The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 119: excitation


Roset picked up a candle, and the candlelight brought some light to the dark room. He took off the neck bone necklace, and carefully stroked each phalanx. Saying has a very special meaning.

There was a wife who was raped and killed by robbers.

There is a younger brother who is eaten by mutants.

There are sons who died of starvation, daughters who died of illness, and teachers who died of old age.

From an ignorant child to an old man, Rost has an unknown legend and a rough life. Whenever the most important person in his life dies, he will keep one of his index finger bones. The necklace is worn on the body, so that their stories will continue to stay by their side.

Why are humans so fragile!

Why are humans so weak!

A little bit of injury or disease may be taken away.

A little bit of natural or man-made disaster may kill you.

Rost gently caressed the chain of bones. It was unclear whether it was the dim candlelight or the dim candlelight. This moment seemed to span the gradient of time and space. I saw the voice and smile of the deceased passing through the barrier between life and death. Even after so many years in the past, I can still vividly remember it. , incomparably clear and vivid in front of your eyes.

Happiness, sadness, sweetness, despair, pain, confusion, hesitation... These emotions and imprints are condensed into this series of vicissitudes of memory, which will accompany and run through Rost's suffering and legendary life.

I will definitely succeed!

I want to create the strongest creature in the world!

I want to create an existence that is not old, not dead, not sick, tyrannical and invincible!

I don't need to be understood and recognized, because the great path is always lonely. One day they will understand that my research is for the whole of mankind, my research can reverse the fate of human beings, my research can save this riddled world, I will change history, and I will create the future!

Rost is not afraid of death, he already has nothing to worry about in this world. So for this dream, he is willing to pay any price. He is not a person who cherishes himself. He firmly believes that he can create a new future for the wilderness!

Now that Rost has researched the power of the wilderness to the extreme, he will start to study the power of God's Domain next. When these two powers merge into one, it is the beginning of a great era.

"Did you see that? I'm almost done!"

"Please stay with me!"

Rost coughed violently, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper. He put the phalanx necklace back on his neck. Because a footstep came from behind, Ross could deeply detect the character and emotions of a person through his footsteps. Now the footsteps are hurried and unrestrained, which shows that it is someone trusted by Rost, and it should bring him good news.

The monkey stepped forward with joy and said, "That kid's tolerance is much stronger than expected. Now that a round of drug strengthening has been carried out, we should be able to start the next step!"

Rost was already ready, he pushed a small box in front of the monkey: "Go."

The monkey solemnly held the small box in his hand, and he suddenly thought of something: "Doctor, what should we do with the two people, Bianhua and Hyena?"

How could Rost fail to see the monkey's thoughts: "Brainwashing, you are responsible."

The monkey showed ecstasy. Now the laboratory is ready to brainwash the two people. As long as the potion destroys their memory and consciousness, the two people will become puppets like other reformed soldiers. Forget about the hyena, he has long coveted Bianhua, and finally he can completely make her his slave, just thinking about it makes him feel excited.

"Everything is prioritized, please don't spoil important things."

"Don't worry, doctor, I will personally supervise Yunying here, and there will never be any mistakes."

Rost's short and thin figure left.

Hou Hou bowed his head, his face was full of respect, but there was no affectation. The monkey is different from the hyena and the other shore flower that joined halfway. He was one of the first people to follow Rost. Although the monkey is lustful and timid, he admires Rost from the bottom of his heart.

This is not only because Rost counts him as half a teacher, but more importantly, the monkey has followed Rost for many years. He knows that Rost is by no means an evil scientist or careerist. His research has been to change the wilderness and human beings from the very beginning. destiny.

Now there are many people in the base, even those around Rost, who cannot accept or understand what Rost has done, but the monkey firmly believes that one day, Rost will become the savior of this wilderness, and his name will be remembered forever. remember.

That damned Bianhua actually tried to steal Rost's research results


Rost has been studying for decades to achieve his current achievements. Only he can complete this research in this world. It is simply unforgivable for that woman to betray Dr. Rost for her own selfishness and interests!

Hmph, let this woman go for now.

Now Dr. Rost's business is the most important.

Once the matter on Yunying's side is settled, he will make this woman understand what despair and pain are. Rost is going to enjoy it a few times before erasing her memory and consciousness. Only in this way can she be relieved. The hatred in the heart and the punishment for the betrayer!

When Houhou came down to the iron prison with a few hands, Yunying was squatting on the ground, clenched his fists tightly, muttering something in his mouth, as if he was talking to God, which was a bit abnormal.

This delirious feeling persists for several days.

"He won't be crazy."

