The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 28: very disappointed


Looking at the distant back, the wine glass in Li Zhi's hand shattered and blood dripped from the palm of his hand. He had never felt so disheartened. Since he was a boy, he has been the focus of everyone. In Lun's career, he has always been a high-ranking king. The sergeant died, the people loved him, the ministers revered him, and the royal family admired him. How many times, he just honored the talents with respect, in exchange for the gratitude of those people, how many times. He just did some small things at will, but he achieved his image of being approachable. Gradually, he was used to conquering others with his kingly charm, and winning people's hearts with modesty and peace. Today, he really suffered a painful failure. , no matter how I treat each other, that person always smiles and stays away, yes, I can keep him by my side as an official, but what's the use, I didn't conquer that person, I didn't get his loyalty, at this moment , Li Zhi really tasted the bitter fruit of failure, how many times he was defeated in battle, and how many times he was embarrassed in the court, Li Zhi has never been so lost and painful.

Just when Li Zhi was unable to extricate himself, an elegant music sounded in his ears. The voice was ethereal and noble, gentle and upright. Li Zhi couldn't help but move in his heart. About to be frightened, he said helplessly: "This king is tired, so I will go back to rest." After that, he got up and left.

Shi Yu and others looked at his back and felt Li Zhi's loneliness and sadness, and couldn't help but feel heavy. Although they couldn't understand Li Zhi's mood, they knew exactly what kind of blow Li Zhi suffered. Dong Zhi saw that everyone had already dispersed, and said angrily, "Jiang Suiyun is going too far. His Highness treats him like this, yet he is still so ruthless."

Guan Xiu sighed: "No matter how excessive he is, we can't blame him. The so-called loyal minister is not the second master, and it is not surprising that he is unwilling to be loyal to His Highness."

Dong Zhi said angrily: "The so-called loyal minister, if he refuses to surrender, he would rather die than give in, but he is obviously not such a person, but he just refuses to be loyal to His Highness, such a Mingjun refuses to serve, why should he serve someone like Li An? ?"

Shi Yu said thoughtfully: "I'm worried that His Highness really has murderous intentions. If he kills this person, not only will the world lose a talented person, but also His Highness's reputation will be damaged. It's just that His Highness's worries are justified. How can he be used by others, these days, he has learned so much about His Highness, even if His Highness is at ease, we can’t be at ease.”

Gou Lian said, "I don't think this person has no intention of His Highness, but there is an obstacle that we don't understand."

The six eyes immediately fell on Gou Lian. Gou Lian was able to go out to the Quartet. In addition to a sharp mouth, his ability to observe words and expressions also played a lot. Since he said this, he was naturally somewhat confident. Gou Lian suddenly smiled slightly, and a servant walked over from a distance, in front of the four of them, and respectfully reported: "Mr. Gou, the villain asked the servant who sent Mr. Jiang back to the room, and Mr. Jiang suddenly picked a piece on the way. Bamboo pages, blowing a tune."

Gou Lian waved him back and looked at the three of them. Dong Zhi said thoughtfully, "You mean that the music just now was played by Jiang Zhe."

Gou Lian said lightly: "I just listened to that piece of music, not very skillful, but the tune was peaceful and upright, from the heart, and it wasn't the sound of silk and bamboo, so I sent someone to take a look at it, it really was Jiang Zhe's doing, this person can Guessing that His Highness is furious, it is just his intelligence. He exaggerated His Highness Ye Ping's state of mind, but he was not indifferent to His Highness, so I said that there must be a great obstacle for him to refuse to serve His Highness. "

Shi Yu said: "But what is the problem? Your Highness is mellow and kind, and you are wise and wise. If you want to be prosperous and rich, it is only your Highness's words. If there is any difficulty, Your Highness will definitely be able to solve his problems. Your Highness is right. Could he be inferior to Zhao Jue, Prince of Nanchude?"

Dong Zhi said lightly: "If we can't relieve His Highness, what face will we have left in the palace, His Highness attaches so much importance to this person, can't we be inferior to him?"

