The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 118: I am reliant


Lu Can stood on the deck, looking at the boundless blue sea. It was clear that the weather was sunny and windy, but he felt lonely in his heart. Although he had known for a long time that the man was already an important official of Dayong, he was deeply loved by the Dayong royal family. He trusted and married the former queen, Princess Changle of Ningguo of Dayong, but Lu Can couldn't have any hostility towards that person in his heart. He could be said to know the man very well. In the past, Jiang Zhe was only in his teens when he was his Xixi, so naturally he was not as deep as he is now. Lu Can deeply remembers that Jiang Zhe's favorite thing is to be lazy. Except for the time limit, he was never too lazy to supervise his studies. At first, he often went out to go shopping or play, but he was very quiet after all. Just took an ancient book, brewed a pot of fragrant tea, sat in the shade of a tree and read with relish. However, this person is also very tempting. As long as he brings some novel and delicious cakes, he can probably make him promise to do his homework for him, or do some other trivial things. Thinking of this, Lu Can couldn't help laughing, but the smile soon disappeared.

He knew that his master was the most unambitious in his life. After becoming the champion in Nanchu, apart from the fact that he was very attentive in setting up the Chongwen Temple, and he once assisted Prince De in his attack on Shu, he was basically a corpse meal. , so when the news came that Jiang Zhe was reprimanded for his direct remarks, Lu Can's first thought was, Master didn't want to take the opportunity to get away, right? But no, Master still stayed in Jianye. At that time, Lu Can was ashamed to think that maybe he thought badly. Now that Master is a dignified Hanlin bachelor, how can he be measured by the previous standards. But not long after that, King Yong defeated Jianye, and his teacher was taken captive to Dayong. When Lu Can got the accurate news, everything had changed. His teacher joined King Yong and was seriously injured by the assassins of Southern Chu. In such a situation, Lu Can could no longer have the idea of saving his teacher. Because Lu Can has already understood that Nan Chu has forever lost a pillar who could have become the Jade Pillar.

Next, Lu Can silently paid attention to Jiang Zhe's affairs. Jiang Zhe, who had always been unknown, was a blockbuster in the change of the hunting palace, turned the tide, and then abandoned the glory and wealth and eloped with Princess Changle. Although it is a pity that Dayong was finally mastered by a powerful monarch, Lu Can silently prayed that his mentor could enjoy the rest of his life, because he had also obtained information and knew that his mentor had done his best for King Yong. It was already terminally ill.

But not long ago, a letter from Jiang Zhe made him fully understand that Jiang Zhe would not go into hiding before Dayong did not rule the world. The murderous intention that had been in his heart for a long time finally broke out. Lu Can only had one thought in his heart. If Jiang Zhe continued to serve Dayong, then the last sacrifice would be Nan Chu. Lu Can couldn’t just watch the fall of his family and country, no matter the country. Whether the master is stupid or Shengming, Lu Can can't let Nan Chu, who has been loyal to the three generations of the Lu family, become a trophy under Dayong's iron hoof, so Lu Can makes up his mind to get rid of Jiang Zhe while protecting himself. In fact, Lu Can was not completely sure of persuading the Northern Han to kill Jiang Zhe, but he also knew that this was the only chance, so he had to try his best. He believed that the best way to deal with Jiang Zhe was not to plan to move later, but to attack with the fastest action, with the most violent offensive, and with direct means. Although he did not have 100% confidence, Lu Can, who had already realized that Jiang Zhe was not particularly wary of himself, believed that he was very likely to succeed.

Killing an enemy, it can even be said to be a rebellion, should have been a pleasant thing, but why is there such pain in his heart, Lu Can sighed in admiration.

In the same clear sky, Lin Bi felt a sense of disappointment in her heart. She knew that according to the time, it should be the time when King Qi and Jiang Zhe were ambushed by Quartz. Such as the sea, the military advisors with the means to the sky, if these two people die, the Northern Han can rest at ease for at least a few years. These two people gave Lin Bi a very good impression. Although King Qi was a bit murderous and his temperament seemed to be a bit violent, Lin Bi could feel the sadness and pain in Li Xian's heart, and King Qi was essentially a man of temperament. This made Lin Bi feel a little more favorable and appreciated for him. She even compared Li Xian with Long Tingfei. Although Long Tingfei was obviously better than Li Xian, Lin Bi faintly felt that Long Tingfei was too perfect. In addition to her respect and admiration, she was also a little ashamed. She always felt that if she was not Princess Jiaping, she would not be worthy of Long Tingfei at all. But Li Xian is different. There are advantages and obvious shortcomings. Instead, it makes Lin Bi feel quite lovable and lovely, and the loneliness that Li Xian shows from time to time makes Lin Bi feel a little more pity. Bi only regarded Li Xian as an enemy, so she didn't think so, but when Li Xian was likely to die, Lin Bi couldn't help but think of Li Xian's voice and smile.

