The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 2: Underworld mercenaries


The tranquility of the morning was broken by the roar of the engine. A car whipped up sand and dust across the desert like a whirlwind, and rushed into the ruins with a sudden brake and stopped. Those rusty metal components creaked and screamed, making people suspect that they would fall apart in the next second, and it was like a monster in the twilight struggling to breathe. Several exposed copper pipes vibrated continuously, and finally turned into a black mass at the rear of the car. Breathed out.

Scavengers had never seen such a moving metal monster.

All of them showed expressions of horror and astonishment.

The shape of this car is rough and exaggerated. The rusted frame is spliced with messy parts. The body is covered with spikes, like a very uncoordinated metal hedgehog. The four big wheels are exaggerated and exposed, like big gears biting the ground. , The front and rear bumpers are deliberately replaced with sharp blades. It is more for protecting the car than for hitting people. The overall is dangerous and ferocious, just like the wild and rough style.

With big feet, six monsters galloped across the sand and followed, three on each side of the car.

This creature is like an ostrich in ancient times, but with broad and thick feet, and a tall and strong body. Not only can it run like flying on the sand, but it also has excellent load-bearing capacity. It is one of the most ideal mounts in the desert.

The six knights were dressed in weird clothes, purely a mix of metal sheets, wood, leather, bones, stone flakes or unknown materials. They probably spliced together everything they could collect and finally made a crude armor, so everyone It is different. There is a man with a severed arm who is even equipped with a prosthesis with exposed metal gears, and welds a sawtooth sword full of gaps on the prosthesis. This is also full of wilderness style attire.

A Sasquatch knight jumped off his mount, opened the door respectfully and greeted a fat man.

This big fat man was wearing a shabby leather waistcoat smeared with engine oil and a rough exoskeleton-like armor hanging on it, resembling a metal spider lying on his body. His hands were pressed on the wide belt with leather gloves, and two black Huhu's modified pistol is hung on the waist, and the homemade ancient gunpowder weapon is also full of wilderness and rough primitive style, but it is a direct symbol of power and rights.

Weird costumes, exaggerated shapes, Sasquatch mounts, hideous assembled cars.

These all show the identity-diggers!

"Damn it, I finally found a bunch of scavengers." The big fat man lit a low-quality cigarette, exhaled two columns of smoke from his nostrils, flipped open the round clip-on goggle sunglasses, and glanced at it with his small squinted eyes. Ragged, skinny scavengers, "Okay, let Master Victor see how many lucky poor people are left here!"

In these turbulent years, fat people are rare existences!

This fat piled up and weighed nearly 300 jins. Standing up, he is like a noble king, and he is indeed arrogant like a king. Looking at the scavengers is not like looking at the same kind, but cheap ones waiting to be slaughtered livestock.

Scavengers are an important group in the wilderness. They mainly form their own forces by digging underground ancient ruins, obtaining ancient tools and materials, simple repairs and splicing them together, and making them into usable equipment and weapons.

These people often hire lowly scavengers in exchange for food and water to dig up ruins for ancient useful materials, so scavengers are no strangers to diggers.

"I'm willing to work!"

"I only need half a carrion a day!"

"I'm stronger! Choose me!"

Scavengers in ragged clothes surrounded each other densely. In order to win the favor of the digger, they dragged and dragged each other, and finally beat each other.

"Quiet, quiet, dirty scavengers, I'm not here to hire you to work, shut up all the fuck!"

The big fat man drew his gun and pulled the trigger against the sky.

This modified gun was extremely savage, and the sound of the gun exploded like thunder, causing the scavengers' eardrums to hurt. They immediately retracted and closed their mouths. Their eyes became dim and disappointed, and there was some fear and timidity.

The big fat man Victor continued to shout: "We have the exact information. There is a group of raiders operating nearby. They may come here at any time. Do you understand what I mean?"

Panic suddenly appeared in the numb eyes of the scavengers.

Scavengers are synonymous with fear, they are bandits composed of mutants, bloodthirsty and ferocious, and like human flesh, scavengers are simply lambs in the sheepfold to scavengers. Wherever the scavengers pass by, it must be a disaster for the scavengers!

"If you fall into the hands of the raiders, you will all become pigs in captivity, your meat will be made into bacon for storage, your bones will be smashed and polished into ornaments, and your poor fat will be squeezed Come out and make an oil lamp."