Shi Yu sighed and said, "Our director is nothing more than helping the world and bringing peace to the people and fighting the art of war. Although we can be called Wang Zuo's talents, the enemy of His Royal Highness at this moment is not something we can solve. Let's discuss in detail the enemy of His Royal Highness, Prince Li An, Although he is loyal and filial on the outside, he is ruthless on the inside, but he has the title of righteousness. Therefore, there are villains who do things wrong and gentlemen who respect the emperor. Such an enemy is already difficult to deal with, and the prince and young Fu Lu Jingzhong is another A genius with conspiracy and insight into people's hearts, so His Highness can't shake his storage position. His Royal Highness King Qi, although he is reckless, has never acted excessively. The courage of the crown prince is also, with the assistance of King Qi, the crown prince can concentrate on dealing with His Highness, without worrying that Dayong will not have a suitable commander in the future, and the Holy Majesty, I am not slandering Your Majesty, the Holy Majesty is jealous of His Highness's talent, and the father and son are not the same. Today, I may help His Highness when it is urgent, but on weekdays I would like to see the Prince suppressing His Highness. Although these enemies are powerful, with His Highness’s demeanor and ability, and with our help, His Highness still has a 50% chance of winning, but the most terrifying The enemy is Fengyi Sect, the master of Fengyi Sect. I have met by fate. He knows astronomy, yin and yang, and geography. Anbang's ambition to rule the country is even more terrifying because she has self-knowledge and knows that she can't take the world clearly, so she uses all means to control my Dayong dynasty. The disciples of Yimen, we don’t know how many people are around us in secret. They put on a posture of helping the Sheji wholeheartedly, making people respect their behavior and not guarding their power. Now they have made it clear that they support the prince, with their support. Existence, the sage, the prince, and the king of Qi are an inseparable whole, how can your highness fight against them?"

The three of them were stunned. They didn't know that King Yong's situation was so difficult, but they knew a thing or two about King Yong's firm refusal to marry Feng Yimen. For different reasons, they also opposed Fengyimen's infiltration of King Yong. The forces, unexpectedly, are now almost incompatible. Dong Zhi took a deep breath and asked, "So, what does these things have to do with Jiang Zhe?"

Shi Yu said with a long sigh, "Although Fengyi's sect master has amazing talents, she has one shortcoming. She is a woman after all, and she can't help being a little indecisive and sometimes overly cautious. If you want to beat this person, It needs an independent, extraordinary person. This is the so-called extraordinary soldier who wins the battle. Jiang Zhe, although he looks at ease with the situation, but he is proud of the group, outstanding and outstanding, and he has no scruples when he acts as a person. , is unpredictable, looking at the temple's calculations, and every time it is strange and cunning, which is beyond everyone's expectations, and has a far-reaching layout, careful thinking, and acts of femininity and ruthlessness. In the confrontation, His Highness suffered a lot of losses, and he had no resistance. Back then, he offered advice to His Highness. Although he kept His Highness safe, he also succeeded in separating His Highness and the Emperor, but His Highness clearly noticed his intentions, but there was no way. Stop, only Jiang Zhe can defeat the master of Fengyi Sect and not destroy Fengyi Sect. Not only will His Highness’s foundation be unsecured, but I will fall into the hands of a woman sooner or later, so Your Highness will be so rude, please forgive me. Your Highness is taking pains not to be dissatisfied with His Highness's preference for Jiang Zhe."

Dong Zhi said ashamedly: "Many thanks to Mr. Ziyou's teaching, Zhi couldn't relieve His Highness's worries, but instead felt jealous. It's really ashamed."

Shi Yu got up and said, "Brother Dong is serious, we are all confidants of His Highness, so naturally we should be loyal to His Highness wholeheartedly."

When Shi Yu cleared up this big or small storm, I was half leaning on the bed, drinking the fragrant tea to hangover, and thinking about today's snow appreciation. Since the death of Piaoxiang, I often feel depressed in my heart. Annoying, today's meeting made me feel refreshed. If I hadn't made up my mind, I would have agreed to King Yong. When I remembered that day when we met at King Yong's camp in the middle of Shu, I was still a little in awe, but now I don't have it anymore. Any restraint, so I am less afraid of His Royal Highness King Yong, but I have to admit that His Royal Highness King Yong is extraordinary. If it were me, I am afraid that this rude boy would have been killed long ago.

It's a pity, no matter what, I can't change my mind. In the past, Jiang Suiyun was free to go to scientific examinations and offer advice, but now I cherish my freedom more. On the premise that I can hold on to my life, I will not use it again. Loyalty with people. Smile, although I never seem to have any real loyalty.

