The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 20: Nine lives


After Captain Ryan was killed, he was thrown aside like rubbish. Several rotten wolves rushed up to grab it, and finally tore it into several pieces.


A moment ago he was a living warrior.

At this moment, it became a ground full of minced meat.

It is conceivable that this will have an impact on Yunying. Now more and more rotten wolves are rushing in. Whether it is strength, fierceness or cunning, these mutant creatures are impeccable, they are real killers!

The entire line of defense was crushed by the wolves.

"Don't run away, you can't escape!" Yunying realized that the situation was getting out of control, so he could only shout anxiously: "We will fight them! Otherwise, we will all die here!"

The number of people is still dominant, if they unite, they may not necessarily die!

Is it useful to run away

How can two legs run faster than four

Yunying discovered that the cunning and vicious rotten wolf especially likes to chase fleeing targets, and the attack from behind has the highest success rate. Even so, no one paid any attention to Yunying, people were still panicking, and this seemed to be a hunting ground for rotten wolves.

Yun Ying has lost hope.

He gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and was about to rush out to fight a rotten wolf.


The big bat swooped down and attacked Yunying, its claws, which were comparable to eagle claws, hit his face directly. If this claw hits, it will definitely tear his face like paper.

Yunying quickly stopped and quickly retreated. The bat pursued relentlessly. The two claws still landed on the shoulders. The sharp claws were immediately embedded in the skin. The big bat's wings swung suddenly, and a huge pulling force hit. Get up, at least two pieces of flesh will be torn away alive.

"Go away!"

A sword cut off the left wing of the bat.

Yunying roared and threw the big bat to the ground, stabbed the bat's head and body a few times with the dagger behind his back in both hands, a large amount of foul-smelling blood gushed out, and the bat struggled a few times before it could move.

At this moment, the wolf only had one eye left and was attracted, and it immediately locked on to the unremarkable half-grown child. , At least six or seven heads were crushed.

This is the next goal!

The head wolf's majestic body jumped up, and the giant beast burst out because its size was completely inconsistent. When it stood up and was about to attack, Yunying felt the crisis very keenly.

Captain Ryan has been killed!

Can Yunying fight against this ferocious monster

The corner of the wolf's mouth has overflowed with highly corrosive and highly toxic acid mist, which is much smaller than the previous two times. This may be because the wolf does not have much reserves, or it may feel that it is unnecessary to use it against such a weak guy. There is too much acid mist, and its speed is too fast, a few jumps kick up the sand, like an arrow straight to the front.

Yun Ying threw out the dagger and fell to the side at the same time.

Throwing has no effect.

Yunying felt that his back was hot, and it probably got a little acid mist. It felt like being splashed with strong acid. It was just a little bit of it. No wonder Captain Ryan was sprayed all over and lost all his fighting power in an instant .

The wolf head chased after him as fast as a ghost.

too close!

There is no way to avoid this attack no matter what!

Yunying knew very well in his heart that if he was thrown down, he would be killed, and he would be doomed. His head would be crushed, his body would be torn apart, his internal organs would be hollowed out, and he would be completely transformed into a human being. Minced meat!

I can't die here!

Yun Ying recalled the nightmare he had on the first night when he came to the camp. He hadn't become strong, he hadn't walked out of the wilderness, he hadn't realized his dream, how could he be willing to die an ordinary and humble death

Everything is in the blink of an eye.

Yun Ying didn't know where the courage came from, all his reactions were almost instinctive, anyway, he was dead anyway, why didn't he try his best

Both feet stopped suddenly.

Yunying continued to move horizontally under the effect of inertia, and his feet drew two marks on the mud. While trying to maintain his balance, he drew out the silver revolver at his waist with his right hand.

For more than a month as a mercenary in Huangquan, Yunying often maintained firearms for the mercenaries, but he never used this weapon.

But even though it was the first time, it felt very familiar.

Yun Ying felt that the nerves seemed to extend out of the body and completely penetrate into the gun. Every subtle structure and delicate touch of the gun could be clearly felt. It felt as if the whole gun had become a part of the body. He was the eyes. , It's the arm, it's the thigh, so you can control it as you like.

Yunying could delicately feel the changes in his body, every pore contracted and every muscle group moved, all of which were preparing for the next shot.

This is what it feels like to be a controlling evolutionary.

Control-type evolutionists, they can perfectly control the body and body extensions. This type of evolutionaries are often good at using complex technological weapons, such as various firearms. The strongest control-type evolutionary that Yunying knows so far is the cunning fox. With the two modified pistols in his hands, he can easily shoot the eyes of a gecko lying on the wall a hundred meters away.

Yunying is not as powerful as the cunning fox, at this distance, with such a big target, there should be no problem!

Only one bullet.

There is only one chance for all!

Yunying could clearly feel that the wolf's body trembled slightly the moment he raised the gun to aim it, and immediately made corresponding evasive movements.

