The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 29


What is it like to be friends with a goddess

Yu Xiaoya replied:

(Don't enter if you don't understand.)

Every morning at 6 o'clock, the goddess will call me, and it is the early morning in the windmill country. The goddess hasn't slept yet, because we don't have much time to meet each day. I used to be a sleeper, and I had to be bombarded by the alarm clock for a while, and then wait, the mother-in-law stimulated the soul, but the way the goddess called Zao... (blush)

We sometimes learn English together. The goddess corrects my pronunciation word by word. (Nympho) The voice of the goddess's teaching is nice, but I didn't study hard. (grieved) But the goddess was really angry and I was afraid, for fear that she would not want me.

But how could the goddess not want me, honey juice smiled.

Every time the goddess bullies people, I get angry and ignore her, and she will coax me very gently. In fact, when I was murdered by the goddess, I was a little scared and a little happy. Am I not a little M

Once I whispered to the goddess and told her what I was thinking. The goddess said: "You are just spoiled by me and fearless."

Yes, although there are so many people who like the goddess, I believe that the only one she likes is me. I feel overwhelmed with security!

The goddess always said she wanted to give me a sense of crisis, but I knew that she couldn't bear it at all.

The goddess likes to post Weibo, the kind that only she can see, a bit like writing a diary. There is a Weibo saying, "To raise a small beast, it never dares to approach strangers, but it will actively show its soft belly for you to touch; watch it go from being cautious and probing its brain to becoming domineering and showy, it's me. The most rewarding thing I've ever done."

Because the original mobile phone of the goddess is with me, and her Weibo is not logged out, I can see what she posts.

You say, does the goddess know that I can see her Weibo

The goddess told me every time before posting on Weibo that she was going to post on Weibo again. People really don't understand this kind of thing~

On the 30th day of the goddess going abroad, I miss her.

PS The college entrance examination scores came out, and the goddess played well. Looking forward to her returning to China to meet again, but also afraid of being separated again.

— — — The dividing line with the goddess’s daily life — — —

On the last day of the second semester of high school, all the students in the classroom were looking forward to the summer vacation. They either looked out the window or turned the pens in their hands, not focusing on their studies. The classroom was clearly irritated.

Xiaoya doesn't think that vacation is a particularly good thing. During the summer vacation, she spends about every day at home, reading questions, surfing the Internet, and she is not even living a full life now.

As for Lu Xiaobei.

Lu Xiaobei was so busy that he didn't have time to chat with her at night, but he was unequivocal in managing people. Don't stay up late, don't eat vegetables, don't exercise...

Xiaoya just wanted to throw something, but Lu Xiaobei was not allowed to do so much. When they were not together, Xiaoya still felt that Lu Xiaobei was cold; after being together, she really felt that Lu Xiaobei was a control freak.

There is a 6-hour time difference between Europe and China, so they don't have much time to get together. Xiaoya has to go to school during the day and come home at night. It happens to be in the afternoon in Windmill Country. Lu Xiaobei also has something to do, so she often tells her not to wait.

Xiaoya didn't listen. She waited until one or two in the morning in China, and wanted to talk to Lu Xiaobei.

After doing this again and again, Lu Xiaobei directly put on a cold face for two days, and Xiaoya was more honest. But in the end, Lu Xiaobei still didn't beat Xiaoya. The two made an appointment for a video date in the morning in China. It's been ten days, and they can't be shaken.

On the other hand, Xiaoya's mother was surprised for a while, thinking that her daughter had changed her sex. She would get up before dawn to learn English every day, and wished she could make a few more delicious meals to make up for Xiaoya.

Xiaoya sighed, even if she was on vacation, she couldn't see Lu Xiaobei more than once a day.

The golden sunlight poured into the room from the window, and Xiaoya's eyes followed the sunlight to observe the same table, the beauty is a delight to the eyes.

"Yi Chen, what's wrong with your neck?" Xiaoya saw that there was a faint dark red on Yi Chen's neck, as if bitten by a poisonous insect, she reached out and touched Yi Chen's neck lightly.

Xiaoya's hand just touched, but Mo Yichen grabbed her hand, "Don't make trouble."

After Xiaoya wiped her fingers, the scarlet on Mo Yichen's neck became more obvious. Xiaoya rubbed her fingers, and there was a light yellow layer on it, like concealer. Xiaoya asked, "are you bitten by a mosquito?"

Mo Yichen: "...Yes."

Xiaoya: "Oh, it must be a poisonous mosquito. When I was in junior high school, I went to military training, not in school, but in a large army. The mosquitoes there are particularly poisonous. After biting someone, they will ooze pus. It puffs up. It will take more than 20 days for the small bag to be returned, not as popular as yours, but it is very hard."

Mo Yichen looked at Yu Xiaoya coldly and like an idiot. Xiaoya couldn't deal with Lu Xiaobei's anger, nor could she hold Mo Yichen's coldness. She disarmed and surrendered, "Okay, I will continue to study." She pretended to pick up the pen again.

Mo Yichen said angrily, "I didn't say that."

Xiaoya: "Huh?"

"Do you really think I don't know anything?" Mo Yichen couldn't bear to Xiaoya. Although he wanted to knock her on the head, he hesitated for a while, and said, "You can ask the captain later."

Xiaoya: Huh

Xiaoya deeply felt that although she had escaped the ranks of scumbags, in Lu Xiaobei and Mo Yichen, she was still at the bottom of the food chain.

Mo Yichen sometimes looked at her with the eyes of a mentally handicapped child, and Lu Xiaobei even called her, "Study hard, play hard, don't worry about other things."

How could she not worry about it, the first batch of volunteers had already started filling in the forms. Lu Xiaobei never said what school or major she filled in, but said that Xiaoya would be the first to know the result.

Isn't this a contradiction

Which university Lu Xiaobei goes to is not her business alone. Their future lives are tied together!