The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 49


Usually at home, no matter big or small, Lu Xiaobei always relies on Xiaoya's opinion.

But with Lu Xiaobei's face straight, Xiaoya couldn't do anything, not only did she have nothing to do, she was even afraid. She was afraid that Lu Xiaobei would be really angry, thinking that she was not good enough, or even worthy of love.

She has always only relied on Lu Xiaobei's favor.

As long as Lu Xiaobei pulled away, she felt like she was back many years ago, in the afternoon of the first semester of Nancheng High School, the classroom filled with everyone was empty, as if she was the only one left.

This has always been a shadow of Xiaoya.

Xiaoya didn't tell Mo Yichen, nor did she tell her mother or Lu Xiaobei. She doesn't want to take the initiative to show weakness to other people, even if they are the people closest to her.

"pat. pat."

Tears flowed down Xiaoya's face. She cried, "Why are you so fierce? You brought the postcard today. I don't even know what she wrote."

Lu Xiaobei's voice seemed to be sandwiched between broken ice, and she was holding the postcard in her hand, "Then you know what she will write on the postcard."

Xiaoya: "The postman doesn't read it. They send so many letters every day, and we write so full every time that no one else will see it. Besides, in our family, many times, we can receive them in one day. A dozen or so…”

Lu Xiaobei: "You don't know what I'm angry about. It's not whether the postman will read it! How can you talk about this kind of topic with other people!"

Xiaoya cried even more. Although she vaguely understood what Lu Xiaobei was angry about, "she is a pen pal! We haven't even met each other, and we don't even know each other's real names..."

Lu Xiaobei: "Then what did you write in the film, did every one of your film friends write you about her affair in the film?" Lu Xiaobei was about to laugh at her.

Xiaoya: "Of course not."

Lu Xiaobei: "Then how do you explain this?"

Xiaoya: "We are like two best friends. We will talk about which star is good or not, and we will also talk about these topics, some details, just scientifically."

"Discuss it scientifically. What about our affairs, did you discuss it with her scientifically?" Lu Xiaobei felt that Xiaoya was unreasonable, "I told you to watch the movie, but you don't watch it, you go and ask others! "

Xiaoya cried, "I can't watch those movies! You know it!" At first, when Xiaoya and Lu Xiaobei were together, Xiaoya didn't feel any discomfort; but later, Lu Xiaobei focused on learning and progress. The reason is that she wants to watch a movie with Xiaoya, but Xiaoya expresses some rejection.

Lu Xiaobei didn't force her, but asked her to watch it together again after a while, but after a few times, Xiaoya's rejection increased rather than decreased, and she really stopped touching it.

Lu Xiaobei: "You can read novels. Isn't it easier than asking other people."

Xiaoya: "Did you say Jinjiang, but the water on it can't be clearer. What can I learn from it?"

Lu Xiaobei: "Then you can ask me."

Xiaoya said, "I have to ask you, how stupid I am."

Lu Xiaobei was really convinced, "You have a reason for saying anything, right?" She tore off the few pieces she got today and threw them into the trash.

Xiaoya: "what are you doing?! Even if you are not satisfied, why did you tear up all my films."

Lu Xiaobei pointed to the two drawers in the room where Xiaoya held postcards, "I haven't torn up all your cards. What's the name of your pen pal, 'Gender-female hobby?', listen to her screen name! Yu Xiaoya, let me tell you, throw away all the films related to her. Don't keep one!"

Xiaoya: "No, we have exchanged more than 100 pictures in a year of knowing each other."

Lu Xiaobei looked at her coldly.

Xiaoya squatted on the ground, hugged her knees directly, and cried, "You are a tyrant."

Lu Xiaobei looked at the table below and said, "I'm going to the train station in a minute. I'll be back this weekend, and then I'll check your postcards, don't let me find any postcards related to her. As long as I find one, I won't let you send or receive pictures in the future."

Xiaoya said to herself, "tyrant."

Lu Xiaobei didn't mean to coax her at all, and he wasn't as gentle as usual. He just asked, "Did you hear that?"

Xiaoya whispered and gave herself up: "I heard it."

Lu Xiaobei: "Be louder!"

Xiaoya raised her head and stared at her with red eyes, "I heard!"

Lu Xiaobei crossed Xiaoya, folded some clothes that were still spread out on the bed, put them in the suitcase, then put some daily necessities in, and finally closed the suitcase.

Lu Xiaobei pushed the box and walked past Xiaoya. Although it was not as usual, she still tried to slow down her tone, "The steamed buns and soy milk are on the table, remember to eat them. In the freezer at home, there are dumplings I made, put them in a pot, boil the water three times, and then you can eat them. The milk has two days to expire, and I drank a small note on it, and I couldn’t finish it, so I just threw it away.”

After Lu Xiaobei finished speaking, he found that he had nothing to entrust, so he said, "That's it, I'll go first. I'll send you a message when I get to the magic capital, don't worry."

It was not until the security door was closed that Xiaoya realized that Lu Xiaobei had really left. When leaving, she also gave a big stick and added two sweet dates, as if she would not be angry.

