The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 10: A journey of thousands of miles


What I said to Prince De was very simple, "My lord, there are high mountains and mountains nearby, and there may not be any trails that can be detoured, but even if they cannot be detoured, we can also make a false appearance that we can detour and lure them to fight. What we are afraid of is not that they are brave and good at fighting, I'm afraid that they won't be able to defend and attack the city forcibly, so it's better to try to lure them out of the city, and since Tian Wei is good at fighting, he will definitely not be reconciled to just defending the city." What I said was just a principle, but Prince De has been on the battlefield and immediately understood it. , Besides, it is definitely impossible to attack today, so it is better to go back and discuss.

Of course, I didn't speak in the subsequent military discussions, because I was not very familiar with military affairs. I was only good at analyzing intelligence, and based on my experience and knowledge to judge where it could be done. What's more, Rong Yuan is already dissatisfied with me now. Being in the limelight will definitely make him hate me even more. I would rather offend the gentleman than the villain. I remember this very clearly, but these aides are really good. Suspected to fill the leaks, various plans for A, B, C, and D were made, and finally listed the feasible strategies. The more I looked at it, the more I admired it. Maybe my expression was too obvious, and they were all a little embarrassed. Even Rong Yuan looked at me with soft eyes. many.

The next day, Prince De sent his sergeants to collect firewood and search for paths, and then ordered the remaining half of the sergeants to rest in their tents, while the rest of the sergeants stood and watched Berkshire from a distance, neither attacking nor retreating. They just sent people to feign attack from time to time, and if the defenders on the city tower reacted slightly, they would retreat. After noon, the resting sergeant and the morning sergeant change shifts.

On the third day, the sergeants of the Southern Chu Army who were feigning attack in front of the Bajun city began to get busy, either digging trenches or practicing fists and feet, slackening their muscles and bones, and pushing the war drums of the army to the front of the city, every half an hour. Drumming and shouting.

On the fourth and fifth days, the defenders in the city began to feel tired and numb. After all, there were only 10,000 defenders in the city of Nanjun. Although Nanjun was an important gateway to the Shu Kingdom, because the Shu Kingdom and Nanchu were friendly, there were not enough soldiers. ready.

On the sixth day, the Shu army in the city became uneasy, and the good news came that we found a path to bypass Berkshire, and the second step of the plan began. The Southern Chu army began to gather the army, and it seemed that they were about to attack. The Shu army in the city became tense, and it was obvious that the number of defenders was increasing. At night, the army began to march quietly. When they found out, they naturally came to the conclusion that the Nanchu army wanted to bypass Berkshire. Although for them, the Nanchu army bypassing Berkshire and not attacking was equivalent to giving up the safety of back roads and supplies, but Tian Wei He has a strong and belligerent personality. The reason for his persistence this time is because of the lack of troops. Although the Southern Chu army has only 50,000 troops, it is the most sophisticated army in Southern Chu. Therefore, Tian Wei is under great pressure. The subordinate generals discussed it for a long time, and they all felt that the Southern Chu army must be bypassing Ba County. Under the discussion, some generals suggested that if the Nanchu army really bypassed Ba County and if Ba County did not attack from behind, then the entire Nanchu army would be destroyed in the future, and Ba County soldiers would inevitably be punished. This shadow made all the generals. Are uneasy. In the end, Tian Wei ordered to attack Nanchu's baggage team from behind while the Nanchu army had not completely bypassed.

