The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 36: Gold Spy


I smiled and waved: "Chiji, take a seat for Young Master Xia, you go down first. Bring some refreshments, Young Master Xia must be hungry."

Chi Ji turned around and went out. After a while, refreshments were brought in, so he retreated. Xia Jinyi took a seat and devoured quickly. After a while, he burped. After he was full, he almost collapsed on the chair and looked at Said to me: "Sir, please order me."

I said lightly: "Do you know my identity?"

Xia Jinyi said embarrassedly: "I already know that you are Sima of the Tiance Commander's Mansion. I heard your name and surname from my senior brother. I heard that you are Lord Jiang Zhejiang, the one who gave the king of Shu his life with a poem."

I smiled and said, "You forgot to mention that I am from Southern Chu, and I was dismissed from office by the lord of the country. Now I have changed course and voted for King Yong."

Xia Jinyi said with a smile: "What does that matter? Since Nan Chu looks down on you, I heard that King Yong still attaches great importance to talents. It's not wrong for your lord to vote for King Yong."

I said indifferently: "Okay, I should have asked about your background, but there is no need to think about it, but if you have any special enemies or special experiences that you don't tell, don't blame me if there are any accidents in the future. Unpredictable."

Xia Jinyi thought about it: "Caomin doesn't have anything special to report, but if Caomin can't do a good job in writing, he doesn't know what he can do for the adults."

I said lightly: "It's very simple, you still go to the prince, but I want you to become the prince's confidant."

Xia Jinyi was stunned and said, "Sir, how can I approach the Crown Prince as a small person?"

I didn't speak, I picked up a piece of paper with some dense small characters written on it, and handed it to Xia Jinyi. After reading it, Xia Jinyi looked unpredictable and said, "Sir, is it that simple?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, I don't want you to spy on secrets, and I don't want you to contact us. I just want you to get the prince's favor according to my plan. To be honest, although your temperament is not a good subordinate, you can be a good one. Fortunately, I have more than enough precautions. I have arranged the conditions for you to be favored by His Royal Highness the Prince. Next, it is up to you to adapt to your own needs. You only need to grasp one principle, that is, let the Prince indulge yourself and meet the right time. , Say a few words of alienation, but remember, it can only involve King Qi, other than that, you have to obey the prince's orders, even if you do something bad, you have to do it, even if you hear anything It's a big secret, even if they are about to harm King Yong, you don't need to pay attention, you know, today is the only time we meet, and I won't tell you anything about tonight when we meet in the future."

Although Xia Jinyi didn't understand my intention, he still nodded and said, "Understood, your lord has allowed me to gain the prince's favor, and other matters are up to me to decide. already."

I nodded and said, "Yes, you can tell Senior Brother Ling the information about the Jinxiu Gang. Through this matter, at least you can enter the Prince's Mansion and get the Prince's appreciation. After that, it depends on your ingenuity. I gave you three cards. The prescription is a top-quality aphrodisiac formula... It can help you gain the favor of the prince. The three prescriptions have slightly different effects. You provide them to the prince in turn. Remember, you can say that you improved it yourself. There should be some knowledge, the prince dare not let the imperial doctor do this kind of thing, so there should be no problem with your favor."

Xia Jinyi said sternly: "To be honest with the adults, although the villain has never done the evil deed of picking flowers, he does know a thing or two about the fragrant aphrodisiac. , it can increase the fun without harming the body, as long as it is not used excessively, this prescription is an excellent medicine."

I smiled and said, "Okay, this way, I feel more at ease. Do you have any questions? After today, I won't have a chance to ask."

Xia Jinyi asked hesitantly, "Sir, are you so assured that the villain will not betray you?"

I smiled lightly and said: "Sell, what are you betraying me, I will give you information to make you meritorious, and give you prescriptions to make you favored by the prince, I don't ask you anything, as for playing with the prince, if the prince is wise, how can you do it? It is useful to divide the king of Qi and the prince, even if the prince knows that I let you do this, what can he do, will he fully trust the king of Qi? So if you are smarter, just do as I say, you can gain favor, and you don't need to Provoking death, otherwise, Xiao Shunzi—"

Xiao Shunzi took out a piece of silver from his arms, and easily ground the silver into powder in his palm. Xia Jinyi took a sip and looked at me.

