The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 59: was sold


Yunying found that the center of the canopy of every big tree was transformed into a spider nest by mutated spiders. The big spiders wrapped the prey that had been hunted but had not eaten yet into pupae, and hung them between the trunks and branches for storage, just like giant spiders. The tree grows fruit, and the wind blows and shakes, which is eerie.

Mutated spiders transform trees into nests, and also transform woods into hunting grounds. Trees are connected to each other by spider silk coiled into ropes. These spider silk ropes form the traffic network of big spiders. Mutant spiders can use this to Quickly shuttling back and forth between the trees, they don't need to land and crawl at all.

In addition, there are spider webs everywhere in the middle of the woods. The spider silk of this mutant spider is not only super sticky, but also has unimaginable toughness. If it accidentally bumps into the web, it is difficult to cut it with a knife.

No matter where the prey is in the forest, the giant spider can always use the spider silk rope to quickly reach the top of the prey's head, first subdue the prey by spraying the corrosive silk, and then rush to kill it with the poisonous claw. The whole process is so fast that people are caught off guard.

Yun Ying was immediately attacked by a big spider while following the team.


Three or four large spiders used the spider silk ropes in the air to move, appearing and disappearing under the cover of the forest, and each time they appeared, the distance would be closer.

The Wilderness Warrior shot a few powerful arrows, and a big spider in front was shot in the head, but the big spider was not killed. Its body quickly jumped down, its eight legs kicked and kicked, and it screamed and launched a frontal attack.

The Lion raised his big knife with both hands, turned into an arc and slashed across the air. When he landed, the mutated spider had already turned into two halves on the back and fell to the ground, convulsing, and a lot of purple-red poisonous blood flowed out from the remaining body.

Other large spiders attack from left and right.

Everyone avoided the big spider and sprayed strong acid spider silk. A big man picked up a hammer and knocked the spider to the ground. Yunying took the opportunity to stab the sharp triangular steel pipe into the spider's head and stirred it violently. The big spider howled and struggled As it retreated, purple blood gushed out from the large wound, so even if the mutant beast had an amazing recovery ability, it would be difficult to recover from the wound. Even if the spider survived, it would temporarily lose its fighting power.

More large spiders appear all around.

Yunying found that there were obviously more spiders than people. If they were surrounded by big spiders, the chance of escape would be very slim.

"Follow me!" Liaoshi swung his sword and cut the spider webs in front of him. He forcibly opened a road blocked by spiders: "Go from here!"

There are bright white eggs all over the ground, each egg is the size of a fist.

When Yunying stepped on it, his feet were covered with viscous liquid like glue, and a stench filled the whole space. This should be the place where spiders lay eggs and hatch little spiders. Some of them are new eggs, and some of the eggs are broken early. The ground, bushes, and tree trunks are all brown and move slowly. When I look carefully, I find that these are newborn spiders about half the size of a palm, densely packed , making people frightened.

Yunying's legs, head, and back were all covered with small spiders the size of half a palm.

Although the little spider is just born, it is already very fierce.

"I was bitten!"

"Oh, damn it, this is a spider's nest!"

Everyone walked through the spider spawning ground less than 50 meters away and was attacked by small spiders. Yunying felt that he was bitten on several places including his arm and neck. Fortunately, the newborn spiders were not very poisonous and did not have enough hunting skills. Although they were stung The place where he bit it was swollen, but it was not enough to kill him.

There are small spiders all over the front, left and right.

Twenty or thirty big spiders chased after him.

Just looking at such a terrifying scene is enough to make people desperate, but under the strong sense of survival, everyone still bite the bullet and continue to rush forward, and finally pass through the area where the spiders lay eggs before being overtaken by the big spider. Zone escaped.

Yunying grabbed a nasty spider from its neck and threw it on the ground. The spider immediately wanted to escape, but Yunying stepped on the mud and turned into a lump of crushed sauce.

Now Yunying is very embarrassed, her neck is swollen, her face is swollen, her hands are swollen, and the situation of the others is not much better. Only the Bloody Queen doesn't seem to have been bitten.

There were rustling sounds in the jungle, and the figure of a big spider emerged, and the spider silk was shot out like an arrow. The strong acid spider silk fell on the ground, and immediately emitted white smoke.

Haven't these damn beasts given up hunting

The sound of breaking through the air continued, and the strong acid spider silk kept spraying. The range of the big spider was about 20 to 30 meters, and the speed of the spider silk spraying was also very fast, so that everyone did not dare to get close to the big spider easily, so they could only continue to flee deeper into the oasis. .

The big spider chased hard and refused to give up.

At this time.

Two indistinct gunshots sounded from the depths of the dark forest, causing the two spiders to fall on the spot. Yun Yinglu was surprised. Judging from the sound, the two gunshots should be very far away. How could someone shoot from such a long distance? Big spider

"Snipers from Camp Green!"

"We're finally here!"

