The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 56


Mo Yichen found something suitable in the recording studio.

Xiang Yi lay on the mixer, fell asleep, and the keys of the mixer left marks on her face. Mo Yichen wanted her to sleep in a different position, so Shiyi murmured.

Mo Yichen was afraid of waking her up, so he didn't move her, just put the clothes on the back of the chair on her.

At this time, the appropriate phone lit up, and a message appeared on the screen, "Da, received a dry tone. Great work."

Mo Yichen just glanced at it and didn't pick up the phone. Although she and Xiangyi are lovers, they leave space for each other. Even now, she won't check Xiangyi's mobile phone.

Investigation can't stop a person from wanting to betray.

But for more than half a year, Mo Yichen believed that there was no one else around Xiangyi.

Although they did not open their hearts to have a good chat, they seem to lack a little wisdom to get along with their lovers. They are like two knights in a duel. They know that they will die together if they continue to fight, and they do not want to take a step back. Mo Yichen sent a message about the interesting or uninteresting things that happened around her that day.

Obviously Xiangyi is the best at rhetoric, but she is so stubborn and silent by Mo Yichen's side, so that Mo Yichen will not forget that there is still her in the world, nor will Mo Yichen have the energy to invest in a new relationship. .

Mo Yichen rarely replied to appropriate messages, but she read every one carefully. Forgive her, I feel unwilling; I don't know her news at all, and my heart hurts.

They seem to have entered an endless loop, over and over again.

Mo Yichen thought that Xiangyi would not be able to stand it first. After all, Xiangyi's social circle was much wider than hers. Whether it was family background or popularity, it was better than her, and Xiangyi had more choices.

Mo Yichen found a chair beside Xiangyi and sat down. She thought quietly about their relationship, their future.

The sound wave slides on the screen and forgets to turn it off before falling asleep. Mo Yichen occasionally listens to dramas dubbed by Xiangyi. Although Xiangyi doesn't like the classes in school, he has not played less dubbing of online dramas, and even has a small group of fans.

Mo Yichen actually likes to be accommodating and making jokes with people on YY. She yearns for that kind of accommodating, sunny and energetic.

When Mo Yichen picked up the headset, she never thought she would hear this.

"Chenchen, I miss you very much. I bought you your favorite matcha tea today, and I also bought a cup for myself. I want to taste your favorite flavor, but I went all over the school and couldn't find you. I called you. You don't answer the phone, it's really hard to coax you. But I don't dare to be too open, I'm afraid you will ignore me completely, I can't help it, I drank two big cups of matcha by myself Cold matcha doesn't taste good at all, thankfully you didn't answer my call, but I drank so much that I couldn't eat anything all day."

"Chenchen, today I went to the amusement park we went to together before. There are activities going on recently, the ticket price is cheaper, and there are many people. No matter what the event, there is a long queue. I think of our first When we first came to the amusement park, we had known each other for a short time. I couldn't tell whether you were happy or unhappy by your expression. When I saw you frowning, I was worried. I was afraid that you didn't like it here. Every minute passed by. I was apprehensive, but because you were by my side, I was very happy. Chenchen, whether you are laughing or distressed, you are the most beautiful."

"Today I met a girl, her name is Chenchen. The first moment our eyes met, I knew that we would produce hormones with each other. If she wants to be with me, I will take every bit of our relationship. Record it and I'll give it to her when she's on her 20th birthday. Tell her I'm going to a place where I can legally marry her and spend the rest of my life together."

"I'm afraid of someone leaving suddenly, like, my father; like, her. I don't want to trust someone anymore, I know another girl, she's innocent, lovely, carefree, and that smooth life is mine Never imagined. I envy her very much. Chenchen, I didn't want to hide you on purpose, I just didn't know how to say it. I probably won't show you this recording. I think in this world, there is no such thing as forever , the happy love of my father and mother still came to an abrupt end, and who can accompany whom for a lifetime. We are all just passers-by in other people's lives."

"Chenchen, don't ignore me. I found that I love you more than I thought. Even if you leave tomorrow, I may never fall in love with anyone else in my life. But I understand, is it too much? late?"

The recordings are played randomly.

Mo Yichen sat dazedly in the chair, she thought, they can't change the past, but they can decide the future. They will have a long life, allowing Xiangyi to carve countless discs.

At that time, Mo Yichen thought that those recordings were appropriate for her.