As for Jiang Zhe, the sinister and terrifying counselor in the center of the rumors, what he brought to Lin Bi was a cloud of mist. I still remember that when we first met him, he was calm and elegant, which made people admire him spontaneously, and even remember listening to Tao Pavilion. His childishness is revealed, and the other side of childlike innocence still exists. This person, Lin Bi faintly felt, maybe many people have misunderstood him, or he is a calm and harmless alien, only when you offend him, he will Showing a hideous face.

There is also the gentle and elegant Princess Changle. Lin Bi can feel her peace and joy. The rough life in the past seems to have no shadow in her, but Lin Bi knows in her heart that this is what this woman is worthy of admiration for. One woman can face the scars of the past calmly, how many women can give up the power and wealth that is at your fingertips, and go hand in hand with the sick lover to the vast future

There is also Rou Lan, the little girl who is well-loved but not arrogant, and Jiang Shen, the poor boy who was "heartlessly betrayed" by his father who didn't understand human affairs. Lin Bi felt a sharp pain in her heart. What kind of people's happiness is being destroyed!

After the pain, Lin Bi finally picked up her melancholy mood. She told herself that no matter how lovable and respectable those people were, they were all enemies of the Northern Han Dynasty, and their deaths might be exchanged for the survival of countless Northern Han soldiers. Gradually regaining her calm mood, Lin Bi whispered, "This is fate. If it is me who fails, then I am willing to bear all the consequences."

On the way to Chang'an, Princess Changle looked indifferently at the sky in the distance among the rushing Princess Luan drivers. This time, the Dayong court gave enough face, and Princess Changle entered under the escort of King Li Kang of Qing Dynasty. After Dayong's sphere of influence, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan and Yong Emperor Li Zhi each issued an edict to announce to the world.

"November of the twenty-fifth year of Wuwei, when I was in power, Gu Nianning, Princess Changle's widow, lived in solitude, and gave marriage to Sima Jiangzhe, the commander-in-chief of Tiance, but Sima was ill because of state affairs. , Yicheng six rituals, and the documents of the Ministry of Rites are all complete. Now that the concubine has recovered from illness, I miss it very much, and I specially ordered to return to the court, and I respect this."

"The commander-in-chief Jiang Zhe, who is known for his meritorious service to the country, has been granted the title of Marquis of Chu Township and 3,000 households in Shiyi. I have conferred the Qian residence as the residence of Princess Changle of Ningguo. The eldest daughter, Rou Lan, was conferred the title of Zhaohua County Lord, and a thousand households in the food town. I respect this."

These two decrees not only easily covered up the fact that Princess Changle had eloped that day, but also made Jiang Zhe a vassal, and even made Jiang Zhe's eldest son Jiang Shen, who was only one year old, as a prince. Now, even Jiang Zhe's adopted daughter was named the county master. With such a reward, even those who have no eyesight know that Jiang Zhe and his wife are deeply favored by the royal family, and no one dares to mention what happened back then.

But Princess Changle was very indifferent. When she left, she had already given up everything. If it wasn't for the unstable situation in Dayong, or even the heaviest gift, Princess Changle would not be able to return to Chang'an, much less her husband. Enter Huanhai. But Princess Changle also knows the difficulty. Now that her husband has gone to the northern front line, if he stays in the East China Sea, not to mention Jiang Zhe will worry about his own safety, even the royal family can't help but worry about who belongs to the front line military power. If he did not enter the capital as a hostage, even if the imperial brother believed in his wife and his wife, those ministers would also secretly advise him. Instead of letting those people have doubts in their hearts, it's better to be more automatic. Therefore, the matter of Princess Changle's entry into Beijing has long been decided.

Sighing lightly, if there is still a choice, Princess Changle would rather stay in the East China Sea and not ask about the world, but unfortunately this is impossible.

At this time, Rou Lan jumped on top of Luan Jia excitedly, and asked, "Mother, what about Shen'er, see how I made a wreath for Shen'er."

