The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 9


What is it like to be friends with a goddess

Yu Xiaoya replied:

I'm back! Thank you for your attention and likes, I have never received so many likes.

about the appearance of the goddess. I must first say that the goddess is not self-proclaimed by me, but is recognized by our school as a proper school-level beauty. In the 10-point system, 4 points belong to passers-by, 8 points belong to stars, goddesses can score 9 points, and 1 point is deducted because the goddess has not yet reached the peak of her beauty.

I'm afraid that people I know in the second dimension will recognize it, so it's hard to say too much. Although many people are calling for photos to be released, I have neither photos of the goddess nor the qualifications to explode photos of the goddess.

Yesterday's dinner was tomato scrambled eggs and chicken stewed with mushrooms, PO photo


I rarely take a photo before dinner. It's a little late now. If you see the update at this time, you may say that I am a newspaper, and I will send some benefits.

Yesterday, the goddess was busy in the small kitchen, and I wanted to start a fight. As a result, the goddess not only did not let me touch cold water, but also did not let me cut the tomatoes. She said, "I am terrified when I see you cutting vegetables."

I had to watch from the sidelines. Since the tomato scrambled eggs cooked by the goddess is the best tomato scrambled eggs I have ever eaten, let me share some tips that I can understand. Sauce, if you read the pictures I posted, if you are hungry, you can cook by yourself.

Blanch the tomatoes in hot water for two minutes, then take them out. You can easily peel off the skin, then cut the tomatoes and fry them in a pan. After the tomato juice comes out, take out the whole piece of tomato, the soup flows to the bottom of the pot, pour some oil, beat the eggs, add some salt, add some sugar (because my taste is sweet), and finally add the tomatoes. After boiling, sprinkle with chopped green onion.

When I get home, I will give my mother the goddess's recipe Amway. She usually beats the eggs first, and it is not as delicious as the goddess.

When I first came to winter camp, I was very homesick. After the goddess was fed, she was a little reluctant to think about it. . .

———— This is a dividing line that is fascinated by the goddess. — — —

When Lu Xiaobei came out of the bathroom, she happened to see Xiaoya smirking with her mobile phone, she asked, "I've called home, so happy?"

"Well, I didn't say anything actually." Xiaoya said, "My mother asked me according to international practice, did I study hard, and the roommates were not easy to get along with." I was so happy because I talked to netizens about the goddess, but I can't say that. Xiaoya takes it as her little secret.

Lu Xiaobei raised his eyebrows, and his fingers lightly hooked Xiaoya's chin, raising her head slightly, "Are the roommates friendly?"

The fingers that had just finished bathing were a little hot, and Lu Xiaobei still had a faint scent of shower gel on her body. Xiaoya sat on the bed, and Lu Xiaobei looked down at her. Xiaoya thought that maybe the bathroom door was open and there was heat coming out of it. She felt a little hot on her face.

Even so, Xiaoya didn't have to think about Lu Xiaobei's question. She said, "It's very easy to get along with. It's just too good. It's a bit of a worry."

Xiaoya: Oops, why did you say what was on your mind

Lu Xiaobei's fingers rubbed against Xiaoya's face. Small pimples, one after another, scrambled to get under the goddess. They were as big as soybeans, as small as sesame seeds, and the smallest and the smallest were in two halves.

"Go to the supermarket tomorrow and buy some Want Want Snow Cakes by the way." Lu Xiaobei continued with Xiaoya's puzzled eyes, "Although it is a very common snack, you can never get tired of it."

"So, you don't have to worry about gains and losses."

Xiaoya: ? ?

Are these two sentences related? Xiaoya thought for a long time and didn't understand.

On this day, she still doesn't understand the world of the goddess.

"I thought I could have a big meal today, but you have been to the two-person world." Lu Xiaobei and Xiaoya left the study room in the appropriate wailing.

Xiaoya rubbed the goosebumps on her body, "Zhiyi's voice is so sweet, when she's angry, she seems to be acting like a spoiled child." Xiaoya has never met a girl with a baby tone.

Lu Xiaobei: "You don't like it?"

Xiaoya said, "No, that's right, I was sleepy in my study class, but as soon as Shiyi spoke, I woke up."

Lu Xiaobei smiled, "So scary?"

Xiaoya corrected: "it's cute. I'll get used to it after listening to it for a long time."

Lu Xiaobei said: "One month is very fast."

Xiaoya: "Huh?"

Lu Xiaobei said nothing, took Xiaoya's hand and led her out of the small building.

The sky was gray, and only a little bit of blue could be seen in the extreme distance. Walking through big trees and under the street lamps, there would be small droplets of water falling on the top of the head.

Xiaoya looked at the withered or green trees on both sides of the road, but felt her eyes were sore and a little tired, and she reached out to rub her eyes.

Lu Xiaobei grabbed her other hand and said, "Don't rub it. If your hands are dirty and your eyes are uncomfortable, close them."

Xiaoya closed her eyes and didn't feel any difference, so she said, "Okay."

Lu Xiaobei let go of her hand and continued walking, "You can walk with your eyes closed, I'll show you the way."

Xiaoya found it interesting, Yiyan closed her eyes.

On the quiet road of the town, a girl with closed eyes took the hand of a slightly taller girl. From time to time, the latter girl would whisper, "There are steps ahead, be careful."

The aunts who are used to seeing the warmth and affection of human beings can't help but move slightly in their hearts when they see this scene, and the corners of their eyes are red.

How a sister is so in love!

"Lu Xiaobei!"

As if afraid of disturbing the people behind him, Lu Xiaobei whispered, "It's almost there."

There was no sound behind him for a long time, and the hand he was holding broke loose slightly. Lu Xiaobei realized only later that Xiaoya had just called Lu Xiaobei, not the captain.

Before Lu Xiaobei looked back, Xiaoya heard her smiling voice, "Have you found it?"

Xiaoya's face turned pale with anger. Just now, she felt that her eyes were no longer sore. As soon as she opened it, she saw many people around her looking at her casually or in a fair manner. They paid attention to her gaze and looked away in surprise.

Xiaoya didn't understand at first until Lu Xiaobei reminded her carefully, "There are steps."

This tone, this attitude, she is not invisible!

"It was an accident, and I didn't know they would misunderstand." Lu Xiaobei said, "Okay, after printing the information, I'll invite you to dinner, okay?"

Xiaoya said: "you hurt me like this, is it only worth a spicy meal?"

Lu Xiaobei looked at Xiaoya and smiled. Xiaoya might not have noticed, but she became more and more reckless in front of Lu Xiaobei, like a cautious little beast. She patrolled the territory for several days, and finally took off her shell and was willing to be in the sun. Exposing a soft belly.

She was not an introverted girl, but the gravel blocked the brilliance of the gems, and the dark clouds temporarily blocked the soft light of the moon. I hope that one day, someone will brush away the sand and gravel, shake off the dark clouds, and reveal the most beautiful youth here.

Lu Xiaobei said: "That's because today is the last day of the month, you can eat whatever you want and eat whatever you want."

Xiaoya: "Why?"

Lu Xiaobei's smile was a bit mysterious, "Because I will set all your menus in the future."

Xiaoya had a bad feeling in her heart, but Lu Xiaobei's next words diverted her attention, "I'll have something for you later."

Xiaoya quickly waved, "No, I don't lack anything."

Lu Xiaobei said, "If you feel bad about it, you can return me a gift. You don't need to be so polite among friends."

Xiaoya didn't reject it. She didn't want to reject her friend's gift.

The author has something to say: There may be three shifts today, thank you for your support

Thanks Lao Wu, the mines of the pure dirty 6, and the little angel who collected the message