The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 33


Lu Xiaobei went out, Xiaoya went back to the room, took her mother's mobile phone, "Mom, did you note the phone number of grandma's house? I changed the landline last year, and I can't remember the number anymore."

Xiaoya's mother didn't answer her, but asked, "Didn't you say last time that Lu Xiaobei went abroad after the college entrance examination?"

Xiaoya does mention Lu Xiaobei from time to time at home, "She went abroad, but she is in the south of the city today."

"Oh." Xiaoya's mother expressed her understanding, and she asked again, "she didn't go back to her own house, but came directly to our house?"

Xiaoya was uneasy, but she thought that her mother didn't find anything, "because I asked the captain to buy me skin care products in the windmill country. I went to pick her up today and bring her things back by the way." After the cabinet was full , Lu Xiaobei put the skin care products directly on the table, at this time, Xiaoya was glad she left some evidence, pointed to the bottles and said, "That's it."

Xiaoya tries to take the initiative in the topic. She said something more, which not only relieved the tension in her heart, but also increased the credibility of her words.

Xiaoya's mother spread out the bed and wanted to help Xiaoya fold the quilt.

Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had escaped. She was secretly glad that she put her mobile phone in the drawer box as per her habit today, instead of under the more convenient pillow. Otherwise, when her mother saw the phone and flipped through the chat records, she would be speechless.

Xiaoya's mother: "what is this?"

Xiaoya's face turned pale, and she subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but there was a desk behind her, and there was no way to go back.

This is, this is...

Xiaoya's mother is holding a pure white corset with delicate hollow patterns on it.

What kind of clothes Xiaoya has, her mother knows all too well, it's not hers.

It could only be Lu Xiaobei's. Xiaoya's mother came in suddenly just now. Lu Xiaobei only had time to put on his T-shirt, but he hid it under the blanket and forgot to take it when he went out.

Xiaoya only felt that her heart was beating "boom-boom", she said, "when I took a nap just now, the captain probably felt uncomfortable, so I took it off. I'll give it to her later."

Xiaoya took the corset from her mother's hand. She acted in a hurry, but she seemed to be grabbing it. There was an awkward silence in the room.

Xiaoya's mother: "Yu Xiaoya, tell me the truth, have you ever talked about a boyfriend?"

Xiaoya lowered her head and whispered, "No."

Xiaoya's mother said sharply, "look into my eyes and say!"

Xiaoya raised her head and stared into her mother's eyes, "I didn't talk about my boyfriend."

Xiaoya's mother said, "good, good, good." Different from the three good words before, these three good words, Xiaoya only felt that the wind and rain were coming.

Xiaoya's brain couldn't turn at all, she just felt that everything was justified, and she should not have revealed a fatal flaw.

Xiaoya's mother asked her word by word, "then have you talked about a girlfriend?"

Xiaoya's face was pale, she stared at her mother in disbelief.

Xiaoya's mother said sharply, "speak!"

Xiaoya is like falling into an ice cave. It's not that she never thought about coming out of the closet, but it's definitely not now. She hadn't vaccinated her parents, she's still in high school, and she's completely unreliant.

Deathly silence.

When Xiaoya's father heard the movement here, he walked in from the living room and said to Xiaoya's mother, "what are you doing to the child? It's finally a holiday. It's better for the child to go out to play and be more lively. "

Xiaoya's mother waved her hand, "you dote on her too much! I'm educating my daughter, don't worry about it!"

Xiaoya's father didn't want to argue with her, and said, "she's old, you can talk about it. Don't do it." After that, Xiaoya's father turned around and went back to the living room, leaving them alone with their mother and daughter.

Xiaoya's mother closed the door and lowered her voice slightly, "Tell me the truth, and I will help you hide from your father. Are you dating Lu Xiaobei? "

Xiaoya listened to her mother's soft words, and her heart that was beating rapidly before calmed down a little. She felt that her brain was cluttered, but seeing her mother's soft demeanor, throwing away her armor and armor at once, tears welled up in her eyes, "Yes."

Xiaoya: "Mom, I..."


