The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 89: duel


The difference in strength between the Bloody Queen and the Demon is too great, and now it seems the right choice to separate the relationship. For a moment, Yunying really thought about swallowing his anger, and he really planned to surrender in order to protect himself. He is not a hero, he is not a strong man, he is just a mortal surviving in the wilderness, he just wants to live.

But the moment before Yunying made his decision, several figures appeared in his mind: Cunning Fox, Mad Dog, Wula, Cook, and everyone in the Huangquan Mercenary Corps.

Mad Dog leaves the chance of survival to them.

Just before Qiaohu died, Yunying asked Yunying to avenge him.

Now that the black hand behind the scenes is right in front of him, can Yunying avenge this

The answer is obvious: no!

Ten Yunyings and a hundred Yunyings added up, it might be difficult to kill this demon, but Yunying could not bow down and beg for forgiveness with peace of mind, he could not watch the demon kill the Bloody Queen in front of him.

This kind of thinking is incomprehensible to Li, but it is precisely the biggest difference between Yunying and ordinary wilderness people, he has no way to go against his own heart, he would rather take risks than rescue the queen.

This revenge must be reported!

The queen can't die either!

Yunying fully activated the power of the shadow cloak, he increased his speed to the extreme, and was trying to escape from the devil's hand, but at this moment, Yunying felt a gust of wind blowing, and a black figure appeared in front of him like a phantom. Before Ying's face changed drastically, before he had time to react, a huge palm cut through the void and wanted to grab Yunying's body.

The speed of the demon is too fast.

Yun Ying did not avoid the opportunity.

Yunying could clearly feel that a force gushed out from the opponent's body, and this force quickly penetrated into every corner of Yunying's body, as if it wanted to change the substances that make up the body, so that Yunying's entire body would change. into sand.

The power of the demon is several times stronger than that of the bloody queen. Yunying's physique cannot resist this kind of attack at all. The moment Yunying is about to be deserted on the spot, something unexpected happened to the demon. Terrible attraction.

There was a flash of dumbness in the scarlet eyes, and he felt that there seemed to be a black hole in Yunying's body. When he tried to turn Yunying into sand, this black hole-like power was running crazily, and finally released the demon. The power and even the power in the demon body are all absorbed.

The demon's line of sight seemed to be penetrating, directly through Yunying's leather armor, he saw the stone hanging on his chest. At this moment, this seemingly ordinary stone was shining brightly. Yunying's power to kill more than a dozen times was dissolved invisible.

Yun Ying was also frightened into a cold sweat.

But this is not the first time something like this has happened. There was some misunderstanding when Yunying rescued the queen and returned to the hut. At that time, the bloody queen almost burned him to ashes with the burning angel. Let Yunying regain his life.

Yunying didn't have time to think about it so much, he held the Bloody Queen behind his back with one hand, and almost reflexively stabbed Mo's chest with a stick. In fact, with Yunying's speed and strength, Mo is completely capable of dodging or resisting, but for some reason, Mo seems to be stunned and forgot for a while.

Yun Ying tried his best to stab the demon's chest with a stick, and the violent force erupted from the exorcism stick instantly stared at the demon's body and flew more than ten meters away. The cloak on the demon's chest was already in a tattered state, but Not a single iota of his strange shell was damaged.

This is enough to stab anyone in the wilderness to death, and it is really unbelievable that the devil has not even scratched the skin a little bit. However, compared to Mo's unscathed, even a top expert like the Bloody Queen couldn't touch Mo, but a half-strength guy like Yunying actually knocked Mo away with a single stick. A place of astonishment and shock.

Yunying knew that he would have no chance of winning in a fight with Mo, so he swept Mo away and chased Momo without even thinking about it.

"interesting… "

The demon stood up slowly, his scarlet eyes flashed with divine light, no one knew what he was thinking right now, he slowly turned up his right palm, and countless sand and dust slowly gathered, forming a long half-moon The Xingsha Blade is powerful enough to cut a piece of human-shaped steel in half.

The demon was about to throw the half-moon sand blade out.

A bullet with the length of a thumb was fired.

This bullet hit the demon's chest, and the overall power was not as strong as that of Yunying's exorcism stick, so the demon was only repelled by two steps, but the bullet was very sharp and sharp, obviously not an ordinary sniper rifle, but A powerful sniper rifle.

