The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 79: strength growth


In the process of Yunying eating and drinking to recover his physical strength, it will help to speed up the recovery of the injury. If it continues at this speed, it may take about three days to fully recover. Of course, this is not just the powerful effect of the recovery injection, in fact, it is largely due to the improvement of Yunying's own recovery power.

At this time, the sound of boots hitting the ground sounded in my ears.

A slim and graceful figure appeared in front of me. This is a short-haired woman. Although she is not tall, her figure is well proportioned. She is not wearing any armor. She is wearing a tube top-like dress, revealing a flat and smooth abdomen and a high and straight chest. Eye-catching, a pair of lederhosen wraps the plump buttocks, and a pair of straight thighs extend from the inside, not thick or thin, firm and firm, making people feel full of vitality.

There is still a gap between Li's body and appearance compared to the Bloody Queen, but the Bloody Queen was born as a nobleman in God's Domain, her ancestors have been noble for generations, and she has been pampered and pampered since she was a child, while Li is an out-and-out woman in the wilderness, the two are not on the same line at all.

However, judging by the eyes of the wilderness, Li can definitely be regarded as a superb beauty.

"Wow, I really didn't expect my little brother to come back to life, and he can eat so much, he really deserves to be the one that Sister Li likes!"

Li directly hugged Yunying over.

It is a pleasant thing to be hugged by a beautiful woman, but when the beautiful woman has the strange power comparable to a giant bear, this kind of experience is not so pleasant. Yunying rolled his eyes and was almost cut off his neck. Slapped Li's arm and said with difficulty: "Let go, let go!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was excited for a while, are you okay?" Li was apologetic, but without sincerity, she touched Yunying's face before she let go, "I want to tell you a good news. , is the new leader of the camp!"

Yunying was shocked when he heard the news: "Where's Hydra?"

Li rolled her eyes at him, this question is very stupid, Hydra is alive, can Li become the leader? But speaking of Hydra, Li almost forgot one thing the Bloody Queen ordered: "Are you full? Come with me, let's go to the dungeon to release someone."

Yunying could feel the Greenfield Castle and even the entire Greenland Camp. There were fighting sounds or gunshots from several places. The Greenland Camp looked very chaotic. Neither the Bloody Queen nor the Mantis appeared. They must be suppressing the rebellion and disobedience .

Li's shoulders and left leg were all bandaged, and she couldn't walk very stably. The injury didn't heal, so she didn't participate in the battle. She went into the dungeon and opened it to find a person imprisoned inside.

Facing the person in front of him, Yunying's expression was first curious, then confused, and finally turned into shock: "Isn't this a wild lion? How did he become like this!"

Liaoshi was originally a burly, bearded and majestic man like a lion, but now he appeared in front of him like two different people. The lion's eyes were sunken and silent, his hair was all pale, and his whole body was completely devoid of energy, as if he had aged forty years and turned into a dying old man in an instant.

That sense of self-importance is completely gone.

It was as lifeless as a pool of stagnant water.

Li walked up to the Lion and unshackled him: "I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot you here, but you should have heard that the Hydra was killed by the witcher, from now on you Free, let's go!"

Liaoshi's Achilles tendons in both legs were severely injured, and now he is basically a useless person. But even if the body is intact, when a person's faith collapses, he is no different from a disabled person. He raised his haggard face, looked at the two people blankly, and squeezed out a hoarse voice from his throat: "My Where are the wives and children?"

After half an hour.

Three grave bags appeared in Greenland Camp.

These graves are piled up with soil and stones, very simple, very ordinary, so simple and ordinary that they cannot be recognized after passing by. However, they were all dug out by Liaoshi himself, turning the already bloody hands into a pair of bloody hand bones. Lioshi seems to have lost his sense of pain a long time ago, and his expression has not changed from the beginning to the end.

Three unrecognizable bodies were buried in it.

Yunying remembered something about funerals he had seen in ancient books, so he found three candles and put them in front of the three grave bags. The three small flames danced slowly, like the last words of the deceased, which could touch the hearts of the dead. people's hearts.

The Wild Lion knelt down and stared blankly at the warm and soft firelight.

