The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 101: Spring dream without trace


While King Yong was busy cleaning, while the court and the people were in panic, a mysterious force did not stop moving. On the evening of October 12, in a secluded rural farm, some dark shadows quietly hid towards the farm. , After surrounding the farm again, a masked man in black gave a few words in a low voice, and another middle-aged man with a gloomy face led the two teenagers to the gate of the farm, and said loudly: "There are distant guests visiting, the master is not yet. Are you coming out to meet me?"

The door of the farmhouse opened gently, and a man and a woman came out. The man looked at him as Wei Ying, who had disappeared after escaping from the hunting palace. Although he changed his peasant dress, he still couldn't hide his feelings. She was graceful and graceful, and that woman was also dressed as a village girl, but she looked beautiful and elegant, and her air was as elegant and elegant as the fairy in the moon. Wei Ying looked gloomy and said: "Who are you, how did you find this place?"

The middle-aged man said calmly: "You are really hard to find. We followed you for a few days before we finally surrounded you here."

Wei Ying frowned. These days, they had long noticed that someone was watching, but they didn't dare to openly attack, so they tried their best to avoid the surveillance of those mysterious people, but they didn't expect them to come to the door. Who are they, if it is King Yong people, I am afraid that the army has long been dispatched to arrest them. While thinking about it, he asked: "Your Excellency should know that you can follow us, but because we dare not speak out, but this is a remote area, if we fight back, you will lose more than you gain, so let's say it quickly. Good intentions."

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said, "Although Your Excellency and the others are strong in martial arts, they are not necessarily better than the strong bow and crossbow. As for our identity, it is not a glorious sect. We are members of the Splendid League, and our surname is Huo. , now serving as the guardian of the Splendid Alliance, these two beside me are the confidant disciples of the leader of my family, you may have heard of this one, his name is Huo Li." When he talked about the strong bow and crossbow, Wei Ying and The woman heard the light sound of the crossbow machine. Judging from the sound, there were at least 30 hard crossbows surrounding the front of the farm. Although there was no sound of crossbow bows behind the farm, she could hear the sound of breathing faintly. People really come prepared, and even if their own side can win, it will alarm outsiders, and the gains outweigh the losses.

The woman frowned, and she looked carefully. Although the middle-aged man was average in appearance, his expression was extraordinary, and the two young men beside him were both outstanding people. The young man named Huo Li had a calm temperament and a handsome appearance. , and the other boy is also elegant in appearance, with a faint breath of chivalry between his brows. This Huo Li, he naturally heard, this young man set off a huge wave in Luoyang by himself, and the other young man seems to be like him. It seems that this Jinxiu Alliance seems to be full of talents. But she remembered hearing from her master that the Splendid Alliance might have some secret connection with King Yong. So the woman suddenly said: "I heard that your alliance and King Yong reached a covenant, why are you ordered to arrest us today?"

The middle-aged man smiled coldly and said, "Our Jinxiu Alliance dare not say that we have never dealt with King Yong, but we can't talk about the covenant. At the beginning, we joined hands with His Royal Highness to smuggle, but it's a pity that Li An crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and we still have to embarrass our Huo Mengzhu. , so we disclosed the information to King Yong. Although we failed to abolish Li An's position as the prince, it also caused him more trouble. In this world, only my family can forgive others, but no one can forgive us. But we It is not a vassal of King Yong, we can cooperate with anyone, but there is only one thing, we will not forget that our Splendid League was established to resist Dayong. Anything that can give Dayong a headache, we will never forget. I will do it all. So your family has failed miserably this time, and has become a life-and-death enemy with Dayong.

As he said that, he waved his hand, and a black-clothed boy emerged from the darkness with a cold expression. He held a brocade box in his hand and presented the brocade box to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man opened the box. Wei Ying and the woman were startled at first glance, and there was a stack of thick silver bills, and they were all silver bills from Jinling Bank, the most famous bank in Southern Chu.

The middle-aged man said lightly: "Here are 200,000 taels of silver notes. The leader of my family said that if you lose to King Yong now, you must be embarrassed by Dayong, but if you are in Dayong territory, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to fight against the army. Fang confrontation, so you can only go far and fly high. Beihan is the territory of the Demon Sect, you can't go there, and it is not your goal to want to come to a place outside the world, so only Nanchu is a good place for you to make a comeback. But this time you failed miserably, I'm afraid that there is a lack of entanglement. We know that although Guimen is making a lot of money every day, it consumes a lot of money. Now most of Guimen's business is still in Dayong, and I am afraid that there is no way to continue to master it, so I specially asked this guardian to bring these silver notes. , I hope you can regroup in Southern Chu, the leader of the alliance said, as long as the enemy of Dayong is our ally, Fairy Ling, you are willing to form an alliance with us."

