The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 24: Thousands of miles away


After a few days of hurried marching, King Yong and the rest of the Yong army reunited. King Yong's army of hundreds of thousands retreated to Dayong step by step. So the next march was calm and comfortable. As a prisoner, I didn’t have to live with other prisoners because I received preferential treatment. King Yong ordered a separate camp for me and Xiao Shunzi. Although it was a marching camp, it was very comfortable and exquisite. The ground is covered with thick brocade felt, and the gaps around the tent are tightly wrapped with fur, so that the cold autumn wind will not blow in at all. There is a big bed in one corner of the tent, which is enough for two people to sleep peacefully. On the other side of the tent is a square pine table with two chairs on both sides. The exquisite and practical copper stove now has a pot of boiling water on it, which makes the whole tent warm.

Xiao Shunzi listened to the water boiling, and skillfully made me a cup of hot tea. I stretched my waist and sat up. Over the years, several accidents have caused me to contract the root cause of the disease. Although I insist on practicing Qigong for health preservation, the old disease still recurs from time to time. In addition, it is difficult for doctors to heal by themselves, so I have always been sick in recent years. Although it is an excuse to recover, my health is really not very good. Xiao Shunzi sat up to serve me and complained, "Young master is always reluctant to take a good rest. This time I went to Dayong all the way to the dust, I am afraid that you will fall ill again."

I sighed and said: "Is there any way, you know how I got sick, most of it is a heart disease, in fact, I am much better now, but this march reminds me of the attack on Shu back then, it's a pity Prince De I have already returned to the west with a crane. Now I am in the Dayong military camp, and I can't help but feel embarrassed when I think of the past. Alas."

At this time, a loud laugh came from outside the tent: "I heard that Mr. Jiang is not feeling well, and this king is here to visit." Following the laughter, King Yong Li Zhi walked in. He was dressed as a prince, and followed behind him. Two advisors and three people walked into the tent. I barely wanted to get out of bed, but Li Zhi had already walked over and pressed me down, "You don't need to get up, sir, I heard that you are ill, and Zhi is busy with military affairs, so I made time to visit. I'm so rude." After that, he sat beside my bed and looked at my face worriedly.

I saw that the two Confucian scholars had also sat down and said, "Suiyun's old illness has relapsed and he can't get out of bed. Please forgive me. I have heard for a long time that His Royal Highness King Yong is surrounded by talented people. I don't know what to call them."

A middle-aged Confucian scholar in his fifties who was old, handsome and in his fifties stood up and said, "Beihai Guanxiu has seen Mr. Jiang, and his literary talents are famous all over the world. Guan has read Mr.'s poems, his teeth are full of fragrance, and he can't bear to pass away. what."

Another Confucian scholar in white with slender eyebrows and long eyes also smiled and said, "That day, Mr. Shu's king was forced to die for a while, and he still thinks about it in his heart, and gave birth to Dong Zhi late."

I said indifferently: "I have heard for a long time that the advisors under King Yong's account, Beihai Guanxiu is good at rectifying food, grass and soldiers, Luoyang Dong Zhi is good at marching and forming an army, and there is another Yingchuan Goulian who is good at dispatching to the Quartet. These three are also called the three heroes. , seeing it today is indeed well-deserved reputation, but unfortunately the three heroes only saw the second, and it really made Suiyun sigh the mansion is thin and shallow."

Dong Zhi smiled and said: "Brother Gou is not in the army now, so he cannot see each other. He also respects Mr. Dayong. On that day, Mr. De went to the army of Dayong with Prince De, and the three of us happened to be not in the army, and then we left in a hurry. , and there is no chance to discuss in detail, and now that the gentleman is under His Royal Highness, I must be able to talk about wine in the future."

I looked at Li Zhi, smiled slightly, did not refute Dong Zhi's words, lest he look ugly, but said lightly: "Although Suiyun is sickly, he is still in good spirits, if Brother Dong has any questions, feel free to come. Ask Suiyun, Suiyun dares to say nothing."

After talking for a while, they saw that I was tired and left. Li Zhi frequently asked me to rest well, saying that a carriage had been arranged for me to accompany me, and they asked Xiao Shunzi to take good care of me. If you need anything, you can ask Guanxiu for it.

After they left, I leaned back on the bed and smiled: "King Yong's advisors are very enthusiastic, but I think that Gou Lian is a little narrow, otherwise why did His Royal Highness King Yong not bring him with him? ?"