A week later, Xiangyi still submitted an application to study abroad in the US exchange program. This is indeed a very good opportunity. In the same four years, you can get a double degree. The cooperative school is also well-known in the United States.

At the same time, Xiangyi applied for undergraduates from a school in the same city as Mo Yichen. Xiangyi's mother hoped that the two of them would go together and have someone to take care of them.

At the end of the semester, Mo Yichen got the results. There are only 10 people in the exchange, and she ranks fourth. Although she can go to the United States, only the top three are publicly funded.

Mo Yichen didn't even take home the school's "Notice to Parents", and the family wouldn't give her any help anyway.

Mo Yichen sat in the dormitory for an afternoon until dinner, when Xiangyi brought two pancakes to their dormitory. When Xiangyi learned about Mo Yichen's results, she was neither happy nor regretful, she just asked, "Then do you still want to go to the United States?"

Mo Yichen: "I won't go."

Xiangyi hesitated for a moment, then just said, "Well, we won't go."

Mo Yichen only thought that Shiyi didn't get the offer, and that Shiyi's grades have always fluctuated greatly. Although Shiyi has made a lot of preparations for this application, there are more people who have worked tirelessly all the time, and it is understandable that they won.

But Xianyi's mother offered to help Mo Yichen, "You go first, Xianyi comes later, it's all the same. I only have one daughter, Xiangyi, and all the money in the family is going to be given to her. Or just be an auntie doing good deeds without interest. If you lend you money, you can make a receipt and pay it back to Auntie later."

Mo Yichen was unwilling, not to say that her relationship with Xiangyi was not as usual, but that they were both girls, and they should rely on each other, not one parasitic on the other. Mo Yichen wanted to keep the foundation of their equal relationship, and didn't want their relationship to deteriorate.

But what Mo Yichen didn't expect was that one day, in the appropriate drawer, she would see the university sending the appropriate offer.

If Xiangyi didn't want to go in the first place, what did she do so hard to learn English, participate in activities, and fill out application materials

But if she wanted to go, why didn't she tell Mo Yichen what she gave up for this

Mo Yichen thought, why is this not appropriate for her meticulous love.

Mo Yichen completely loosened the knot in his heart.

Although the wound in my heart will still ache when I touch it inadvertently, but one day, time will heal it.

At that time, Mo Yichen could not have imagined that one day, she would find a girl named Chengcheng with the MP3 recordings of those recordings - the girlfriend that Xiangyi had made before transferring to Nancheng High School, and also the first love of Xiangyi. girlfriend.

Mo Yichen asked Chengcheng to meet in a small park near Nancheng High School.

It was a sunny afternoon. Mo Yichen saw a girl with long hair fluttering from far to near. The girl's long straight black hair was draped around her waist, with faint willow-leaf eyebrows, big clear and bright eyes, fair and delicate eyes. The skin, and that elegant breath like jasmine.

Mo Yichen only felt that her heart kept sinking, sinking to the bottom of the valley. This girl is too similar to her. If you only talk about appearance, they are only three-pointed, but with temperament, Mo Yichen looks at her from a distance and thinks that she is seeing herself.

Mo Yichen looked at the girl and suddenly hated that there were mirrors in this world. Even when this girl smiled, the curvature of her lips was exactly the same as hers. Mo Yichen thought, it would be great if she never knew what she looked like.

Mo Yichen stood up from the park bench and greeted Chengcheng, "Hello, I'm Mo Yichen, I'm sorry to disturb you."

They sat together on a bench in the park, the sun was slowly falling down, it was originally an extremely beautiful scene. Mo Yichen felt that she was waiting for the final judgment.

Mo Yichen handed the MP3 to Chengcheng, and all the recordings of Xiangyi, Mo Yichen had already filled in.

Chengcheng has been listening to it for over an hour, her face is like sadness or joy, Mo Yichen didn't turn her head, she didn't want to look anymore, she counted the apertures on the ground and waited.

Chengcheng took off her earphones, and she looked at Mo Yichen, "In these recordings, the 'chenchen' that Xiangyi refers to should not be me. After we broke up, although I still have contact with Xiangyi, they are just ordinary friends. With her, I have never been to an amusement park, these recordings should be recorded by her for you."

After Chengcheng left the park, Mo Yichen still sat on the park bench for a long time.

Maybe what the girl said was true, but Xiangyi kept calling her "Yi Chen" instead of "Chen Chen". Agreeable, who do you miss every day and night

Affordable, until you die, I don't know if you really loved me.