The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 2: Gold title


〖In June of the sixteenth year of Xiande, Jiang Zhe entered Jianye, and in August, he was released on the Golden List. Jiang Zhe was one of the first to go to the Qionglin banquet. The banquet was not over yet.

In December of the sixteenth year of Xiande, Princess Yong Changle entered Chu, and in the first month of Wuchen in the seventeenth year of Xiande, His Royal Highness Zhao Jia held a grand wedding and established Princess Changle as the Crown Princess.

Princess Changle, fifteen years old, her mother's eldest grandson, a concubine of Emperor Yong Gaozu, was always favored by the emperor. When Princess Changle was born, when Emperor Yong Gaozu ascended the throne, she was quite fond of her and was given the title of Princess Changle.

— "The History of Chu in the Southern Dynasties: The Biography of Jiang Suiyun"〗

When I came out of the exam room, I stretched out my limbs. Alas, these few days have been exhausting for me. The exam room was narrow and small, and I had no money to pay, so on the third day, the room was basically full of toilets. If it wasn't for the fact that I lived abroad with my father and suffered a lot, I'm afraid that I can't even eat, I'm afraid that I'm saving money and using it today, I don't even have a copper on my body, and I'm leaving the list. For half a month, what can I do these days, whether to sell calligraphy and painting or write letters for others, I seriously thought about it.

When I got back to the inn, I calculated that there would be no rent for tomorrow, so I took the four treasures of the study and decided to go to the Confucius Temple to set up a stall. When I arrived at the Confucius Temple, I spent a long time with the owner of a small teahouse, and promised to write two articles for him. A letter was set up at the entrance of his teahouse. Unfortunately, the business was not very good. The people who wrote letters here were all ignorant of big characters. Who cares about your handwriting. I waited for a long time, but there was no business. When I was in distress, a little woman in green clothes came over. When I saw her attire, I knew she was a widow, but she was only eighteen or nineteen years old, which was really pitiful. She timidly said: "Sir, the slave family wants to write a deputy." I picked up the pen and said, "What is the report, and who do you want to sue?"

She said with some embarrassment: "The husband of the slave family has unfortunately passed away, and the slave family wants to remarry, but the father-in-law does not agree." I asked a few more specific circumstances, picked up a pen and wrote: "Seventeen married, eighteen widow, uncle Gongzhuang. Da, Guatian Li, whether to marry or not?" She looked at my writing inexplicably, and asked, "Sir, these few words are too few." I said proudly: "Don't worry, this letter is handed over. Guarantee that the government approves your remarriage." She gave me ten coins, I looked at the coins with gratitude, and thought, I have dinner today, I have to work hard, do you have money for tomorrow? Then I was out of business again. After less than an hour, the little widow came back beaming with joy. As soon as she saw me, she was grateful: "Sir, thank you for your letter, as soon as your lord sees my letter, you will be sure." I thought to myself, then Of course, the current Jianye Jingzhao Yin attaches great importance to ethics and morality. The widow remarries, but one person is disobedient. If an incest scandal occurs, it will be a major event. As soon as this little widow left, my business improved. When I saw it at night, it was enough for two or three days of rent. Of course, I didn't dare to write more letters. If someone came to write a letter, I would always persuade me He doesn't want to sue, it's not for anything else. Too many lawsuits will damage my reputation.

I wrote a letter in the Confucius Temple for a few days. I think it is almost enough for Jianye to wait until the list is released, so I closed the stall and listened to people chatting and laughing in the small teahouse. Anyway, a pot of tea can keep me for a day. Of course, although I don’t do it The business is over, and if someone comes to write to me, I can still do it, but I have to charge a few more coins. Anyway to kill time. After a day or two, my hands were itchy for a while, and I used the I Ching to tell the fortunes for people. To be honest, my fortune-telling is not very accurate. I just rely on a little I Ching mental calculation and my observation ability. It’s going to become a divine calculation, of course, I have enough money to spend it, so I only count three lessons a day, and I also give one lesson every day. It’s strange to say that I have aroused the curiosity of many people, so the money is rolling like water. Come. Of course, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, I changed my attire and made some changes in my appearance, that is, applying medicine to my face to make my skin yellow.