Yunying has been trying to activate the strange stone, but after a whole night, no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, the strange stone still does not respond at all. Right now, when my heart was burning with anger, I suddenly heard the voice of this fellow Houhou. If he hadn't been caught by chains and couldn't move, he would have smashed the opponent's corpse into thousands of pieces even with his teeth!

"So it's not crazy? That's good, that's good." The monkey gestured to the left and right, the iron prison was opened, and several reformed soldiers walked in. They pressed Yunying to the ground in twos and threes, and the wilderness scientist beat him. The sedative was injected, and Yunying lost the strength to resist again, so the monkey turned around and said, "Take it away."

Is it about to start again

What kind of methods are you going to use to torture Lao Tzu today!

Yunying didn't know what kind of anesthetic the other party had injected him, and his muscles were as unresponsive as mud, but his consciousness and sensory functions remained intact. Today I didn't go to the laboratory, but was taken into a special room. This room is very small, but there are all kinds of complicated and rough instruments.

Various transparent medicine jars are filled with medicine liquids of different colors.

In the center is an empty glass chamber.

"The first round of transformation begins today."

Hou Hou didn't talk nonsense. Under his order, two reformed soldiers took out sharp daggers, cut up all the clothes and trousers in three or two strokes, put a respirator on Yunying, stuffed the whole person into the central glass chamber and sealed it. stand up.

Yunying's consciousness is still clear.

There is no way to struggle through the whole process.

The monkey didn't know what switch to press, and the potion tanks in all directions began to decrease, and some kind of potion kept pouring out from the sealed glass chamber, and it covered the whole body in about ten minutes, soaking his whole body in it.

"Injected into the doctor's super cells."

"Starting to enter the training phase"

The monkey personally took out a syringe from the refrigerator and inserted it into the injection hole to let the liquid slowly penetrate into the glass chamber. Yunying can still breathe through the respirator, but after soaking in the medicine, he feels as if thousands of needles are penetrating into his body. This is an aggressive force, every piece of flesh and every cell seems to be being cut by a knife Same.

"Start the one-day training now." Houhou let eight reformed soldiers guard and ordered: "You arrange another hundred elite guards to guard, and there must be no mistakes in the whole process, otherwise they will all be buried together, understand Yet?"

Yunying's fist is still just clenched.

That strange rock is always in the palm of your hand.

Yunying would not give up easily even at the last moment, so he was still trying to wake up the stone, but no matter how hard he tried, there was no response.

At this time, Yunying gradually felt that his consciousness was a little fuzzy, as if a layer of things separated him from the outside world, and the painful experience including pain, itching, heat, and cold still existed, and other sensory functions had been completely lost, as if he was locked in a prison. Dark hell, no light, no hope, no future, only endless torture.

Yunying can clearly feel that something is invading his body, as if thousands of tiny needles are constantly piercing into his body, every piece of skin, every muscle, every bone, seems to be being continuously pierced in and out by thousands of needles .

Has some kind of remodeling already begun

Yunying seemed to have lost even the reactions of anger and fear, her mind went blank, as if she had completely lost the ability to think, maybe she was at the end of her rope, and there was really no way to resist it! In the end, God's Domain didn't make it, but died on the way? This is too ridiculous!

However, Yunying has a limit after all. After so many days of torture, his perseverance has already reached its limit, but now that he is in such an environment, he can no longer see any hope of escape.

Yunying's tensed body relaxed little by little.

He seemed to give up pointless resistance.

However, when Yunying relaxed his whole body and his brain was blank, he suddenly felt a wave coming from the strange rock, and saw a ray of light blooming from the middle of his tightly clenched fist, and invisible power quickly diffused around his body .

This is... the stone is activated!

Yunying showed ecstasy. From getting this stone to now, it will occasionally play a role, but every time it appears passively and cannot be controlled at all. Only this time it is more actively stimulated.

The difference between this strange stone and the artifact is that the conditions for the strange stone to activate will be more stringent. Only when he enters a state of forgetting things and forgetting himself, can his spirit resonate with the stone.

This is a very significant and very important discovery for Yunying!

This means that he fumbled for the first time to find a way to use this stone.

The light of the strange stone in Yunying's hand became more and more intense, and the liquid in the surrounding space vibrated, as if boiling in boiling water. In the end, there was only a sharp and crisp sound, and the entire solid glass chamber shattered and exploded, and countless fragments were also scattered by the potion. Everywhere.

"What happened?!"

Two wilderness scientists ran over in a panic. They were stunned when they saw debris and liquid all over the floor. They quickly rummaged through it, and something even more shocking happened to them.

Yunying disappeared!

It's all gone!

No one is alive, no corpse is dead!