Xiao Shunzi smiled and said, "Young Master is smart now. That Gou Lian is also in the camp, but he has a bad temperament, so King Yong didn't invite him to come, so as not to offend the Young Master immediately."

King Yong and the two advisors walked out of the tent and sighed, "I thought he was just sick, but he was really sick and couldn't afford it, alas, he is not in good health, and I forced him to travel, no wonder he is always cold to this king. ."

Dong Zhi reassured: "Your Highness, don't worry, I saw that this person is in good spirits even though he is ill, and I must not be angry because His Highness brought him with him. Although I can't see through this person's affairs, I said that he joined His Highness. He didn't refute it face to face, which shows that this person is not insurmountable."

Li Zhi smiled bitterly and said, "Jiang Zhe is very easygoing, even if I forcibly give him an official position, he may not refuse it, but if he wants to serve his life sincerely, it will be difficult. , just or a little reluctantly, he refused to serve with the army again, Prince De is still the uncle of Nanchu, so he is so perfunctory, I am worried that he will perfunctory me like this."

Guan Xiu said: "Your Highness is at ease, although this person's heart is as cold as ice, he still has a passion for blood, otherwise he would not speak out. Prince De's estrangement is mostly because of Prince De's staff Rong Yuan, but I'm worried about Gou Lian's temperament, this person is hard to convince, and always has to provoke a few times, I'm afraid it will annoy Jiang Suiyun."

Dong Zhidao: "Brother Guan is overthinking it, I think if Gou Lian goes, I am afraid there will be unexpected results. Although Jiang Zhe is gentle and elegant on the outside, he is not inferior in heart, and he is similar in temperament to Brother Gou, I don't see it. There will be adverse consequences."

Just when the three of them were discussing repeatedly here, the Gou Lian they were worried about had already arrived in front of my account. Gou Lian was the most arrogant and arrogant. He learned that Li Zhi went to Jianye and specially brought Jiang Zhe back by force. He cared so much about him, and Gou Lian felt uncomfortable. This time, Li Zhi brought Guan Xiu and Dong Zhi to visit the doctor but not himself. Gou Lian felt uncomfortable for a while. With his intelligence, he naturally knew about Li Zhi and the others. Worrying that he offended Jiang Zhe, this made him even more unwilling, so he took advantage of Li Zhi and the others to leave soon, and came to my tent. I am still a "captive" of Yong Jun, although Li Zhi ordered no one to disturb me. , but Gou Lian's position in the army is very high, so the sergeant guarding me did not stop him, and let him walk into my tent.

As soon as I saw the hooked-nosed young man, I guessed his identity. I saw him standing in front of me impolitely and looking at me for a long time. He waved his hand to stop Xiao Shunzi's anger, and I smiled and said, "Excuse me, but the tongue is sharp. Gou Lian Gou Yongquan like a knife?"

Gou Lian was slightly startled, and said, "I can't think of a song that Jiang Suiyun, who gave the king of Shu's life, would also recognize me as a little guy. I'm really honored. I don't know that the old man who satirized the king of Shu in the past would lose his waist and pan temples once he became a minister and captive. 'Whether the champion of the first prize knew about today's events, I saw Xiongtai described as haggard and dismembered, so it should be considered as 'sinking waist and pan sideburns'."

I said indifferently: "I have heard for a long time that Brother Yongquan was an adviser to the late Xuzhou General Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen did not serve Zhengshuo and led his troops to separate the region. Brother Yongquan was very favored under his tent at that time. Later, His Royal Highness King Yong attacked him. Zhang Chen, Your Excellency was ordered to envoy to Yongying. Who knew that I was impressed by His Highness' majesty. After returning, I persuaded General Zhang to abandon his armor and surrender. In the future, Your Excellency will be sent to the Quartet on behalf of His Royal Highness King Yong, which will not disgrace the mission. Instead, it was said to be humiliated by others, so that your Excellency will be stabbed in the future, and then you will achieve something?"

Gou Lian blushed. Although he persuaded Zhang Chen to surrender, although it was a good talk, he always felt that he had not persuaded King Yong to retreat, but instead became a lobbyist for King Yong to persuade him to surrender, which would be a disgrace to his mission. A sharp debunking. He said sternly: "His Royal Highness King Yong's dragon and phoenix posture, elegant and high, can't be shaken by words, and it's not surprising to return home, and to save General Zhang from water and fire, this merit can be made up, but it is Your Excellency, since you know Dayong is the orthodox, so why not honor Zhengshuo?"