The 50,000-strong army wanted to march from the small road, but the speed was extremely slow. Tian Wei caught up with the rear of the Nanchu army not long ago. In his shouting, the 5,000 light cavalry that Tian Wei was carrying cut into the rear army of Southern Chu like a steel knife, and the troops of Southern Chu fled. Tian Wei ordered to throw torches on the grain cart and baggage. , Tian Wei laughed loudly and ordered to continue the attack to defeat the Southern Chu army. At this moment, an infantry in white armor was revealed among the Nanchu troops who had fled in all directions. They greeted Tian Wei. Tian Wei felt a chill in his heart. Isn't this the personal guard of His Royal Highness Prince De? The guards were supposed to be guarding the central army, but now they appeared here. Could it be that he was fooled? Tian Wei looked around, and the fire of the food trucks was quickly extinguished, and after the infantry, he shot a shot. Zhao word Huanglongqi, Tian Wei is worried and worried. If he is really in the middle, then he will definitely be defeated, but after thinking about it, there is Prince De's personal guard in front of him, maybe Prince De himself is not far away. , if you kill Prince Germany in one fell swoop. Tian Wei couldn't stand the temptation and ordered to move forward. When the two armies crossed, Tian Wei's cavalry had the advantage, but Nanchu's infantry was good at fighting the cavalry. The sergeants in the front row knelt down nimbly, blocking their long spears in front of the horses, and the sergeants in the back row pulled The bow and arrows used the narrow terrain to block Tian Wei. Tian Wei killed him for a while. Seeing that it was impossible to win, he ordered the army to withdraw. Their horses ran very fast. Wei thought fortunately, but anyway, it was considered a small victory. The fast horse galloped for more than ten miles, but it didn't go far. Suddenly, the Nanchu army rushed out from both sides of the road, attacking from both sides, Tian Wei He hurriedly told everyone not to stay, fight casualties, and break through the siege with all his might. At this time, Tian Wei already felt a chill in his heart. On the short ten-mile mountain road, the Nanchu army raided from time to time. Attacking from behind the grass, woods or rocks, if this is not a valley, I am afraid that Tian Wei's thousands of iron cavalry have no hope of escaping. That's how when Tian Wei saw the city wall of Berkshire, it took more than half an hour, and there were only 3,000 left. The remnants of the army were nearing the city of Bajun, but Tian Wei saw the flaming red flag of the Shu army falling from the city head, and the yellow dragon flag of Prince De rose slowly from the head of the city. Tian Wei watched helplessly as several Shu soldiers on the top of the city were cut down to the ground. In the cold light of the swords and guns, Tian Wei saw a very incongruous person, a young scholar in a green shirt. Sergeant, he was looking at himself with pity, in the blood and fire, his clothes didn't seem to be stained at all. He stood on the city wall, but was separated from the other Nanchu soldiers

I went to the city wall before the siege was completely over. This time, the Southern Chu army left 10,000 people at my suggestion. This is what I learned from reading before going to bed after the military meeting. When we dug the trenches, we dug a lot of big pits near the battlefield, and then when we pretended to go around, we hid 10,000 troops in the big pit, covered with oilcloth and loess, and the spies who came to check really did We only noticed that the camp was empty, but we didn't notice the hidden soldiers' cave. After Tian Wei sent troops, we took advantage of the negligence of the defenders and immediately started to attack the city. As a result, the lax defenders were defeated by us. I climbed the city wall because I wanted to see the ending. Of course, the reason was that when the Shu Kingdom returned to the army, I was afraid that it would retaliate and kill our aides who stayed outside. For this reason, we all entered the city. Of course, the guards were also very strong. Strict, lest we be injured by the remnant soldiers, and then I said that I wanted to see the situation outside and climb the city wall. Xiao Shunzi smiled and sent two imperial guards to follow me. They were to protect Wang Haiwang's army, but Wang's army I already know that Xiao Shunzi is good at kung fu, and he is also good with me, so he promised to send someone to protect me. I heard Xiao Shunzi say that these two people have a good foundation in kung fu, at least they can protect me until Sergeant Nan Chu comes to rescue me. .

I walked through the sea of blood, carefully not wanting to be stained with blood, but the blood under my feet was a river, and my shoes were soaked with blood soon, but my luck was good, at least there was no blood on my body. When I endured the smell of the battlefield and screamed to the city wall, the few remaining Shu soldiers were quickly killed. I looked down the city and happened to see the returning Shu soldiers. Then the red-robed general stared blankly at the city. Behind him, the smoke was billowing, and I could see the flag of our army. Suddenly, the red-robed general rushed towards our army. Then, I watched helplessly. This cavalry was besieged, weakened, and routed by our army. From a distance, I saw the red-robed general slashing himself with his sword, roaring before he died.

My heart trembled, war is not an understatement like what I have read in the history books. In the eyes of thousands of people in the Shu army in Bajun, our army is the enemy of all evil, killing their bodies and taking them away The city, but what can we do? At this moment, I really hate this war deeply. Just for the benefit of Dayong and Nanchu, the kingdom of Shu must perish, and exchange blood for the joy of the superior. , is it really worth it

Next, I got sick. The blood and the screams made me unable to sleep or eat. During the rapid march, my condition gradually worsened. Later, one night, Xiao Shunzi came to me. In the tent, he dragged me up and said: "I know why you are sick, put away your cheap sympathy, both of us have become enemies, we are fighting, if we lose, we will have no life to go home, what kind of benevolence and morality? , What etiquette and shame, I only know, I have to live, for you, I have to live, then you, at least you have to live for me, remember, you saved my life, if you don't let me pay this debt, I will never let you die."

