The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 48: crash


The Bloody Queen has two artifacts.

One is the Burning Angel, and the other is the Holy Light Cross Sword.

These two artifacts are inherited from the family, and the "Burning Angel" is the glove on the hand.

Legend has it that the Demon Hunter is powerful enough that the Burning Angel can ignite everything it touches, whether it is wood, stone, or even steel, whether it is combustible or non-combustible, the power of this artifact can ignite and burn it.

The Bloody Queen couldn't burn everything, but it was enough to burn the flesh and blood into coke in an instant. Under such devastating damage, there was almost no possibility of surviving.

This punch didn't feel like hitting the flesh.

More like hitting solid metal.

The Bloody Queen failed to penetrate the horned man and burned his internal organs. He just rolled on the ground a few times to extinguish the flames on the surface before standing up again. Although his chest was severely burned, it was not fatal.

The black-robed eccentric laughed: "The second child is the most defensive among us, but young demon hunter, you are weaker than you imagined. This level of delusion to challenge the master? How naive!"

"I really didn't expect it." The Bloody Queen's hoarse voice came out through the mask: "He will adopt so many loyal dogs."

The three mutants did not appear to be insulted or angry, because the Bloody Queen was right, they were willing to be a dog in the hands of their master, and they would bite whoever the master asked them to bite, never asking why, never caring Right and wrong.

"Isn't a demon hunter also leading a pack of dogs in the hands of a god? There is no difference between us in essence!"

"It's sad, you keep numb yourself by imagining and intoxicating, unwilling to recognize the true face of this world, where does your sense of superiority come from, do you really understand the wilderness? What qualifications do you have to say to us Four?"

The black-robed monster waved his hand.

The raiders raised their guns and crossbows one after another.

The Bloody Queen's feet moved quickly as if she was on a pulley, and the places she passed were covered with bullets and arrows.

The two-winged youth launched a surprise attack from mid-air, holding the two scimitars in their hands and falling sharply, basically splitting dozens of rays of light in an instant.

The queen made a move, her five fingers turned into claws, and she grasped the blades of the two scimitars very precisely from the light of the swords in the sky. Energy gushed out from her palms, making the blades hot instantly.

The young man with two wings let go in time and flew backwards.

The weird man in black robe and the big man with horns saw the opportunity and attacked again.

The black-robed monster made the first move, with his left arm entangled like a spirit snake, and the five tentacles were like spitting out letters. The attack enveloped the other side's door, throat, chest, and multiple vital points. Hissing sound split the air, like a crossbow firing , It feels like a hundred archers are shooting in volley, and the arrows are piercing the heart, and the momentum is terrible.

The big man with horns has no fancy or skill at all, but as the saying goes, one force can drop ten skills, the punch has not moved, the momentum has arrived, punch after punch is a pure burst of power, even if the mountain in front of you can be smashed with one punch .

The Bloody Queen forced back a few steps. Once her speed slowed down, she almost became a target. At this moment, a bullet hit her thigh, causing the Queen to lose her balance in an instant.

The queen gritted her teeth.

The hands spew stronger energy.

The two scimitars burst into red-hot light, and they were spun and thrown out at high speed, as if two red shiny discs collided in mid-air, countless hot fragments covered the raiders in front, causing a lot of wailing and screaming in an instant.

The Bloody Queen turned over after falling to the ground and stood up again. The wound on her thigh was deep, and blood kept gushing out, but before she had time to take a closer look, five tentacles had already shot over, and the big horned man rushed in front of her.

After barely dodging the tentacle attack, she could no longer dodge the blow from the horned man, and the queen fell into the ruins like a thrown puppet. was battered.

"Kill her!"

When the raiders were about to shoot at the queen with their guns, there was a shout of killing from one direction, and a large group of soldiers from the camp came to attack them. They launched a round of attack on the raiders. Those who were killed.

The Bloody Queen took the opportunity to escape, but was severely injured, and her leg injury greatly affected her mobility.

"The camp cannot be defended!"

"Queen retreat!"

The bear punched the sweeper's head to pieces, and he rushed to the bloody queen covered in blood. When he saw that the bloody queen was not in danger of life, he heaved a long sigh of relief, but when he saw that the bloody queen was seriously injured, He showed his outraged rage again.

These damn guys.

How dare you hurt the queen!

Xiong brought a total of more than ten elite soldiers and twenty or thirty regular soldiers from the camp. Although this army is not very strong, it can solve the urgent needs at this time, at least it can contain most of the raiders.

The Bloody Queen also understands that now is not the time for fighting. After Yunying's treatment, although she has almost recovered, her strength has recovered to about 60% at most, and she is not in a full state. The heavy blow resulted in serious internal injuries, it would be too much effort to continue the beating!

The bear roared, "Go!"

The weird man in black sneered: "Can you go?"

