The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 12: camp life


There is always a gap between reality and fantasy, so people desperately desire and pursue most things, but when they really have them, they often feel that they are nothing more than that, because most of the good things come from imagination.

Yunying already has a deep understanding.

Diggers can eat enough, wear warm clothes, and have a place to live without worrying about fear

Yunying really thought so before, but now that he entered the camp, he realized that it was no easier than the scavengers!

Every day when I open my eyes, I have to be thankful that I have lived another day, and that my throat was not cut in my dream, and then I start all kinds of hard work. Among them, the main job is to be a sparring partner, that is, to be a sandbag for others. The deputy does everything, helping the mantis, feeding Ula, repairing tools, and all kinds of coolies.

One can imagine this day!

The mercenaries are all experienced masters, and Yun Ying's bruised nose and swollen face have become the norm. Fortunately, with his strong recovery ability, as long as the injury is not too serious, he will recover most of it after a night of sleep. However, he will continue the next day.

During this process, Yunying discovered a secret about herself. His strength, agility, and control seemed to be increasing day by day. Although the speed of improvement was not too fast, it was indeed slowly becoming stronger, which was enough to surprise Yunying.

This shows that he should not only be strengthened by resilience.

This shows that his activated ability may be far beyond imagination.

This shows that he is not a waste that can only be used as a sandbag!

Most of all these changes were brought about by the mysterious stone, but unfortunately, no matter what method was used, the stone seemed to become an ordinary stone, and there was no reaction at all. Yunying had no choice but to tie it around his neck and carry it close to his body every day, hoping to find a way to use it in the future.

During the day after day of hard work, Yunying gradually adapted to life in the Black Flag Camp.

Being beaten like a human flesh sandbag every day is not completely harmful, just as Fatty Sly Fox said, as the number of recovery times increases, his resilience continues to improve, and the more he is beaten, the stronger his body becomes.

In addition, Yunying is becoming more and more familiar with the mercenary's way of using gloves and fighting skills, especially feeling that his strength and reaction speed are improving. Recently, he wanted to have a good fight with the mercenary several times, but in the end he endured it. Stop, he can't easily reveal his ability.

The secret cannot be known by anyone for the time being.

Sly fox, mad dog, these guys are unreliable!

Yunying's sparring work is just a part of his life. These mercenaries are crazily squeezing all his value. As the least status member of the Huangquan mercenary group, he serves tea and water, sweeps the floor and washes clothes, carries the urinal to empty the excrement, sharpens the knife and maintains the gun , moving supplies, repairing cars, doing everything.

Praying Mantis often asks Yunying to be his assistant. Yunying has been very unwell and now he knows the structure of the human body very well, and can take out the internal organs of a person with his eyes closed. Yunying took care of Wula's daily life, from being chased and bitten by Wula every day, to now getting along with Wula gradually... It took Yunying a month to finally integrate into this group gradually.

Anyway, the mercenaries gradually liked this little guy.

This little guy has a stubborn and tenacious personality, and he is very reluctant to work every day, but he is always capable and unambiguous in what he should do. With him, it is much easier to go up and down the mercenary. Where can I find such a good handyman?

Although Yunying is still the least status among the mercenaries in Huangquan, he can't eat together, and can only live in a hut outside, but people's attitude towards him has changed from the initial contempt.

Being beaten up by mercenaries every day, Yunying endured it.

Being chased and bitten by Wula every day, Yunying endured it.

Yun Ying endured all kinds of endless errands every day.

Yunying grew up in the ruins of the wilderness, and has long developed a tenacious character. Even though he was treated so unbearably by ordinary people, although he kept cursing, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

There is only one thing I can't bear.


That's right, it's hunger!

Yunying found that as his physique gradually increased, his need for food increased.

That damned and stingy cunning fox has never raised his treatment. The few pieces of bread a day are not enough to fill his stomach, so he can only occasionally find some leftovers from the mercenaries. But in the vast majority of cases, Yunying was called around by the three captains when he was hungry.

It lasts for a full month.

One can imagine the bitterness!

If it weren't for the endurance tempered in the wilderness for more than ten years, Yunying would have exploded and ran away from home long ago! Yunying knew that he couldn't leave yet. Although life in the Black Flag camp was hard, at least it was relatively stable!

It was a rare afternoon of leisure.

Yunying cleaned Wula's nest routinely, mainly to take away feces and other excrement. While doing it, he pinched his nose and frowned and said, "Please don't shit in the nest from now on, okay? Is it disgusting? !"