Chang Le glanced at the delicate garland and smiled: "It's very beautiful. Did Lin'er teach you? I think you were just muttering with him."

Rou Lan blinked and said, "That's not it, Brother Lin can only dance with knives and swords, how could he be able to weave garlands? I learned it from Shang Yi. I just saw that Brother Lin was lonely, so I went there. Who made the third uncle go so far as to talk to him, not letting Brother Lin ride with me in the same car, saying that I am the princess, even though Brother Lin is also a son of the royal family, but he has no title, and he said that he should avoid suspicion and not let us Sit together."

A coldness flashed in Princess Changle's eyes, and she said lightly, "Lan'er, go and tell your third uncle, that Shen'er has always been occupied by Master Cizhen, and it's very lonely for me to ride the Luan car alone, let Lin'er and you. Ride with me."

Rou Lan was overjoyed and said, "I'll go tell him now." After saying that, she jumped off the Luan Jia and ran to King Qing's carriage excitedly, followed by guards behind her.

Princess Changle thought to herself: Before leaving with the clouds, you want me to take good care of Lin'er, how can I watch him being bullied. I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the third brother who had not been masked for a long time.

At this time, the sky was like a wash, and a group of autumn wild geese whistled past. Princess Changle felt a tightness in her heart when she heard it, and she couldn't help but look north. I wonder if your husband has arrived at the camp

"Ah" I sneezed loudly, and then I heard King Qi's snickering sound and gave him a stern look. If I really had to stab that Northern Han army to death, he would probably cry now if he wanted to. Can't cry. It was a fluke, because I thought that there might be danger at any time after I went to the battlefield, so I specially crafted a golden robe to protect my body. This golden robe is a strange thing recorded in ancient books. The specialty purple golden sand is mixed with the soft copper refined from the exotic Uzi. After smelting, it is drawn into purple gold wire. This kind of purple gold wire is as thin as hair and extremely flexible, but it can also lift a thousand jins. This kind of purple gold wire is mixed with Western gold. The thin thread spun from the orangutan's hair is woven into a piece of underwear that is as thin as a cicada's wings. When you wear it, you don't even notice it, but it is invulnerable. Not to mention that the craftsmanship of making clothes is very complicated. , in order to save my life, I spent tens of millions of gold and silver and countless thoughts, and that's it, I am not at ease, and I specially made a cyan cloak, with three pieces of cowhide sewn into the interlayer, which is the material for making leather armor, although It's not as invulnerable as my golden robe, but it can protect the whole body, and it's better than nothing. Although I spent a lot of time and money, it was worth the money. Although the lance stabbed me in the back and knocked me off the suspension bridge, it didn't hurt me, and it also lost most of my strength. Of course, this is also true. Because that Northern Han soldier didn't have much strength at all. But at the end of autumn, the spring water was cold, and there were still blood and blood mixed in the moat, and my water ability was barely able to float on the water, so I suffered a lot after falling into the water. , Knowing that I should not be injured, they rushed over and rescued me. I was afraid that I would drown if I didn't get stabbed to death. Whoever made King Qi think that I was hit in the heart, they were afraid that I would die. Can't react. However, after suffering such a big loss, after being fished out of the water, I vomited into darkness again. In front of King Qi, I lost all face, so how could I not be depressed? Not to mention the cold water, my body is not as good as ordinary people after all, and I have contracted the cold, which is really bad for me to be a teacher.

A trace of worry flashed in Xiao Shunzi's eyes, and he asked, "Young Master, do you want to rest for a few more days before setting off? Your health has never been good. If you don't take good care of it, your subordinates will be really worried."

I said lazily, "No, this is not a safe place. Although the Northern Han army has retreated, we still need to beware that they will have a large army coming, so it is better to get to the camp soon. Moreover, the matter of His Royal Highness King Qi leaving the camp. Originally, it was hidden from the soldiers below, but now everyone knows it. If His Royal Highness does not return to the main camp to preside over the overall situation, I am afraid that the army will be disadvantaged. Don't worry, I just suffered a little bit, and I can rest in the main camp. , better than being stuck on the road. By the way, is the stove hot?"

Xiao Shunzi hurriedly fetched the prepared hand stove, I held it in my arms, tightened the cloak, and said, "I'll sweat a lot on the way, you don't need to worry about me, and wake me up when I get to the camp. Let's go." After speaking, I lay comfortably on the carriage and closed my eyes. King Qi looked at me amusedly, took off his cloak and put it on me, then jumped out of the carriage and got on the war horse. Seeing Huyanshou with a distressed face, he asked, "Huyanshou, what's the matter? , I've seen you have a bitter face since yesterday?"