There were several gunshots in the woods, and each gunshot meant that a big spider was shot down. Yunying found that not only the range was very far, but the power of this gun was also amazing. These big spiders that were shot , Either his head was blasted, or his body was pierced through, creating a big hole.

The big spider finally scattered and fled.

When the wild lion shows his identity.

Several forest warriors with green camouflage faces and leaves covered in camouflage jumped down from the rocks or trees where they were hiding. They had complete jungle combat equipment, and each held a long and large gun.

The quality of this army is not inferior to the elite group of the Black Flag camp, and the equipment is farther than that of the elite group by 100,000 miles. A force that can afford such an army cannot be found in the entire wilderness.

The Greenfield Camp is indeed very powerful.

"Lion, it's a good harvest this time." A leading jungle warrior looked at everyone and waved to his subordinates: "Okay, let's take them in."

Yunying was a little dazed.

Good harvest? What's the meaning!

The Lion didn't bring anything back, except for twenty or so outsiders.

Two jungle warriors walked around with their guns in hand, and said in a very rude tone: "What are you still doing? Go in!"

The first thing Yun Ying saw was several layers of high walls covered with vines. These high walls are all buildings left over from ancient times. They are tall and strong enough to defend against barriers, preventing most jungle monsters from entering.

When the green field camp appears in front of you.

Yunying was completely stunned by this camp.

In the center of the oasis is a city of lost ruins. Most of the buildings have not collapsed, but they have long been corroded and dilapidated, covered with moss and vines. I saw the scene of the constant flow of traffic in those days.

Camp Green is based on the lost jungle ruins.

A bustling camp that was re-established.

The scale of the Greenland Camp is very large, at least several times that of the Black Flag Camp. Eighty percent of the Greenland Camp is ruins, and most of the people are concentrated in the center of the camp. Four to five thousand square meters of ancient buildings rose from the ground, towering over the other small buildings around them like a flock of chickens.

The facade of the building is lit up with lights.

This one building can fit the entire Black Flag Camp.

It is called the Greenland Castle, and it is the core of the Greenfield Camp. Other buildings are scattered around the Greenfield Castle. It is conservatively estimated that the entire camp has about 40,000 to 50,000 people.

"Hurry up! Mutants!"

The crowd passed by a bustling excavation site, a dozen ugly tall mutants were constantly digging the ruins to find tools or materials left over from ancient civilizations.

There are mutants living in the green field camp

This highly mutated guy's temperament has long been distorted, and he is simply a ticking time bomb.

The Bloody Queen slapped Yunying violently, her eyes were very strange at this moment, and she was slowly extending a hand. When Yunying looked in the direction of the Queen's finger, it was as if he had been struck by lightning on the spot, his eyes suddenly widened, and sweat oozed from his forehead immediately.

An empty boat full of wilderness is quietly floating on the side of Greenland Castle.

This is the fourth time Yunying has seen this empty boat.

The first time was when the mercenary finished the mission of the underground passage, the second time was when the mercenary was betrayed, and the third time was when the camp was attacked. No wonder, what does this mean

Is it a self-inflicted trap

No matter what, the airship appeared here, and the raiders must be here. The three powerful mutant leaders may all be in the green field camp at this moment!

Yunying said in a low voice: "It's too dangerous here, let's slip away!"

When Yun Ying was about to flee with the Bloody Queen, a large group of camp soldiers rushed out from the camp, including humans and mutants, and immediately surrounded dozens of people.

"Tie them up!"

More than twenty people did not respond.

Lock the iron chains and shackles.

"This batch of goods is all high-quality goods." Liaoshi said to the camp captain: "Every one is an outstanding warrior in the wilderness. At this price..."

The captain snorted coldly, and his attitude was very bad: "The price is not up to you, lock them up first!"

"What are you doing!"

"Lion, how dare you fucking betray me!"

The wilderness warrior roared, Yunying and the queen understood why the wild lion came in and out of the greenfield camp empty-handed. In fact, he always brought his goods with him, and they were the wilderness people.

This guy is a fucking slave trader!

The soldiers in the camp directly knocked down a yelling wilderness man: "Be honest! From now on, you are the slaves of the Greenfield camp. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will depose you!"

The soldiers in the camp pointed their guns at more than 20 people.

Everyone's face turned livid. They struggled to pass through the oasis, and all of them were scarred. The soldiers in the camp were not only very elite, but also had sophisticated and advanced weapons. If they fought, there would be no chance of winning!

"take away!"

"Shut up all of them!"

Two dozen people were shackled like ducks being driven in one direction.

The Bloody Queen and Yunying both frowned. The Greenfield Camp is much larger than the Black Flag Camp. This kind of place must be full of experts. If the two resist now, there is basically no chance of winning, but if they don't resist, they will be killed. Locked up for slaves, the Greenfield Camp seems to have a close relationship with the devil, and they will be extremely dangerous here.

escape? Even if you can escape, and where you can escape, don't forget how scary the oasis is!