I said again: "But I really can't trust you completely, so let's just write a letter and say that you are someone sent to undercover by Prince Yong's Mansion, and leave it to me to keep. If you are not strict, I will let the crown prince. When I see your letter, don't say that Prince Yong's mansion is going to kill you, even the crown prince will not let you go, even my entourage, killing you is easy, as long as you forget what happened tonight, take the gift I gave you. And the prescription, then you can easily please the prince and get the glory and wealth you want, but remember, if you are too incompetent, you can't get the prince's favor within two months, then I'm sorry, I'm changing People had no choice but to kill you first."

Xia Jinyi bowed down and said: "The villain will never dare to live up to the entrustment of the adults, the adults can rest assured, the villain is just to please His Royal Highness, and there will be no guilt."

I smiled and said: "Okay, you can write the evidence. I'm waiting to see your good show. Remember, you will inevitably be implicated after the event is completed, but don't worry, I will arrange your retreat."

Xia Jinyi lowered his head and said, "The villain knows." As he said that, he went to the table and wrote a note. Xia Jinyi also knew that if he didn't write it, he would be killed immediately. When he finished writing, I said again: "Come on."

It was Chi Ji who came in, and I said lightly: "You go back to the inn to rest first, didn't you make an appointment with your senior brother and then go to Jiang Nanchun for a drink? The guards of Prince Yong's Mansion will follow my orders to arrest you and send you to Guan Zhonglian, but I think your senior brother will save you."

Xia Jinyi's heart skipped a beat again, and said helplessly, "Young master arranges so carefully, the villain will definitely not go wrong."

I waved my hand and said: "Okay, you have to go back as is, I won't send you." Xia Jinyi was suddenly dumbfounded, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he went out with Chi Ji dejectedly. .

After sending Xia Jinyi away, Xiao Shunzi said lightly, "Young Master, do you want me to put away the documents?"

I smiled slightly and lit the document with a silver lamp. Xiao Shunzi looked at me strangely, and I said lightly: "What's the use of this document, it is given to the prince, it does not confirm the crime of our Yongwangfu. If Xia Jinyi is smart, he will not betray us, if it is true So stupid, we have nothing to lose, but I don't think he will betray us." Looking at the light, I laughed again, such a cheap thing, if Xia Jinyi betrays us, then he is a god. Number one fool.

Xia Jinyi was still pointed acupuncture points and put it in the box. He returned to the inn room in the early hours of the morning. On the way, Xia Jinyi repeatedly thought about what he should do. He was not a man of faith, but after thinking about it, the other party just gave him what he should do. The opportunities and means that the prince favors, his reputation is not good, and his martial arts are mediocre. Zhongtian, how can a small person of me shake King Yong, thinking of Chi Ji's methods, a small follower has such a ruthlessness, then their master's methods can be imagined, the best way for me is to do as they say. , you must get the prince's favor within two months.

Returning to his bed, Xia Jinyi sat up after the acupuncture points were untied, slowly thinking about how to speak and act. It was not until noon that he walked out of the inn and came to Jiang Nanchun again. Guys, look Although there was no change in his complexion, his eyes were very strange. Who made him offend Guan Zhonglian yesterday, but he was drinking with the people from the Prince's Mansion

Walking into the elegantly decorated flower hall, Xia Jinyi saw a few men in brocade clothes sitting together talking and laughing, he stepped forward a few steps, and bowed to the middle-aged man with a national character sitting in the chief: "Eldest brother, little brother I'm a step late, please forgive me."

That middle-aged man was named Zhang Jinxiong, who was thirty-seven years old this year. He had a very decent appearance. Although his clothes were gorgeous, he was ordinary, except that his sleeves were very wide. He was the eldest disciple of the twenty-seventh generation of the Kongtong School. Qimen's kung fu is outstanding, and Wei Yin has become the best choice for the next generation of sect masters. Originally, he practiced martial arts with all his heart, without any distractions, and never went down the mountain easily except to go out to work under the orders of his teacher, but two years ago, Feng The messenger of Yimen went to Kongtong in person. After a long talk, Zhang Jinxiong was sent to Chang'an to become a fourth-rank guard with a sword. Zhang Jin's male son is upright, serious in his work, and never wants to go beyond his limits, so he quickly gained the trust of the prince and became the chief guard of the prince's mansion. He never pays attention to any political disputes on weekdays. In addition to being in charge of the defense of the Prince's Palace, he is practicing exercises and occasionally going out for a few drinks with a few close guards. Although he has a strict and indifferent temperament, because of his generosity and justice, so Very respected by subordinates. Strictly speaking, he is not the confidant of the prince, because many of the things that the prince does not want to make public have to be done by another person, that is, the deputy general manager Xing Song.

