The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 12: Poison Chain


〖In December of the nineteenth year of Xiande, the army of Southern Chu fought in Luocheng, and at that time, King Li Zhi of Yong fought in Jiameng Pass. Not long after, there were rumors that Dayong and the generals of Shu had made peace. Prince Zhao Jue of De was very uneasy. Ce Jiangzhe talked for a long time, the next day, the Chu army attacked the city very urgently. On the 19th day of the 12th month, Luo city was destroyed, and the general Wei Xianzhong was ambushed and killed. The next morning, he attacked the city again. He was lured into a heavy siege. One day after the battle, the people were trapped and the horses were exhausted. Prince De personally summoned him to surrender. Long refused to obey, so he killed himself in anger. The king sighed, collected the bones, and buried Luocheng.

On December 25th, Jiameng Pass learned that Luocheng had fallen, and the Shu army had no intention to fight. Someone Yun Jiangzhe offered two strategies of breaking the city and dividing the city at this time. Later, a certain encountered Rong Yuan, an adviser of the old Prince of Germany, and asked him about it. Rong Mou pondered for a long time and said yes, but he refused to say the details of the second strategy. , Rong Mou died of illness, and a certain went to sacrifice to him, his son Bai Fuyu, Jiang Suiyun, a genius in the world, Prince Xide dared not use it.

— "The History of Chu in the Southern Dynasties: The Biography of Jiang Suiyun"〗

I put down the pen, Han Zhang had already walked out, opened the courtyard door, and saw a general wearing yellow gold armor and a white brocade robe standing outside. After that, there was a team of bodyguards in white armor. Han Zhang had been in the Southern Chu army for nearly a month. How could he not know this person's identity? Zhao Jue just glanced at him and walked into the house. Rong Yuan made a gesture and followed him in. The other guards immediately surrounded Jiang Zhe's study.

I didn't hear Han Zhang's announcement, and I was feeling strange when I saw Zhao Jue walk in, and quickly stood up according to the etiquette, bowed and said: "Your Highness is here in the humble house, and you are welcome from afar, please forgive your sins, Your Highness. "

Zhao Jue first gave a salute and said, "Zhao Jue has been busy with military affairs recently, so I didn't come to visit Mr. Jiang's condition. Please forgive me."

I said indifferently: "Your Highness holds a heavy army and manages all kinds of opportunities every day. Where do you have time to take care of your lower officials? I don't know what advice you have when you are here today."

Zhao Jue glanced at Rong Yuan, and Rong Yuan hurriedly stepped forward and said apologetically, "Lord Jiang, I have been neglectful a few days ago, and I also invite Sir Haihan."

I naturally said: "Mr. Rong doesn't need to be too polite, the two of you are here in person, there must be important military affairs, please speak bluntly."

Rong Yuan glanced at me ashamed, and said, "Shu State sent envoys to see Li Zhi, King Yong, and asked for peace. Li Zhi did not agree, but he did not refuse." He handed me a lot of information, very detailed, even There are conversations between Li Zhi and Yang Can. After reading it, I couldn't help but smile. This Yang Can has the same name as my first student, Lu Can, and has a similar personality. It is both a threat and an inducement. It's just a pity, I sighed: "The people of Shu are splendid, but unfortunately the Lord of Shu can't use talents. Now the country is in danger, but these talents still don't abandon the Kingdom of Shu. No wonder people say that the people of Shu are loyal and righteous."

Zhao Jue asked, "Why, has Suiyun already seen that Dayong will not accept Shu's request for peace?"

I smiled and said, "If King Yong wanted to agree to make peace, he would ask what the benefits would be, but King Yong only asked about the talents in Shu, clearly intending to recruit talents to govern Shu, so King Yong would not agree to make peace. "

Zhao Jue frowned and said, "Then why did King Yong let such news spread? If Nan Chu knew about it, it would be a bit..."

I said lightly: "King Yong is really powerful, he deliberately let such rumors spread, I am afraid that he wants my Nan Chu to know, as far as the lower officials know, our Nan Chu has not seriously attacked the city during this time. I think Wang Ye It is to hope that King Yong will take Jiameng Pass in a bloody battle, and the defenders of Luocheng will not be able to defend the city with all their strength, and we will be able to obtain Luocheng without any effort."

