The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 58: deadly jungle


Yunying was caught off guard by inhaling a little bit of spore powder, and felt an unusually pungent and irritating sensation, instantly filling the entire respiratory tract and chest cavity, as if the inhalation was not spore powder, but a pile of red-hot toner.

However, the burning sensation lasted for four to five seconds and then disappeared.

An incredible feeling emerged.

This is a kind of intense excitement and joy, which goes straight to the brain and permeates the whole body, and there is a kind of pleasure that is ecstasy, even if the pain of the wound on the body is not felt.

Does spore powder have an analgesic effect

Yunying found that the body continued to respond, for example, the heartbeat began to speed up, double images began to appear in the vision, consciousness gradually became blurred, and even some hallucinations appeared. The excitement and pleasure were even stronger under this situation.

This poisonous spore is a neurotoxin.

It is a pure natural strong hallucinogen.

Excitement, pleasure, hallucinations, addiction, etc.

This natural and powerful hallucinogen has an acutely addictive effect, making people unable to stop once ingested and only want more. Yun Ying seemed to be unsteady when he was drunk, but his brain seemed to be stuffed with a voice, which was constantly tempting him to take more and more in order to maintain this state of excitement and joy.

So what to do

Go ahead to the saprophyte forest, where there are a lot of psychedelic spores!

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Yunying became alert and immediately bit the tip of his tongue. He woke up from the pain and stimulation, and hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with a cloth towel to block the wind and sand.

The Bloody Queen's body trembled slightly, and her eyes gradually blurred.

Yun Ying hurriedly threw the queen who was about to leave, pressed the breathing port of the mask, and shouted to her: "Don't inhale, don't inhale, these powders are poisonous."

The Bloody Queen is also a person with a firm will, her eyes suddenly became clear, she gave Yunying a fierce look, and said with some shame: "If you touch me again, I will chop off your hand."

Seeing that the queen was not affected, Yunying breathed a sigh of relief.

Probably because the concentration of toxic spores in the body decreased rapidly, the whole process seemed to bring about an acute withdrawal reaction, which made the body unbearably convulsed and painful, as if countless ants were gnawing on the bones. This feeling was indeed very painful.

The Bloody Queen and Yunying were already so uncomfortable after just sucking a little bit.

These few wilderness warriors were not so lucky. They absorbed a large amount of poisonous spores by surprise, and were overwhelmed by the strong hallucinogenic effect on the spot.

Their skin became hot and red, and their mouths kept opening and closing like fish out of water. At this time, there were fewer and fewer spores left in the air, and they could no longer meet their needs. A pair of irrational eyes locked on the fish in the jungle. On the strange mushroom.

Yunying shouted: "Catch us!"

Everyone else was more or less affected by the spores, and they were already overwhelmed. How could they catch these three people who had gone completely mad

Yunying watched helplessly as the three of them rushed into the woods, howling, undressing, and scratching their bodies with their nails.

A piece of flesh was torn alive and thrown on the ground.

Running madly all the way, self-harming all the way, yelling, hysterical.

The three of them turned into blood men in the blink of an eye, but they didn't know what to do. They continued to spray blood and flesh back and forth, watering the crops like hard-working farmers. This brutality lasted for about ten minutes, and the three bloody and inhuman bodies fell powerlessly in the saprophytic forest. the central.

Most of the jungle was watered with flesh and blood.

Yunying couldn't believe what he saw.

Damn it, I finally understand why the strange mushroom can grow so well, and why there are so many hideous and twisted bones in it! These damn killer mushrooms can confuse nearby creatures and make them fertilize in this way. It's unbelievable and shocking!

The others gradually recovered. When they saw the miserable state of the three people, they didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly left the area. After such a long journey, everyone was already very tired, not to mention the side effects caused by the poisonous spores. Fading, I can only find a relatively safe place to rest and adjust my physical strength first.

"Hey, Liaoshi, how far is the Greenland Camp?" Yun Ying threw the rabbit meat into his mouth, chewed and swallowed to recover his strength, and asked at the same time, "Can we make it today?"

"Greenfield Camp is not far away. It's not a question of whether we can get there, but we must get there before dark." Liaoshi glanced at the gradually darkening forest, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes: "If Spend the night in an oasis, and most of us will never see the sun again!"

Hunters prefer to be active at night.

The wilderness is endless, and the density of creatures is not high, so spending the night in the wilderness also requires huge risks. The area of the oasis is not large, and the density of creatures is a hundred times that of the wilderness. If you don't go out before nightfall, it will be extremely dangerous and difficult to move forward.

Yunying felt a little heavy, but at the same time he was a little curious: "Liaoshi, I think you know so much about Oasis, you must be from the Greenland Camp."


"Then why did you come to Camp Green?"