Hu Yanshou said bitterly: "When the last was about to leave, His Majesty once said that he ordered me to protect Mr. Jiang well, and also said that if Mr. Jiang suffered any damage, he would be punished heavily, and now Mr. Jiang has suffered a lot not only because of the hasty march. Suffering, and falling into the water again, and suffering from the wind and cold, I am afraid that if the emperor knows, he will be angry with me and the lack of protection."

King Qi comforted: "This king has nothing to do, but why do you worry, is it possible that the emperor will send people again, and besides, you have also lost a lot of people in order to protect Suiyun, although Suiyun is now a little frightened , but there is not much damage, it is always good anyway, and besides, the emperor has always been rewarded and punished, in the future, you will do your best, and let Suiyun give you a few good words, can the emperor still blame you?"

After hearing this, Huyanshou felt a little relieved, and he couldn't help but look at King Qi gratefully. He was just in the game, and he couldn't help but be confused. Now that King Qi has pointed his joints through, he naturally understood, and his heart said that it was unexpected to meet the enemy. For other matters, it is already a great achievement to be able to keep the peace of His Royal Highness King Qi and Lord Jiang now. Your Majesty has a clear view of thousands of miles, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined.

I heard their words clearly in the car. Although the distance was a little farther, it was naturally no problem for me. I couldn't help but sighed in my heart. The King of Qi, Li Xian, really cared and cared for his officers and men. Huyanshou was originally a close follower of King Yong, and as long as he was his subordinate, King Qi would treat him equally. No wonder he was able to win the hearts of the army and arouse the worries of important officials in the court

In terms of talent and bearing, Li Xian is actually not weaker than the current emperor Li Zhi, but he has the same big flaw, that is, his stubbornness and extremeness. Although this is a flaw, it can also be regarded as an advantage, just because Li Xian can become a Today, Dayong is the leader of the generals because of his irreversible aura. Since Li Xian led the army, it is not that he has not been defeated, but Li Xian is not discouraged when he is defeated. In addition, he is proficient in battle formations and has a brave nature. Every time he loses, he will bring his own troops to break the aftermath, so even if he loses, he will not be discouraged. It will hurt the bones. And Li Xian is good at learning lessons from experience, and when he makes a comeback, it will be more ferocious, which is very headache. After many years of fighting, Dayong is like a fierce general, but if he wants to find a person who can hold down the arrogant soldiers in the army, besides Li Zhi, there is only Li Xian, the king of Qi.

Comparing the two brothers, Li Zhi is thoughtful, invincible in attack and invincible in battle. It can be said that he is Dayong's military god and leader, while Li Xian is Dayong's sharp blade and the idol of soldiers in the army. There are winners and losers, but he is unyielding when he fights, leads the army and takes the lead in the battle, and when he loses, he breaks the back. King Yong, most of the soldiers were in awe, but for King Qi, they were a little more close. In terms of military spirit, King Yong’s subordinates are naturally loyal, but King Qi’s subordinates are not inferior. When King Qi was hunting for the palace that day, if King Qi made up his mind to live and die with King Yong Yibo, then King Yong would most likely still be in the end. Victory, but Dayong's national strength will inevitably decline because of this. This is also the most headache for King Yong and me in advance. If it weren't for a series of changes, maybe we would have started with King Qi before the accident in the Hunting Palace.

King Qi's stubbornness and extremeness made him the most troublesome enemy of the enemy on the battlefield. If he were to face King Shang Yong, basically, the enemy was already defeated. , If you face King Qi, although the enemy may win, as long as you can't leave King Qi on the battlefield, you will face a stormy counterattack and endless revenge. That kind of pressure will probably make the enemy general want to start. lost. King Qi was able to resist the talented Long Tingfei. In addition to his military talents, it was mainly because of his determination that Long Tingfei could not succeed in one fell swoop. It is equally shared by the progressives of King Qi.

