The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 52


On a sunny day, Xiaoya received a call.

"Hello, is it Yu Xiaoya?" There was a nice female voice on the other end of the phone.

Xiaoya: "I am."

As soon as Xiaoya finished speaking, a low laugh came from the microphone.

Xiaoya: "May I ask who you are?"

Xiaoya was puzzled, but the other side quickly gave the answer, "I'm Joanna, but you may be familiar with another name of mine - gender and female hobbies?"

"Really?" Xiaoya was surprised. "Are you yourself? I didn't give her my contact information."

"I remember the films you wrote to me before, Xiaoyu, you said, am I a liar?" Joanna reminded with a smile, "registered letter."

Xiaoya just remembered that they had sent registered letters to each other before, and the registered letters must have their real names and phone numbers. At that time, Joanna knew her name and contact information.

Joanna: "What are you doing?"

Xiaoya: "Just finished class."

Joanna: "Are you free now?"

When Xiaoya needs help with something in the future, she said, "when you are free."

Joanna: "It's been a long time since I received your film. I'm passing through Nancheng this time, may I stay here for a night and have a meal together?"

Xiaoya and her film friend, Joanna, have an appointment to meet at a cafe near the train station.

Xiaoya recognized Joanna as soon as she entered the cafe, she thought the same as Xiaoya, even more beautiful. Her beauty is different from Mo Yichen's beauty, nor Lu Xiaobei's dazzling, but charming and full of femininity. Her long hair was permed into big waves, casually draped over her shoulders, with delicate makeup on her face, and she smiled at her under the soft lighting.

Joanna is 27 years old and a freelance photographer. She often travels from one city to another, or from one mountain village to another. Only after a long journey will she come home and have a good rest, or Organize the postcards she received.

For this reason, the coordinates of Joanna's sending pictures to Xiaoya are different each time.

Joanna is a master of active atmosphere. She and Xiaoya quickly became acquainted with each other. After all, they are film friends who have been sending films for almost 2 years. They know each other very well and have many common topics.

Joanna: "You are beautiful, just as I imagined."

Xiaoya: "Thank you. I didn't expect that you would suddenly come to Nancheng, and you didn't exhaust the friendship of the landlord."

Joanna: "Actually, the original plan was to fly directly to Magic City. But, thinking that you were in Nancheng, I checked the air ticket to Nancheng and found that it was much cheaper than going to Magic City, so I came first."

Xiaoya: "Did you come here on purpose?"

Joanna: "The same can be said. The small film friends who have sent postcards to each other for several years have not heard from each other for almost 3 months. Most people will be worried."

Xiaoya: "I'm sorry. I left you a message on the APP we used to change the film. Because something happened... " When Xiaoya received Joanna's call, she guessed that Joanna didn't see her message, and said again. I was really embarrassed to let Joanna run for nothing, so I made an appointment with her.

really. "I uninstalled that APP long ago. One movie friend is enough." Joanna said.

Xiaoya: "I'm in the third year of college now. I have to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, so I have given up many hobbies. I said that in the message I gave you before."

Joanna: "It doesn't take a lot of time to write a piece every few days."

Xiaoya bit the straw, feeling a little embarrassed, "The main problem is me." She met Joanna's bright eyes and said hesitantly, "I have a hard time concentrating. I almost went to Gao Fu during the college entrance examination. Now take the postgraduate entrance examination, try not to World War II…”

Joanna: "I saw you change the film on the PC."


Xiaoya couldn't stand it at all, Joanna was too frank. Xiaoya's head is almost buried under the table. She can finish writing a postcard for several hours, but she won't have such a quick response when she speaks. Xiaoya can indeed tell Joanna truthfully that she and Lu Xiaobei quarreled over the film change. But this is related to Joanna, Xiaoya doesn't want Joanna to think too much.

All of a sudden, neither of them spoke. Xiaoya didn't know what to say, but Joanna took the initiative to change the subject, "We haven't been in touch for a long time. Have all the things that bothered you been resolved?"

Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "I've talked to you too much, what's the matter?"

Joanna: "Your friend is also Le's couple, how are they?"

Another topic that Xiaoya didn't want to talk about, she said vaguely, "One has gone abroad."

"It's a pity." Joanna said, "what about you and your girlfriend, are you still together?"

Xiaoya: "Of course. Of course!"

Joanna: "Have your previous differences been resolved?"