That woman was the next sect master appointed by the sect master Fengyi, Ling Yu, she looked at the silver note and said coldly, "Although you have a lot of tongues, there is something I don't understand about this fairy, just for a common enemy. , are you willing to give two hundred thousand taels of silver?"

The middle-aged man smiled mysteriously and said, "Our alliance lord never makes a loss, if you agree to a condition, not only will the 200,000 taels of silver be yours, but we will also hand over part of the property in Nanchu to us. you."

Wei Ying and Ling Yu both looked at each other. Two hundred thousand taels of silver would be sitting on the mountain, but the industry could maintain the expenses of Fengyi Sect. But what will this condition be? Wei Ying stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency may wish to talk about the conditions. If we think it is reasonable, it may not be impossible."

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "To tell the truth, Fengyimen has already lost its reputation, and your property in the Ming Dynasty will naturally be confiscated by the Dayong court, but you still have some properties that are hidden in the dark. In this alliance, the interests of the two sides are exchanged, and no one will suffer."

Seeing that Ling Yu and Wei Ying were both moved, the middle-aged man took out another brocade box. After opening it, there were some contract documents inside, and he continued: "There are contract documents for fourteen properties in Nanchu, with the total value of the contract documents. 400,000 taels. If you are willing to exchange a considerable amount of property, then the covenant between us has been settled. Our Splendid Alliance is unable to move an inch in Southern Chu, because in the past the leader of the alliance was young and arrogant, and it was inevitable that it would be rampant in Southern Chu. If you want to overthrow Dayong, Nan Chu is a force that has to be valued, as long as you help Nan Chu become stronger as soon as possible, then not only can you avenge your revenge, but we can also fulfill our long-cherished wish."

Ling Yu and Wei Ying exchanged glances, Wei Ying stepped forward to take the second brocade box, and after checking the documents in it, he nodded lightly to Ling Yu, Ling Yu looked overjoyed, and said: "This sect is indeed There are some secret businesses that, although not worth 400,000 taels, are still worth 300,000 taels, but in this way, you have suffered a great loss. I don’t believe that you are willing to suffer losses. It's a big deal, and we can all discuss it."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and said, "Actually, there is nothing we can do. Although the business in Nanchu is good, as long as the three characters of Jinxiu Alliance are involved in Nanchu, it will be a disaster for the family, so although these industries are rich, right We did not have any greater help, but in Dayong, because Dayong's court did not detest our Jinxiu Alliance, so we have a lot to do, and this exchange will not cause us much loss. However, if Fairy and Lord Wei Agreed, we do have a small request, which is a personal request from a guest of our league, he wants your family..." Finally, the middle-aged man lowered his voice so that only Wei Ying who was close at hand could hear it.

Wei Ying frowned, walked back to Ling Yu, and said something in a low voice, Ling Yu was about to refuse subconsciously, but Wei Ying said a few words in a low voice. Ling Yu looked a little hesitant, and after a while, she silently turned around and went back. Wei Ying smiled slightly and asked the middle-aged man, "This request seems a bit strange. Is she worth 300,000 taels of silver alone?"

The middle-aged man said in a low voice, "Young Master Wei, to be honest, this is a personal grievance between the guest of this alliance and her. This guest of this alliance has made great contributions. This is his only request, and our leader also agrees. Now, in fact, our losses are not too big. Those gold and silver are also some ill-gotten gains. The most hope of this alliance is to become an ally with your family. In the future, you will be in Nanchu, and we will be in Dayong. The court, for this purpose, what are these gold and silver. As for whether we want this person, it is just an additional requirement. To put it bluntly, she used to be a clan with a distinguished status, which is naturally very important to the noble family, but now She is just a cripple with a completely ruined appearance. If you talk about martial arts, you are much stronger than her. If you talk about intelligence, you don't need her. When she gets to Nanchu, her only useful identity in the Dayong clan is probably only harmful. , there is no benefit, she is completely worthless to you, but this alliance can use her life in exchange for the loyalty of a guest, this is a good deal, but what about this person, let alone 300,000 taels , even a tael of silver is not worth it. But if it can be exchanged for your cooperation, let alone 300,000 taels, it is worth another 300,000 taels."