I smiled and said: "Brother Yongquan's words are wrong. I said that General Zhang did not follow Zhengshuo, but it was because the unification of the Central Plains was in an instant, and people's hearts were attached. General Zhang relied on the military strength and did not know the current affairs, so he took it lightly. Although Southern Chu is a small country, it has been established for a long time, especially above Dayong. Suiyun was once the champion of Southern Chu, a first-class scholar, and served in the Hanlin Academy for many years. Yong, Suiyun knows a lot of shame and shame, the old master is still there, how can you follow the fire and serve the new master."

Gou Lian rolled his eyes and said, "Since Your Excellency is determined to serve Southern Chu, now that the lord of Southern Chu is in my camp, and Zhao Jia has bowed his knees to serve my Dayong, why is Your Excellency so stubborn, not to mention that I heard that worthy ministers choose their lords instead of In this case, Zhao Jia was incapacitated and forced to kill the wise king, while my lord, His Royal Highness Yong Wang, was humbly conceited, respectful and valiant, and he acted decisively and decisively. "

I smiled coldly and said, "Although worthy ministers choose their masters, I have never heard of the old masters who still serve the new master's worthy ministers. In the past, Yu Rang served Zhi Bo after the death of the Zhongxing clan, and the Zhongxing clan was no more than a mortal. Waiting for it, Yu Rang has not abandoned it, not to mention that Suiyun followed in the past, not by Zhao Jia alone, but by the royal family of Southern Chu. If you are rich, you will immediately vote for the new owner.”

Gou Lian said honestly: "Although Your Excellency's words are golden and jade, but Your Excellency has long been reprimanded, why are you so infatuated."

I said indifferently: "In the past, Bi Gan's heart was broken, his ambitions did not change, Qu Yuan was demoted, and he heard about the affairs of the king of Chu, especially from Shen Jiang, Suiyun was not an idiot, and dared not follow the example of the sages, but he was blind to Ronghua, and took refuge in the new master. I don't dare to ask for wealth."

When Gou Lian heard this, he could only bow down and say: "Sir is of high quality and is under the consecration, but Your Highness has the appearance of a king. If you miss it, it would be a pity. It is thousands of miles away, can Yongquan come to disturb me and listen to the teachings respectfully.”

I smiled and said: "Brother Yongquan is famous all over the world, it is Suiyun who should ask for more advice, the journey is lonely, if you have time, you might as well come and talk at night, but although Suiyun has read a lot of books, he doesn't know much about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Now, I heard that Your Excellency is quite famous here, and I would like to ask Your Excellency to enlighten me."

After Li Zhi learned that Gou Lian had come to see me privately, he was very worried at first, and immediately sent someone to persuade him. Who knew that person came, but saw me and Gou Lian chatting very happily. When Li Zhi heard about it, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Since then, he often I will not refuse to ask the staff under the tent to accompany me. I talked in detail for many days. I can't help but admire the staff under the tent of King Yong. Guan Xiu is very proficient in the matter of money and grain copywriting. Dong Zhi is proficient in the art of war. Gou Lian is very knowledgeable and can talk to me the most, but he has a competitive personality and always likes to debate with me. Talking with these people every day, I am in a good mood. Coupled with Xiao Shunzi's careful care, my illness gradually recovered on the way.

I have a good impression of them, and they have a lot of admiration for me.

Guan Xiu is good at military money and rations, and is the master of King Yong's cronies, but as soon as he talks to this young man, he finds that no matter what he says, he immediately understands it. Later, Jiang Zhe inadvertently said that he had dealt with documents under Prince De's account, which made Guan Xiu know why this Hanlin scholar knew so much about these trivial matters. He originally thought that Jiang Zhe had been in the shogunate of Prince De, but he was the counselor of the military aircraft. That's it.

Dong Zhi is good at the art of war, but when he debated with Jiang Zhe, he found that Jiang Zhe knew everything about the ancient and modern battle formations, but he didn't know much about it. Jiang Zhe said it well and explained it in great detail. He asked him how he knew about it. , This young man said with a smile that he had studied military books in Zhenyuan Hou Lu's house, and later he had also sorted out military books and battle strategies in the Hanlin Academy. Dong Zhi originally thought that Jiang Zhe was just talking about soldiers on paper, so he tried to practice the art of war with him. Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhe used his soldiers to be unpredictable, and there was no trace to be found. Top milli. After Dong Zhi was convinced, he couldn't help but be eager to win, so he debated with him about the weapon of war. Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhe was able to say everything. Later, although Jiang Zhe was mostly silent, if he occasionally spoke, let Dong Zhi think about it. Half a day, the next day to study and improve the equipment.