The ruthless words were like a gust of cold wind, making the scavengers shiver.

That's what sweepers are like. Wherever they go, they sweep up and never let anyone go.

Lord Victor began to announce his purpose: "Come here today to choose dozens of strong scavengers to form a team. We will be responsible for funding weapons and let you fight against the scavengers!"

The scavengers stepped back one after another, but no one dared to speak.

Scavengers have a strong reputation, how can scavengers dare to challenge them

"Trash, would you rather die than do a fight?" Seeing that the scavengers were indifferent, the fat man immediately shouted again: "Whoever takes the lead to stand up and defeat the scavengers, I will take him out of here!"

"I go!"

A skinny boy with a bruised nose and a swollen face ran out panting heavily with a flushed face.

It was none other than Yunying!

This made a few wild knights on Sasquatch laugh, and a teenage kid yelling to fight the scavengers? Master Victor stared at this and roared: "Can you fucking hold a weapon? Get out!"

"I'm going to fight the raiders!" Yunying said with a firm gaze, "If you come back alive, you must fulfill your promise and take me out of this place!"

The fat man said with a strange expression: "You want to leave so much? Life is more important than anything else!"

Yunying said: "I want to be a digger. I don't want to go hungry or be bullied anymore."

The wilderness knights laughed again, such childish words can only be said by ignorant children!

"It's not easy to live in this turbulent age, and it's even more difficult to live with dignity. Do you think that being a digger can prevent you from being bullied or starving? You're kidding!"

The fat man originally wanted to kick him away, but staring at the child's dark starry eyes, for some reason, he almost slapped his forehead: "Okay, I will give you a chance, as long as you can kill the raiders and come back alive, I will give it to you!" An opportunity to join the mercenaries of Huangquan!"

"Really let him join?"

"He's just a lowly scavenger!"

"Shut up, you are so fucking noble! I am the leader, I have the final say!" The fat man shot another shot at the sky: "Now that the brats dare to stand up, what are you still afraid of? Just go Those who fight raiders, give two pieces of bread and a bottle of water, and taste the gun if you don't go!"

For scavengers, the most irresistible temptation is food, and the most irresistible fear is death.

This approach is much more effective. As expected, the scavengers stood up one by one, and Lord Victor quickly assembled a death squad... oh no, it was the Death Squad!

The big fat man shouted: "Send a batch over there first, and the others stay here and wait."

"Come here, boy, get in my car!"

Yunying was thrown directly on the co-pilot, and the engine roared like a beast. Before he could sit still, he was immediately pressed down on the seat by a force.

This car looked like it was put together from scratch, and it felt like it might fall apart and stall at any time, but once it was started, it was surprisingly fast, and it shot out in an instant.

The most terrible thing is that the car does not have a seat belt, and the scavengers can only hold the door to prevent themselves from being thrown away.

Each of the six wilderness riders brought a scavenger. The bigfoot bird turned its head and threw off the big foot and started running wildly. The hedgehog-like assembly car was also full of people, and it was kicking up countless sand and dust to climb up and down the potholes, dodging left and right Avoiding obstacles dangerously and dangerously, the exciting and turbulent feeling makes people's blood pour, like overwhelming the river.

Yunying was nervous and excited, whether it was the fear of the vicious raiders or the infinite yearning for the world outside the camp, her whole body was shaking, every cell was screaming.

An idea couldn't help popping up.

Old man, did you see that

I'm out of camp!

Not long after the car rushed out of the ruins, a bunch of wandering figures appeared in front of it. Instead of dodging, the fat man accelerated and rushed over.

"Be careful!" Yun Ying shouted in shock: "There is someone!"

This monster-like assembly car rushed directly to the first one, and the violent impact directly knocked him away. The sharp spikes directly cut open the abdomen, and a large amount of blood poured into the convertible car like rain, splashing Victor All over the body, the clouds and eagles scattered all over the face, and the broken flesh hangs all over the car body.

"Ah, ha ha ha ha!"

The fat man laughed wildly, turned on the electric wipers, and wiped away the sticky blood on the windshield. Turning the direction, he knocked down another one. The feeling of the bones bursting under the tires was clearly transmitted to every part of Yunying's body. corner.

