The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 35


After the bell rang for the last self-study class in the afternoon, most of the students seemed to be prepared and ran out in an instant. Xiaoya was stunned when she saw that there were only two or three kittens left in the classroom.

At this time, the boy who threw the note to Xiaoya just now came over and asked, "Why don't you go to dinner?"

Xiaoya: "I'm about to go."

Liu Xiangyu: "Then you have to hurry up, it's only 25 minutes from the last class in the afternoon to the start of the evening self-study."

Xiaoya: "But it takes 5 minutes to walk to the cafeteria from here."

Liu Xiangyu: "So everyone ran away. If you run slowly, the queue for meals will be very long. If you are late between classes, you will be caught by the discipline inspection teacher, and your class points will be deducted."

Xiaoya put the meal card back in her schoolbag silently, and she asked, "Why don't you run?"

Liu Xiangyu straightened the nameplate on his chest and said, "I am a day student. There are many small shops in front of the school. I will eat there. Don't you go to the cafeteria?"

Xiaoya: "I don't eat at night."

Liu Xiangyu was no longer obsessed with this topic, "By the way, Mr. Li will rearrange the seat the day after tomorrow, so you don't have to worry about sitting in the back all the time."

Xiaoya: "it's okay, I'm used to sitting in the back."

Liu Xiangyu touched her nose, even if Xiaoya didn't reject people thousands of miles away, her attitude was not salty or indifferent. He walked back to his place, put on his schoolbag, and said, "My name is Liu Xiangyu, and I haven't asked your name yet. ?"

Xiaoya: "Yu Xiaoya."

After Liu Xiangyu left, there were still a few students left in the classroom who did not go to dinner, and everyone did their own thing. Xiaoya glanced out the window, there was no one in the corridor, she took out her phone again.

Although Xiaoya really didn't want to transfer, she still wanted to tell Lu Xiaobei this fact. Xiaoya sent the message to Lu Xiaobei, but Lu Xiaobei didn't reply until late at night.

Maybe I haven't seen it yet, Xiaoya thought silently.

The classmates in the classroom came one after another. Xiaoya put the phone back in her schoolbag and spread a paper on the table. Liu Xiangyu also came back from outside the school out of breath. Instead of going back to his seat, he took a rice ball and put it on Xiaoya's table.

Xiaoya looked at him puzzled.

Liu Xiangyu: "It's better to have something to eat at night."

Cheng Kexin also just entered the classroom. She saw the rice ball that Liu Xiangyu brought to Xiaoya, "Yu Xiaoya, didn't you go to the cafeteria? I searched the cafeteria for a long time and couldn't find you." As soon as the bell rang after class, Cheng Kexin took advantage of the location. The first rushed out. She didn't want to find Xiaoya until she bought food in the cafeteria, but on the second floor of the cafeteria, there were more than a thousand people, and it was so dark.

Xiaoya felt that she was not familiar with Liu Xiangyu and didn't want to accept his things. She said, "Thank you, but no need."

Liu Xiangyu: "Buy everything, if you don't eat it, it's a waste."

Cheng Kexin also persuaded, "You don't seem to have eaten at noon, even if you are in a bad mood, eat as much as you want. Liu Xiangyu is a day student in our class, and it is very difficult to ask him to bring something. I am the first. The first time I saw him take the initiative to bring something to someone."

Xiaoya took out her wallet, took out 10 yuan and handed it to Liu Xiangyu, saying, "I'll take it, thank you."

Liu Xiangyu: "It doesn't need that much, a rice ball only costs 5 yuan."

Xiaoya held her hand stubbornly, as if Liu Xiangyu didn't accept the money, she didn't accept the rice ball. Liu Xiangyu couldn't beat her, so she had to accept the money.

Cheng Kexin said, "Hurry up and eat. The evening self-study will start in 5 minutes. Half an hour before the evening self-study is the time when the discipline inspection teacher patrols most frequently."

Xiaoya picked up the rice ball, opened the bag, and nibbled slowly. The rice balls were still warm and tasted good, and the impetuous mood was finally soothed by the delicious food.

It only took Xiaoya a few days to get used to the life of Yunta High School. Except for the night chat in the dormitory, the roommates all spoke the local dialect, which made her a little uncomfortable. She has a good relationship with most of her classmates.

Yunta High School is also re-graded in the second year of high school. There will be thousands of students in a grade, and most of the current classmates have no familiar people in the class. The small group in the class has not yet been established. Xiaoya is gentle and quiet in front of unfamiliar people. She looks beautiful, and is very popular with her roommates and classmates in the class.

Xiaoya sighed in her heart that the biggest change between her now and a year ago is that she is a little more beautiful, her personality is still the same, lukewarm, but the treatment she gets has been turned upside down.

Many people say that there is not much difference between beauty and ugliness, but they have not enjoyed the treatment of beauty. Although the beauty of the soul is more permanent, most of the people who have just met are still looking at the skin.

The university will soon start military training, and it is not clear who Lu Xiaobei will meet at Nancheng University. It turned out that before Xiaoya came to Yunta High School, she also thought of Lu Xiaobei from time to time, but not as often as now. At that time, I just thought about what she was doing and what she ate, but now I miss her.