I saw the tears on Xiao Shunzi's face in a trance, and said lightly: "Xiao Shunzi, brother, I know you are like siblings to me, but I always bully you, you always take care of me, protect me, but I You are leaving, don't be sad, you don't owe me anything."

Xiao Shunzi slapped me hard and said, "What do you think I always do with you, you never look down on me, you think that I, Xiao Shunzi, are a person, you teach me to read, help me learn martial arts, without you , who will look at me, Xiao Shunzi, if you die, I will die with you, and I will be your brother in the next life, so that you will always have to cover me."

My tears are rolling down, yeah, how can I die, I still have a brother, if I die, Xiao Shunzi is not alone, I always know that Xiao Shunzi always looks to me Running, because I see him as a person, a person with flesh and blood, not a little eunuch, a person without a face. Hmph, what is the state of Shu, what does the death of your people have to do with me, let alone the state of Shu, the death of Nanchu, what does it have to do with me, these days, I have been seriously ill, except for Xiao Shunzi and the military doctor , I didn't see anyone. Although Prince De came twice, he also forgot me later. I reluctantly got up and said, "Give me two pills of the medicine in the white porcelain bottle in my bag." Xiao Shunzi hurried over to do so, I took the pill with difficulty, and said, "I want to rest for a while, and prepare something richer for me tomorrow morning. breakfast."

Three days later, after being in a coma for three whole days, I finally ate the breakfast Xiao Shunzi sent me, walked out of the camp, looked at the clear sky, stretched out my hands, took a deep breath, and greeted Xiao Shun. The son said that my illness was just fine, and told Wang Jianjun that I would take his car today.

During the ten days when I was sick, the progress of the Nanchu army was relatively smooth. The attack of Nanchu's attack on Ba County made these small cities lose their confidence to hold on. With this strategy, they attacked and deceived, and the speed of the advance exceeded expectations. , Dayong did not know what the situation was, and no information came. In the following days, I was just recovering from a serious illness, so I didn’t have many official duties. I often wrote poems in my spare time. I didn’t say anything more. Although Prince De was apologetic and came to ask about my condition, I would not forgive me. His, he used to value me so much, and when I was sick, he would leave me aside, so I always say thank you indifferently. Anyway, I am often with Wang Jianjun, and I don’t have to worry about him. Embarrass me, I am so stingy, how.

Just during the marching operation, before the army of Southern Chu arrived at Luocheng, it joined the navy army that had already arrived in advance. Luocheng was the barrier of Chengdu, the capital of Shu. Xian led 20,000 troops to build a village in front of Luo County. As a supporter, the general Long Bu led 30,000 to guard Luocheng. The southern Chu land and water army attacked Fushui Pass with thunderous momentum. He left the city and set up a large camp in Fucheng. He knew that the next battle would have to be protracted and protracted, so he just arranged for the water and land defenders to be carefully arranged, and the water army to cruise the Fushui, cut off the backup, and the north gate of Luo County was near the Fushui. There are mountain roads outside the south gate, and Prince De used the navy to transport troops to attack Luocheng from the east and west gates. However, Wei Xian often led the army to attack, and within a few days, the two armies fought bloody battles several times, but the southern Chu army did not gain the upper hand. Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted, the Prince of Germany simply withdrew his troops. In addition to sending naval troops to cruise from time to time, he just stopped his troops in Fucheng to prepare for battle. Although it was far away from Southern Chu, relying on water transportation and the rich products in the middle of Shu, there was no supply for the southern Chu army. lack. The battle was at a stalemate.

On November 27, I finally got Dayong's battle report.

Dayong was led by King Yong Li Zhi with an army of 200,000 people. Because he bought the guards of Yangping Pass in advance, he easily broke through the pass. It took two months to conquer Nanzheng. Although Dongchuan belonged to the state of Shu, it was a prosperous and splendid capital. In Xichuan, the people of Dongchuan could not help but resent. After Li Zhi entered Sichuan, the army did not commit any crimes in autumn. He swept away the defeated generals and eliminated bandits. In less than three months, Dongchuan was pacified. Once broken, there will be no barrier on the east side of Chengdu.