Xiaoya: "No, it's still deadlocked. It's just that everyone silently avoided this topic."

Joanna sat behind the sofa, "You can tell me, after all, I'm a few years older than you, so I might be able to give you some advice."

After Mo Yichen left, Xiaoya had no one to chat about her and Lu Xiaobei. Furthermore, Joanna's words also made Xiaoya a little moved. Joanna has more social experience and may be able to give her some advice.

Xiaoya: "The most annoying thing recently is about my family. I want to come out with my family after graduating from college, but the captain doesn't agree."

Joanna: "It should be a good thing for a girlfriend to settle her family."

Xiaoya: "Yes, I spoke with her mother on the phone, and she agreed with our affairs. Her father is not too involved in her affairs. Her family's family atmosphere is relatively free, so it shouldn't have much to do with it. In the same way, my parents are relatively conservative people, and there is no example of taking this road around. What they know is also not positive. I accidentally came out in front of my mother once before, I Mother is against it."

Joanna: "You should all work together."

Xiaoya: "It was high school at that time, and the time was not ripe. But now it's different. I'm going to college. If I live a little more economical, do tutoring on weekends, and have part-time jobs, I can support myself, and I'm barely financially independent. After graduating from college, it should be better. I am currently vaccinating my family, and I have also tried my dad euphemistically, such as telling him which star is Les and what her life is like. My dad In disbelief at first, I said, 'How is that possible?' But I still mention it every now and then."

Joanna encouraged her to continue, "It's good to do it gradually."

Xiaoya: "As a result, the captain didn't agree with me doing this. She wanted me to take the postgraduate exam in our school, but I wanted to go to the Magic Capital or go abroad. The best way to go abroad is in the Windmill Country, where she has a permanent residence, a visa, a search The work is convenient. The captain said, she will not elope with me. I don't want to elope, I want to be with her righteously. I want my mother, like her mother, to recognize us. Because I accidentally came out of the closet in high school. Although my mother thought I had changed, she was still worried about my marriage. I was young, and there were good boys around my relatives and friends, so she started to pay attention.”

Joanna: "What did she think?"

Xiaoya: "The captain said: 'I hope your family is in harmony, and don't quarrel with your family anymore because of this. You can study first, then work, and when the job is stable, no matter what you tell the family, you are celibate If you want to marry someone, you can still find a humanoid marriage.' I think the last time we separated, it caused a psychological shadow on her. She was afraid that my mother would separate us again, and she paid too much attention to my family. I thought, I will talk to my family first. Said, if they don't agree, I'll be with the captain too. We rent a house outside and grind with them. After a long time, they will always agree. "

Joanna: "You are all right. Your mother has a successful career, a harmonious family, and a 100-point life, she can score 90 points. But if you compromise temporarily and get married, she will have other requirements in the future. If you want to hug your grandson or granddaughter, what should you do?"

Xiaoya gave up on herself and said, "say I won't give birth."

Joanna: "When the time comes, you respond to her again, give birth to a child, and your life can only be rated 10 points. If you don't take a step back at this time, your mother's life will only change from 100 points to 90 points. Your Life may change from 10 points to 100 points. You say, which is the best?"

Xiaoya: "What you said makes sense, but I can't convince the captain."

The two chatted for a while, and when they left, Joanna was about to pay the bill, but the waiter told her, "You have already paid for it."

Joanna turned to look at Xiaoya.

Xiaoya: "When you come to Nancheng, I should do the landlord's favor."

Joanna: "How can there be a reason for the little sister to treat her as a guest?"

Xiaoya: "where do you live, and I'll take you back?"

Joanna lived near the train station, not far from the cafe, and they walked there in a while. Joanna asked Xiaoya, "Do you want to go up and have a seat? I still have a coffee machine and coffee beans in my bag. I told you before that my coffee making skills are not bad."

Xiaoya looked at her blankly.

Joanna was a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoya: "after you taught me so many tricks to pick up girls, do you still want to use these tricks on me? Actually, I came here today because I want to tell you... "

Joanna interrupted Xiaoya suddenly, "Xiaoyu, this is not a trick. I never told you, in fact, every time I go home, the most exciting thing is not not having to run around outside, but getting your postcard. I I didn't think so at first, I just thought it was because I liked changing films too much. It wasn't until I didn't receive your films for several months this time that I knew that I had already fallen into it."

Joanna: "I came to Nancheng specifically to find you, Xiaoyu, I like you."