The roommate praised her for how well she folded the quilt. Lu Xiaobei taught.

Some people say that she dresses casually and has style, and has good aesthetics. Lu Xiaobei cultivated.

Others came to her for questions, and after explaining them, they said that she had novel ideas for solving problems. Lu Xiaobei concluded.

No matter what they say, Xiaoya's mind will switch to the channel where Lu Xiaobei is. There is no escape, there is no escape. All her good habits were cultivated little by little after she and Lu Xiaobei were together; all her excellences were also slowly grown by Lu Xiaobei.

"Yu Xiaoya, is Liu Xiangyu talking about kidnapping you?" In the dead of night, the girls' dormitory was still very gossipy, not to mention that it was the last night of this month. Yunta High School has a holiday once a month, every time it is a Friday afternoon holiday, and I come back before the self-study on Sunday evening. Tomorrow is another Friday, and everyone is still very excited.

When Xiaoya heard someone calling her, she stuck her head out of the quilt, "Huh?"

Dialects are usually spoken in the dormitory, and Xiaoya can't understand it. She either buried her head in the quilt and tried to go to bed earlier, or secretly turned on her mobile phone and chatted with Lu Xiaobei.

The girl on the bottom bunk next to the bed asked again, "Is Liu Xiangyu talking about kidnapping you?"

Xiaoya looked confused, "what?"

"Ah, I forgot." The girl cut back to Mandarin and said, "Is Liu Xiangyu chasing you?"

Xiaoya: "No."

The girls in the dormitory had a discussion, "There are only 6 boys in the class, only Liu Xiangyu is better looking, and he is still focused on Yu Xiaoya."

"Liu Xiangyu must be chasing you. He not only charges your mobile phone every day, but also brings you breakfast. In pursuit, he is very attentive."

Xiaoya: "No, because I'm not used to school breakfast."

There are only five or six kinds of breakfast in Yunta High School, such as chaotic dumplings. Because it is not easy to store, the canteen always cooks a small amount. If you don’t run the fastest, you will never be able to buy it. Other egg fried rice is too hard, Xiaoya has to chew for half an hour to finish a bowl, it's too late. The other most popular buns are only leek stuffing. Xiaoya hates it as much as the local students like it.

Another girl said, "But Liu Xiangyu doesn't bring it to others."

Xiaoya: "Probably I paid for the errands."

The girl asked again, "Do you still need to pay for errands?! How much did you pay?!"

Xiaoya: "a rice ball is 5 yuan, and I give him 10 yuan a day. He charged the money, so he shouldn't be chasing me."

Cheng Kexin suddenly said, "Yu Xiaoya, you are at a loss."

Xiaoya defended Liu Xiangyu, "I must give it. I go to the laundry room every day to find my aunt to charge my mobile phone, and I have to charge 3 yuan each time. Before someone said that the more expensive mobile phone in the laundry room is easy to lose, I am worried. It is better to give Liu Xiangyu, Let him take it home to charge, there will be no such concerns."

Xiaoya doesn't want her mobile phone to be lost now. It's not just about money, but this mobile phone means a lot to her. Furthermore, the exchange of mobile phones between her and Lu Xiaobei can also be said to be a token of love.

The girl on the bottom bunk next to Xiaoya said, "but I still think Liu Xiangyu cares about you too much. He looks at you differently than others."

Before Xiaoya could speak, Cheng Kexin replied, "Of course it's different, Xiaoya looks good."

Xiaoya only felt that three black lines were drawn on her head, "Liu Xiangyu can't possibly like me. I told him that I have a lover now. She has already gone to college, and I will be with her in the future."

"Oh my God!!!"

"Yu Xiaoya, you actually have a boyfriend!"

"Someone in our dormitory has been released?!! God, God, Yu Xiaoya, hand over your boyfriend's photo and don't kill him."

Xiaoya: "I don't have a photo of my 'boyfriend', but if there is a chance in the future, you should meet the real person of 'my dear'."

Among a group of roommates who were shouting for dog food, only Cheng Kexin grasped an important point that was not the key point, "Why did you talk to Liu Xiangyu about your boyfriend? He confessed to you, but you rejected him?"

Xiaoya stuck her head out of the bed, "No, he asked me why my phone needs to be charged every day. I said, I want to contact her, and then I'll talk about it."

The people in the dormitory haven't slept for a while, everyone is screaming, Xiaoya doesn't mind answering some of their insignificant questions: "A few meters 7, she is very thin, she can't be called handsome, it should be said Beautiful, with far better features than mine. We've been together for a few months."

After sharing their little secrets, others in the dormitory and Xiaoya felt that their relationship was getting closer. After satisfying some of their curiosity, Xiaoya lifted the quilt and buried her head in to chat with Lu Xiaobei.

Although mobile phones are not allowed in the school, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Xiaoya took off the pillowcase from the pillow, and put the summer thin quilt on two layers, just enough to block the light from the phone.

Lu Xiaobei: When is the holiday tomorrow

Xiaoya: Take the 5:30 pm bus.

Lu Xiaobei: It should be at Nancheng at a little after 7 o'clock. Let's find a way to meet then.