The young man with two wings skimmed the ground at low altitude, picked up a long knife and chased after him. A few elite fighters couldn't stop him at all, and he was chopped down by the sword in two or three hits. The attackers launched a siege against this group of people.

The soldiers in the camp fell one by one.

The surrounding circle has become smaller and smaller.

Boss Xiong slammed the wilderness thug's entire chest with a violent punch, and was about to knock down the next one, when suddenly a black, strong, tall, two-horned figure appeared in front of him.

"Get out!"

Xiong no longer cared about who his opponent was, and thrust out his iron fist mercilessly, hitting the opponent's chest hard. The big man with bull horns had no defense. hinder.


Bear was completely stunned.

Xiong is one of the top experts in the Black Flag camp. In terms of pure strength, even Huang Quan's mad dog is slightly inferior to him. No one has ever been able to block Xiong's punch. Without any armor, he forcibly withstood the berserk heavy blow.

The horned man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at him with gloomy eyes: "Strength is good, but it's not enough!"

The voice just fell.

The horned man raised his fist and attacked.

Seeing this situation, Xiong didn't care too much, and swung out the iron gauntlet again. The two fists collided with each other, and there was a muffled thunderous explosion, followed by the sound of bones breaking, and the bear screamed pitifully.

Xiong fell heavily to the ground, the glove was dented, his fingers were bloody, his arm was shapeless, and a broken bone pierced through the skin and came out.

"Boss Bear!"

The soldiers of the elite regiment were terrified, and they hurriedly dragged the seriously injured bear back.

Boss Xiong's strength in the Black Flag camp is not weak even compared to Huang Quan's captains. Who would have thought that he would lose so miserably in a face-to-face situation? Xiong's right arm has been completely crippled. If he survived, he might become a cripple too!

The fist of the horned man was also bleeding, but with his copper skin and iron bone physique, this was only a flesh wound.

The Bloody Queen looked at the bear howling on the ground, and at the camp soldiers who fell one by one, her eyes were beating with anger. How proud is the Bloody Queen? She ran thousands of miles to the wilderness to slaughter demons, but she was forced to such a point that she didn't even see the shadow of the demons, and let these wilderness people whom she thought were dirty and lowly desperately protect them!

She holds the crucifix on her breast.

It shouldn't be a problem to kill a few mutants with the Holy Light Cross Sword.

However, when activating the Holy Light Cross Sword, the spirit will definitely be overdrawn, which means that the Bloody Queen will have no spare power to deal with other opponents, let alone the guy behind the scenes!

Seeing the soldiers in the camp, the Bloody Queen fell down one by one. She knew that this was not the time to be indecisive, so she was about to pull off the cross on her chest.

The black-robed eccentric immediately reminded after discovering this detail: "Be careful, she is going to fight us desperately..."

The words are not finished.

At the critical moment, something happened that no one expected, and an earth-shattering roar came from behind!

A huge modified truck in the wilderness, like an iron lizard crawling in the desert, rushed towards the camp at full speed like a bulldozer, overturned and crushed many raiders along the way, and rushed out from behind, Rush to where the black-robed monster is.

Yunying sat in the cab with bloodshot eyes and growled, "Go to hell!"

He stepped on the gas pedal desperately, knocked the black-robed monster over, and then ran over him with several wheels. But the kinetic energy was not dissipated because of this, and the body broke into several pieces and slid out.

One of them went towards the horned man.

The horned man roared and pushed forward with both hands, but the car body was too heavy, even with his strength, it was impossible to resist it, so he was pushed against the car body and crashed into the ruins.

The two-winged youth and the raiders watched all this with dumbfounded expressions.

What are you doing? !

A bloody hand stretched out from the smoking front of the overturned car, and a young man in a gray-black hooded cloak climbed out with difficulty and fell to the ground with a plop.

Yunying Mingda did not die in this kind of collision, but he was already badly injured.

He shook his head vigorously to make the blurred vision clearer, and he saw a person under the wheel, it was the strange man in black robe wearing a breathing mask.

"Not dead yet?"

"Not dead yet!"

The black-robed weirdo wasn't dead, but he was almost there. He was run over by a wheel, and most of his body was bloody. If it wasn't for his extraordinary vitality, he might have died long ago.

"Yes... it's you!"

The black-robed weirdo struggled to prop up his body with his right arm, and looked at Yunying with difficulty. He couldn't believe that this mercenary was still alive!

Yun Ying's eyes were completely filled with blood, and he pulled out the exorcism stick from his waist. He dragged his seriously injured body, and walked towards the black-robed monster step by step. When the strange man in black robe and Yun Ying looked at each other, there was a creepy feeling, even if he had encountered vicious mutant beasts in the wilderness, he had never felt this kind of emotion... Fear!

That's right!

It's fear!