It was almost noon today, I had already counted three lessons, and decided to close the stall after counting the free lesson. At this time, a young man hurried over and said, "Sir, I am a businessman, and I received it two days ago. A message from a fellow villager said that my wife is about to give birth, but her health is not very good. I hurried back, but I haven’t come home yet. I don’t know how it happened. Ping An, it is a male or a female." After thinking about it for a long time, I said, "No problem, it's safe in small dangers, Mrs. Zun is a little dangerous, but your husband and wife have been virtuous and good deeds on weekdays. Ge, I am so lucky, bro." Ask me how I know, I really don't know, this kind of thing can't be calculated, but I can't say bad things, what should I do if he is in a hurry, but I think he looks honest and honest , in good health, listening to his tone, the husband and wife are quite harmonious, so there should be no problem with the children, as for his wife's health is not very good, of course, is about to give birth, the husband is not here, how will the mood be good, this kid goes back , when his wife is happy, she will give birth smoothly. As for whether it's a boy or a girl, I didn't say it clearly, and it would be easy to prevaricate at that time. This young man was about to give the money and leave happily. I told him that this lesson was a gift, and he was thanking me when a middle-aged man ran over and said happily, "Young third, you are back, brother and sister. Come on, a pair of dragons and phoenixes, go back, go back." The young man stayed for a while after hearing this, then suddenly ran away. I let out a sigh of relief, and when I was rejoicing, the people next to me looked at me with admiration, making me feel embarrassed.

At this time, a man in gray sitting at the door stood up, walked up to me, and said lightly, "How about a lesson for me, sir."

When I looked up, I saw that this man was only twenty-seven or eight-year-old, with a tall and strong body, a young and handsome face with a calm look, and behind him was a middle-aged man in blue clothes and a man in black clothes. 's entourage. I hesitated and said: "The number of hexagrams is full today, this..."

The man in gray said lightly, "I also know that Mr. is embarrassed, but I will be leaving the capital tomorrow, so please do it reluctantly."

I looked at these three people. The man in gray had an orderly look in his eyes. He must have been someone who was forbidden. Although the man in blue was a little disdainful, he also had some expectations. As for the entourage, his face was full of threats. Seeing that I can't afford to offend, I counted the days, the day after tomorrow, the list will be opened, so I said: "It's okay, I just happen to be going out of business, this hexagram is my final work."

The man in gray was a little surprised. He seemed to think that I was forced to do this because I wanted to tell his fortune. However, he was puzzled and had to ask, "I'm about to travel far, may I ask whether this trip is bad or good?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I said, "Sixth in the hexagram of the Kan, the emblem is used, and it is in Congji. It must not be three years old, and it is fierce. I am afraid that your trip will be difficult." At this point, I peeked at him Looking, thinking, people like you are usually confident and slow, since you are hesitant to ask questions, then things must be difficult. The gray-robed man looked gloomy, and after a moment he said, "Excuse me, sir, what's the problem?" Two people, one should be an aide and the other should be a guard. The identity of this person should not be simple. Is there any major event in Nanchu now? No matter what the major event, I just need to be vague. Thinking of this, I said: "There are disputes within, There are strong enemies outside, and things are difficult to handle, if you are careful, it may be possible." Although I said vaguely, it just catered to the psychology of the gray clothed man and the court situation. The man in gray sighed and turned away. The man in blue took out a silver note and put it on the table. I waited for them to walk away and took a closer look. One thousand taels, almost screamed, and hurriedly put it in. In his arms, then close the stall and leave.