Knew it!

Sure enough, this extremely dangerous mutant creature also had extremely keen perception, but Yunying seemed to be able to predict its reaction, and the muzzle made subtle adjustments as it changed.

The smell of death that followed like a shadow made the giant beast feel fear, and at the same time, it was completely ferocious, roaring and rushing over desperately.

Either it dies or I die!

At the moment of life and death, Yunying became extremely calm. He pulled the trigger with his fingers calmly. Every detail and process was transmitted from the body to the handle of the gun, from the handle of the gun to his fingers, and from his fingers to his whole body.

The trigger lever pulls the hammer, and the hammer quickly pops forward, violently hitting the primer behind the bullet, the primer is successfully ignited, the shell expands and explodes, pushing the bullet high out of the barrel!

A bullet spewed out of the gun flame!

The bullet chiseled a channel in the air, and finally shot into the remaining right eye of the alpha wolf with unbelievable precision. It first shattered the lens, then penetrated the vitreous, severed the optic nerve, and finally rushed into the brain, disrupting the entire brain structure. into a paste.

Yunying's feet moved flat and stopped in inertia, and the wolf's huge body fell heavily in front of him. Its body twitched continuously, and the remaining consciousness was still about to move. It seemed that it wanted to jump up and give Yunying a claw, but It was impossible to stand up.

It sounds cumbersome, but it’s just an instant!

The alpha wolf lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground and rolled to Yunying.

Looking at the hill-like corpse in front of him in disbelief, Yunying couldn't believe that he could kill this monster with a single shot. Before he had time to fully experience the feeling of escaping from death, a strong sense of exhaustion followed. over him.

This shot seems to have shot out all energy and energy.

The alpha wolf dies.

The rotten wolves whimpered.

The madness suddenly faltered.

But it was only a temporary stagnation.

Even if the leader is dead, these brutal mutated creatures will not retreat easily. Instead, they focus their green eyes on the murderer who killed the leader.

Dozens of vicious and cruel gazes pierced like dozens of sharp swords.

Yunying didn't have time to breathe, and the wolves immediately started to move out at the same time. What kind of scene were dozens of strong rotten wolves all rushing towards the same target? Not to mention that Yunying was unarmed, even if he had a weapon and reached out like a mad dog, it would be difficult to resist the simultaneous attacks of dozens of rotten wolves, right

Yun Ying started to run, he wanted to pick up the dagger, he wanted to resist, he didn't want to give up, but just took a step, a strong rotten wolf hit him from behind like a heavy hammer, Yun Ying was thrown over by the violent impact and rolled on the ground A few meters away, the rotting wolf held him tightly under its paws, and gave him a deadly wolf kiss on the neck.

It's really dead end!

Yunying tried desperately to break free, but he couldn't resist the power of the beast. The breath of death came out from the mouth of the rotting wolf, and he could even feel the sharp teeth of the rotting wolf touching his skin.

At the critical moment of life and death.

A familiar barking sounded in Yunying's ears, and a black figure rushed over like lightning, knocking the rotten wolf away with a fierce blow. It bit and wrestled with the rotten wolf on the ground, and tore the neck of the rotten wolf with its last bite. Its speed was too fast, and it turned into black lightning and rushed to another rotten wolf that was about to attack Yunying.


For the first time, Yun Ying felt that this guy who had nothing to do to bite his ass for fun all day long, this bloodthirsty and violent guy who feeds on human flesh, could be so kind and cute!

It must have been sent by a cunning fox or a mad dog!

Wula's sense of smell is very sensitive, and she can follow the scent to find the lost Yunying. It has to be said that it appeared at the right time. If it was a second later, it would only find Yunying's body.

Although this Ula is a watchdog raised by mercenaries, his combat power is not weaker than that of Captain Ryan. The explosive power of running with six legs together makes even the mutated wild leopard pale in comparison, with a shark-like tooth structure. Just like the death razor, even a steel plate can be easily bitten.

Kill four rotten wolves in no time!

The appearance of Ula attracted the attention of the rotten wolves, and the wolves attacked it fiercely. Although Ula was very powerful, she was definitely no match for such a ferocious rotten wolf.

Yun Ying picked up the dagger and shouted to the others: "What the hell are you doing? Help!"

People are still indifferent, they don't want to intervene in the fight between wild beasts.

Ula was besieged by no less than five rotten wolves at the same time, and there were rotten wolves wandering around waiting for an opportunity. Ula's body was immediately bitten in four or five places, bleeding profusely, and the situation was dangerous.

do not care!

Yunying didn't like Wula, he didn't like it from the beginning, this guy bullied him a lot in the mercenary group. However, Yunying is still very pure in his thoughts and concepts. He thinks that Wula is in trouble to save him. Yunying abandoned Wula and ran for his own life. Then the mercenaries will look down on him in the future, and he will look down on himself !