However, this obvious advantage has become an obvious disadvantage in political and family affairs. If it were not for this, King Qi would not have ended up in today's dilemma. According to my investigation and judgment, in order to occupy the position of chief military officer, His Royal Highness King Qi, Tie Xin turned to Prince Li An, and his marriage with Fengyi Sect Qin Zheng naturally meant a political marriage, but Li Xian really did not care about Qin Zheng. He had been moved by his true feelings, but Qin Zheng had a constant relationship with his division, which violated King Qi's iniquity. King Qi had a strong desire for monopoly, so in order to control the power in the army, he knew that Li Zhi should succeed him. However, he still served as the prince, and because of Qin Zheng's weakness and sway, he was excluded from his heart. If King Qi was not so stubborn, maybe he would be loyal to King Yong that day, and he would not end up in the pattern of today's monarchs and ministers. If King Qi was not so extreme, he would not alienate Qin Zheng. It is possible that Qin Zheng abandons Fengyimen in the end, and Xiaoshuang will not splatter blood, and the tragedy of husband and wife forever happens.

On the other hand, if King Qi was not so stubborn and extreme, and cooperated with the prince and Fengyimen wholeheartedly, and did not alienate the prince and Fengyimen because of the contempt and bitterness in his heart, the change of the hunting palace, who would kill the deer

It is because of King Qi's eccentric personality that he is in today's predicament. I heard that King Qi was saddened by the death of his concubine Qin Zheng and refused to continue. This is also the rumor that the emperor and King Qi were at odds everywhere. The reason, but in my opinion, although King Qi has a relationship with Qin Zheng, it may not be so deeply unforgettable, but it is very likely because King Qi has in his heart that he should not give up the fight with Fengyi Sect in the past. Qin Zheng was deeply immersed in the mud, and finally committed suicide. This kind of mood may be the reason why King Qi fell into an inextricable knot.

In fact, I always feel that King Qi has repeatedly rejected the emperor's good intentions. It is not because he is not willing to reconcile with the emperor. I am afraid that the knot is still difficult to overcome, and there are no steps to go down, but this is not a long-term solution. After all, the emperor is the emperor. Years, I can't bear it for ten or eight years. Besides, even if the emperor can bear it, those important ministers will repeatedly remonstrate, every day, even if the emperor believes that His Royal Highness King Qi will not object, and he can't be too arbitrary. At that time, I am afraid that King Qi will not be able to lead the army. This will make King Qi even more resentful. If such a handsome talent is destroyed in vain, I will not be reconciled. Besides, if King Qi is reconciled with the emperor, it must be It is a firm heart to be loyal to the emperor, and when the days of the Yongjiang Mountains are solid, I will be able to go back to seclusion with peace of mind. It’s rare that King Qi finally took a step back and came to find me to save the siege. How could I let go of this good opportunity? The emperor is also a shrewd person. Although I didn’t communicate with me in advance, we thought of going together. , must be able to make His Royal Highness King Qi convince himself. And it was also a coincidence that a arrogant and stubborn person like King Qi actually liked Shen Er very much, and even promised to marry Zhengfei again. As long as King Qi was moved, I would have a way to melt the ice in his heart and think of a bright future. , I couldn't help but smile. When their brothers and ministers are in harmony, there should be nothing to do with me. Now, it's just that there is one less step between them, so I will be wronged and act as this step. As for military affairs, I will not interfere.

I was thinking happily when Hu Yanshou suddenly knocked on the door of the car and said, "Young Master, the emperor's will has reached the main camp. His Highness asked if we need to speed up the trip."

I frowned. Since the attack, King Qi has not cared about any secrets, but in one night, dozens of military orders have been passed down. Now Zezhou and Zhenzhou are full of turmoil. There are thousands of guard troops, and there is an endless stream of troops who have received military orders to protect King Qi. This army is very expensive to move, and the march plan has been set. If you speed up the trip now, it will not affect the military. I'm afraid I have to ride lightly on the road, I can't bear the pain.

At this time, Xiao Shunzi said softly, "Is King Qi afraid that he doesn't want to march in a hurry?"

I moved in my heart and thought about it carefully. It was true. I listened to King Qi's tone, but I didn't want to be accused of neglecting the imperial envoy, so let me refuse it. I smiled in my heart. He wants to use me as a shield, but since he also has the heart to reconcile with the emperor, I will help him. Thinking of this, he said, "Please tell Your Highness, let's just follow the planned itinerary. The imperial envoy is here to pass the decree. I'm afraid I also have a share. If we hurry up, I'm afraid that my life will be on the road."

Sure enough, after I said it, King Qi didn't bother again. If it was in the past, I'm afraid King Qi would speed up his march if he didn't ask or ask, or just ignored him. Wang won't do things with his temper, but he wants to use me as a shield, but he has to pay a price, and I always have to get it back.