A few days later, it is already August 15th. Today is the day when the Golden List will be released. I am a little hesitant. If it was a few days ago, I would of course be looking forward to the title of the Golden List. I went up, so I didn't go to the list, I was reading my own poems in the room, not long after I heard the sound of crackling firecrackers outside, a man and the shopkeeper excitedly pushed the door and came in, loudly announcing: "Congratulations. Master, Master Hexi, congratulations to Master Jiang, the top-ranked champion in high school, the shop is really flourishing, please write a few words for the store when you have time." I looked out the window in confusion, not knowing what the future would hold. . After thinking about it, I might not catch up with the country anyway, and I heard that the library of Nanchu Hanlin Academy has millions of books and is the largest library in the world. Calligraphy and painting, to build the Chongwen Temple to pass down the generations, I must have the opportunity to participate.

When the night was approaching Youshi, I went to the entrance of the Examination Institute with my number plate. The new scholars gathered at the entrance were all dressed in new clothes and were in high spirits. When I arrived at the entrance, I saw everyone looking at me with strange eyes. There is also a look of jealousy. I was just wondering, a scholar with a big ear came over and asked, "Is this Xiongtai a new scholar who went to the Qionglin Banquet?" I nodded and said, "Exactly, what's the matter? Hearing the words, the man immediately showed a respectful look and said, "It turns out that the new division champion has arrived, disrespectful and disrespectful, and under Liu Kui, he is really the first and second place in the undergraduate." Famous Jinshi, only after I am the champion, I understand why so many people have strange colors in their eyes. All those new scholars came to greet each other one by one, and I was at a time when I couldn't handle it. Hearing three bells, a high-ranking official came out with some examiners, checking our nameplates one by one, verifying our identities, and letting us line up to enter the palace with him. I, the champion, naturally walked at the front, and the second place was behind him. And Tanhua, while the other seven first-class jinshi followed us, and the other seventy jinshi lined up in a row of seven. Walking on the way to the imperial city, there are people watching the lively on both sides of the road. Wherever we walked, there was thunderous cheers. The team entered the inner city of the palace at Chaoyangmen. Chaoyangmen is the gate of the inner city, except for the emperor on weekdays. No one can go, except for the emperor, only us new scholars can go once when we go to the Qionglin Banquet. Walking into the inner city, I saw women’s laughter coming from behind the rockery, flowers and trees, presumably those palace maids were peeking at us.

When we finally arrived at Qionglin Garden, we took our seats under the arrangement of the officials of the Sili Supervisor. After all the jinshi and the chief examiners were seated according to their rank, we only heard the Sili eunuch scream: "The lord of the state is here." I saw only one An old man in a dragon robe walked in under the service of a group of palace maids and eunuchs. I knelt down with everyone on the ground and shouted seriously: "Long live, long live the king." ." We stood up, and this Qionglin Banquet is finally about to begin. After following the etiquette, we can finally taste the imperial meal with confidence. It is really delicious. If possible, I really want to bring the chef of the imperial kitchen home to cook. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone let go.

At this moment, Zhao Sheng put down his chopsticks and said to the examiner: "Shi Aiqing, please introduce the top three in the current class for my loneliness." Lord, this is the first-ranking champion of the first class in the National Examination, Jiaxing Jiang Zhe." I quickly left my seat and knelt down, "My minister Jiang Zhe is meeting the king." Zhao Sheng smiled and said, "Okay, it really is. Young and talented, your article is well written, especially the song "Feelings under the Moon", Gu has already ordered someone to compose the song again, and let everyone listen to it in a while." The examiner pointed to the second and third flowers and said: "To the lord of the country , this is Jiang Ning Liu Kui in second place, and this is Huaiyang Fu Yulun in third place." Zhao Sheng praised a few words one by one, and then ordered us to return to our seats. As soon as we were seated, Zhao Sheng waved his hand, and soon a group of female musicians floated out from the apse, some playing the flute and playing the qin, some just dancing, after a while, a woman sang loudly: "When is the bright moon coming, ask the wine Blue sky. I don't know what year it is today in the palace tower in the sky. I want to go home by wind. I'm afraid that the high place will be too cold, dance to figure out the shadow, how it seems to be in the human world. There should be no hatred, what is the long-term relationship? People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has dark eyes. It is difficult to complete this matter. I hope that people will live long and live together in a thousand miles." It was my work during the examination. All the people in the hall were immersed in that beautiful feeling.

