The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 41


This is probably very different from Liu Xiangyu's guess, he opened his mouth wide, "But, but you and she are both girls."

Xiaoya: "Yes, the law doesn't give us a certificate, but it doesn't say we break the law together."

Liu Xiangyu: "Aren't you afraid that someone will poke your spine? We used to have a couple in town, and then..."

Xiaoya interrupted him and said, "what does the opinion of strangers have to do with me. As for those who point at me, they are not worthy of being my friends. I don't open it in school, naturally there are my reasons, but I also don’t want everyone to use the energy that was originally used in learning to talk about me.”

The proprietress of the small restaurant handed two packaged cross-bridge rice noodles to Xiaoya. Xiaoya said "thank you" and took it. She walked back to school with Liu Xiangyu, and Xiaoya said, "I hope you can help me keep it a secret, but if you don't want to, I'm not qualified to force you."

Liu Xiangyu: "I will keep it a secret."

Xiaoya: "Thank you."

There is a small river in Yunta High School with a bridge on it called Cloud Bridge. At this time, the evening self-study has already started, and the students who live or study near Yunqiao are nowhere to be seen.

Liu Xiangyu: "I checked some information on the Internet. Many girls, even if they are born with LES, will marry and have children like normal people in the future."

Xiaoya said indifferently, "we are a minority, not abnormal."

Liu Xiangyu seemed to be punched in the face, "I didn't mean that, in fact, what I want to say is that serious love is all about getting married. You just know too few people before, so you feel She is good. You are still young, you can choose again, you can look at the people around you now, there will be more suitable for you. "

Xiaoya was annoyed by the appearance of a straight man with cancer, she said bluntly: "Look at the people around you, see you? No one else will say it. You flipped through my album, you should have seen the photo of the captain. Where do you think you can compare to her, in terms of looks, grades, or what?!"

Xiaoya walked away quickly. She didn't want to be fooled by this person anymore. Liu Xiangyu said loudly behind her: "But I like you. Yu Xiaoya, I really like you! That's why I look at your album and keep an eye on you. News. I want to save you! You can ignore me now, but if you are tired of playing with her, you can come to me. I will wait for you, I will wait for you forever, and I am willing to marry you."

Xiaoya turned around, a burst of ecstasy appeared on Liu Xiangyu's face.

Xiaoya looked around and saw someone walking towards the school gate. She didn't know if she heard it or not. She was very angry, "Keep your voice down, do you want us to be recorded together?!" Yunta High School was arrested the most The behavior, in addition to fighting, is puppy love. Xiaoya didn't want to be set up as a model, and because of unimportant people, she left a note on the file.

Liu Xiangyu took two steps forward, and Xiaoya waved at him, "Don't come here."

Xiaoya lowered her voice, but made sure that Liu Xiangyu could hear, "I have a captain, she is my favorite person, no matter if she is a boy or a girl, you can't have a chance. You are not a six or seven-year-old child. You can afford it and let it go. I put my words here, you can do it yourself, don't let me say anything worse. "

Xiaoya went back to the classroom and gave Cheng Kexin and another girl in dormitory 520 the cross-bridge noodle. When Cheng Kexin was halfway through eating, Liu Xiangyu walked in from outside the classroom. He didn't look sideways, and didn't look at Xiaoya at all.

Cheng Kexin didn't know it was Liu Xiangyu who came in, so she hurriedly cleaned up. She swallowed the rice noodle too quickly just now, and now she is desperately trying to give herself a good breath.

Xiaoya: "what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Cheng Kexin: "You have to respect the discipline inspection teacher, who knows it's Liu Xiangyu."

Xiaoya pursed her lips and smiled when she heard her words. Cheng Kexin is a very interesting girl. She especially dislikes the math teacher in the first class of liberal arts. During class, she will stand behind the podium and encourage her classmates, "We want to riot, we have to fight for our own power. Teacher Yuan, this class The teaching is too bad, and I won't come to her classes in the future."

At that time, Teacher Yuan was standing under the podium, watching Cheng Kexin play with a smile.

There are very few teachers in the grade who don't know about Cheng Kexin, because she may run to the teacher's office more often than the rest of the liberal arts class combined. Xiaoya really doesn't like going to the office, so she wishes she didn't go to the office once a semester. Cheng Kexin is not. When she is busy, she can go to the office four or five times after class.

For example, she ran to the office with her childhood photos to show off, "I was cute when I was young, but unfortunately I'm disabled now." Then I returned to the classroom contentedly, and went to the office to chat with the teacher again. At this time, there will be new teachers returning to the office after class, and they will ask: "Cheng Kexin, I heard that you brought pictures from your childhood. Let us have a look too."

Cheng Kexin went back to the classroom to get the photos, put them back, went to the office to chat again, and a new teacher left get out of class...

The discipline inspector of Yunta High School is the most unselfish, Xiaoya once thought he hated students. Until one time, Cheng Kexin took Xiaoya out of the back of the classroom in a self-study class, trying to get to the cafeteria earlier, so as not to run around in chaos. Under the teaching building, Xiaoya saw the discipline inspection teacher first, and was about to run back when she saw the discipline inspection teacher glance at them and turn her head to the other side.

real! of! special! do not! Bright! Show!