Zhao Jue and Rong Yuan glanced at each other. This was a decision they had secretly negotiated, but I didn't expect it to be exposed by me, and neither of them acquiesced. I continued: "I think King Yong also felt sorry for his loss, so he used this rumor to force us to make a quick decision. Alas, King Yong is really scary, even if we see through his intentions, what will happen later, the big deal is that King Yong agrees. The reconciliation of the state of Shu will allow us to face the wrath of the state of Shu. Dayong can tolerate the continued existence of the state of Shu. As long as he keeps Yangpingguan, he can occupy the fertile soil of Dongchuan, but we have fought so hard so far, but we can only get hardships and dangers. We have no ability, and we dare not drag it on. If the Shu Kingdom takes a breather, it will definitely attack our Southern Chu who has backed up the alliance, but at this moment, the lower officials have three strategies: upper, middle and lower."

Zhao Jue was confused and asked, "What are the three strategies? Please tell me in detail."

I said straightly: "This strategy is still the same as before, if Dayong can't bear it any longer and takes Jiameng Pass first, then we have achieved our original goal, but if Dayong gets angry and changes his mind and accepts Shu Kingdom If we want to achieve peace, then we will fail completely, and this strategy, the victory or defeat is between King Yong’s thoughts.”

Zhao Jue said sadly: "If the outcome is completely dependent on others, isn't it because people are the swordsman and I am the fish, so what about the middle strategy?"

I said solemnly: "The central strategy is that our army will attack the city with all our strength. As long as we break Luocheng, Dayong will immediately attack Jiameng Pass. When the kingdom of Shu naturally perishes, our gains will exceed expectations, but our losses will also exceed expected."

Zhao Jue frowned, he just didn't want to lose too much, so he didn't want to attack the city with all his strength, he said solemnly: "So what's the best way?"

I smiled lightly: "We attacked the city with Qi, and captured Luocheng, and the loss is not big. When the time comes to fight for the victory in the middle of Shu, if we exercise restraint, we will be able to achieve all our strategic goals."

Zhao Jue raised his brows and said, "But how to use Qi Pocheng?"

I said with confidence: "Now the defending army of Luocheng is divided into two armies, one is defending the city, and the other is camping outside. The enemy army in the camp can see the direction of the fire, then the outside army will definitely think that Luocheng is in danger and come to rescue, we will set up an ambush on the way, wipe out the entire Shu army, and after the foreign aid is cut off, we can concentrate on dealing with the inside of the city. Defenders. At that time, we can attack the city again, and then let people wear the armor of the Shu army and pretend to attack our baggage, making them think that the Shu army outside still exists, and we act as if the baggage was destroyed and hurriedly retreated , lure the Shu army out of the city to hunt down, arrange for the ambush to cut off the back road, trap and kill the main general, what will happen when the city of Luo is not broken?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jue accidentally smashed the tea cup. This strategy was so precise and vicious. He looked at me with new eyes, and I was inexplicable. Zhao Jue finally confirmed that the gentle and elegant young champion in front of him was actually a scheming person. Zhao Jue couldn't help but feel a chill in the feminine and treacherous character. He is a bright and upright person. Although he has used tactics before, he has never seen such a sinister ambush and booby trap. He said goodbye to Jiang Zhe a little unnaturally, and went to arrange the battle.

On the evening of December 16th, the Southern Chu army began to attack Luocheng. Soon, a fire was lit. Wei Xian mistakenly thought that Luocheng was in danger. He rushed from the mountain road, but was ambushed by the Nanchu army. He was killed by Zhao Jue, who was personally involved in the ambush. The Shu army scattered, and the Chu army strictly guarded the passage to prevent Luo Cheng from learning the news.

In the early morning of the 17th day of the 12th month, the Nanchu army attacked again. General Longbu led the defenders to repel several attacks, with heavy casualties. When the time came, the Nanchu army suddenly became confused, and then immediately gathered the retreating troops. Longbu was in the city. I saw a raging fire in the southern Chu camp in the direction of Fushui Pass. At this time, Zhao Jue’s cronies pretended to be scouts of the Shu army, and came to report that Wei Xian burned the Nanchu luggage. Led the iron cavalry to chase from behind, the Nanchu army was defeated and scattered, Longbu chased for twenty miles, but was cut off by the Nanchu army hidden in the mountains, the Nanchu army gathered and formed an ambush, Longbu led seven Thousands of elite soldiers rushed to kill, fought hard all night, blood-stained battle cannons, and were seriously wounded in more than a dozen places on their backs. Finally, they couldn't rush out. All their guards were killed in battle. Finally, they were surrounded by the Nanchu army. Zhao Jue personally persuaded him to surrender, and Long Bu laughed: "There are only decapitated generals in our kingdom of Shu, how can there be people who bow their knees and surrender." After saying that, he raised his sword and killed himself. Zhao Jue sighed and ordered a thick burial.

On the 18th of December, the Southern Chu army retreated to Fushui Pass for repairs. On the 19th of the 19th month, Zhao Jue attacked the city again. Luocheng lost his generals and was unable to defend, so Kaicheng surrendered at dusk.

On December 23rd, Jiamengguan received the news that Luocheng had fallen, and the army was in chaos. Chengdu was completely exposed by the soldiers of Nanchu. On the same day, King Yong Li Zhi attacked the city on a large scale, and the Shu army in the city had no fighting spirit. On December 25, Jiameng Pass fell, and Prime Minister Shen Jun was captured. So far, there is no more pass in the Shu Kingdom that can be defended.

Meng Yun of the Shu Kingdom received the battle report, fainted several times, and cried in the court hall: "It has been 60 years since the founding of the ancestors, and now it has vanished, and even though he is dead, he dare not see his ancestors." After thinking about it again and again, he covered his face and went back to the harem. The courtiers looked at each other and had to disperse.

In the twenty years of Xiande, and the new year of the first month, Dayong and Nanchu were celebrating their victory, and the kingdom of Shu was bleak, waiting for the two armies of Dayong and Nanchu, who were being renovated, to join forces in Chengdu.

The army was full of joy. After I drank a few glasses of wine in the handsome tent, I retired, went back to my residence, lay on the bed, thinking about the future, only Zhao Jue knew about my offer this time, and I also asked him not to spread the word. When I went out, Zhao Jue agreed. He must have felt that my plan was too vicious, but I didn't know that I was leaving Nanchu soon. If people knew about my plan, I'm afraid I would not be at peace for the rest of my life. There wasn't much joy from the victory, because I knew that Han Jang was crying in the room last night, albeit in a low voice, even avoiding his wife.

In fact, compared to my strategy, King Yong's strategy is vicious. It is a dignified and upright design, so that others can take chestnuts for him. At that time, I didn't tell Zhao Jue one thing. King Yong also had another purpose, which was to get my Southern Chu spy. The first-hand information from the Internet, I want to come, in order to collect the information on the reconciliation between Dayong and Nanchu, and then pass the information to Prince De through the middle of Shu, King Yong should take the opportunity to grasp the identity and whereabouts of a lot of my secret agents in Nanchu, and then we can do it. How easy it is to eradicate the forces of Southern Chu. It's not that I didn't tell Prince De intentionally. If they didn't think of this, they would be too slow. What's more, I really didn't dare to offend Dayong, and Zhao Jue's secretive rejection of me made me lose support. his interest.

Alas, I really hoped that Nan Chu would have a bright master of Zhongxing, but Zhao Jue is not the talent of Guan Zhongleyi, but a bit like Uncle Bao.

Nan Chu, is there really no hope, I thought bitterly.

In January of the 20th year of Xiande, the armies on both sides were not in a hurry to make progress. For Shu, this is the last winter. Although the Kingdom of Shu has lost most of its military power, the situation is not easy to appease. I have seen the pride and stubbornness of the people of Shu. In just one month, there have been seven rebellions and twenty-three assassinations. Of course, no one deliberately Against me, I'm not a famous person. Most of the famous people in Shu also refused to surrender. If they couldn't resist, they silently resisted. The situation was so dangerous that Zhao Jue's hair turned white. Obviously winning, but it was so difficult. Finally, a unified opinion was reached. If the king of Shu surrendered, it should be better. Therefore, Dayong and Nan Chu finally decided to advance to the middle of Shu on February 1st ahead of schedule. Chengdu.

Before departure, Zhao Jue came to see me again. Now he likes to see me privately instead of asking for my opinion publicly. He must think that my strategy is too sinister, but I prefer this method, is it safer? It's good for people to know that it's my idea. Besides, I've come up with a lot of ideas during this period of time, and they're all a bit ruthless, so I let Han Zhang go a long time ago. He, a native of Shu, is too dangerous to stay by my side at this time. Now, if he thinks that killing me is worth his family's life, I will be miserable.

In order to protect me, Xiao Shunzi tried his best to find a good candidate in the prison of the Southern Chu army. That person was Chen Zhen, a secret spy killer of the Shu army. After the city was broken, he was captured because he was found out. He had assassinated our army generals many times, and he should have been executed. Moreover, this person has a ruthless personality and a cold nature. He is a character who doesn't care about anything but himself. But Xiao Shunzi just took a fancy to his cold nature and easy to control, and let me take care of Zhao Jue to save him. Zhao Jue felt that he didn't give me anything in return, so he agreed. Xiao Shunzi did it to him with a secret technique. Hands and feet, I was not at ease, so I asked Xiao Shunzi to give him a chronic poison prepared by me. Of course, I only told him that the antidote was with Xiao Shunzi. In this way, I had a trusted bodyguard. According to Xiao Shunzi, this person will not sacrifice his life to kill me, and cherishing his life so that he will not betray him is the best guard.