Even if the Yunying Exorcist Rod exploded with all its strength, it would not be able to cause damage.

This shot embedded one-third of the bullet into the demon's body, to be precise, into the demon's shell, which caused a cold light to flash in the demon's eyes. Two bullets were fired at an extremely fast speed.

"This boring human toy also wants to kill me?"

Mo Shen grabbed the bullet in the air, and with two dark red sharp nails, he pinched the bullet forcefully, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the bullet. The demon's vision is like some kind of ray, which penetrates countless obstacles in an instant, and locks on to a tall and thin human with a huge sniper rifle in his hand. The moment he shoots the second shot, he immediately gets up and runs away.

The demon grabbed the bullet on his chest again, and he took the bullet off his chest, leaving only a dent, but did not cause any essential damage to the demon's body.

The wind and sand suddenly broke out.

Under the effect of the wind and sand, the demon's body slowly rose into the air, ready to go towards the attacker, but when he passed by Li's side, he suddenly stopped, without even looking at him, he just turned his body and said : "Are you the new leader of the Greenfield Battalion?"

Li felt the cold and threatening aura on the other party's body, and felt cold sweat dripping down her cheeks. She no longer had any thoughts of resistance, so she could only honestly answer: "I... I am!"

"I'll just give you a chance to live." Mo said coldly to Li: "Those two didn't escape, you find them and kill them. Whether you live or die depends on whether you can complete this mission." gone."

Li frowned tightly.

She was very happy to let her kill the demon hunter, but to kill Yunying... Li hesitated for a second.

The devil turned his face to look at her, and the moment Li met the devil's eyes, Li's hesitation disappeared, she only felt that she was in front of the devil, and instantly changed from a female leopard to a kitten, and she didn't even have the slightest hesitation. And no thought of resistance: "Yes!"

She waved her hand and said to her subordinates, "Go, let's go!"

The demon soared into the air to chase the shadow that had fled into the darkness.

After firing two shots in a row, the mantis immediately wanted to escape into the darkness quickly. At this time, he felt a strong wind chasing him from behind. Although the mantis did not have eyes behind him, he could feel the opponent's speed and strength. , He has been completely locked by this terrifying guy, and the possibility of escaping is almost zero.

Mantis simply stopped in his tracks, and he turned his head slowly. When he saw the ferocious black figure with scarlet eyes, Mantis's expression didn't change at all from the beginning to the end, and he just looked at him quietly. .

The demon stopped a few meters in front of the mantis, and he looked at the mantis with a scrutiny for more than ten seconds. Both sides looked at each other like this without speaking, and the scene was full of a strange feeling.

In the end, Mo took the lead to break the silence: "It really is you!"

Mantis pushed his glasses and said flatly, "Long time no see."

The devil's tone was very dissatisfied: "You knew it earlier, didn't you?"

Mantis didn't speak, and was silent for a few seconds: "What are you going to do?"

At this time, Yunying ran out with the queen on his back, and was about to leave the green field camp, when he suddenly saw a dense crowd of figures in front of him, Yunying's expression changed and he stopped immediately, at this time there were also footsteps behind him, Li said A huge hammer has caught up.

Yun Ying looked at the woman in the wilderness who was as energetic as a leopard in front of him, his face changed slightly and he said: "Li, do you really want to kill them all?"

Li looked at Yun Ying viciously: "You liar! You said you would stay and manage the Green Field Camp with me! Now you have given up your promise to save this witcher!"

Yunying was taken aback.

He doesn't remember agreeing to it

He was obviously just thinking about it!

"It's two different things. I have a personal enmity with that demon, and I won't surrender." Yun Ying shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it, let me go!"

Yunying didn't have time to take a step.

Soldiers from all directions raised their weapons.

Li raised the huge hammer like Yunying rushed over: "Do you know that the devil asked me to catch you, if I let you go, I will die! I must keep it today, look at the hammer!"

Yun Ying took a step back in a hurry, the huge hammer passed by, and hit a wall heavily, knocking down the entire wall in an instant. Li didn't even pause for half a second, and immediately swung her warhammer to sweep over heavily, forcing Yunying to retreat to the side.

"Then come with us!" Yunying's face changed drastically, and the woman was serious again, "Greenland camp is controlled by this demon, even if you become the leader, you are still a puppet, don't you understand? Instead of staying in the In the green field camp, why don't we escape together and find a safe place to start from scratch!"