Before I went to sleep, I thought of Li Jun, the son of King Yong, that lovely and innocent child. Unfortunately, according to my understanding of the book, he was wise and exposed to death. I am afraid that this child will not be blessed with the honor of Ninety-five. After thinking about it, I laughed again. Although this child looks a little fortunate, his character should be good, and he has the blessing of King Yong. The golden grandson, what is there to regret

Half-dreaming and half-awake, I also have some doubts. In my opinion, King Yong is not a stalker. Why is this abnormal this time? It seems that I have to surrender, which is a bit unreasonable.

For King Yong Li Zhi, it was unpleasant to hear the news of King Qi's visit as soon as he regained his calm, but Li Xian was flattering and threatening in front of him: "Second brother, let me see Lord Jiang, I have known him since I was in Nanchu, and the emperor even said that he was going to be placed under house arrest, didn't you put him under house arrest?" In desperation, Li Zhi had to agree with Li Xian to see Jiang Zhe.

As soon as he walked into Qifengxuan where Jiang Zhe lived, Li Xian shouted: "Suiyun, Suiyun, it seems that the second brother treats you well, this Hanmei Xiaozhu is the second brother's beloved garden, and he actually gave you a place to live. ."

I was playing chess with Xiao Shunzi. My chess skills were mediocre, but Xiao Shunzi was good. According to him, playing chess would help him practice his skills. It was about to be defeated, so when Li Xian walked in while arguing, I was frowning and thinking about a move. Xiao Shunzi saw Li Xian come in, stood up and saluted, and said, "My servant sees His Royal Highness King Qi." Then Pushed me lightly.

Li Xian was sitting in Xiao Shunzi's seat. Seeing that I was still thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Don't think about it, I have experienced your chess skills, it really stinks."

I was woken up, looked at Li Xian opposite, and said in a daze: "Why is His Highness King Qi here?"

Li Xian deliberately showed a sad and disappointed look, and said, "Oh my God, did Master Jiang see my seven-foot body?"

I smiled slightly, pushed Qiping away and said, "Xiao Shunzi, bring a cup of tea to His Highness."

Xiao Shunzi brought a cup of hot tea over, Li Xian took it, looked Xiao Shunzi up and down for a long time and said, "Are you the eunuch in the imperial brother's mansion, why haven't I seen it before, are you new here, why? wearing this dress?"

Xiao Shunzi said lightly: "The slave is from Southern Chu. I have seen His Highness at the Palace of Southern Chu. Naturally, His Highness does not remember the servant."

Li Xian was stunned for a moment, then looked at me and said, "Why is there still a palace servant from Nanchu next to Lord Jiang?"

I smiled and said: "He is an old friend of mine. This time King Yong broke down Jianye. He left the palace while he was in chaos, so he simply didn't go back."

Li Xian suddenly realized, and said: "So it is, there is such a servant next to Master Jiang, and the Lord is really a blessing. It is better for the Lord to let him get a name. If you use the eunuch without authorization, it is a sin ."

I smiled lightly and said, "Jiang is only a grass-roots citizen, so how could anyone join me? Besides, Xiao Shunzi is a native of Southern Chu. Could it be that Dayong doesn't allow them to find another way out after their country is destroyed."

Seeing that the atmosphere was stiff, Xiao Shunzi quickly said, "Young Master, Your Highness is also kind."

Only then did my face turn clear and I said, "It is an honor for Suiyun to see me today, but Your Highness always goes to the Three Treasures Hall. I don't know what it is for you."

Li Xian's expression became solemn, and said: "Lord Jiang, as soon as I saw you, I felt that you were the person I Li Xian needed the most, don't ask me how I know, but if the lord is willing to be my counselor, I, Li Xian, are willing to Treat it like a teacher, obey your words, and never say anything else."