When he saw Xia Jinyi, there was a hint of a smile on his face, and he said lightly, "You're here, come and sit down. These people are all my subordinates. In the future, will you ask them to take care of you when you enter the house?"

Xia Jinyi stepped forward and saluted: "The elder brothers, the younger brother is not good at martial arts. Fortunately, he is still a little smart. If the elder brothers don't dislike it, you can leave the errands to the younger brother."

A thin middle-aged man said with a smile: "I see, I have heard from Director Zhang for a long time that you are good at eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, and practicing martial arts. I also asked you to call him senior brother."

Xia Jinyi said without blushing and heartbeat: "Of course it's my brother who loves me. I didn't study well and was expelled from my school. If it wasn't for my brother's plea, my martial arts would have been abolished long ago. Come on, my brother will give me a cup, and I'll invite my brother in the future. Take care of you and a few brothers, the younger brother will never dare to cause trouble."

Several people smiled and drank this glass of wine. Zhang Jinxiong was naturally satisfied with the words and deeds of his younger brother, and the guards did not mind that this young man would not pose a threat to them, and then began to have well-trained servants serving delicate dishes. One of the guards picked up the chopsticks and said with a smile, the famous dish of Southern Chu really has a unique taste, but the name is too strange. Look at this dish, although it is delicious, it is called Beauty Liver. Xia Jinyi smiled and said, "This dish is made of duck pancreas white, that is, duck gizzard, with chicken breast, winter bamboo shoots, and mushrooms, and stir-fried with duck oil. The name has a history. A well-known talent is feasting at Qiushuilou, one of the most famous restaurants in the area. Who would have thought that the chef of the restaurant missed the side dishes. If one dish is missing, wouldn't his reputation be ruined? The chef looked around, Attracted by the pink and delicate color of the duck pancreas soaked in the water, I served it with chicken breast and fried it with duck oil. The customer praised it very much and asked the name of the dish. He casually said the words "beautiful liver", and this dish has this name. In fact, there is another famous dish in Nanchu called Xishi Tongue?"

Several guards said in amazement, "Xishi tongue."

Xia Jinyi smiled and said, "Actually, it is the tongue and feet of the sea mussel. It is said that it is fat, white and delicate. It is the delicacy in the world, but it is only easy to eat at the seaside."

One of the guards smiled and said, "Brother Xia really knows a lot. If you have the chance, you should try this Xishi tongue."

Xia Jinyi changed his mind and said, "Actually, my younger brother likes the delicacies of Shuzhong the most. I heard that there are many restaurants in Chang'an that are good at Sichuan cuisine, just like Hongyun Pavilion in Chang'an Metropolitan City and Xizilou in Liren City, there should be good Sichuan cuisine. ."

One of the guards sneered: "Brother Xia also said that they are already familiar with Chang'an, now it's revealing, I'm Chang'an's seated tiger, I don't know what restaurant, Hongyun Pavilion is indeed a Sichuan restaurant, and the Taibai duck there is One of the best in the world, Xizilou is the best among Qinlou and Chu halls. I know very well that the beauties in it are all slender and attractive, and there are many women from Nanchu, who are said to have been sold privately from Nanchu. Although the wine and food are good, there is nothing special about it. I heard that the boss is also an authentic Dayong person, how can there be excellent Sichuan food?"

Xia Jinyi was deliberately surprised and said: "Hey, don't you know, little brother travels the world, I can recognize the boss He of Xizilou, he is He Tieshan of the Qingcheng faction, his swordsmanship is very good, hee hee, senior brother, you know The younger brother later learned that the master was a Taoist priest in Tianduguan, so the younger brother often sold some ointments, pills, medicines, etc. It was a coincidence that he recognized Lao He. It was five or six years ago. I heard that it was He is the general manager of the prince of Shu Kingdom, and he never imagined that he would become a big boss now, but to tell the truth, we people in the rivers and lakes have to make money, and it is really rare for people to do business like him."

