call from home, "Xiaoyu, Happy New Year!"

Xiaoya answered the phone and said happily, "Mom, happy new year, is dad by your side? I also wish dad a happy new year!"

Xiaoya's mother said cheerfully, "Dad heard it. He has something to tell you."

Xiaoya's father's voice came from the receiver, "Xiaoyu, happy new year, and study hard in the new year."

Xiaoya replied, "I see, Dad. I also wish Dad good health and advancement."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Lu Xiaobei opened the door, turned back again, and whispered to Xiaoya, "Chianyi and the others got something to eat, let's go to their room."

Xiaoya covered the receiver and motioned to Lu Xiaobei to go over first, and she would go after the call.

Xiaoya and her family exchanged a lot of auspicious words, and asked, "Mom, are you celebrating the New Year at grandma's house this year, or grandma's?"

Xiaoya's mother stopped and said, "at your grandma's house."

Xiaoya said, "then give your grandma the phone, and I want to talk to her."

Xiaoya's mother said: "Upstairs, Uncle Qi's mother and children are abroad. After your grandmother and grandfather have eaten, they went upstairs to play mahjong with them."

"Oh." Xiaoya doesn't have any doubts. Grandma's family is all old neighbors and card friends. They take care of each other more on weekdays. "Don't let grandma and the others play mahjong too late."

Xiaoya's mother said, "I know. What about you guys, what are you doing now? "

Xiaoya said, "I'm watching the Spring Festival Gala."

When Xiaoya knocked on the door of the next room, Mo Yichen and Xiangyi squeezed into one bed to talk, while Lu Xiaobei was peeling peanuts on the other side. The bedside table was placed between the two beds, and there were four cans of beer on it.

Xiaoya said in surprise: "I mean you are so full at night, what are you telling us to eat. Where did this come from? "

Lu Xiaobei said, "Gao Heng and Teacher Qi went to the town center to buy it."

Xiaoya asked, "Didn't you say no? Teacher Yu agreed?"

Xiangyi said: "No, it's for Teacher Yu, don't miss out tomorrow. Everyone has a beer, a fairy stick, and no more."

Xiaoya said happily: "it's enough, it's much better than I imagined."

Lu Xiaobei pulled away all the pull tabs, and beckoned Xiaoya to sit next to her. The four of them raised their beers and touched each other, "Cheers!"

Xiaoya only took a sip, her face wrinkled together, "It's so bitter."

Lu Xiaobei: "Have you ever been drinking?"

Xiaoya: "Only my dad feeds me a little red once in a while. I thought beer would be delicious."

Lu Xiaobei: "Do you want me to drink for you?"

Xiaoya said, "No, it's a pleasure to hold it."

Mo Yichen tapped the cans with her fingers, probably because she had been drinking, her face was pale pink, more delicate than Chunhua, "It's been a pleasure to meet you in the past year. Although the time together is very short, Happy every day."

Xiaoya looked at Mo Yichen and said excitedly, "Me too!"

Mo Yichen smiled at Xiaoya, showing eight neat teeth, warm and beautiful, "Captain is going to take the college entrance examination in a few months, and I wish the captain a gold medal title!"

Xiaoya patted the table and shouted, "Captain come back with a champion!"

Lu Xiaobei looked at Xiaoya dotingly, "People are crazy." He clinks glasses with Mo Yichen, "Thank you."

Xiangyi said: "Compared to last year, I have achieved four achievements this year. I have achieved academic success, there is food on the table, wine on the cabinet, and someone on the bed."

Before it was over, Lu Xiaobei interrupted her, "Agreeable."

Xiangyi kicked off her shoes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and hugged Mo Yichen's waist, "A smart person can understand it at a bit, and it's useless for a ignorant person to understand what they say."

Xiaoya didn't understand what they were saying, so Shiyi changed the topic and said to Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, I respect Captain Yichen, and I respect you."

As soon as the two cans of beer touched each other, they drank them all in one go, like a hero in the wine, "Xiao Ya, do you have any wishes for the New Year?"

Xiaoya was about to pay her respects back, but she also drank the beer in her hand, but Lu Xiaobei stopped her, "It's just this, and it's gone after drinking."

Xiaoya didn't insist, she drank half of it, and said seriously, "I hope that you can go to the key classes for the sophomore placement test. Everyone gets along well, and there is a chance to meet again next year."

The best class in Xiaoya High School is the competition class. Most people go to the key class, and a few go to the parallel class. The students in the parallel classes are also about to be released by the school and the teacher. If there is a chance, Xiaoya still wants to rush.

Mo Yichen: "I hope we can be assigned to a class and have the opportunity to meet again next year."

Xiaoya: "Captain, only you are missing."

Lu Xiaobei looked at Xiaoya, and didn't speak for a long time.

"I never wish."

Xiaoya: "Captain is so cool!"

Shiyi couldn't take it anymore, "Xiaoya, you're a brainless fan."

Lu Xiaobei and Mo Yichen drank peanuts and finished beer. There was still a little left in Xiaoya's jar, and Lu Xiaobei watched her take a sip, and impatiently helped her finish it.

Xiangyi: "Captain, don't you think so, now even Xiaoya is in charge of drinking."

Lu Xiaobei's phone screen lit up, "The latest news report, Mr. Yu is already asleep."

Mo Yichen divided the fairy stick into four, "Go to the balcony to play?"

Lu Xiaobei: "Well, it's too late, so don't go out."

Xiaoya: "but we don't have a lighter, should we borrow it?"

Mo Yichen: "No, it's appropriate to smoke."

Xiangyi: "I've smoked before, I've quit!"

Mo Yichen said unceremoniously, "People who quit smoking completely will not carry a lighter with them."

Affordable: "I'm here for a rainy day."

Mo Yichen: "In preparation for a sudden addiction to smoking, right?"

Regardless of their bickering, Lu Xiaobei took the lighter from the desk and led Xiaoya to the balcony.

The fairy stick fireworks drew a circle and a heart in the air, and quickly left Lu Xiaobei's name in the air.

Xiaoya hadn't played with fireworks for many years, and she had a great time playing, "Captain, can I write your name nicely?"

Lu Xiaobei: "It looks good."

In the night, by the spark, the girl's color was incredibly bright.

Lu Xiaobei: "Has anyone ever said that your facial features are very good?"

"No!" Xiaoya rolled her eyes. "No, my dad said it. Can you believe what he said?"

The fairy stick burns to the end, leaving only a little ashes. Beauty is short-lived, but leaves a splendid imprint in memory.

Lu Xiaobei: "Yes."

Xiaoya: "Huh?"

"Do you know why I don't make a wish?" Lu Xiaobei: "If I have something I want, I will set a goal and work hard to get it. I have to pray to God for a wish. I don't believe in heaven, I only believe in myself."