Looking at Li Xian's earnest eyes, I couldn't help but smile bitterly. Li Xian has just reached his thirties this year. He looks handsome and has a strong domineering, sincere and arrogant aura, which makes people both fearful and close. With King Yong Li Zhi, I think Li Xian is more suitable to be the monarch of Dayong. This man understands big things and is confused in small things. He chooses to support Li An, not necessarily because of how good Li An is, or how much he values him, but Because Li Zhi doesn't need his ability to fight and fight, and Li An can't do without his support, it is impossible for me to choose Li Xian. Since I learned Liang Wan's identity, I let the secret battalion begin. To collect information on Fengyimen, before I went to Yongdu, I had obtained preliminary information, but some information that everyone knew, including Qin Zheng, Princess Qi's origin, although she was the daughter of everyone, she was also Feng The top disciple of Yimen, Li Xian, is absolutely impossible to break up with Fengyimen, and because of Liang Wan, I have become Fengyimen's enemy. I dare not say that this matter will never be leaked. There is no airtight wall, so I can't go to Li Xian.

Thinking of this, I was about to sternly refuse, but suddenly I remembered my plan to cheat death, so I changed my mouth and said: "Your Highness is very kind, Suiyun is very grateful, but His Highness King Yong is not allowed to leave this place, and can only refuse His Highness's goodwill."

Li Xian said in surprise: "Why, the second brother dares to put you under house arrest, I'm afraid you don't know, Changle came back this time with a book of your poems, and the emperor liked it very much. If the second brother said that you were sick, you would have been I'm going to summon you, so you can just go back with me, my second brother will not leave you in trouble."

I said lightly: "Your Highness misunderstood, Suiyun was not in good health, and he contracted a cold on the way. It has only gotten better in the past few days. His Royal Highness said, Suiyun's health is not good, and you are not allowed to leave this place. I am really sympathetic to Suiyun. Your Highness must not be misunderstood."

Li Xian turned his eyes and said, "If that's the case, how about I go back and send someone to invite you to my Prince Qi's mansion to recuperate?"

I said lightly, "I'm not used to a place like the palace. It's too inconvenient. If there is any quiet small mansion or Zhuangzi, your Highness might as well take a look at it for me. Suiyun still has some savings and can afford a small residence."

Li Xian rubbed his hands together and said, "How can this happen? I want you to be a master, so how can I let you live outside."

I deliberately said: "That's fine, I'll ask His Royal Highness King Yong to think of a way another day, I'm sure there will always be a suitable garden, alas, even if His Highness does not agree, it will be difficult, who asked me to accept His Highness King Yong's kindness? ?"

Li Xian quickly said: "No problem, I will definitely help Mr. Jiang, no, Mr. Jiang will find a house, which is clean and elegant, and convenient for me to visit."

I smiled and said, "Then Suiyun would like to thank His Highness."

Watching King Qi leave happily, I feel a little guilty. Although King Qi is a little reckless, he is sincere to me. Unfortunately, I have to let him down after all. In fact, the one I let down the most is King Yong. He really cares about me. Otherwise, how could he raid Jianye? This is what I figured out during this period of time. He raided Jianye, I am afraid I am really what he wants.

Li Zhi sent King Qi away, and walked into the door with a pale face. King Qi's triumph made him disheartened, and Shi Yu was also very disappointed. He never thought that King Qi would be recognized by Jiang Zhe so easily. Then what are these people

Back in the study, Li Zhi said lightly, "Ziyou, hold a banquet for me tomorrow and see off Mr. Jiang."

Shi Yu fell to his knees and said, "Your Highness, don't let this person go." His voice trembled and panicked.

Li Zhi's voice was very calm, and he said lightly: "Prepare a Tibetan-style pot for me, and I want to send him on a long journey." His voice was very ethereal.

Shi Yu's body trembled and said, "Yes." His eyes were full of sadness and despair.

Li Zhi raised his head and said, "Ziyou, am I doing the right thing? If this person follows King Qi, I will have trouble sleeping and eating, so I might as well kill him to avoid future troubles."

Shi Yu said sadly: "Poisoning this person can save you from future troubles. If you don't kill this person, I will die in an instant."

Li Zhi burst into tears and said sadly: "But killing this person makes this king feel uneasy. This king has always been conceited and magnanimous, but now he has poisoned a person who refuses to submit to this king."

Shi Yu admonished: "Your Highness must not be soft-hearted, this person is amazing and brilliant. If you let it go, His Royal Highness's great cause will be in danger."

Li Zhi waved his hands weakly and said, "This king has already made up his mind. Tomorrow, I will use the Ecstasy Pill."

Shi Yu said: "Yes, in this way, he will die without illness after twelve hours, and there will be no pain."

Li Zhi didn't say anything.