The candlelight illuminates the surrounding space, like a gradient that can cross life and death, allowing the lion to vaguely see a familiar figure in the warm candlelight, and let the lion hear a familiar voice again in a trance.

"Dad, what you said is that I am a man, and as a man, I must protect my sister and mother!"

"Brother and mother are always bullied by bad guys, please don't leave father."

"I'm not in pain anymore, really not at all..."

"No matter what happens... I believe in you!"

The Lion's expression began to change, as if he was crying or laughing, his face was full of tears, and he was talking to himself, he could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality, to be precise, he was already insane.

"Look at his poor man, he's already lost his mind and turned into a fool." Li couldn't stand it anymore, but even if she spoke loudly, the Wild Lion didn't respond, "He also helped me become the leader, so let's help him. "

Yunying pulled out the exorcism stick and walked towards it, stabbing it hard into the back of the lion's neck. The sharp three-edged thorn pierced out from the throat, splashing hot blood on the three graves, and at the same time extinguishing the dancing candles in front of the graves .

The fourth grave bag appeared.

This tomb is placed in front of the three tombs, like a solid rock that protects them from wind and rain, just like a wild lion trying to protect them by all means. Yunying and Li had already left, and the four graves were all alone, without traces, marks, or tombstones. From then on, no one would remember them and the stories that happened to them.

The Wild Lion is another miniature version of the Wilderness.

It is impossible to know how many stories like this are buried in the wilderness, because the wilderness is like an absolutely indifferent and tolerant bystander and recorder, interpreting the story of life and humanity every day and every moment of every year.

Li limped and asked on the way back: "Do you think people really need to believe in something like this?"

"Of course!" Yunying looked serious. He looked at Li and said, "Everyone has them, whether it's me, the Bloody Queen, those scavengers, wild lions or even hydras. This is what we live for." A mark that will never be erased in a lifetime."

Li was very curious: "What is your belief? Can you tell me?"

Yunying has nothing to hide: "I want to escape from this wilderness, go see the outside world, and find a pure land where there is no killing, no pain, and no conspiracy."

Li Qie said: "How can there be such a place in this world? You fucking don't dream! My mother has never believed in dreams, isn't she living a good life? You people are so hypocritical, you have to make it up to yourself!"

Yunying is not in a good mood.

He didn't bother to talk to this woman.

After three days of recuperation, the injuries have basically recovered, and normal activities will not be affected. At this time, Yunying recalled the strange dream when he was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, and he remembered very clearly that the strange stone passed on another force into his body.

Therefore, if you guess correctly, it should be much stronger now than before.

Yunying began to practice the training methods used by demon hunters to exercise the body, but the result still stopped at twelve movements and could not continue continuously. This confirmed a conjecture that the power inherited from the strange stone does not directly improve the body strength, but greatly affects the strength of the body. The spirit is increased, so to what extent is the increase

Yunying put on the shadow cloak and activated his spirit, the cloak immediately sensed and resonated, releasing a vibration force from inside and spreading it to the surrounding space, distorting and changing the light, Yunying disappeared in the blink of an eye.

no the same!

Totally different!

Now Yunying activated the shadow cloak with no effort at all, even if he lasted for more than ten seconds, he didn't feel tired at all. The more immediate effect was that Yunying found that his body was lighter and faster.

If it is visualized in a digital way, the acceleration effect of this cloak used to be 20%, but now the acceleration effect has reached 40%. Yunying used to stay invisible for a maximum of ten or twenty seconds at a time, but now he can remain invisible for several minutes at a time.

From the Queen's use of artifacts, especially the phoenix gourd, one can clearly see the power of the artifacts, which is directly proportional to the user's own strength. The stronger the bloody queen's release spirit, the stronger the undead firebird summoned, and the weaker the bloody queen's release spirit, the weaker the undead firebird summoned

Such is the relationship between a demon hunter and an artifact.

In the hands of a legendary demon hunter, even an ordinary artifact can exert earth-shattering power. In the hands of a rookie demon hunter, even if he is given a legendary artifact, he cannot use it. stick.

Yunying's mental strength must have been greatly improved.