The big fat man was full of madness. He took a puff of cigarette and continued to chase the next person.


Run over!

"Cool, so fucking cool!"

Those wilderness knights riding Sasquatch chased after them, beheading the unarmed wilderness wanderers like harvesting wheat. One of them hooked the wilderness man's jaw with an iron hook, and ran wildly in the wilderness as if dragging a piece of garbage. Leaving a place of blood and minced meat.

Yunying felt cold and shivering all over, and his immature face was even more puzzled and angry: "You... why are you doing this!"

Scavengers also kill.

That was a crazy move for survival in a hungry and red-eyed situation!

The diggers have no shortage of food, they are pure catharsis and entertainment, Yunying doesn't understand the meaning of this behavior!

"Haha, I'm happy, can you control me?" The fat man yelled hard: "Besides, you know nothing, these are wanderers! I killed them, and I also made a contribution to the wilderness!"

The four major forces make up the wilderness, scavengers, diggers, wanderers, and sweepers.

Scavengers have the lowest status. When scavengers learn to find weapons, master tools and technology by digging ruins, and establish their own forces, they can become diggers.

Because scavengers drink highly polluted water for a long time, eat mutated creatures, and under the influence of the harsh living environment, they will gradually begin to mutate. This kind of mutation not only affects the body, but also affects the mind and thoughts. Most mutants are as brutal and ferocious as wild beasts. This kind of mutants will break away from scavengers and become wanderers to prey everywhere.

Once the rogues gather together to form a force, they will eventually evolve into a force of sweepers in the wilderness. Wherever they pass, no matter scavengers or diggers, they will face disaster.

How many scavengers, diggers, wanderers, and sweepers are there in the wilderness

Too much.

There are many scavenger camps in the ruins of this ancient city, and there are not a few diggers and sweepers.

Twenty or so scavengers were sent to a makeshift camp.

A strange pyramid-shaped building is inserted into the ground in an upside-down position, as if it fell from the sky and inserted into the earth. This building is very large. Although it is dilapidated, it can still be distinguished. It is not a work of any period in human history, but it appears very abruptly on the earth.

There is an assembled truck parked in the shadow of the inverted pyramid, with a total of five wheels, the single wheel in the front is the smallest, the two in the middle are the second, and the last two wheels are half the height of a person, with a mess of iron bars or coils wrapped around them , the body is tall, big and practical, and should be able to carry a lot of things, but it looks like an ugly big lizard.

The big fat man jumped out of the car and shouted, "Mad dog, why don't you come to meet our little broiler soon?"

The guy nicknamed "Mad Dog" was standing next to the truck. He was a 1.9-meter black man with a bald head and a face full of flesh. He was almost covered in large and small scars, one of which seemed to have been someone His face was split in half, and there are still a lot of stitches left.

Ferocious, ferocious, ugly!

It was as if the words were coined just for him!

Mad Dog's status is not low, but the equipment is relatively simple. He doesn't wear any firearms, only two short knives inserted in leather holsters on his waist. He is wearing a leather armor studded with iron spikes, which mainly protects his chest and abdomen. , with bare arms and shoulder muscles, chiseled like obsidian with sharp edges and corners.

The black man glanced at the scavengers coldly. Without saying a word, he turned and pulled off the iron chain, and opened the cargo cage of the truck: "Choose yourself!"

In front of the scavengers are a lot of weapons of different lengths, including spears, machetes, hammers, and axes... Although they are all relatively rough cold weapons, they are already very rare for scavengers.

"Choose a guy that is in your hand. Whether you can be lucky and save your life depends entirely on it." The big fat man said to the mad dog: "Let them enjoy the last supper, they will probably never have such a chance in this life!"

The fat man didn't intend to take into account the feelings of the scavengers, so he said it bluntly.

The eyes of the scavengers showed fear, not knowing what kind of cruelty they would face next.

Now it's time to choose a weapon. The ax and machete are powerful, but I don't have the strength to use them. Finally, I choose a dagger that is less than three feet long. When Yunying held the hilt of the sword in his hand, the cold touch gave him a little peace of mind.

No matter what you face, you will admit it.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, Yunying doesn't want to be a humble scavenger forever, and finally die lonely and regretful like an old man.