The expressions of all the guards, including Zhang Jinxiong, changed. Zhang Jinxiong asked in a deep voice, "Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Xia Jinyi smiled and said: "How is it possible, senior brother, you know my ability, when my younger brother first came to Chang'an, he settled down in Guanzhong Lian, and once went out for a walk, and met Boss He in front of Xizi Pavilion, but he spent a lot of money in that place. It was because I was shy, so I didn't go in."

Looking at Zhang Jinxiong's livid face, Xia Jinyi was very amused. What is this, 70% true, 30% false, he has seen Boss He, he has also been to Shuzhong, and even the business of selling medicine is true. Yes, but Boss He has never bought his medicine, and he doesn't know that Boss He is actually a master of the Qingcheng faction, the general manager of the King of Shu. Just know some.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was not right, Xia Jinyi didn't wait for his senior brother to ask questions, and immediately greeted him and then served the food. A jar of fine wine had just been served. Just when Zhang Jinxiong was about to continue his questioning, a cold and solemn voice suddenly came from outside: "Xia Jinyi, come out and take a bite. Bound, this seat saves you from dying."

Xia Jinyi showed a panicked look and looked at Zhang Jinxiong. Zhang Jinxiong glanced at him and said loudly, "Who is making a noise outside, this seat is a fourth-grade guard with a sword, and Zhang Jinxiong, the chief guard in front of the prince's car, is here."

Surprised cries came from outside the door, and then someone said loudly: "This is a fourth-rank guard with a sword, Hu Wei, the deputy chief of Yongwang's mansion, is here, Master Zhang, this official has been ordered to come and arrest Master Sima Jiang, who has violated the commander's mansion of Tiance. If you want to commit a crime, Xia Jinyi, the wandering son, why is Master Zhang here?"

Zhang Jinxiong glared at Xia Jinyi fiercely, Xia Jinyi was pale, and nodded again and again, Zhang Jinxiong said coldly, "Master Hu, please come in and talk."

The door opened, and a mighty, cold-looking big man walked in. He was wearing a brocade official uniform, and he didn't even look at Xia Jinyi. He stepped forward and saluted Zhang Jinxiong: "Master Zhang, this official has been ordered to arrest the villains, Please make it easy."

Zhang Jinxiong looked calm and said: "Although my junior brother is making a fool of himself, how can he work Master Hu so far?"

Hu Wei said: "Master Zhang doesn't know anything, this officer is now instructed to guard Master Sima Jiang Zhejiang of the Commander's Mansion. Yesterday, the master was drinking here, which coincided with the conflict between Xia Jinyi and Guan Zhonglian, so that the junior brother actually framed the blame and made the master almost associate with Guan Zhonglian. If there is a conflict, your lord ordered that your junior brother should be captured and sent to Guan Zhonglian, so please ask Sir Zhang to make it easier."

Zhang Jinxiong's heart sank. He naturally knew that Sima of Tiance Shuaifu was one of the most important ministers under King Yong's command. "Junior Brother Xia has not violated the king's law, and you are not Jing Zhaoyin, and you are not qualified to arrest him. Besides, if you are to take him away in front of this official, what face will this official have left in front of the Crown Prince? ."

Hu Wei also frowned. His Highness ordered that Lord Sima's orders must be followed. If he violated it, he would inevitably be punished. However, Zhang Jinxiong also made sense. If Zhang Jinxiong just let himself take people away like this, I'm afraid it will cut the face of the crown prince. In this case, King Yong may also be dissatisfied with his behavior. After thinking about it, there is still no way. He glanced at Zhang Jinxiong. Although Zhang Jinxiong has a good temperament, he is not a fool. He also saw Hu Wei's embarrassment and thought for a moment: "Well, let me take this junior brother back first, and I will never let him leave Chang'an. Today, I will personally go to Guan Zhonglian to adjust the matter, and then let him go to apologize to Lord Jiang, but you must not let you take people away today."

Hu Wei thought about it, this was the only way, and said, "Since Mr. Zhang has guaranteed him, this officer will let him go first, and then I will go back and report to Mr. Sima, and then make plans." After saying goodbye, Zhang Jinxiong also Sending each other off in person, after all, King Yong and the crown prince have not yet torn their faces, so they still have to take care of their face, and Zhang Jinxiong himself is not a rude person.

After sending Hu Wei away, Zhang Jinxiong glared at Xia Jinyi and said, "That's good. Last time you said vaguely. It turns out that you have offended Prince Yong's mansion heavily. How could this end?"