The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 15


Vacations are always short-lived.

When Xiaoya walked into the campus with her schoolbag on her back, she felt that the sky was gray two degrees. However, unlike the previous holidays, last night, Xiaoya didn't stay up late to catch up with her homework, and a stack of papers was already neatly placed in her schoolbag.

It would be nice if she was with the captain every day, Xiaoya thought in her heart.

When entering the classroom, Xiaoya greeted several classmates in front of her seat. Although we don't communicate much after school, in school, we do group homework in get out of class, and occasionally gossip to celebrities after class.

Before Xiaoya had sorted out her schoolbag, she noticed several classmates staring at her blankly, "what's the matter?"

The two boys turned their heads, and the girl in front of Xiaoya smiled and said, "Happy New Year! I rarely see you take the initiative to greet us."

"Really?" Xiaoya sat down and thought about it, it seemed so.

The girl in the front seat: "Yu Xiaoya, you are a lot whiter this holiday."

Xiaoya: "Because I don't have to go out." And I apply facial cream every day, and I don't know if it has anything to do with this.

The girl at the front table: "Don't you need to go to relatives? Your family should be here."

Xiaoya: "I went to the winter camp during the winter vacation."

The girl at the front desk: "Winter camp? I thought there was no one in our class. Are you playing around?"

Xiaoya: "No, it's basically a self-study class. I only go out three or four times in total."

The girl at the front table: "How miserable~"

"Ding ding ding ding ding."

Before Xiaoya could answer, the bell rang for the first class in the morning. High school is not like junior high school. The first day of junior high school is half-day reporting and half-day rest. High school students only go to school and take exams every day.

Go to hell with quality education, take one less class. It will be a lifelong regret for the students!

Familiar classrooms, familiar classmates, familiar teachers...

Xiaoya has beautiful handwriting and silently takes notes.

The life at the beginning of school was much better than she imagined. The classmates around her did not change, maybe her mentality changed. Originally, she was sitting there alone, and her appearance didn't matter, but she was actually lonely in her heart; now, she is sitting alone, with the captain in her heart and the little friends she knew from the winter camp, her mind is full of knowledge, and the whole person is happy contented.

Throughout the whole class, I didn’t get distracted, and I didn’t stare blankly at a certain place. The notes in the notebook were not copied mechanically like they used to be, but the key points were drawn with different colored strokes…

Xiaoya understands that something has fundamentally changed.

New semester, new atmosphere.

Roaming in the ocean of knowledge and feeling the joy of knowing the unknown, if this can make Xiaoya score 90 points for today, plus what happened in the afternoon, Xiaoya is willing to give it 100 points.

Xiaoya's head teacher is a male teacher in his early thirties, surnamed Nan, and Xiaoya doesn't like him very much.

It is rare for her to have a strong dissatisfaction with a person.

It started at the beginning of last semester. Teacher Nan gave Xiaoya a girl to sit alone at the last table. Xiaoya was not very happy, but there was always someone who wanted to sit at the end. She understood.

But within a few days, Teacher Nan stood on the podium and said to them triumphantly: "When I'm not here, don't play with your mobile phones, don't read novels, and don't whisper, because I'll know. I'm in your class. If you have a spy, he will report to me if you have any movements."

Xiaoya doesn't understand very much, but she just thinks that this teacher is sick, she has watched too many spy movies, and she does it in school. It was almost a month after school started, and Xiaoya, who had never made friends, overheard two girls in the class talking in the toilet.

"Why do you say Yu Xiaoya is a spy? I have never seen her run to Teacher Nan's office."

"I don't know. It's not groundless when someone just started school. And I think she's a loner, and she's very difficult to get along with. In short, she's the most suspicious. Whatever you do, avoid her at all. too close to her."

Xiaoya was trembling with anger, but she didn't know what to do at all. She didn't even have the courage to stand on the podium and yell "I'm not a spy".

What's more, standing up like this is like a fool.

Xiaoya became more and more silent, and rumors were rampant.

Until one day, during the class meeting, Teacher Nan was talking nonsense again, "I know, you are guessing, who is a spy. Many people say that Yu Xiaoya is a spy. What do you think about this, as long as you don't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of? Woolen cloth."

At first, when Yu Xiaoya heard Teacher Nan talking about this, she was lucky and hoped that Teacher Nan would say that he would not play Mission Impossible in the future.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Nan said a lot of useless nonsense and announced the end of the class meeting. He didn't even say, "The spy is not Yu Xiaoya." He didn't even say it.

He clearly knew that so many people were guessing, trying to put the blame on her head, but he didn't care. Maybe he was smug that someone had diverted his real spy.

Afterwards, Xiaoya regretted it many times. She didn't rush up and scolded him: "Do you think this is funny?! Do you think you are playing a game?! If you say it's not me, will you die?!" She I hate myself for not running out of the classroom on the spot and going to the principal's office to tear this brain-damaged person apart.

Believe it or not, shouldn't you say a word to your innocent student

Teacher Nan's attitude of not admitting and not denying pushes Xiaoya into a more embarrassing situation.

However, at that time, Xiaoya didn't think about anything, and she didn't have the courage to stand up. She just squeezed her arms with both hands to prevent herself from crying. She used all her strength to maintain her last bit of dignity.