Meng Yun, the lord of Shu, defended the enemy from both sides and was stretched thin, so he dispatched urgently. Jiameng's guards totaled 90,000, and he sent another 20,000 to aid Luocheng, leaving Chengdu empty. On November 12, 20,000 reinforcements entered Luocheng with the support of Luocheng's 30,000 defenders and Wei Xian's 20,000 troops.

When Prince De got the battle report, his face was blue and black, because even if Dayong retreated, as long as he held Yangping Pass, Dongchuan would inevitably be controlled by Dayong, and if he could not get Luocheng, he would not be able to resist the Shu army. Bajun, he is also reluctant, so now, Nanchu is more anxious to attack the state of Shu than Dayong. But after so many days of confrontation, there is no progress at all, how can it not be worrying. But what is worthy of relief is that the reinforcements of Nanchu have arrived. Now the two armies of Nanchu have a total of 90,000, at least they will not be defeated. In this way, under the attack of Dayong and Nanchu, the kingdom of Shu will be defeated sooner or later, but it may not be Nanchu after the event. Chu got Chengdu.

During this time, I lived a relatively leisurely life. I walked around every day except for eating. Of course, in order to be careful of the spies and assassins of the Shu army, I would not go too far, and if it was too leisurely, it would be enviable. Anyway, now I am also Can't get started. Rong Yuan took advantage of my illness and deprived me of my right to be counselor in military affairs. Of course, the excuse was my serious illness. For him, I'm still sick. But I don't care, anyway, this battle should have little chance to be defeated.

When I was idle, I was idle. I told Xiao Shunzi about finding a bodyguard. Xiao Shunzi thought about it for a long time, and was very embarrassed. He didn't know too many experts who could introduce him to me. According to him, he met If all the masters who can fight will be killed by him, and they also need loyalty, it will be even more difficult. He asked me if I want to find a little eunuch as an apprentice to teach him martial arts, and then protect me, but I refused, one reason is time It's too long. Another reason is that the eunuch can't go out of the palace often. Xiao Shunzi thought about it for a long time and said, "It will only take a few years.

I wanted to nod my head, but if Xiao Shunzi was recognized or found out, he would be in trouble, and then I simply said: "Well, I plan to resign when I go back this time, you don't like to stay here anyway. In the palace, how about the two of us wandering around the world from now on?" Xiao Shunzi thought about it and said happily: "This is not bad, I wanted to walk around for a long time, I am tired of Jianye. So where do we go? "I thought for a while and said, "Anyway, the kingdom of Shu has perished. If Dayong and Nanchu can't fight for the time being, we will go to Dayong to see. When Dayong and Nanchu fight, we will go to Beihan to see. When Dayong Ruo fights with the Northern Han, we will go back to Southern Chu. Decades are enough for us to travel around, and if we get tired of it, we will find a place to live." Xiao Shunzi's face was full of yearning look.

Just when the two of us were looking forward to the future, Xiao Shunzi suddenly rushed towards the flowers in the courtyard without warning. The figure was like a ghost, and it was extremely fast. A gray shadow jumped up from the grass. The two figures merged and separated. Xiao Shunzi retreated about a zhang, and the figure folded, turned in the air, and attacked again. The man rushed back. However, Xiao Shunzi slapped him in the center of the mouth, and immediately fell to the ground.

I saw Xiao Shunzi nodded to me, walked gently and looked closer, but that person was a young man in his twenties, with an ordinary appearance, the kind of appearance that can no longer be distinguished as soon as he walks into a crowd. He was wearing the military uniform of Southern Chu, but I could see that the clothes did not fit well, and I could smell a faint smell of blood. This man was a spy of the Shu army. I thought to myself, I should have handed it over, and a meritorious service. Second, this is my duty, but when I thought of what I said just now, if Prince De and the others knew about it, murderous intentions suddenly appeared in their hearts, and they winked at Xiao Shunzi, Xiao Shunzi understood, and slapped the man on the head.

The man opened his eyes in pain, just saw Xiao Shunzi's movements, he rolled on the ground with difficulty, Xiao Shunzi smiled coldly, turned his palms, and continued to hit the man on the head, I saw the man His eyes were full of grief and anger, and for some reason, he opened his mouth and said, "Stop." Xiao Shunzi's palm had already reached the Heavenly Spirit, and when he heard me stop him, he suddenly retracted his attack and retreated behind me. I solemnly said: "Brother, I must kill you. If you have any last wishes, I can fulfill you."

An excited look flashed in the young man's eyes, and he said, "Please let my wife go."

I was stunned, when did I rob his wife? I don't seem to have done such a thing.