The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 48: Escape from the dead


〖Following the clouds to heal a little, Sang Chen bid farewell to Chang'an, and the King of Leaving Xing gave him a gift of thousands of gold. The master declined, and Zhe persuaded that the gold and silk were not for recompense, but only a little to help the travel, and there are many poor and sick people in the world, the master is kind to save them .

— "The History of Chu in the Southern Dynasties: The Biography of Jiang Suiyun"〗

What it feels like to escape from death, this is probably only experienced by people who have experienced it, so when I opened my eyes, although I felt numb all over my body and my heart was even more painful, I still couldn't help showing a faint smile. I moved my limbs with difficulty, and another burst of pain made me even more sure that I was still alive in the world, not in the underworld. I moaned, and the hoarse voice just overflowed from my lips. Someone has already come over and raised the brocade tent on the bed. Looking closely, it was an imperial doctor in his forties. I forced a smile. He turned his head in surprise and called out, "Mr. Jiang has woken up, hurry up and inform Mr. Sang." Then came the sound of steady footsteps. , and then I saw that familiar face.

Although I haven't seen him for many years, Mr. Sang's appearance has not changed much. His beard is gray and his face is thin. His eyes are always focused and ruthless. Yes, ruthless. He worked hard to heal the poor, but his heart was cold and ruthless. I knew this back then. In his eyes, the patients are just men and women with blurred faces. Of course, when he treats the patient, he concentrates on it. He knows the changes of the patient's condition and mood fluctuations very well. However, if the patient recovers afterwards, he will be a stranger to him. If the patient is unfortunate. He will never be saddened when he dies. Perhaps, in Mr. Sang's eyes, there is only a distinction between patients and healthy people. For him, patients are just tools used to verify medical skills. If there is an exception, it is probably me.

I remember when we first met, my father begged him for medical treatment. He just glanced at him and said that my father’s disease was deeply rooted in the bones, and even the treatment would only take a few years of life. At first, my father was a little disappointed, and even planned to stop treating him. It was I who said to my father: "A few years are short for ordinary people, but they are very important to our father and son. The son is still young, and if there is no father to take care of him, he will inevitably be displaced. If the father can't afford it, how can he be assured of his son's future livelihood? Depend on each other and endure for a few more years, if the father is suffering, the son will not dare to force his father, but as long as the son takes good care of him, the father should not suffer much."

My father was only a little discouraged at first. Seeing my sincere words, he sought medical treatment again. Mr. Sang listened to my words and said indifferently, "This child is quite knowledgeable." After that, he stayed to treat his father and detained him for several months. Teach me about medicine. I have heard him say that he has no ambition to practice medicine to help the world, and practicing medicine is just his way of making a living. Although he said it so indifferently, I like him so straightforward, and Mr. Sang can't see patients in his eyes. , but fortunately he is usually taciturn, if people know the mind of Doctor Xinglin in the eyes of the world, I am afraid that they will be shocked.

When I saw Mr. Sang, I couldn't help shedding tears. This is my only elder in this world. Mr. Sang understood what I was thinking, came over to check my pulse, and said lightly: "Suiyun, your injury is no longer serious, these days, you have taken a lot of valuable tonics, although it saved your life, but it is inevitable that some Your vitality is too strong, these days, you should take care of yourself slowly, and I will treat you carefully after your injury is healed."

I looked at Mr. Sang questioningly, and he smiled slightly: "Are you asking His Royal Highness King Yong and that kid who has been using his True Qi to continue your life, King Yong has been too tired these days, I have already asked him to go back. Rest, it is said that His Royal Highness fell asleep, but he has not woken up yet. Your entourage is indeed loyal, but I saw that his internal strength was too exhausted and he refused to rest, so I took a dose of medicine and asked him to rest obediently. Now, when he wakes up, it's a good time to break through and stand up. I will supervise him to do a good retreat and practice. You child is born with insufficiency, so he won't have much success in martial arts. He is a prodigy in martial arts. It is indeed very exquisite, but he is very talented to be able to practice it to this level. I haven't passed on those martial arts skills yet, so I might as well teach him. You are half of my disciple. He is loyal to you, and the same is true for teaching him. ."

I couldn't help being overjoyed. Although I don't know the depth of Mr. Sang's martial arts, I can see from his tone that it should be extraordinary. When I thought about it, I remembered that King Yong must have been very tired for many days, otherwise he would not be able to sleep. I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. I quickly held Mr. Sang's hand and wrote the word "王" in his palm. Mr. Sang smiled slightly and said, "It's rare that Your Highness is so kind to you. I've already gone to see him, don't worry."

Only then did I relax, when a maid brought a bowl of medicine and carefully served me to take it. After taking the medicine, I felt sleepy again, so I fell into a drowsy sleep. For several days, I was sleeping and taking the medicine. After seven days, I didn't have to drink the soup with the added ingredients. , can finally lie awake in bed.

I touched my stiff legs and wanted to get out of bed for a walk, but Mr. Sang stopped me. Xiao Shunzi wanted to serve me, but Mr. Sang said, "There are so many martial arts masters in the world. Do you want your son to be injured like this?" I blocked it, and now I am practicing hard in seclusion. It seems that although Mr. Sang's inner strength is quite different from that of Xiao Shunzi, Mr. Sang's research in martial arts is not comparable to that of Xiao Shunzi. Yes, so my ears are also much clearer, at least no one is arguing with me. King Yong and Princess Wang took Rou Lan to see me once, and then Mr. Sang forbade me to see me, saying that they wanted me to cultivate well, so as not to worry about outside things. Since then, King Yong has not come here again except sending people to greet him every day. Hearing from Mr. Sang, it seems that King Yong is personally rectifying the defense of the palace, because the previous defense inevitably has too many loopholes for the experts in the arena. Although resting is beneficial to my body, it is also too depressing. Even my favorite books are not allowed to be touched by me. Mr. Sang only showed me a few pure and inaction Taoist scriptures, saying that it calms my mind. , but it is quite effective. Otherwise, my mood is much calmer. After experiencing life and death, I feel that many things have become light. Even the shadow of fragrance will not always linger in my heart. Most of it is the sweetness full of happiness, rather than the heart-wrenching pain.

After another five or six days, Mr. Sang finally allowed me to get out of bed and move around, and Xiao Shunzi had already returned to me. With his help, I gently took the first step after the recovery. The cotton was still soft, and I was out of breath after walking around the room. It is now mid-March, and a few peaches in the garden have already bloomed. Although the spring breeze is still a bit chilly, it is not so biting anymore. Xiao Shunzi asked someone to surround a pavilion in the garden with Shu brocade on three sides to block the spring breeze. A thick Persian blanket was placed inside the pavilion, and soft couch tables and chairs were placed. I sat comfortably on the soft couch. