The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 120: Goshawk with broken wings (top)


On October 27, the 27th year of Dayong Wuwei, the military competition was just held. All the top and bottom camps in Zezhou received military orders and were ready to go. The Northern Han's forward ranger appeared, Li Xian frowned upon hearing the report and said, "Suiyun, why would Long Tingfei send troops at this time? Although he sends troops to attack Zezhou every year, it's basically not during spring plowing or autumn harvest. Season, now that the new grain has entered the warehouse, it is a bit strange for him to attack at this time?"

I put on a long coat, looked at the map under the lamp, and said lightly: "This spring, Long Tingfei once entered Kou Zezhou, so it's not surprising that he doesn't come in autumn, but this person is familiar with military strategy, we are as big as Dayong. Action, Your Highness, you entered the East China Sea in person, Zhezhong entered the army, and the Emperor and His Highness were busy preparing supplies and rectifying the army. All these signs indicate that there will be a war in Dayong. There must be someone under Long Tingfei who is always listening to our military situation. Now Frost has already fallen in Qinzhou, and the weather has begun to turn cold, but there is still a month before the road is blocked by heavy snow, which is a good time for us to march. Long Tingfei must be worried that we will enter Qinzhou, loot and kill, and then Destroy their grain storage before the snowfall, so the Northern Han Dynasty will be sad in the following winter. We are strong and strong. If we attack Qinzhou, Long Tingfei is not able to cover everything. Attacking instead of defending, the first is the strongest. After they retreat, we will not be able to attack until next spring. Besides, the fact that the Northern Han army ambushed us a few days ago is that we did not take it to heart. You thought they would believe us. Don't hold grudges?"

Li Xian actually had a similar opinion in his heart. He looked at me and said, "If that's the case, let's teach them a lesson in Zezhou. There's nothing wrong with waiting for work. What do you think we should do?"

I pointed to the temple slope at the junction of Qinshui and Shili River: "Your Highness, what do you think of this place, this is a good place to catch turtles in the urn?"

Li Xian watched for a while and said, "Who do you think is better to send?"

I said softly: "Nominally it should be Jing Chi who is guarding the place, but in fact, it depends on your highness who is in charge."

A cold light flashed in Li Xian's eyes, and he said: "This king understands what you mean, don't worry, this time this king will act according to your plan, what is the credit, as long as our army wins in the end, this king is a great credit. , are you still going to compete with the generals?" Then he said, "But this king is worried that they will not fall into the trap."

I smiled slightly and said: "Miaopo is where all the food and salaries of the Zezhou camp are stored. If the enemy army can't think of attacking here, then there is no chance of winning except for confronting us. Is it possible that under the same military strength, we will use If the defense is the main thing, will it still be defeated? If the enemy cannot be invaded by the army, then it will be a tie, and it will be a defeat. Also, please rest assured, Your Highness, no matter how powerful Long Tingfei is, he cannot easily win. this game."

Li Xian finally calmed down, looked at the map and said, "According to the scout's return, the main force of Long Tingfei will reach Qin Ze in the day after tomorrow, and we will fight there." I nodded and said, "Qin Ze's terrain is flat. Although there are some wilderness and hills, it is still very suitable for the two armies to fight, and it is no wonder that Dayong and Northern Han have basically chosen this place for a decisive battle over the years."

Li Xian sighed: "Yes, the lush weeds on the Qin Ze wasteland are all soaked with the blood of the soldiers of the two countries. This king and Long Tingfei have fought in Qin Ze four times so far, and this king can only reluctantly. Just retreat, I Dayong buried countless loyal and brave soldiers in Qin Ze, this time this king wants Long Tingfei to suffer the pain of broken wings, I hope he is smart enough, but don’t let this king look through the autumn water.”

I said confidently: "Don't worry about this lord, the clues we left behind are enough for them to discover that Miaopo is where we store food, and the generals of the Northern Han army are very conceited. Even if they find there may be problems, they will try their best to achieve it. Mission, but this time they will find that they hit the iron plate." Li Xian smiled slightly and did not speak, unless Long Tingfei personally led a sneak attack, the other Northern Han generals had not been taken seriously by Li Xian.

The autumn wind is sassy, the grass is far away, and the Shiliyuan to the north of Qin Ze is vast and desolate. Several Dayong scouts in dark yellow soft armor crouch behind the hills and stare at the distant sky. Below the hills, several war horses are there leisurely. Eating hay. One of the scouts tiredly rubbed his sour eyes from looking forward to the distance. At this moment, his companion exclaimed: "The enemy is coming." , on the background of the blue sky, a dark brown curve suddenly appeared, but between the breaths, the undulating lines became clearer and clearer, moving rapidly on the yellow field, and after a while, it was already possible to see It is clear that the line is composed of thousands of Northern Han iron cavalry, and among the dark brown, the most dazzling is the fiery red in the center of the cavalry formation. And a few scouts also saw a few goshawks flying in the sky above their heads, which were birds of prey used by the Northern Han army to monitor the military situation. And these scouts are very clear that Dayong and the commanders of the Northern Han have a common hobby, that is to make their guards wear red armor, but although they are all red, they are easy to distinguish on the battlefield, not to mention the different styles of armor. , King Qi's personal guards are all horses with spears, while Long Tingfei's personal guards are all bows and crossbows. Several scouts knew that Long Tingfei had indeed led the army to invade Zezhou, and his whereabouts might have been discovered by the goshawk on his head. Then he quietly got on the war horse, rode the horse galloping, and went back to report the military situation.

After a while, the Northern Han army had reached the front, and the scattered formations that were rushing like a tidal wave quickly concentrated and shrunk. With this shrinking front, the momentum of the rushing battle formation became more and more powerful. Lingren, with suffocating pressure, makes people believe that if someone blocks the way in front of him, he will definitely tear this iron cavalry to pieces. A few miles away from the hills, the speed began to slow down, and then stopped under the hills monitored by the Dayong scouts. Only the red-armored knights of about a hundred cavalry, surrounded by a general wearing a fiery red shirt, rushed directly up the hill, and then stopped the horse.

The red-robed general lifted the visor that covered his face, revealing a handsome and flawless face, his deep blue eyes as deep as the sea of abyss showed a clear look, looking down at the warriors of the Northern Han Dynasty that penetrated the Dayong before him. In the field of blood, the proud figure that looked down at the world was as tall as a mountain. The guards beside him and the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Northern Han army behind him looked at his back, and their eyes were full of fanatical rays of willingness to die.

At this time, four guards stood out from the crowd, and at the same time they issued a high-pitched whistle. Long Tingfei, who was riding his horse, didn't seem to pay any attention, but just stared blankly at the battlefield where the bloody battle was about to begin. After a while, the commanders of the army after the whole army all rode to the hills and respectfully stood behind the flying horses in the Dragon Court.

Almost all the generals of the Northern Han Dynasty were imposing and heroic, but there was one general in Qingpao who was different. He was slender and slender. Although he was also eight feet tall, he did not have any domineering aura. But his face was covered with a ferocious bronze mask, revealing only a pair of deep black eyes that were as cold and ruthless as ice and snow. The weapon he was hanging immediately was a long dagger, the whole body was pitch black as ink, only the edge of the blade was as cold as frost and snow. If you look at it at a glance, you only feel that this person seems to be lonely, separated from the generals by a certain distance, other than that, there is nothing unusual. But the other generals looked at him with fear and flinch, as if this person was the most terrifying existence in the world.

Long Tingfei didn't look back, but he could feel the strange atmosphere behind him, and sighed in his heart. It was not that he did not know that his subordinates would reject and fear the ghost-faced general Tan Ji, but Tan Ji was his indispensable arm. It was only a matter of embarrassment to the generals. Long Tingfei's subordinates are full of talented people. Although the pioneer general Su Dingluan died in Yongdu, the three disciples Lu Boyan, Lu Zhongtian and Lu Shuhan sent by the Demon Sect can almost all be compared with Su Dingluan every time. When dispatching troops, the rock general Duan Wudi must be ready to stand in the back, firmly defending the retreat of the Northern Han army. The flying tiger general Quartz is like a sharp sword, which can easily penetrate the enemy's vital points, but they are not as important as Tan Ji.

The ghost-faced general Tan Ji was originally a hunter in the mountains at the junction of Zezhou and Qinzhou. He lived in the mountains. When Yong confronted, one of Dayong's generals passed by the indisputable Tanjiazhai when he led the army to attack the enemy's camp. In order to keep secrets, the bloodthirsty general issued a massacre order. Fur, thinking of Tan Ji, who bought a golden hairpin for his beloved woman outside the mountain, more than 200 people in the whole village were killed. Tan Ji, who was impatient and rushed back overnight, returned to the cottage when the Yong army was massacred, but the powerless Tan Ji could only hide behind the mountain ridge and watch his home destroyed. Knowing that he was powerless to take revenge, Tan Ji set fire to the cottage, then crossed a rugged mountain road known only to the hunters in the village and entered Qinzhou before the Yong army. After that, the general who attacked Qinzhou thousands of miles away was surrounded and annihilated by the Northern Han army, who was still waiting.

After that, Tan Ji gradually rose from a pawn to a general. Although Long Tingfei admired him, it was also extremely difficult. It was only because Tan Ji's temperament changed greatly after the tragic change. They are all afraid of him, even those higher in rank than him are also afraid of him. The custom of the Northern Han army is to like brave and unrestrained people, so it is inevitable that there will be more arrogant soldiers, but Tan Ji's command is strict in military discipline. Some people refused to accept it and resisted them with courage. However, although Tan Ji was gentle in appearance, his methods were extremely cruel. All the sergeants who resisted were captured and executed, and he was charged with treason, and even his family was implicated. No one dared to offend Tan Ji. After the military regulations were awe-inspiring, Tan Ji carefully trained an elite cavalry. These cavalry were all outstanding warriors in both distance and melee combat. The long ge, saber, and hard crossbow were the weapons they must carry with them. Tan Ji also learned battle formations from Long Tingfei, and it can be said that he is better than the blue. On the battlefield, he can defeat several times the enemy with the horse formation. Perhaps because his appearance is not powerful enough, Tan Ji wears a bronze ghost face almost all day long, so Known as the ghost general. Later, Tan Ji selected a group of warriors with extraordinary qualifications in the army. He personally taught the martial arts. Thirty-six of the most outstanding people were his personal soldiers. He even made these people wear bronze masks of the same style as himself, called ghosts. Cavalry, these ghost cavalry only carry long Ge, and are best at sprinting. In wartime, they are ordered by Tan Ji to attack the enemy's weak underbelly, or use the strong to destroy the enemy's sharp edge, these thirty-six ghost cavalry. It was Tan Ji's sharp weapon to destroy the enemy's fighting spirit. Tan Ji was a constant training candidate. If he was killed in action, he would immediately make up for new recruits. Most of Tan Ji's reputation was earned by these thirty-six ghost riders for him.

But if this is the only case, it will not be intimidating. The most criticized thing about Tan Ji is his bloodlust. Although there are many wars and wars, there is no one who kills the enemy in the army, but there is also a bottom line. Killing prisoners is ominous. , karma, and almost everyone believes in it. At the beginning of the war, although there were also cases of killing civilians and ravaging women and children, but as the situation in the world gradually became clear, if it was not necessary, the killing of innocent people could not be done without doing it. However, Tan Ji was exceptionally ruthless. The soldiers and frontiers knew that they would not leave prisoners, and wherever the army passed, they would not leave a dog or a dog. Such cruelty was unbearable even for a colleague of Northern Han generals. Fortunately, there is still Long Tingfei who always speaks to his face and restrains him, otherwise Tan Ji may be even more excessive. Such a general who is proficient in battle formations and invincible, but also has a heart of iron and is ruthless, how can he not be fearful

Long Tingfei sighed again in his heart. In fact, although he values Tan Ji, he doesn't like him. According to Long Tingfei's personality, he didn't like Tan Ji's cruel and cruel methods, but Long Tingfei knew that apart from Tan Ji, it was difficult for all his generals to be Dayong's iron cavalry alone, and Tan Ji was not alone. The cruel methods of the North Han army are also an important guarantee for the Northern Han army to raging in the Dayong territory. If it weren't for the fact that the people at the borders of Dayong feared Tan Ji like a ghost and a wolf, the Northern Han army would probably face a lot of resistance. Therefore, although Tan Ji has many things that Long Tingfei doesn't like, he has always been reused and trusted by Long Tingfei.

Putting away his helpless thoughts, Long Tingfei smiled and said, "General Tan, how do you think we should attack this time?"

A cold voice came from behind the bronze mask: "The general has a plan in his heart, but the last general is ignorant, but he also knows that our army is only 100,000, while the enemy's army is 300,000. If we can't attack the enemy, we will save him. Destroying the courage of the enemy means there will be defeat but no victory, if the general permits, the last general is willing to lead an army and completely destroy the foundation of the enemy army."

Long Tingfei said with satisfaction: "General Tan is right. Our army is far away, and the enemy has the advantage of the land and the people. If we can't win by surprise, we will lose without victory. Xiao Tong, come and tell everyone the information we have obtained."

Among Long Tingfei's guards, Xiao Guard, who had followed Lin Bi to the East China Sea, stood out from the crowd, and said loudly: "General, all generals, the subordinates have been ordered to investigate the enemy's situation, and they have already obtained the enemy's movements. The army commander brought 150,000 main force, and they will arrive at the Qin Ze battlefield tomorrow. According to the report of the horse, the leader of the army is the king of Qi himself, and the supervisor Jiang Zhe is also with the army. The enemy's deputy general, Jing Chi, has about 30,000 horses. In addition, the 120,000-strong army scattered in Zezhou has begun to gather."

Xiao Tong is a disciple of the Demon Sect and is in charge of collecting military information. He has many Demon Sect masters under his command, so the information collected is naturally not bad, but everyone looked at each other, and one of the generals asked: "Xiao Huwei, Jing Chinai It's the enemy general, how to guard the baggage, isn't this a bull's knife for killing chickens?"

Xiao Tong smiled and said: "The general does not know, although this Jing Chi is an enemy general and Emperor Yong's confidant, but he is not in harmony with King Qi. Now Emperor Yong is only thinking about repairing with King Qi, and this Jing Chi will naturally suffer. Some grievances, the last commander got information, the supervisor Jiang Zhe first entered the Zezhou camp, and he scolded Jing Chi, so King Qi took the opportunity to deprive Jing Chi of his powers and deported him to the rear to guard the baggage. Jing Chi originally brought him with him. The 70,000-strong army was also divided by the King of Qi, and only 30,000 people were sent to guard the baggage by Jing Chi, and the other 40,000 were left in the central army by the King of Qi."

Another general smiled and said, "Li Xian still claims to be able to lead troops, so taking this opportunity to retaliate is a bit narrow-minded."

Tan Ji said coldly: "This is not necessarily Li Xian's narrow-mindedness, you have heard of it, over the past two years, Jing Chi has not less restrained King Qi, it would be a pity if Li Xian didn't take advantage of this opportunity. Yes, but this Li Xian is still merciful, if he deliberately deals with Jing Chi, it may not be impossible to let him die."

When he said this, all the generals were silent, and the field was suddenly filled with an awkward atmosphere. Long Tingfei sighed in his heart, and said loudly: "Jing Chi is also an excellent general, he brought 30,000 horses to guard the baggage. It is also very difficult for us to destroy the enemy's key points in one fell swoop, and Li Xian's doing this is not overkill, Tan Ji, you have the confidence to defeat Jing Chi's troops and seize the enemy's food and grass."

Tan Ji said coldly: "Although Jing Chi is a fierce general, his temperament is like a fiery fire. In dealing with such a person, the last commander has his own confidence. Please rest assured, the commander, the last commander will definitely make the enemy in a dilemma."

Long Tingfei nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, Tan Ji obeys the order, I will give you 10,000 elite soldiers, and order you to defeat Jingchi and the enemy's baggage within ten days, and then you can move freely. But you must Do you have any objection to return to the headquarters before the end of November?"

Tan Ji said quietly: "The last general will lead the order." His voice was a bit fanatical. All Beihan generals shuddered when they heard it. If Tan Ji acted freely, Zezhou would be bloodshed again. After many years of battle, Tan Ji had conquered Gu County three times, washed Hexi twice, and even went deep into Duanshi Town. In the area of Hejiafeng, even the Jincheng area, an important town in Zezhou, was once looted by Tan Ji. For Zezhou military and civilians, Tan Ji is the devil who can stop children from crying at night.

Long Tingfei sighed softly, if it wasn't for the soldiers of the Northern Han Dynasty, why would it be necessary to use this murderous man to kill innocent people, but this kind of thing always has to be done by someone, except Tan Ji, who else can bear this notoriety .

He rode his horse down the hill, and Tan Ji was surrounded by thirty-six ghost riders of his cronies and walked into his army. Originally, Tan Ji was arrogant and did not like this kind of protection. The killer was taking advantage of the ghost cavalry to rush into the formation, disguised himself as a personal soldier, and stabbed Tan Ji seriously. If it wasn't for Tan Ji's martial arts skills and the protection of his own soldiers, I'm afraid that Tan Ji would have died on the battlefield. Since then, Tan Ji always pays attention to his own safety. If the Thirty-six Ghost Riders don't fight, they will be inseparable from Tan Ji all day long. They all wear similar clothes and armor as Tan Ji, and they all wear the same bronze masks, except Outside of cronies, it is impossible to quickly and effectively distinguish their identities. If the ghost cavalry charges, if Tan Ji doesn't have a horse to lead them in the charge, he will use the ghost cavalry's candidate as his guard, and no one else can approach Tan Ji's side at all. In this way, if he wants to assassinate Tan Ji, there is no grandmaster. In Tan Ji's opinion, even in death, there should be enough dead souls buried with him.

Tan Ji actually understands Long Tingfei's perception of himself. For a sensitive person like him, although Long Tingfei did not express it clearly, Tan Ji knew the vague disgust and rejection, but he never did. No resentment, it was Long Tingfei who personally taught him the art of war, and it was also Long Tingfei who asked a famous teacher to teach him martial arts. He also knew that Long Tingfei actually saw his cruelty and calmness. He was just a weapon in Long Tingfei's hands. Even one day, Long Tingfei will abandon him after he can't stand his actions, but Tan Ji can't change his behavior. He clearly knows that as long as he is willing to restrain his behavior, he will not exceed the tolerance of others. Limit, you can get the sincere trust of Long Tingfei and the acceptance of the generals. But for Tan Ji, his life was already dead at the moment when his family was destroyed. When he watched his beloved woman lying naked in a pool of blood, when he watched his white-haired grandfather nailed to the door On top of that, when he watched his beloved father die, still protecting his younger siblings, and when he watched his loving mother bite her tongue and commit suicide, Tan Ji had long since lost any attachment to life.

But the resentment in his heart was so deep that even if he watched the enemy die under the horse's hoofs of the Northern Han army, he still couldn't dissolve it, so he chose to join the army and swung the butcher knife in his hand at the former villagers, who he hated for slaughtering himself The clan's Dayong army hated those Zezhou people who fully supported the Yong army in order to save their property and life. Only blood and fire could temporarily relieve the grief in his heart. Holding the Chang Ge in his hands tightly, a cold murderous intent flashed in Tan Ji's eyes. Let this Chang Ge be stained with more blood to pay homage to the dead souls of his parents and clan.

On October 30th, the Yong Army, who had been rehabilitated overnight after a rapid march, entered the battlefield from the south of Qin Ze. After the battle in which both sides were very restrained this spring, the Battle of Qin Ze, which changed the situation in the northern Xinjiang, began. During the battle, the 150,000 Yong Army and the 90,000 Northern Han Army piled up like mountains in Qin Ze's corpse, with blood flowing into rivers.

At the same time, Tan Ji, the ghost-faced general with more than 10,000 elite soldiers, went down the Qinshui and went straight to the temple slope. Wherever he passed, because the Yong army was still strong and clear, there was no trace, but Tan Ji still ordered sentries to go out. , If he encounters a stranger, he will kill them all. On November 2, Tan Ji is already looking at the Miaopo Yard Camp from afar, and he begins to plan how to annihilate the enemy and win. At this time, above Qin Ze, after the two armies set up their formation after the initial trial, the battle situation began.

Standing on the high slope, Qi Wang Li Xian's king flag and handsome flag danced wildly in the cold wind. The fiery red iron cavalry guarded the Chinese army. Under the handsome flag, a man wearing golden armor and riding a fiery red On the left side of the general of the warhorse, I was still wearing that special blue cloak, looking down at the thousands of troops. The middle-aged man in light armor and wearing a cyan shirt carried a whip and looked at the battle below thoughtfully. Besides, there are no other weapons. He passed down various orders from time to time, and the soldiers of King Qi in red armor behind him quickly passed down military orders to direct the battle ahead. However, my eyes passed through many obstacles and fell to the fiery red among the enemy troops in the distance. Under the banner of the red dragon fluttering in the wind, there was a sturdy figure who stood out from the crowd.

At this time, while Long Tingfei was in command of the battle, he was also paying attention to the enemy's central camp. Under the banner of the Dayong royal family, the enemy who had been hostile to him for several years and the Vietnam War became more and more tenacious. King Li Xian of Qi, And the guy beside him who is always on the battlefield, is also a relaxed scholar in Tsing Yi. Is this the enemy in front of him? Long Tingfei has a strong fighting spirit in his heart, but he calms down in a flash. His goal is not to wipe out the enemy army, but to consume the enemy army as much as possible. With the cooperation of Tan Ji Nibbling the strength of the Jingtun Yong army, only in this way can he make the Northern Han army stronger and stronger, and may even make the Yong army unable to attack the country.

It's a pity that Long Tingfei felt a little helplessness in his heart. According to his plan, he had already provoked a frenzy against King Qi in the Dayong Dynasty, but these suffered huge setbacks after Jiang Zhe became the supervisor. Under the auspices of Zhongshu Ling Zheng Xia and Shangshu Youshi Shi Yu, they jointly suppressed the impeachment and attack of King Qi in the central government. This Jiang Zhe Jiang Suiyun was just a small act, and he made all his efforts go to waste. It is no wonder that the princess tried her best to ambush this person, but unfortunately Quartz failed. Gather up your confidence and say in your heart, no matter how resourceful this person is, as long as I use my troops correctly, am I still afraid that he will cause some trouble? Thinking of this, Long Tingfei smiled slightly and said, "Three deer generals, you all lead the headquarters to go down to kill for a while. I see that the enemy's right wing is a little slow, and this opportunity should not be missed."