At this moment, a eunuch came in to report: "Qi to the lord, the Prime Minister asks for an interview."

Zhao Shengman said: "What's the matter, Gu is holding the Qionglin Banquet here, if there are any other state affairs, let him handle it first." The eunuch said: "The Prime Minister said that there is an urgent matter." Zhao Sheng nodded helplessly: "Okay, let him come in." After a while, an old man in a first-class official uniform walked in in a hurry, and when he saw Zhao Sheng, he knelt down and said, "Congratulations to the lord, Hexi, the lord, Dayong sent an envoy. To the court, convey Emperor Yong's will to marry me in Southern Chu." Zhao Sheng smiled and said in disbelief, "This is true." The old man nodded and said, "That's right, Emperor Yong has a beloved daughter, who is young and old. Fang Jiji is willing to marry the prince of our country as his concubine, and from then on the two countries will be reconciled and will never fight." Zhao Sheng was overjoyed and said: "Today is really a double happiness. People, call the envoy Yong to see you." After that, Zhao Sheng drove away, and the only Qionglin Banquet in my life ended like this, but everyone heard the good news with joy on their faces. I was a little puzzled, why did Dayong suddenly form a good relationship with Nan Chu? Could it be as I planned? Impossible, I shook my head.

In the next few months, the court was so busy that I entered the Hanlin Academy as usual, and happily threw myself into the library. I just heard that Princess Changle, the daughter of Emperor Yong, had a beautiful appearance and was very favored by Emperor Yong. But I think how beautiful a little girl who is just 15 or 16 years old can be. After several months of operation, after completing the six ceremonies of accepting the color, asking the name, accepting the levy, accepting the levy, inviting the period, and welcoming in person, it will be in the Spring Festival. At the time of Huadan, Princess Changle officially held a big wedding with the Prince of Nanchu. I was fortunate to attend the wedding as the new champion. After the wedding, when His Royal Highness the Prince and the Crown Princess accepted the pilgrimage of the ministers, I finally saw the true face of Princess Changle. , It is really graceful and luxurious, and she is absolutely beautiful. Although she is still young, she can't help being a little immature, but she is really beautiful. In comparison, the prince next to him, although he is in his early twenties, should not be overshadowed no matter how you look at it. Of course, everyone was talking about such nonsense as "a talented man and a woman are a match made in heaven". But I don't think Emperor Yong would be so ruthless and pretend to use his favorite daughter to make a knot After a few more comfortable days, I prayed sincerely. I hope that Dayong will really form a good relationship with Nan Chu, so that I can live a peaceful life for decades.

When I was praying sincerely, the music officer began to play music, and it was my new work "Sapphire Case", which was just released as a Hanlin bachelor.

"The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night, and it blows down even more, and the stars are like rain. The fragrance of BMW carved cars fills the road. The sound of the phoenix flute moves, the jade pot turns light, and the fish and dragon dance all night. The crowd searched for him thousands of times. When I looked back, the man was there, where the lights were dim."

The palace maids danced gracefully to the sound of the music. I looked up and saw Princess Changle turned her head slightly. From the corner of her eye, a crystal teardrop fell silently into the dust. I felt a chill in my heart, this lonely girl will spend her life in a foreign country from now on, and she will not be able to see her parents and family from now on. This is still a good prospect. If, if Dayong is just pretending to marry, although I hope not, but I can't be so sure, what a grim end this girl will face. At this time, I saw His Royal Highness lowered his head and said something in the princess' ear. Although it was too far away and the voice was messy, I still vaguely heard His Royal Highness tell Princess Changle that this "Sapphire Case Yuanxi" was a new subject. The works of the champion Jiang Zhe. Princess Changle followed the eyes of His Royal Highness and looked at me with a slight smile. That smile was like a blooming spring flower, which made me tremble, and I quickly lowered my head.