The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 38: Task


Yunying was very worried about the fact that he was attacked. Those who attacked Yunying were all first-class fighters in the camp. Do you feel good

So early in the morning, he told the mercenary about the attack.

Mad Dog asked curiously, "Who the hell will attack you!"

How did Yunying know: "Anyway, there are three masters, this matter is definitely not easy!"

"Oh! Really?" The mad dog took out the earwax and said in a strange way: "The three masters combined didn't kill you. These three people are really not easy. This age really lives on a dog."

As soon as this statement came out.

The mercenary roared with laughter.

Yunying showed the wound on his shoulder, "I'm not joking with you, I was stabbed! I almost died!"

Even if this kid was indeed attacked, the mercenaries would not believe that it was a master who dared to do it. Three masters failed to kill a rookie, so what kind of master is this

"Okay, okay, it's just being attacked, it's a big deal, has anyone experienced it? Tell you not to run around at night, who can you blame if you don't listen?" Mad Dog waved his hand impatiently to interrupt Yunying who wanted to speak, He raised his voice a little louder: "You all wait honestly, don't run around, there is a big announcement!"

At this time, Ula barked wildly in the yard. It turned out that the cunning fox led Ula into the yard with a big iron chain.

"Everyone come out to me!"

Wula barked a few times at Yunying who came out, and showed a threatening expression, probably very dissatisfied with Yunying's failure to clean the nest for several days. Yun Ying lived in the camp for so long, and was not so afraid of this mutated monster at first, so he pretended not to see it.

"I have good news for everyone."

The big fat man blushed and announced loudly.

"The big employer has released a new task. The commission is very generous and enough for us to eat and drink for three years. Everyone prepare immediately, and we will set off later."

big employer? Could it be the man in black wearing a strange breathing mask

The scene at dawn, especially the airship in the wilderness, impressed Yunying deeply.

At the same time, Yunying felt uncomfortable. That guy paid a lot of money to find the stone. Does he know the secret of the stone? If the other party found that the thing was on Yunying, Yunying would probably die.

The cunning fox began to announce the personnel arrangement.

Mantis took two people to sit in the camp to watch the house, and the rest of the mercenaries and even the rookie Yunying who had just joined had to participate in the action, which meant that a total of twenty-seven members were dispatched, and almost all of them spared no effort.

Sly Fox is a cautious and cunning guy.

This time he can make him attach importance to such a mission. I am afraid that in addition to the irresistible huge rewards, there will be unimaginable huge risks.

The mercenaries dispersed to prepare.

Sly Fox walked in front of Yunying with a smile: "It's the first time I've encountered such a rare fat job, so I'll tell you clearly. After this job is done, there will be wine and meat for meals, and big breasts." You can find women with round butts casually, why don't you thank your boss!"

Lessons learned.

To make Yunying believe this fat man, it would be better to lock him up with the Steppenwolves who have been hungry for two days and two nights, and then believe that he will not be eaten. The more sternly the fat man made his promise, the more Yun Ying felt that the danger was more than good.

"Can I watch the house with Praying Mantis?"

"No!" Of course, the cunning fox knew what Yunying was thinking, and his fat face showed a very displeased expression, "This is different from the last time in the tunnel. Shit, why are you so useless at such a young age? Let me tell you the truth, if you don’t go, you have to go!”

The cunning fox forced a piece of rag to Yunying: "Look at this information carefully, don't dawdle, forty minutes to prepare, if anyone dares to delay for a minute, I will break his leg!"

Yunying read the content written on the rag twice.

Mission objective: Hunt down the Mutant Rat King.

The general situation is as follows: the employer found a mutant rat nest in the ruins not far to the west of the Black Flag camp. The mutant rat is about the size of a wolf dog. Not only is it fast, but it is also extremely aggressive. The number is conservatively estimated to be around one or two hundred, and there may be some errors in the number estimate.

There are various special mutants in this litter of rats, and they have abilities that other rats do not have. Among them, the king of rats is a unique and very valuable individual. This mission is to find the king of rats. If it is allowed to catch alive, the original commission will be increased by 50%. If you can't catch alive, try to ensure the integrity of the body.

Rats have been tenacious creatures since ancient times. No matter what catastrophes they experience, they can always adapt to the environment and survive and reproduce. Because of this, there are many mutants of various rats, but judging from the mutant rats that Yun Ying has seen, these creatures don't seem to be very powerful.

Judging from the task content briefing, there is nothing particularly difficult!

However, Yunying knew that it was definitely not that simple. The employer did not explain the mutant rat's ability clearly, but the mission reward was enough to fully express the danger of this mission.

Yunying's attention was shocked by the generous reward for the task.

