The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 37


The cell phones and novels were taken away, and the girls in dormitory 520 were sullen all night. Although some people asked, "Will the teacher on duty kindly let us go?" But most people know that it is impossible.

Xiaoya angrily patted the pillow for half an hour, her mobile phone was the only way to contact Lu Xiaobei. After that, not only can she not poke Lu Xiaobei on Q, it will take a month for her to go home again. When they were in Nancheng, they didn't know if they could see it.

Woohoo, how would Lu Xiaobei think she "disappeared" for no reason? Xiaoya was still struggling with this question in her sleep, until she fell asleep unsteadily.

Sure enough, on the school bulletin board the next day, it was posted that some people were using mobile phones in dormitory 520 of Class 1, Senior 2, and some people were reading novels. Everyone in the dormitory was called by Teacher Li to the office.

Xiaoya frankly admitted that she used a mobile phone, and accepted a 1500-word review, but just made a request, "Teacher, can you please not tell my parents that I use my mobile phone at school?"

Teacher Li: "Then why did you bring your cell phone? Don't you know that the school does not allow cell phones?"

In fact, Xiaoya can say she doesn't know. She has been here at Yunta High School for less than a month. The other students are all old students, and the head teacher has not specifically mentioned the school rules in the classroom. She said she didn't know it was okay.

But Xiaoya didn't speak, she was not a person who likes to quibble. It can be said to be lofty, or it can be said to be honest and inflexible.

After an awkward silence, Teacher Li broke the deadlock, "It's not impossible, but I have to keep this phone for you, and I can't return it to you until the end of the semester."

Xiaoya's froze body relaxed a little, and she said, "Thank you, teacher." If her mother knew that she still had contact with Lu Xiaobei, she would have a lot of right and wrong.

When Xiaoya walked out of the office, her dormitory roommates were all waiting outside the door, "Xiaoya, are you alright? Did Lao Ban give you back the phone?"

Xiaoya shook her head, "No, but he promised not to tell my family."

"Ah, what's wrong with the old class?" The girl in Xiaoya's dormitory complained about Xiaoya. After some suffering together, the girls who sleep with each other only feel more intimate.

Xiaoya listened to the girls around her complaining for her, thinking that they would bring her meals in the cafeteria at noon, and wait for her to go back to the dormitory with her for self-study at night. Although they came from different places and didn't know each other for a long time, compared to the original high school, now there are these lovely girls around, and there are many good things in life.

if not…

She will probably be very happy here.

Before the evening self-study started, Teacher Li told the class about the "evil deeds" in dormitory 520 and punished them. Starting today, they will clean the classroom for a week, play with the mobile phone, and another girl with a novel, and write another 1500 words. review.

When the evening self-study was over, Xiaoya asked Cheng Kexin, "Who else has a mobile phone in our class? I want to send a message to my friend."

Cheng Kexin thought for a while, and said, "I know some of my classmates have them, but they may not borrow them, not to mention that you have just received one. The monitor is willing to borrow them, but her mobile phone is an old man's phone, so she can only send text messages to make calls. Do you have enough phone?"

Xiaoya bit her lip and asked, "Can't I go online?"

Cheng Kexin shook her head regretfully, "It's an old man's machine." She suddenly swiped her finger and thought of a person, "Liu Xiangyu. Liu Xiangyu has a mobile phone, you can borrow it from him."

Xiaoya: "he's a day student, can he also use a mobile phone?"

Cheng Kexin: "Let's pick up a girl. Go ask him, I think you have a good relationship."

"It's just that he asked me a few questions before, and then we sat close to each other and chatted for a few days." Teacher Li had lined up once before the holiday, and placed Xiaoya in the middle and back. Liu Xiangyu just sat in front of her, two The person is a little familiar, "Okay, I'll go ask him."

After the evening self-study was over, all the students who lived in the student dormitories flew back. Liu Xiangyu was a day student, and was still packing his schoolbags in a hurry.

Xiaoya borrowed his mobile phone from him, and he readily agreed, and covered her with Cheng Kexin, so that she would have time to board Q and send text messages to Lu Xiaobei.

Xiaoya quickly told Lu Xiaobei her current situation at school, and asked her for her mobile phone number. Lu Xiaobei's number, a shortcut button was set directly on her original mobile phone, but she couldn't remember it.

After waiting for two minutes, Lu Xiaobei probably didn't have his phone with him and didn't return to Xiaoya. Xiaoya turned off the phone directly and returned it to Liu Xiangyu.

Liu Xiangyu: "Has he not returned to you yet? Do you want to take your mobile phone back and lend it to you for one night, and return it to me tomorrow morning."

Xiaoya doesn't want to bother him any more, "Thank you, no need. There is a computer class on Wednesday. I'll just read her message later." Yunta High School has a computer class every two weeks, although there will be WORD or EXCEL classes. Homework, but it is the only class that can touch fish and go online.

At that time, Lu Xiaobei should have replied to her news anyway.

After returning to school this time, Xiaoya only felt that the days went by so fast.

There is a monthly test every month. As the first monthly test after the sophomore class, both teachers and students attach great importance to exceptions.

In the afternoon, a few scattered self-study lessons were all robbed by teachers of various subjects, and all kinds of practice questions were sent down without money. "You are not the first year of high school, don't think that the college entrance examination is still far away from you. It will be too late when you are in the third year of high school." All kinds of chicken soup for the soul and broken thoughts mixed into their brains.

