The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 4


The north wind was cool, except for the grass, it was still lush, and the leaves of the big trees on the mountainside had all fallen off.

A large tree trunk, whether it was struck by lightning or felled down by humans, was half collapsed on a boulder. A row of gray pigeons was lined up neatly on it, like a procession waiting for a military parade.

Some students passed by, and they flew away in all directions in an instant. There was only one little pigeon, with bright purple and green fur on its neck, which was exceptionally beautiful, and it was not afraid of people. After a few girls had fed corn kernels a few times, it dared to peck and eat at their hands.

In winter, this is the most lifeless time of the year, but the teenage boys and girls are full of energy, and they are not tired from playing in the afternoon to the evening.

Teacher Qi borrowed a barbecue grill from the owner of the small building, and took more than 20 students to barbecue on the mountainside, and solved the dinner directly. Xiaoya was happily nibbling on the charred steamed buns, when she heard Gao Heng shouting, "Primary school girl, you lost! Let me choose for you, honestly. It's getting dark at the moment. Now, the big adventure is afraid that you will not be able to see the road, and you will fall and cry."

Yu Xiaoya's eyes widened and she looked over in shock, "Where did I lose? You set these chopsticks just now, you didn't turn them at all!" After starting the barbecue, Gao Heng hurriedly pulled the others over, Playing games together, even the simple "black and white match" is too lazy to do it, just use chopsticks to turn, and whoever turns to will be punished.

Gao Heng plausibly said, "I changed it! Elementary school girl, you are so happy to eat steamed buns, I didn't see it!"

It may be because there are too many people, or it may be that Xiaoya has a lot of luck. She has never been punished, and she is looking forward to participating in the game. At this time, she is not very annoyed, "Just ask."

Gao Heng looked at Xiaoya with a wicked smile.

Yu Xiaoya was beating a drum in her heart, Gao Heng looked carefree, but her emotional intelligence was really good. She shouldn't ask any serious questions, right

Lu Xiaobei sat next to Xiaoya and cleared his throat. Xiaoya felt a little at ease. After a long day of trouble today, she not only got to know all the classmates who participated in the winter camp, but also bit her ears with the captain from time to time. Now, with the captain as the backing, it is not God who blocks and kills God, but Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Gao Heng saw the captain glance over, pouted invisibly, and threw a random question, "Primary school girl, who do you think is the most handsome here, and who do you want to be your boyfriend the most?"

Yu Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, not expecting Gao Heng to ask such a question. The crimson sunset of the sun was completely blocked by the mountains, and Xiaoya's cheeks flew to the red glow. She quickly glanced at the boys present, and listened to their laughter, and felt embarrassed in her heart.

This, this is not right. It's just a game, how can you make a confession.

Yu Xiaoya bit her lip lightly, and struggled in her eyes. If she punished herself for three cups at this time, she could pour it in. This time, this time...

For a moment, Yu Xiaoya seemed to have returned to the usual classroom. Although there were people all around, she was the only one. If she accidentally answers the wrong question or does something wrong, she will be more like a circus monkey and will attract everyone's attention.

Yu Xiaoya felt empty in her heart, unable to grasp anything. She kept telling herself that it was different, it was different, it was different.

What's the difference

Xiaoya glanced at Lu Xiaobei for help, like a drowning man trying to grab a straw. Lu Xiaobei felt Xiaoya's wet little eyes, and covered her lips with a drink cup, "It's just a game." Just say anything.

Yu Xiaoya took a bite of the cold steamed bun, "There is one person, among us, who deserves to be the most outstanding."

Everyone stopped coaxing, and was frightened by Yu Xiaoya's serious tone. This girl, won't she really confess in public? Gao Heng was already preparing to put on a pose on the side, not to mention that there were only a dozen or so people here, even if it was placed in the whole school, he was also one of the top ten popular candidates for the school draft.

Yu Xiaoya turned her head, and the small bonfire jumped with sparks, shining on the man's white face, adding a third of beauty, thinking of the black trench coat she saw yesterday, and her standing on the hillside today. , "Captain, in my heart, you have always been the best. If I am looking for a boyfriend, I must look for you."

Lu Xiaobei's hand holding the drink stopped, she turned sideways and looked at Xiaoya fixedly, the girl's facial features were not very good, there were a lot of pimples on her face, but her eyes were surprisingly bright. , she smiled like a crooked moon, filled with her own figure.



"I thought the winter camp would be a pair."

Lu Xiaobei only felt that a basin of cold water was poured down, she hurriedly moved her head, her heart was pounding, and she didn't know who it was for.

This is just a game.

"A teenager who once dreamed under the starlight of the sky. I don't know how high the sky is or how far the sea is." The night fell, and the melodious singing floated on the hillside.

The owner of the hostel brought a few large flashlights to the students, and Mr. Qi and Mr. Qi each took two barbecue grills, and escorted the students down the mountain one after the other. This section of the mountain road is flat, and although there are no street lights, the moonlight is sultry, the stars are bright, and the flashlights are big and bright, so the students do not find it difficult to walk.

Xiaoya walked beside Lu Xiaobei with a smile. Since she entered high school, she has not been as happy as she is today. Xiaoya looked at the flashlight in Lu Xiaobei's hand and said, "Captain, does this look like the flashlight the dean holds every night."

Seeing that Lu Xiaobei didn't respond, Xiaoya explained to herself: "School is after self-study at night, and the dean always uses such a flashlight to arrest people everywhere. Are there any couples holding hands? Boys and girls walk side by side. Catch a bunch of people, all standing under the big tree at the school gate."

Lu Xiaobei didn't respond, and Xiaoya noticed that the captain was lingering, as if she hadn't heard what she said, "Captain?! Captain?!"

"What?" Lu Xiaobei tilted his head and showed a charming smile, his preoccupied look like a phantom.

Yu Xiaoya shook her head, "It's nothing. The songs everyone sang are really nice."

Lu Xiaobei listened for a while, and then sang along, "The stars light up and illuminate my future." Xiaoya looked at Lu Xiaobei, the stars were twinkling in the sky, but they couldn't compare to the shining eyes of the person in front of her. , I don't know who will be lucky enough to be her partner in the future.

"Huh?" Xiaoya was stunned for a moment. Just now, Lu Xiaobei's right hand was half-closed, and the index finger gently hooked her chin, like a feather stroked her, a little itchy and frivolous. Lu Xiaobei read the lyrics again in Xiaoya's ear, "The stars light up my future."

Xiaoya looked at Lu Xiaobei staring at her face, and laughed lightly, as if she was suddenly in a good mood. Xiaoya couldn't figure it out. She touched her face subconsciously, thinking that there was something dirty, but she only touched the oily and bumpy face...

Stars, pimples...

Xiaoya's eyes were sore with anger, and she wanted to walk away immediately, but Lu Xiaobei grabbed her hand, "Don't make trouble, you will accidentally fall down." Lu, I turned my foot when I got off the bus yesterday. Fortunately, it wasn't serious, it wasn't red or swollen. It's just that at this moment, it's dark, and we're walking on a mountain road again, so it's not a joke to fall.

Xiaoya's temper was still softer, and she couldn't say anything to hit Lu Xiaobei. The acne on her face has always been her sore spot. However, at this time, she was signed by the campus goddess Lu Xiaobei, as if she had something to rely on. She clenched the dry and warm hand, waved it on Lu Xiaobei's shoulder, and beat her hard twice before giving up.

Although Xiaoya lost her anger, she still turned her head and didn't want to talk to Lu Xiaobei for a while.