If Yunying hadn't entered the oasis, he would never have asked such a question. Now that he persisted until the oasis became stronger, he became a little curious about the behavior of the wild lion. Lioshi answered unexpectedly, since he is not a member of the Greenland camp, why did he repeatedly enter and leave the Greenland camp, and every time he crossed the wilderness, ruins, and oases, he was risking his life.

Liaoshi raised his head and looked at Yunying: "There is no need to understand my affairs too clearly, just like I don't want to ask about your affairs."

Yunying frowned.

The old man always feels weird!

Yunying believes that everyone in the world has a motive for doing everything. The lion repeatedly risked his life to enter and leave the oasis. There must be a reason for this, and it is a reason for not even dying. But since Liaoshi didn't want to say anything, why did Yunying ask the question

Now that the scavengers are chasing Yunying all over the wilderness, no matter what happens, it can't be worse than this.

Liaoshi stood up with a knife and ordered: "Let's go."

Because the forest is getting darker and darker, a few wilderness warriors made simple torches, and everyone began to grope forward in the woods. The forest is more dangerous under the darkness. Human vision is greatly affected in this environment, but some jungle creatures Can feel like a duck to water.

The Bloody Queen stopped walking, she reminded in a low voice: "There is a voice!"

Yunying was alerted by what he said, and he immediately held his breath to distinguish carefully. There were indeed a lot of noisy sounds in the jungle. It was like some kind of insect flapping its wings at high frequencies. Judging from the sound coverage and the location of the sound, They are certainly not in the minority.

At this time, one was approaching rapidly.

Yunying listened to the sound to identify the position, pulled out the steel pipe, turned back and slapped it, and hit a certain hard shell. The creature was directly slapped on the ground, struggling continuously on the ground. It looked like an ancient locust, but it was too big, about the same size as an ancient locust. The pigeon is similar, it has a ferocious little head, eight sharp claws with black nails, the most fearful part is the tail, which looks like a scorpion tail structure, and it is highly poisonous at first glance.

"This is a scorpion." Liaoshi also felt voices from all directions at this moment, "Put out the torches, let's get out of here quickly!"

Several torches were quickly thrown to the ground and stamped out.

The wild lion took the lead and fled here quickly.

Yunying found that in the dark field of vision, there were all strange insects flying around. The whole jungle was covered with strange insects, at least there were more than a hundred of them, and there were sounds of flapping wings in their ears. These strange insects are obviously aggressive. After they found the moving crowd, they immediately followed up one after another.

A strange insect pounced on the soldier's face, and the sharp black nails scratched his face. Although he was chased away by his companions in time, he was stung by the ferocious and terrifying scorpion tail. In just a few seconds, the soldier's face Swelled up as if he had been inflated, he couldn't run a few more steps, and fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

Dozens of strange insects surrounded him one after another, screaming and struggling for only a short while, and he became the dinner of these terrifying carnivorous insects.

Yun Ying was stunned.

So toxic

He hastily raised his spirits, not daring to let any monsters get close. Fortunately, the Bloody Queen was by his side. With the Bloody Queen's reflexes and speed, if something slipped through Yunying's hand, the Queen would be able to knock it into the air in time. Otherwise, with Yunying alone, ten lives might not be enough to explain here.

The screams sounded again.

Another person in this team was stung.

Liaoshi did not expect to encounter such a dangerous creature. There were at least hundreds of strange insects in all directions. The scary thing about this kind of monster was that even if it was stung a little bit, there was basically no possibility of survival.

There is no way.

Can only fight!

The lion led everyone into a place full of spider webs. When these strange insects chased in, they bumped into the spider webs one after another, and were immediately stuck by the densely packed spider webs in the jungle, and once they were stuck by the spider webs, they couldn't break free at all.

Everyone didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Huge scary spiders are crawling out of the big tree lairs. Their diameter is one meter to two meters. The number is difficult to estimate. Anyway, the whole jungle is full of spider webs and giant spider nests. Each prey is like a mummy. Wrapped in spider silk, it hangs on the tree and sways in the wind, just like a fruit growing on the tree.

A giant spider spewed out a web and landed on a running soldier. The soldier was immediately stuck to the spider web. The most terrifying thing was that the spider silk seemed to be highly corrosive. When the skin touched it, it made a hissing sound and changed. red, then black.

The number of spiders is far beyond imagination.

Yunying couldn't help shouting: "Liaoshi, what the hell are you taking us to!"

"This is a shortcut!"

The Lion doesn't want to go this way either, but if they don't take the risk, I'm afraid there is only a dead end. They have no way to break out of the encirclement of a large number of strange insects. Now they break into the territory of the mutant spider and bring a large number of strange insects in. Spiders and strange insects are natural enemies, so they will attract each other, and there may be a glimmer of life in this process.

"Greenland Camp ahead!"