It was the first time since they went to college that they didn't hug or kiss when they parted.

Xiaoya squatted on the ground and thought for a while, stood up, kicked her feet, quickly opened the security door and ran out, she hadn't said goodbye to Lu Xiaobei.

The elevator has gone down.

Xiaoya stood on the aisle without thinking, and ran down the stairs again, she wanted to catch up with Lu Xiaobei.

People who don't usually exercise, and who are full of loose, small tender meat, did not create miracles. When Xiaoya walked out of the community building, she could no longer see Lu Xiaobei.

When Xiaoya returned home in despair, she found that she didn't have the key, but the door was closed.

Xiaoya leaned against the door, not wanting to cry.

Bastard Lu Xiaobei!

Lu Xiaobei is such a big bastard!

Xiaoya is still wearing pajamas at home. Fortunately, the pajamas in winter are thick. Other than that it is a little strange outside, no one else can see anything. Nancheng University was not far from their house, and within 20 minutes, Xiaoya walked back to the dormitory.

She has not yet reached home, and when she arrived at the dormitory, there were roommates, so that she would not have nowhere to go.

Xiaoya borrowed her roommate's computer to play games for a while. After more than two hours, the Q at the bottom right of the screen flashed, it was Lu Xiaobei.

Lu Xiaobei: Are you there

Lu Xiaobei: Xiaoya, why don't you answer the phone? I have arrived at the magic capital safely. See reply me as soon as possible. I'm a little worried about you.

Xiaoya: I can't live without you, right? . .

Lu Xiaobei: What's wrong

Xiaoya: I forgot my key when I went out to buy something.

Killing Xiaoya, she wouldn't say that she went after Lu Xiaobei, but she didn't catch up. At this moment, Xiaoya is turning into anger from shame. It is obvious that Lu Xiaobei is the one who travels far, and she has to worry about her.

And what she did shows that Lu Xiaobei's worries are not unreasonable.

Lu Xiaobei: Didn't you bring your mobile phone or money? Are you back in the dorm now

Xiaoya: No, no, yes.

Lu Xiaobei: Sorry, I shouldn't lose my temper with you today. I just got pissed. Besides, Xiaoya, I sometimes feel insecure too.

Lu Xiaobei: You and your film friends have so many common topics, and you are so happy every time you receive a film.

Xiaoya: I was wrong too, sorry.

Lu Xiaobei: Then we have reconciled. I'll cook you a big meal when I get home.

Xiaoya: Hmm.

Lu Xiaobei: It is inconvenient for you to not have a mobile phone, and most of your study materials are at home. So, my father has a spare key, and I'll tell him, go and get it.

Xiaoya: …

Lu Xiaobei: What

Xiaoya: Do you want to see your parents now

Lu Xiaobei: My father doesn't know about my affairs, just to get a key. do not be afraid.

Xiaoya: All right.

Lu Xiaobei: I'll call you later tonight. [air kiss]

Xiaoya: [blows a kiss]

Xiaoya thought, they are reconciled.

This is not the first time Xiaoya and Lu Xiaobei have argued, but it is also the only one. The last time, when Xiaoya was in her third year of high school, Lu Xiaobei went to Xiaoya's school to see Xiaoya.

When they met at the old place, Lu Xiaobei thought that he would see a little girlfriend who was overwhelmed by learning, and wanted to give her a love nugget. Unexpectedly, she saw a girl with a big schoolbag on her back. , red-faced little girlfriend.

At that time, Lu Xiaobei asked her, "What is this?"

Xiaoya was very excited, "Aren't you going to the competition? I have asked the teacher for leave to accompany you."

Lu Xiaobei: "What kind of leave did you ask for with the teacher?"

"Look at my teeth. My gums are so swollen recently, and I said I need to clean my teeth. I draw blood and clean my teeth one day. In theory, I can stay in Nancheng for two nights. Mr. Li agreed, and I will ask for leave." Xiaoya said : "This is your first time participating in a national event, and I want to cheer you on."

Lu Xiaobei: "Nonsense!"

Lu Xiaobei scolded Xiaoya head-to-head, which was like a storm, "Your first semester of high school is coming to an end, do you think the college entrance examination is still far away? Do you think the final exam of senior one is not important? You are still carrying Bao is going with me, have you ever thought about whether I will take you away? You think your plan is perfect, in case your mother called Mr. Li to ask you about your current situation, Mr. Li said: 'Go with you I've seen your teeth.' Excuse me, how many mothers do you have, can I take you to see your teeth? Before the competition, I didn't do questions or modeling, so I suggested coming to Yunta Town to see you. Look at this surprise you prepared for me ?!"

Lu Xiaobei seldom said that about Xiaoya, and he just described Xiaoya as a quail and kept silent.

In the end, Xiaoya returned to the dormitory with snot and tears.

Well, the memory is over.

This time, Xiaoya didn't go back to the dormitory, but to Lu Xiaobei's house to get the keys.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the mine~