Gou Lian admires Jiang Zhe the most. He was arrogant and knowledgeable. Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhe participated in the establishment of Chongwen Temple in Southern Chu, and he has read more than ten thousand books. Every time he argues about an article, Jiang Zhe often asks for extensive references, which makes Gou Lian stunned. , As for the art of tongue debating, although Jiang Zhe doesn't often use it, but if Gou Lian is complacent and unable to extricate himself, Jiang Zhe often convinces him with a single sentence.

What the three admired most in private was that although Jiang Zhe was so talented, he was calm and natural. When we talked to him, it was like spring breeze and rain. Sweaty. Later, the three of them were more and more eager to win, but Jiang Zhe often retreated gently, letting the three people's enthusiasm turn into a spring breeze, and it took a long time to realize that Jiang Zhe did not fight.

Although the journey of a thousand miles is far away, it will eventually come to an end. When they were about to arrive at Yongdu, the three of them joined forces to ask Li Zhi again and asked him to take Jiang Zhe as his subordinate. Gou Lian was the most fierce and said, "It would be a pity if Your Highness could not take this person under your command. This person's talent is several times better than mine. If he is an enemy, I am afraid that there will be no bones left."

Li Zhi said with a bitter face: "Gentlemen, why does this king not know the importance of this person, but every time this king goes to persuade, this person is silent, leaving this king with nothing to do."

Guan Xiu said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, this person respects His Highness and has no hostility towards us, so he should not refuse to come here. This time we return to Beijing, we will send this person to Yongwang's mansion for house arrest, and slowly persuade him. There is always a way, not to mention Shi Ziyou's generosity and kindness, he will definitely be able to enlighten him."

Li Zhi sighed and said, "That's the only way. If Shi Ziyou can't convince him anymore, this king, this king, alas, how can this king be willing to do so."

The three of Guanxiu looked at each other in dismay, and they all knew that Li Zhi had murderous intentions.

"The rain is gurgling outside the curtain, and the spring is fading. Luo Qin can't bear the cold. In a dream, I don't know if I am a guest, and I am greedy for a while. Don't lean on the railing alone, there is no limit to the country, it's easy to see when it's different. world."

I stand in front of the window in my clothes. This is the post house. Tomorrow is the day I arrive at Yongdu. I recite the newly written "Waves and Sands", and my heart is infinitely lonely. 100-turn ileum. Xiao Shunzi walked up to me and said in a low voice, "Young Master, these days, you have convinced Li Zhi's counsellors, but you have never been willing to give Li Zhi your favor. If Li Zhi is motivated to kill, what should you do? "

"Xiao Shunzi, you don't understand, in the past I was just going with the flow, it didn't matter who I was an official in, even in front of Prince De, I was just perfunctory, but His Royal Highness Prince Yong's heart is like a mirror, if I vote for him, if I can't Trust me, then His Royal Highness King Yong will not be satisfied, and he will not be able to solve his crisis. If I want to do my best, then I will look at King Yong's bearing. I deliberately force him to kill me. If he finally lets go, I just thought he was the sage master of Mingjun. If he finally made a murderous move, then he was just a hero. Instead of worrying about him killing heroes in the future, I might as well try his mind today. If he can finally let go Me, then I believe that in the future, rulers and ministers will be able to start well and end well, if he—, I’ll just cheat and get away.”

Xiao Shunzi said with an anxious look on his face: "Young Master, His Royal Highness Prince Yong is very powerful. If he wants to kill you, how can you escape? Although my martial arts are good, I can't guarantee that I can rescue the son."

I smiled lightly and said, "I think His Royal Highness Yong, in order not to hurt the hearts of famous people in the world, will definitely not kill me with a real sword. Poison is the best way. I have prepared a precious poison. After I took it, I was as stiff as death. It is difficult to steal a person, but is it not easy to steal a corpse? After I get out, I will hide in Yongdu. When the opportunity is available, I will take the opportunity to report the hatred of killing my wife. At that time, Xiao Shunzi, you and I will be able to roam the world and remain anonymous. Wouldn’t it be fun? People often say that you read ten thousand volumes of books and travel ten thousand miles, but I’m really looking forward to it?”

Xiao Shunzi said reassuringly, "Then I should expect King Yong to kill Young Master, so as not to burden Young Master with painstaking efforts for him."

I smiled slightly, wanting me to work hard, but not everyone is qualified. To be honest, I am afraid that no one can pass this temptation of mine. It's a pity that King Yong is really a person I admire, I think with some regrets.