Wula was lazily laying aside to bask in the sun, but when she heard that Yunying dared to reprimand him, she immediately propped herself up on six legs, stared at his ass with big scarlet eyes, and let out a low growl, as if she would pounce on him at any time and take a bite .

"Okay, okay, pretend I didn't say anything!"

Yunying suddenly felt that the chrysanthemum was tight. He was afraid of this grumpy guy. He had been ravaged by him a lot during this time. Wula's combat power was stronger than that of ordinary mercenaries, probably second only to the captains. Although his IQ was low, But very irritable, not a guy to mess with.

"You can pull wherever you like."

Ula snorted, lay down and continued basking in the sun.

When Yunying dumped a bag full of foul-smelling feces into the garbage ditch, he suddenly felt dizzy, his abdomen twitched violently, and the hunger that followed him came as expected. Every cell seemed to be starving for food, frantically asking for food energy.

This feeling is unimaginably painful.

Although scavengers have a very high tolerance for hunger, as their physical fitness gradually improves, the pain of hunger seems to be ten times greater than before!

Yunying licked his dry lips, he looked up at the clouds in the sky, his mood became complicated again.

Laozi desperately got rid of his identity as a scavenger.

Is it just to live such a life of serving tea and pouring dung every day

Do these guys want me to be a cheap slave for the rest of my life

Could it be that in the Underworld Mercenary Corps, the only value is to be a human sandbag

During the month of living in the Black Flag camp, Yunying asked himself this countless times. He also thought about doing missions like other mercenaries, because he could earn more food by doing missions, but he could only think about it.

In the eyes of the cunning fox and other mercenaries, I am a waste-like recovery evolutionary!

Yunying rubbed his shriveled belly, instead of thinking about something irrelevant, he might as well go out and find something to eat.

The mercenary headquarters must not be able to find anything, and now they can only try their luck elsewhere. For example, dig some grass roots and find a few worms. Although it is not full, it can be relieved. It is best to catch a mouse or something. I imagine that I have not eaten meat for a long time.

Yunying's idea is good, but it is doomed to be disappointed.

The Black Flag camp has a population of 10,000 to 20,000, and most of the lower-class people live no better than scavengers in the wilderness. Therefore, basically all edible things can be found in the camp. When a lot of time and energy are wasted, the final harvest is only greater disappointment and hunger.

When Yunying was wandering in a trance, almost fainted from hunger.

A notice at the entrance of a tavern attracted attention: "Temporary workers are recruited, two hours of work, five pieces of rat meat!"

When Yunying saw the words crooked and crooked, his heart felt as if someone had hit him hard, and he couldn't believe his eyes. How could he earn five pieces of rat meat and five pieces of jerky in two hours? In contrast, the treatment of Huangquan mercenaries is just begging for food!

Yunying was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

Because past experience told him that there is nothing so cheap in the world, and any gain has to be paid accordingly.

"Boy! That's right! It's you!" At this moment, a red-nosed wine lees saw Yunying eager to try, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately stood up and said, "Come here!"

Yun Ying hesitated and walked over.

"My name is Red Nose, do you know me?"

Yunying shook his head.

"I don't know? That's great!" A fat man with a wine tank nose smiled brightly, making people feel very simple and kind: "Are you hungry?"

Yunying nodded.

"Do you need a job?"

Yunying nodded again.

"Hahaha, it's just in time. The treatment is clearly written, and you can read? Alright, I won't bother to explain anymore." While talking, Red Nose took a crumpled piece of paper from the bottom of the table and put it on the table. On the table, "First, press a fingerprint."

Yunying was dizzy with hunger, and couldn't even read the content clearly.

The red nose directly grabbed Yunying's hand and pressed a handprint on it!

"From now on, you're hired!" Red Nose waved to a big black man standing beside him: "Old Hei, bring him in."

Yun Ying felt baffled, but the red-nosed boss seemed to be very enthusiastic. He only worked for two hours, so what if it was hard and tiring? Fighting for the five rat meat jerky!

The tavern is like walking into another world, the eyes are full of colorful lights, the wild heavy metal music is accompanied by people screaming and dancing, people are dancing wildly here, and the surrounding air is filled with the smell of inferior tobacco and alcohol.

A crude central arena in the middle caught Yunying's attention.

This is a platform built of wood, with a few circles of hemp rope around it, it is considered a ring. The wooden floor is covered with sticky blood, and several scantily clad girls are cleaning it with all their might.

A sexy woman walked slowly onto the ring.

People were shouting and whistling all around, and the scene was completely chaotic.

Heavy metal music, alcohol, tobacco, women, all these make the male hormone surge.

Yunying had never been to this kind of place before, everything around him felt very fresh, and he was completely unaware of what he would face next.