There is no popular currency in the wilderness. Various materials such as ammunition, firearms, weapons, medicines, and food are the best hard currency. In fact, in addition to these things, there is also a very expensive thing. This thing is a special substance extracted from mutant organisms and plants, and a kind of potion prepared by a very complicated formula. It is called a strengthening potion.

The effect of the strengthening potion is very simple, it is to stimulate the evolution to deepen and make people have more powerful power.

This potion is included in the task reward.

What a huge fortune this will be

The task is indeed rare.

This can not only bring huge income to the mercenaries, but also directly enhance the strength of the mercenary regiment. As a newcomer, Yunying, if he doesn't participate in the mission, no matter whether it's the spoils or the commission, he won't be able to get it anyway. Perhaps the cunning fox is really out of kindness this time.

There are certainly risks.

In the wilderness, there is no such thing as pie in the sky. The mission issuer is a big force that has been active in the wilderness for a long time. Any mission bonus they release is set after strict evaluation. The richer the mission commission, the more dangerous it is. .

Yunying dreams of leaving the wilderness.

But crossing the wilderness is not an easy task!

What Yunying urgently needs to improve is strength, and secondly, it needs a lot of equipment and supplies. How can such a good opportunity be willing to let go? Yunying felt relieved when he thought so!

Mad Dog distributes equipment to the Huangquan Mercenary Corps.

There is no free lunch in the wilderness, and there is a charge for the equipment ration of the mercenary regiment, because the equipment reserve of the mercenary regiment is a public resource, and the mercenaries must have contribution points to exchange for what they want.

As for the contribution points? In fact, it is very simple. If you have unnecessary supplies or equipment, you can exchange them for some contribution points by handing them in to the mercenary group, or you can follow the mercenary group to go out on missions and get contribution points from the missions.

Yunying has two guns but no bullets.

Three contribution points can be exchanged for a shotgun bullet.

One contribution point can be exchanged for one ordinary 9mm pistol bullet.

Yunying found a simpler and straightforward way of reference. The price of a piece of jerky in the mercenary group is only one contribution point. Yunying has not been on a mission since he joined the mercenary group for a month. How can he have the wealth to pay for expensive equipment

Mad Dog waved his hand impatiently: "I paid you in advance, and I will pay it back when I come back from this mission. Interest, don't ask for more, let's say 50%!"

Fifty percent is not much

"You are taking advantage of the fire!"

"Damn, what are you talking about?" Mad Dog said cursingly, "I don't know if you will come back alive or not. This is called venture capital. Do you understand venture capital? I'm risking losing everything. If you don't want it, forget it." !"

There is no way.

Yunying pinched her nose and recognized it!

Ten pistol cartridges and four shotgun cartridges went into the bag.

The ammunition of the Black Flag camp is purely handmade, the quality is not very good, and the output is very small, but at least the safety issue is guaranteed.

"By the way, your leather armor is ready." Mad Dog handed a piece of wolf leather armor to Yunying. This leather armor is made of rotten wolf-headed wolves hunted by Yunying. It is relatively tough and has a good protective effect. , "The production cost of this leather armor is 20 contribution points, do you want melee weapons?"

"I have."

A poor guy like Yunying can do without firearms. Cold weapons are still the most important main battle weapons. The mercenary regiment has a lot of cold weapons in storage, including swords, axes and hammers. Yunying has the relationship with the exorcism stick, so there is no need Equipped separately.

"Where did you get this thing, kid?"

The mad dog glanced at the steel pipe on Yunying's back. Based on his experience, the front end of this triangular steel pipe is very sharp. This weapon can be swung and stabbed straight. It is also enough to cause wounds that are difficult to heal and bleed. It is a very useful melee weapon.

"This is convenient for cutting and skinning, take it." The mad dog took out a dagger and threw it to him, and then ordered: "We are ready to go, you lead Ula over here, this operation is under your supervision."

Ula is a beast raised by Huangquan mercenaries to guard the house.

The nature of this mission is quite special. Ula's keen sense of smell may be of great help in the search process, so she took it out together.

Let Yunying, a new rookie, be in charge of managing Wula. Except that Yunying has been very close to Wula in the past month, the main reason is that Yunying has no experience and lack of combat power. Wula has a manic and violent temperament, but at any rate It is also a not weak combat power, and it can be regarded as a little care for the newcomers.

"Ho Ho!"

Wula ran over with six legs, it seemed dissatisfied with Yunying's control, this guy's strength is really amazing, even though Yunying is not what it used to be, it is almost dragged around by it.

"The car is coming!"

"ready to go!"

The mercenaries are fully armed one by one, with masks, mail armor, cloaks, all kinds of strange costumes and weapons. This army is full of wilderness style and characteristics.