After Zhao Jue sat down, he worriedly said: "We are about to capture Chengdu, and there will be no buffer in the state of Shu. How should we deal with Dayong? The lord of the country has sent a secret order, so that we must not offend Dayong."

I already had a draft of this point and said: "Xiaguan thinks, the main conflict will be in Chengdu, who can capture the king of Shu and who will be the biggest beneficiary, we don't want to compete with Dayong on this point, we won't fight for it. U, Xiaguan has an idea, so that the King of Shu will not fall into the hands of Dayong, that's fine. In addition, I heard that the reason why the King of Shu is far-reaching and talented, and kissing the villain, is because he loves the princess, Mrs. Jinlian and his wife. Huan Zhang Quan, I heard that Mrs. Jinlian is extremely beautiful. We will give all the court officials and concubines of Shu to Dayong. If King Yong sends them to Yongdu as prisoners, then with the beauty of Mrs. Jinlian, he will definitely be favored by Emperor Yong. At that time, we will plant the seeds of fire in the harem of Dayong. It would be a pity if King Yong killed them, but Emperor Yong would definitely be annoyed when he learned that the old people love beauty, especially the kind of Emperor Yong. Not a very wise monarch, no matter whether we succeed or fail, we have divided Emperor Yong and his son. Of course, we also have something to gain. After entering the city, please send Mr. Rong to the household department first to collect the classics and household registration books. This is our future governance. The key to Xichuan, gold, silver and jewelry, of course, must also be snatched. One is to cover up the importance of our seizure of documents, and the other is to reward the three armies and bribe the lord. As for the rest, we don't care. Let Dayong handle it."

Zhao Jue nodded and said, "Sir Jiang mentioned the separation of Emperor Yong and his son, I wonder if I can say more."

I thought that I was going to leave Nanchu anyway, so I should not hide it, so I said: "The matter of King Yong and Prince Li An of Dayong competing for the crown prince is known to the whole world. Dayong established the country by force, and Li An must be in an awkward situation. This time King Yong broke the Shu, and Li An must have gritted his teeth with hatred. We sent spies to Dayong to spread rumors that King Yong was going to stand on his own in Dongchuan..." Having said this, Zhao Jue already understood, and looked at it deeply. Glancing at me, full of fear, he deeply bowed and said: "Master Jiang's good plan can keep Southern Chu safe for several years. I don't know what your master needs, and Zhao Jue will definitely help with all his strength."

I thought to myself, this is a wish to seal an official, and said indifferently: "Xiaguan has suffered from the pain of saddle horse this time, and I hope to resign and return to my hometown after returning. If I can get the permission of the prince, I will be grateful to the king."

Zhao Jue frowned, thinking to himself, Jiang Zhe has a deep mind, it would be a good thing if he didn't seek power, but if he left, if he voted for another country, then Nanchu would be in danger. So Zhao Jue said categorically: "Sir Jiang's words are bad, you are very talented, and Zhao Jue is going to rely on him, so how can he go into hiding? If Master Jiang doesn't like the busyness of government affairs, this king should report to the lord of Ming and let Master Jiang stay in the Hanlin. The hospital is kind and supportive, and you don’t have to deal with official duties if you have nothing to do.”

What, I was stunned, how backfired. When I told Xiao Shunzi aggrievedly that night, Xiao Shunzi patted his forehead and said, "Oh my god, my lord, you still don't understand the minds of those royal people, if someone like you is willing to let go, they won't be afraid of you. Going to join Dayong and Beihan, who made you show your edge, it seems that not only can you not resign from office, but from now on you will have to keep a low profile, and when there is a suitable opportunity, you will simply give up your office and leave."

I looked at Xiao Shunzi with embarrassment, expressing shame and admiration.

On the fifteenth day of the second month of the twentieth year of Xiande, Nanchu and Dayong joined forces in Chengdu. The two armies surrounded Chengdu, and Prince De went to visit King Yong Li Zhi. What a hero, just followed Zhao Jue. When I came to King Yong's camp, I was full of admiration when I saw the camp where tigers and dragons had hidden murderous auras. Yong Wang Li Zhi greeted us at the camp gate. From far away, I saw him standing at the gate of the camp. He was wearing a princely costume, and he was graceful and noble. Although he was just standing there, I felt as if the momentum of the entire camp was gathered on him. A hundred paces away from the camp, Prince De got off his horse and walked. I naturally did the same. As I got closer and closer to the camp, King Yong smiled and greeted me. At this time, I finally discovered something that shocked me. , King Yong Li Zhi, I actually recognized it.