Xiaoya's mother froze. Her hand reacted before her brain, and she slapped Xiaoya directly in the face.

Xiaoya stood there stupidly, the slap was so powerful that it blinded her. Xiaoya's mother sat directly on the ground and cried on Xiaoya's bed.

He didn't beat her again, and he didn't insult her, just a person crying there, forcibly suppressing but unable to suppress the cry, so sad, so desperate. The sound of cicadas in summer disappeared, only the painful cry enveloped this small room. The cry was like a desperate person who lost food, and like a mother beast who found her cubs lost. No turning.

Xiaoya never thought about this, she thought her mother would beat her constantly and beat her to death. She didn't think her mother would cry, she was the superwoman in her mind, omnipotent and never fell.

Xiaoya slowly moved to her mother's side, her tears flowed down like rain, like a child of three or four years old, there was no other way to express her emotions except crying, "Mom... don't cry... you do not Cry… "

"Mom... Mom... Don't cry... I was wrong... I'll be good in the future... I must study hard... " Xiaoya hugged her mother, trembling all over from crying.

After a long time, Xiaoya's mother turned around and held Xiaoya's hand, "you separate from her."

Xiaoya's expression seemed to be strangled by her throat. She couldn't even let out a sob, only tears, which flowed from her eyes uncontrollably.

She doesn't want, she doesn't want to separate from Lu Xiaobei. Even if it is hypothetical, she will not have it.

But now, in this scene, she couldn't say it.

Obviously, her beloved is standing downstairs, but she can't bring her to her mother and tell her that they want to be together.

Physically, they are only tens of meters apart, so short, but they seem to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. It was not as good as a day ago, when Lu Xiaobei was in Windmill Country. Although they were separated by more than 7,000 kilometers, there was no obstacle between them.

Xiaoya noticed that the phone in the paper box vibrated twice, but her mother was too excited to notice it. Xiaoya thought: Lu Xiaobei should have noticed something was wrong, so she didn't ring the doorbell.

It is impossible for her to go to dinner with Lu Xiaobei, even, they will...

That summer evening, the time passed by incomparably long.

It wasn't until the last rays of the sun disappeared from the sky that Xiaoya's mother calmed down a little, "Actually, I may have guessed it before. You are my daughter, and you can't hide what's on your mind at all. Every day, I smirk to myself, and I I guessed that you were in a relationship with your dad. But I didn't expect that you would be friends with girls."

Xiaoya's mother: "we have also been in love. It's been more than a week since you were on vacation, and you've never gone out to play. I thought I guessed wrong. It turned out to be because she's been out of the country. You said, how is it possible that someone doesn't return home first? Home, I'll come to you first. The box is open, I saw it, and it's full of things I bought for you. Even a good friend is not like this. I don't want to talk about you in front of the person you like, but you must She is broken. Go and tell her yourself that you are still a high school student, you must focus on your studies, and now you are not in a relationship. "

Xiaoya wanted to shake her head and say "no", but she was stiff and couldn't do anything.

Xiaoya's mother looked at Xiaoya steadily, "don't force me."

Xiaoya felt that her tears had dried up, and her eyes were so dry that it hurt, but because of her guilt for her mother and the fear of the unknown, her tears still flowed to the floor in large drops.

Her heart fluttered, and there was nowhere to go.

Xiaoya's mother stood up. She had been kneeling on the ground for too long and her legs were numb. She limped to the door, "I won't tell your father, he can't accept it. But I will never agree with you Together."

That night, Xiaoya's mother didn't ask her to eat. Xiaoya didn't know if it was her mother's caring, or if she was exiled.

Xiaoya lay on the bed and didn't want to do anything. It was so hot in summer, but she felt chills all over her body.

The curtains have not been drawn, the lights in the building opposite are all turned off, and there has long been no movement at home. Xiaoya didn't know what time it was. She took out her mobile phone from the drawer box. There were two unread Qs from Lu Xiaobei.

"Is something wrong, why haven't you come down yet?"

"Xiaoya, I'm waiting for you downstairs at your house. When you see the message, send me a message."