Many classmates were also nervous. Cheng Kexin would copy a piece of ancient text or English back to me during lunch break every day, which was not bad. Some classmates in the next dormitory went to read under the street lamps in the corridor at night, which really scared Xiaoya.

Lu Xiaobei always said to her, "Learn when you need to study, play when you need to play, and rest when you need to rest." Xiaoya always thought that it would be good if she could "study when it was time to study". . Now that the learning atmosphere around her is so mixed, although she doesn't run out to read in the middle of the night, she has worked hard.

After the monthly exam, the school will have a sports meeting. Because of her tall height and long legs, Xiaoya looks good in short skirts. When she was arranged by Teacher Li to walk in the square, she held a placard at the front.

Xiaoya refused in her heart, "Teacher, I'm afraid I'll be on the same foot."

Teacher Li: "You hold the class card in your hand, and you don't need to swing your hand. You won't be on the same foot."

Xiaoya VS Laoban.

Xiaoya is completely defeated.

Xiaoya howled in the bedroom for two days, but was pulled out of the playground by Cheng Kexin to practice walking. Cheng Kexin saw that Xiaoya's nose was not her nose and her eyes were not her eyes. "If you are worried that something cannot be done well, then go to practice. What's the use of mourning every day."

While practicing walking, Xiaoya said, "I've always come here. I'll do what others say. But what I don't want to do, even if I do it reluctantly, I won't do it well."

Cheng Kexin: "Then do you want to keep doing this?"

"I used to think it didn't matter, I didn't have any big pursuits. As long as I could get into a university and find a 9-to-5 job, my family would naturally arrange a blind date for me. When that time comes, if I find a decent person to marry, my parents will be with me. In the same life, it may be better than them or not as good as them." Xiaoya was silent for a while, and said, "But now, I don't want to."

Xiaoya: "Sometimes, I envy you. Whatever I want to do, I will strive for it. I am not like this. I will only take 1 step when others take 99 steps."

Xiaoya thought about her and Lu Xiaobei. If Lu Xiaobei wasn't so determined, and waited for her to figure it out, they might have missed it long ago.

Xiaoya murmured, "Actually, I have a bad personality." She always knew that she just didn't want to step out of her comfort zone. It's better to shrink in a turtle shell when it's stormy outside. She is just shrinking in a turtle shell, unable to protect the person she wants to protect, so she must change, no matter how painful it is, she must change.

Cheng Kexin: "Actually, I also envy you. You won't fight for it because you never had anything to fight for in the first half of your life. As long as you can use it, your family will give it to you early, even before it's time. Get ready. The other girls have to keep expanding their contacts to meet guys they like;

Xiaoya said with a smile: "My life is not all smooth sailing." She also had times when she was very confused and lost.

Cheng Kexin said to herself: "But let me choose, I still prefer to fight for myself, rather than waiting for others to hand me something." She looked at her hand, "Because what others have given can be taken back at any time, and what I have grasped by myself can be taken back. , will always be in your hands.”

Xiaoya walked quietly on the playground. She thought of Cheng Kexin and herself. If she was stronger, many things would be different.

Cheng Kexin: "Xiaoya, let's change together, become better and better, and control your own destiny. You see, if you are afraid to walk in the front of the crowd, you go to the front of the crowd; you hate being in the front of many people. If you speak in front of you, you will find more opportunities to speak in front of the crowd.”

Cheng Kexin: "We can not do something, but we can't be afraid of it."

Xiaoya heard the voice in her heart, "Okay."

It was probably that Cheng Kexin accompanied Xiaoya in the training, and Xiaoya walked through the opening ceremony of the sports meeting satisfactorily. Keep your head up high, keep a good distance from the front and back, and always keep a smile on your face…

For many people, this is just a trivial matter, but this is Xiaoya's first time. She is like a novice player in the game, every level is unknown to her, and it is a challenge.

After the sports meeting, the results of the monthly test were also released. Xiaoya ranked 14th in the class and 30th in the two liberal arts classes. The teaching quality of Yunta High School is not as good as that of Nancheng. According to the results of students in previous years, the 30 liberal arts students are probably hovering above and below the basic line, which is still a long way from Nancheng University.

Xiaoya knows that she still has a long way to go.


Xiaoya was brushing her teeth when she heard someone calling her name in the dormitory and replied loudly, "what's the matter?"

"Your mother is calling you." There is a telephone on the wall of dormitory 520. You need a calling card to make calls from inside, and you can also call in from outside.

With toothpaste in her hand, Xiaoya ran to the phone with a bang, "Hello, mom?"

There was a deep laughter from the other end of the phone,

Xiaoya: …

Xiaoya gritted her teeth and whispered, "Lu Xiaobei."

Lu Xiaobei suppressed his laughter, "I didn't tell your roommate that I was your mother, she guessed it herself."

After Xiaoya's mobile phone was confiscated, Lu Xiaobei gave Xiaoya her mobile phone number on Q. Xiaoya usually called Lu Xiaobei from the dormitory phone to talk about lovesickness.

Lu Xiaobei: "I saw that the phone number in your dormitory has not changed. I wondered if I could call in."

Xiaoya: "Yes, my mother called. I probably forgot to tell you. "

The two said a lot of nutritious words until Xiaoya's toothpaste dyed her lips white, and the bedroom was about to turn off the lights. They reluctantly hung up the phone.

Xiaoya was about to go back to the sink to wash up again, when Xiaoya's roommate's unintentional words stopped her.

"Xiaoya, your mother's voice is so nice."