Pretend she doesn't care.

Xiaoya rarely thinks about the class meeting, although every time she thinks about it, she still cries alone. But after participating in the winter camp, Xiaoya put it down a little, Lu Xiaobei said she was okay, and the others were nothing.

However, today, Teacher Nan brought some good news.

"This classmate's name is Mo Yichen. At the end of last semester, Wang Jianjun from our class was admitted to the competition class, and the experimental class was disbanded. Mo Yichen was transferred from the experimental class to our class. Except for the final exam last semester, Mo Yichen had other In several monthly exams, the grades have remained in the top 30 of the grade, you should study more like her."

Xiaoya looked at the podium in surprise.

Mo Yichen, with fair skin, delicate facial features, and long smooth hair reaching to his chest, stood there quietly, attracting everyone's attention. In terms of facial features, Mo Yichen is only middle and upper, but her unique and cold temperament makes people yearn for, but makes people dare not approach.

Mo Yichen swept around the classroom, his eyes fell on Xiaoya, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Teacher Nan pointed with his finger in the classroom, trying to move a classmate to the last row to make room for Mo Yichen. Everyone in the classroom was confused. They wanted to be at the same table with the new beauties in the experimental class, but they didn't seem to be assigned to the last row.

I want to be called by Teacher Nan, but I don't want to be called by him.

Mo Yichen pointed to the table beside Xiaoya and asked, "Teacher, can I sit there?"

Teacher Nan asked, "Then, can you see it from the back?" Mo Yichen is tall among girls of this age, 1.6 meters tall, but this winter vacation, many boys in the class are like bamboos. The crazy growth, Mo Yichen sat in the back and might be blocked.

Mo Yichen: "It's okay, I can see it."

Teacher Nan: "Okay. Then you can sit there first. I'll adjust the seat for you next time."

At this time, it was a break. Teacher Nan arranged for Mo Yichen to turn around and walk out of the classroom.

As soon as Mo Yichen came over, Xiaoya grabbed her excitedly, "Why did you come to our class?"

Mo Yichen: "In the final exam last semester, I fell out of the 100th place."

The classmates in the classroom looked at Mo Yichen openly or secretly, not only because she was good-looking, but also because she came from the experimental class. The experimental class is a class composed of the 40 students with the highest scores in their high school, and the school will not let them in if the other scores are just a little bit worse.

This is the school's signboard. Almost all students can go to C9. If you are lucky, one or two of Tsinghua and Peking University will be admitted.

When someone looked over, Mo Yichen nodded politely without laughing or talking. The rest of the class couldn't help but back away, temporarily holding back their thoughts of wanting to get close to the new classmates.

Mo Yichen packed up his things and whispered to Xiaoya, "Your head teacher's emotional intelligence is so low."

Xiaoya: "Why?" Why did you find it out in the morning

Mo Yichen: "Although I had a hunch that I might not be able to enter the competition class, I only found out the final result today. As a result, your head teacher poked me in the wound with every sentence. Just now, it looked like a vegetable farm. If we were in the original class, all the students would boo him. You guys are having a hard time, right?"

Xiaoya didn't speak for a long time.

Mo Yichen: "What? Sorry, do you think your head teacher is very good?"

Xiaoya sighed and said, "he's not targeting anyone, he's poisonous and insane. Very annoying. Disgusting."

Xiaoya: "it's great that you have the same thoughts as me."

Xiaoya couldn't help but vomit, "He will give each of us a small white note at the start of each semester, and let us write anonymously our suggestions for managing the class. I still remember, once, he said that he thought of the early hours of the night at night. At two o’clock, I want to manage the class. I really want to tell him, prepare the class well, don’t make the class so bad, it’s 100 times more effective than fixing those messy ideas.”

Mo Yichen: "It's okay, I'll accompany you in the future."

Xiaoya: "I really hope you can go to the competition class. But if you don't go to the competition class, it's really nice that the ordinary class can come to our class."

When school was over, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen hadn't packed their things.

The monitor of class 3 came over. She was a girl with neat short hair and took the initiative to greet Mo Yichen, "Mo Yichen, where do you live at home? We can go together later, and I can tell you about the situation after get off work. ."

Mo Yichen: "I'm afraid it won't work. I have something to do with a senior in the second year of high school today. I can't leave now. I have to wait for her to finish school. Thank you."

The squad leader's tone was regretful, "Well, there will always be opportunities in the future. Well, I'll leave my Q to you, and we can talk on Q."

Mo Yichen: "Sorry, but I don't get on Q very much."

The monitor directly tore off a piece of paper from the workbook, wrote a series of numbers, and left it to Mo Yichen, "It's okay, when you're free to go online, just add me."

Mo Yichen took the note and waved goodbye to the monitor.

Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, "Yi Chen, you are so welcome." After the squad leader returned home, the other boys and girls who were watching also knew that there was no drama, so they packed their bags and left.

Mo Yichen did not discuss this issue, but asked, "How about you? What are the arrangements now?"

Xiaoya: "I made an appointment with the captain, but they are still taking exams." Today is the day of the mock exam for the second and third year of high school.

Mo Yichen: "It just happened. I made an appointment with Shiyi, shall we wait together?"

Xiaoya: "Okay."