Xiaoya replied to her: I saw it.

Within two seconds, Lu Xiaobei's message came back, as if she had been holding her phone.

Lu Xiaobei: Did something happen

Xiaoya: Come out.

Lu Xiaobei: Are you okay

Xiaoya: No. Are you home

Lu Xiaobei: I'm downstairs from your house.

Xiaoya was stupid. She looked at the time on her phone. It was 1:20 now. It wasn't in the afternoon, it was in the early morning. Lu Xiaobei actually waited for her downstairs for 7 hours.

Xiaoya's typing hands are trembling: I thought you went back.

Lu Xiaobei: I don't worry about you.

Xiaoya jumped out of bed, pressed the door handle and wanted to go out. She wanted to run to Lu Xiaobei and see her. Xiaoya opened the door, there was a "click", and Xiaoya woke up immediately. She can't go to see Lu Xiaobei now.

The phone vibrated again, and Lu Xiaobei had a new message: I'm back, you can see me when you walk to the window.

Xiaoya ran directly to the desk, climbed onto the desk, and looked downstairs carefully. The street lights were very dim, and she couldn't see anything clearly. Just then, someone turned on the flashlight that came with the phone and waved it towards the location of her room.

Xiaoya quickly turned on the flashlight on her mobile phone and waved it hard at Lu Xiaobei.

News from Lu Xiaobei: Did you see me

Xiaoya: I see.

Lu Xiaobei was like the light from her mobile phone, illuminating the darkness and her life.

Xiaoya: Be careful on the road.

Lu Xiaobei: Good. go to sleep.

In the past few days, the family has been calm, and Xiaoya's mother did not say anything as she promised Xiaoya. Xiaoya opened the door of her room, and was doing quizzes every day. She didn't watch dramas or follow other episodes. She just studied silently. It was a statement to her mother that she would not delay herself because of falling in love, and it was also a distraction. Think about things all day long.

The results of the final exam are out. Xiaoya has a good score. She is over 150 years old and can enter the key science class. But Xiaoya discussed with her family before that she should study liberal arts instead of science. It's a pity for Xiaoya's father, "Actually, if you enter the key science class, it's easier for you to go to a good school. You can study a major with your father, and you can take my class in the future. I have a teacher I know in your high school. Do you want to transfer? "

At the dinner table, Xiaoya's hand holding chopsticks stopped, "No, I like liberal arts."

Xiaoya's father smiled, "It's fine, it's fine for girls to study liberal arts."

After a good meal, Xiaoya took the initiative to wash the dishes, and was chased by Xiaoya's father, "Go to the living room and watch TV with your mother."

As nervous as Xiaoya's father, she didn't realize that their mother and daughter had been in a cold war for several days.

Xiaoya walked to the living room and saw her mother sitting on one end of the three-person sofa. She sat on the other side, wanting to speak, but she didn't dare.

Suddenly, Xiaoya's mother said, "did you tell her we broke up?"

Xiaoya saw her father happily humming songs and washing dishes in the kitchen. When she was a child, she thought about finding a boyfriend like her father. Most of the time, she was very mature and occasionally amused, like a child. He had a successful career and was responsible for the family. They would enter the palace of marriage and have a son. , have another daughter, and grow old together slowly, but it is impossible now.

Seeing that Xiaoya didn't say anything, Xiaoya's mother said directly, "I see."

Xiaoya's father washed the dishes, went to the living room to pick up the remote control, and directly adjusted the TV to the ball game without asking.

Xiaoya's mother: "Xiaoyu, come into the room to study."

Xiaoya felt uneasy in her heart, but she went back to the room according to her words. Sitting on the chair in the room, she glanced quietly at the living room, and saw her mother stand up and close the living room door, without looking at her.

Xiaoya is not in the mood to study, she just holds a pen and sits at the desk. It was very quiet at night, even through the first floor door, Xiaoya could hear the sound from the TV, "Ball-go-la-" but she couldn't hear her parents talking.

Xiaoya has a hunch that her parents must be talking about her. She was waiting, waiting for their trial on her.