Wei Ying sighed: "Your alliance has talents like you, no wonder Fengyi Sect always did nothing to you in the past. These days, our news is blocked, and we don't know what the situation is. Do you have any news?"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and said, "Young Master Wei is worried about Ling Zun, please rest assured, I heard that King Yong is still merciful to Ling Zun, but he has temporarily placed Ling Zun under house arrest, but Ling Zun is now disheartened and begged for death several times. No, now he is sick in bed."

Wei Ying sighed and said, "It's all me who killed my father. I wonder if your alliance can do me a favor and let my father not suffer like this."

The middle-aged man's eyes froze. He had already heard what Wei Ying meant. In this case, it was impossible to rescue Wei Guan. Wei Guan was the prime minister, known to the world, and he had no peerless martial arts. It is impossible to escape the pursuit, Wei Ying's request turned out to want the Splendid Alliance to kill his father.

Seeing that his expression changed drastically, Wei Ying said in a low voice: "It's not that I'm cruel, my father is loyal to the Dayong court, the so-called know son is more like a father, no matter what I do in the future, as long as there is no cover of family affection, my father will take a look See through, this is really not good for me, and my father is loyal, if he commits suicide, the court will not implicate the clansmen for the credit of his father in the past, this is also Wei Ying's painstaking efforts, and I also ask Your Excellency to do it."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and said: "This matter will be reported to the leader of the alliance. If it is feasible, the leader of the alliance will start. If it is not feasible, we will not be able to get in touch with your family for the time being. As long as your honor is not dead, the son will know. The result of this matter.”

Wei Ying nodded with satisfaction: "There is one more thing, although there are some rumors about the death of the Fengyi Sect Master in the Hunting Palace, I don't know if it is true or not. There is news from your alliance."

The middle-aged human said: "Our alliance leader personally went out to investigate this matter, and it should be 70% likely to be true, because the 18 Arhats of Shaolin Temple went to the hunting palace, and only 12 people came back. Master Cizhen will retreat to recuperate as soon as he comes back. I'm afraid The death of the master of Fengyi's body is true, but the Dayong court is reluctant to publicize it."

Wei Ying said: "Of course, the Northern Han Demon Sect sect master and the sect master had an oath, if the sect master died, Jing Wuji would no longer be bound by the oath, so it is understandable for the court to keep a secret, if your alliance will publicize this matter Going out, the Northern Han Demon Sect will definitely be ready to move, won't it be beneficial to us at that time?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said: "This matter is of great importance and cannot be decided by the next, but if this happens, the invasion of the Demon Sect will inevitably affect our power, so our leader is afraid that it will not agree."

Wei Ying said with a smile: "There is no impermeable wall in the world. This matter will spread out sooner or later. If your alliance plans well, you can take the opportunity to seek benefits."

The middle-aged man was a little moved, but he didn't speak. Wei Ying knew that it was the best policy to stop, so he did not continue to persuade.

Not long after, a woman in green clothes walked out of the farm. Although she knew just by her appearance that she was no longer young, her appearance was still gorgeous and luxurious. Behind her were two swordsmen, who were carrying a comatose woman on a stretcher. The woman's face was covered with a thick strip of white cloth, and she couldn't see her face.

A hint of joy flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes. He turned around and made a gesture. A man in black appeared from the darkness. His appearance was all hidden behind a veil. , carefully inspected the red mole on the woman's waist, then nodded and stepped back. Seeing his secret movement and deep inner strength, he knew that this person must be extraordinary. The middle-aged man waved his hand in satisfaction, and the two teenagers beside him took the stretcher and carried the woman down.

The middle-aged man handed the two brocade boxes to Wei Ying and said, "The covenant has been established, please accept these things with a smile, but we'd better leave some contact information, and we can exchange information when you have established a firm foothold in Nanchu. One day, Dayong will be destroyed by internal and external troubles."

A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the woman in Tsing Yi, and said, "These days will not be long, this time the Dayong civil strife, the Northern Han will definitely take advantage of the fire, and when we control the Southern Chu Dynasty, we will attack from both sides. It is difficult for the ruler and his ministers to sleep and eat.”

The middle-aged man said with great joy: "If this is the case, our Jinxiu Alliance will definitely take the opportunity to launch a civil uprising, and we should work together inside and outside to call Dayong the subjugation of the country."

The two sides talked about some contact codes. The middle-aged man left with satisfaction. Everyone in Fengyi Sect could faintly see that in the darkness, there were many people in black covering each other and retreating. When they saw the crossbows in their hands, everyone gasped. He breathed a sigh of relief, if he had just made a big fight, then he would have suffered heavy casualties long ago, and the Splendid Alliance, who dared to appear in Dayong, really had a very different response.