Cheng Kexin urged Xiaoya to leave quickly.

This wave of operation is very rude...

In any case, teachers of all subjects like Cheng Kexin very much. Although she doesn't follow the school rules and regulations very much, she sits on the podium and manages the discipline.

At this time, Cheng Kexin took out the cross-bridge noodle from under the table again, and while eating, asked Xiaoya, "Liu Xiangyu's face is wrong, what happened when you went out?"

Xiaoya: "It's not a big deal. By the way, I saw the principal just now. He seems to be sending some teachers out."

Cheng Kexin: "Well, it should be the teacher in the town. They are here to recommend the students of the third grade."

Xiaoya: "what do you mean?"

Cheng Kexin: "Oh, you're from Nancheng, so I don't know. In Yunta Town, in addition to Yunta High School, there are also Yunta Junior High School and Yunta Primary School. Every year before the high school entrance examination, teachers from the admissions office will go to the town to find a good one. Miaozi, let them not go to the city, and the high school will continue to stay in the headquarters."

Xiaoya: "But the high school in the city will be much better."

Cheng Kexin: "The admission rate is higher, but our high school is not bad. Besides, there are a few top students who can be role models and drive the performance of the entire class. The school is also willing to spend money, a top student is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. There are scholarships and tuition-free fees, and there are still many students in the townships with poor family conditions.”

Xiaoya: "That's good too."

Cheng Kexin: "What's the matter, suddenly asking this?"

Xiaoya: "It's okay. I saw a person just now. He looks familiar, but he can't be in Yunta Junior High School."

Xiaoya didn't want Cheng Kexin to reply to her, she thought of something and said to herself, "Not necessarily, is it really him."

In the next days of high school, Xiaoya went smoothly. In the final exam, Xiaoya performed exceptionally well. When she came out of the exam room, she was full of confidence.

Xiaoya walked around the school twice, and finally found the car at home. When she saw a man in a suit and tie, she jumped up and hugged, "Dad!"

Xiaoya's father smiled and asked Xiaoya to come down, "it's so big, my father can't hold it anymore. Are you homesick?"

Xiaoya: "I just want to study."

Xiaoya replied to her father's words and met her mother's gaze again, "Mom."

The three of them quickly packed up their things and drove back to Nancheng. On the way, Xiaoya's father asked, "How do you feel about the exam?"

Xiaoya humbly said, "Not bad." In fact, Xiaoya stepped on the lucky BUFF in the exam this time, and the plenum of the exam was all right, and it has never been better.

Xiaoya's father: "that's good. But Xiaoyu, the most important thing in high school is learning. Smart people should do the right thing at the right stage. "

Xiaoya: "Dad, what do you want to say?"

Xiaoya's father didn't like to go around in circles either, so he said directly: "We heard that you are very close to a male classmate. Listen to father's advice and find someone. You can find someone when you go to the university. You are still young."

Xiaoya: ? ?

Xiaoya: Which teacher gave the wrong information? ?

Xiaoya thought about it for a long time, but she didn't expect which boy she was very close to.

After Xiaoya came to Yunta High School, the peach blossoms were very prosperous. On average, she received confessions from people she knew or didn't know every month, and there were countless other small notes. Xiaoya felt that she couldn't provoke a group of high school students with budding hearts, so she was very cold for a while. How could any boy get so close to her, even seeing her dad's intentions, and having a scandal

Xiaoya's father: "it was said by your former high school teacher Nan. He is really a good teacher, you have misunderstood him before. I heard that this time, he took the initiative to ask to communicate with the township and help the teachers there to learn and improve. He knows that you are in Yunta also cared about you very much after high school. This time he found out that you were in a relationship, and he didn’t tell the teachers at your school, but called us to tell us. You also entrusted him to take care of you. I took the two that your grandfather gave me before He Tie Guanyin sent it to him."

Xiaoya: "You gave the teacher a gift again?!"

Xiaoya's father: "Xiaoyu, how did you talk to your father. I tell you, you can't fall in love in high school! "

Before Xiaoya could speak, Xiaoya's mother said, "it's not a big deal for a little girl to talk about a boyfriend. Talking about a boyfriend is like studying, it's not something you can do all of a sudden, you can experience a little more now, and you won't be able to do it in the future. You will be deceived. As long as you learn not to pull it off.”

Xiaoya's father honked his horn angrily, "Why do you encourage your daughter to fall in love early, she is still at the age of learning."

Xiaoya's mother: "I found you just because I was studying at the time."

Xiaoya's parents made a quarrel. However, Xiaoya's father's IQ is all about work, and she can't say enough about Xiaoya's mother, so she can only continue to drive angrily.

Xiaoya's mother turned her head from the co-pilot to look at Xiaoya, "Xiaoyu, you are tired after studying for a semester. During the holidays, if you want to go out with friends, no matter if you are a boy or a girl, your mother will not object."

Xiaoya's mother's expression was a kindness that she hadn't seen in a long time.

Xiaoya didn't say anything when she saw her mother's temples, which were first dyed with hoarfrost.

The car drove all the way to Nancheng.