It was completely dark, but Xiaoya had no intention of adjusting the brightness of the desk lamp. Until the end of the game, maybe an hour or two, Xiaoya's father walked into Xiaoya's room, he stood at the door of Xiaoya's room, and said seriously: "Your mother told me that you are in love already?"

Xiaoya didn't speak, she acquiesced.

Xiaoya's father: "your mother also said that he is no longer in high school."

Xiaoya didn't know what her mother said at all, but she vaguely felt that she didn't help her come out of the closet, otherwise her father would not be so calm. Seeing that Xiaoya didn't say anything, Xiaoya's father still thought she had acquiesced, and persuaded her: "When you go to university, you will meet more people, and there will be better and better boys who like you. Learning is paramount."

Xiaoya: "I'm sorry, Dad." These days, Xiaoya has said too much sorry in her heart, to her mother, to Lu Xiaobei, and to her father.

Xiaoya's father sighed, turned and walked out of the room.

The next day, Xiaoya's father's colleague called Xiaoya's house, "Mr. Yu, this year's annual meeting will be in Xiaonancheng, where the hot springs are quite famous. You can bring your wife and daughter, and the company will cover all expenses."

Xiaoya's father smiled politely: "thank you."

Xiaoya's mother packed Xiaoya's luggage that night, and Xiaoya asked, "are we going to Xiaonancheng, when?"

Xiaoya's mother didn't say yes or no, just said, "you just need to take care of your studies."

In the living room, the TV was always on, Xiaoya closed the door, she was not even in the mood to hold her phone. These days, although she has contact with Lu Xiaobei, she just says hello every day.

Some words are useless.

There are other words, they do not say, but also understand each other.

Xiaoya sometimes thinks how good it would be if Lu Xiaobei hadn't returned to Nancheng, but she also knew that stretching her head would be a knife, and shrinking her head would be a knife, sooner or later this day, she couldn't escape.

But Xiaoya didn't expect that her mother would be so determined and determined.

Two days later, Xiaoya's mother called Xiaoya to go out, carrying the box, "this time I'm going for half a month, take all your homework with you."

Xiaoya has been unusually well-behaved recently. She just thought she was going to Xiaonancheng to accompany her father to the annual meeting. Although she felt strange that the meeting would take more than half a month, she didn't ask any more questions. She just packed a schoolbag full of homework and reference materials. She hesitated for a moment, then took out her phone and put it at the bottom of her bag.

Xiaoya took the box from her mother's hand and tilted her whole body, "Why is it so heavy, are the whole family's clothes inside?"

Xiaoya's mother didn't speak, she just asked Xiaoya's father to help with the box.

Xiaoya's father helped Xiaoya move the box downstairs and put it in the trunk of the car. The family of three got into the car, and Xiaoya's father drove them out of the city.

Xiaoya has been under a lot of stress these days. At this time, with her parents, she finally relaxed a little. She leaned her head against the back of the chair and quickly fell asleep.

Xiaoya hasn't slept so deeply in a long time. When she was woken up by her mother, she was still confused, "Are we there yet?" Xiaoya looked out the car window, it was a big playground, not like a vacation place , Xiaoya asked, "Where is this?"

Xiaoya's mother: "Yunta High School."

Xiaoya: "???"

Xiaoya's mother: "in Yunta Town. Although this high school is not as good as the key classes of your previous school, it has strict management and is especially good at liberal arts. Every year, many graduates are admitted to prestigious schools."

Xiaoya couldn't believe it, "you transferred me to another school?"

Xiaoya's father's head stretched out from the front, "don't yell at mom. Mom and dad are reluctant, but we can't watch you fall in love with the little gangster and ruin your life. "

With tears in her eyes, Xiaoya really cried, "I didn't fall in love with the little bastard!"

Xiaoya's mother didn't argue with her any more. She got out of the car and said to Xiaoya, "get off the car, I'll take you to report, this time I've also transferred your student status. Yunta High School has strict school rules and weekends. You have to go to class too, take a vacation once a month, and we will come to the school to pick you up."