At this time, Xiao Lan, who looked haggard, walked out of the farm and walked to the woman in Tsing Yi: "Uncle Shi, although that person can't see his face, I can see that he behaves a bit like a person, but that person has already died. , so I'm not sure."

The lady in Tsing Yi, the former Concubine Ji said, "It's okay, just talk about it, I trust your eyesight."

Xiao Lan said solemnly: "That man looks very much like the guard Xia Jinyi next to the prince, but he died long ago over the matter of Chun Concubine."

Ji Xia thought for a moment, then clasped her palms and said, "Maybe it is this person, I can't imagine that the Jinxiu Alliance is so vicious, no wonder they want Li Hanyou, I heard Li Hanyou's true life experience, that's right, it seems that the Jinxiu Alliance and us It really is a sincere cooperation, alright, get ready, we will leave immediately, and we will be safe from the Dayong Territory as soon as possible."

Everyone agreed in unison. They didn't know much about Li Hanyou's real life experience, but since Ji Xia said so, it was a sure thing, so she didn't rush to ask questions. It was the most important thing that the Dayong court discovered their whereabouts.

When Li Hanyou was woken up by the cold water, she immediately subconsciously wanted to go to the sword beside her, but she felt empty. She opened her eyes and was shocked to realize that she was lying on the cold ground, and in front of her, A man in black stood with his back to him and his hands behind him. Beside him, two teenagers were looking at him. One of them was holding an empty basin in his hand. It was obviously that he woke him up.

Li Hanyou tried her best to recall, but she only remembered that before she fell asleep, she drank the wound medicine that Ji Xia personally brought over, and then became unconscious and angered, she said coldly, "But they betrayed me?"

The man in black said coldly: "Exactly, we exchanged 200,000 taels of silver notes and 400,000 taels of property with your door. The price your door paid was 300,000 taels of property and you."

Li Hanyou's heart is as cold as ice. These days, her spirit has long been close to collapse. The day and night fleeing, the wounds, and the blow of losing power have already made her extremely painful. Now that Fengyi has abandoned her, she is even more cold. Frustrated, the resentment of being betrayed and betrayed still burns her heart, but she no longer has the courage to live. She said weakly: "Okay, okay, you kill me, anyway, I, Li Hanyou, have no way to survive."

The man in black turned around and smiled, "No, I won't kill you, that would be too kind to you."

Li Hanyou only heard the harsh screams ringing in her ears. She subconsciously wanted to cover her ears, but then she realized that it was herself who was screaming loudly. She pointed at the man in black with trembling: "Xia Jinyi, you are still alive, why are you not dead?"

Dong Que smiled slightly, he deliberately removed the disguise, and deliberately made the same attire as before, so it was not surprising that Li Hanyou recognized him at a glance. He said, "Yes, I should have died a long time ago, but I was not reconciled, so I came back from under Huangquan, Qiao Cuiyun, you killed my parents, Xiuchun and my unborn child. Do you think there will be today?"

Li Hanyou slowly shrank back, her heart was full of panic, the only clan identity that could be used as a facade, was worthless in front of the man in front of her, she subconsciously argued: "I'm not Qiao Cuiyun, I'm Li Hanyou, The beloved daughter of King Jingjiang, I—"

Dong Que began to laugh, the laughter was full of sarcasm and hatred, and after a while, he said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, it's too cheap for you, the pheasant also wants to pretend to be a phoenix, there is no such good thing in the world, Qiao Cuiyun , you're stupid. Do you know what I'm going to do with you?"

Li Hanyou felt a chill in her heart. If this person wanted to kill her, she was not afraid, but he said she would not kill her, but Li Hanyou felt a chill in her heart. She naturally knew what the most painful thing for a woman was. She suddenly patted her heavenly spirit and wanted to commit suicide, but who knew that when she lifted her palm, it fell weakly, and she was horrified to find that her inner strength had disappeared without a trace, and then whispered in her ears. Here comes Dong Que's laughter.

Dong Que said word by word, "Qiao Cuiyun, don't worry, I know what you're thinking, but now that your appearance is ruined, even if I want to sell you into a brothel, I'm afraid no one will buy you. But you know, Some people in the deep mountains and old forests often have no wives at the age of 30 or 40 because women outside are unwilling to marry into the mountains. Although your appearance is ruined, your body is still enough to satisfy them. I have chosen for you. A family, that is a pair of brothers, they are almost forty years old, but they can't marry a wife, so they are willing to use the gold and silver they have accumulated over the years to buy a woman as their wife, as long as they can have children, For them, they are already satisfied. I have already sent someone to tell them that I have a woman in my hands, who was divorced from her husband's family and disfigured because of her disobedience to women, but her figure is very attractive, and her body is very beautiful. If you are healthy, there is nothing wrong with having ten or eight children. I want to sell them at a low price. They have already expressed their willingness to accept you.”

With a terrifying look on Li Hanyou's face, Dong Que continued: "But in order to protect their lives, I can't let you marry them intact, so I have already abolished your martial arts, so you can't Resist them, and after the internal force dissipates, you can also get pregnant and give birth to a child smoothly. But you know a lot, and it is easy to kill two hunters, so I am going to cut your tendons and hamstrings by five points with golden needles. In this way, although you can barely walk and pick up some light things, but because I will tell them that you once intended to kill your husband, they will guard you closely, and you will never kill your husband again. But there is one more thing, you have learned so many things, if you teach them to your children, you will have endless troubles, so I will mutilate your dumb holes, unable to speak, in the deep mountains where no one can read What else do you have to teach them? Anyway, for the brothers, they just want a woman, they won't mind that you are an ugly crippled, and, to be honest, your body is enough for them enjoyed it."

Li Hanyou began to collapse, she seemed to see the flames of hell, she shouted and backed away, trying to avoid Dong Que, but Dong Que ignored her and continued: "I'm not worried that you will be crazy, women's endurance is very Strong, and the pair of brothers will not abuse you. For them, you are a treasure to be cherished. Although they are strong and strong, they will inevitably ask for excessive, but with your body that has practiced martial arts, you can definitely bear it. Yes, well, they've been waiting in a hurry. I'll do it now, don't be afraid."

Dong Que stepped forward and held Li Hanyou's delicate body, stared into her eyes and said, "When you are in the mountains, you might as well think about the glory and wealth in the past, although it is just a dream for you, after you wake up from the dream , you are not a royal princess, not even a princess, or even a famous woman. Unfortunately, a dream is a dream after all, a spring dream has no trace, you are just Qiao Cuiyun, but you don’t have the in-laws and husband who love you. That's it."

Li Hanyou, no, Qiao Cuiyun, as soon as silver teeth bite, she will bite her tongue and commit suicide, but Dong Que has restrained her acupuncture point and whispered: "You want to bite your tongue and commit suicide, it's not that easy, originally I wanted to pull your teeth out. Yes, but that is too ugly, so I specially learned a method of puncturing acupuncture points, which can make the muscles of your cheeks unable to forcefully exert force. In this way, even if you want to bite your tongue and commit suicide, you will not be able to achieve your goal, at most It's just some blood, I don't believe you have the courage to try many times, and one of your two husbands will always be with you, you don't want to commit suicide, and if your will to die is too determined, in order not to lose it Precious possessions, even I can't think of what they'll do, will they gag you and tie you up, or something else?"

Li Hanyou couldn't bear it any longer. He tilted his head and fell into a coma. This time, Dong Que did not force her to wake up, because he knew that if this continued, Li Hanyou would go crazy, but as long as she fell into a coma and waited for her After waking up, it will not be crazy because of this, which is also the way people protect themselves. He looked at the unconscious Li Hanyou, his eyes were full of fiery flames, and said, "Qiao Cuiyun, when you wake up again, you should already be in the deep mountains, you have practiced martial arts and have a strong will, that will make you not easily crazy. , bear your retribution soberly, what could be more appropriate than this punishment?"

The two teenagers standing next to each other looked at each other with a look of horror in their eyes. They all knew the grievances Dong Que and Li Hanyou had only seen, but Dong Que's way of revenge still made them a little jealous, but they didn't know it. The reason to stop it is that Li Hanyou once assassinated the son. They knew this for a long time. Thinking of the situation of the son, no matter what kind of punishment Li Hanyou encountered, they would not be soft-hearted.

When Dong Que walked out of the secret room, he saw that Chen Zhen was waiting for him, Dong Que stepped forward and said, "Thank you, Director Chen for your help, Dong Que is very grateful."

Chen Zhen smiled slightly, handed him a piece of tissue paper, and said: "The above is the dark rudder we found out following the whereabouts of Fengyimen this time, this is the information that the son wants to get, please submit it, and please report it to the son. , everything has been arranged, as long as the son gives an order, you can act."

Dong Que took the piece of paper and said: "I will report to the son immediately after I go back, and Director Chen can rest assured. Please tell Manager Han about the secret properties of Fengyi Sect, so that he can receive it quickly, so as to avoid the loss of Tianji Pavilion this time. It's too big." Chen Zhen smiled and said, "Brother Han has already gone to do it, but his temper is very anxious?" The two smiled at each other and said goodbye.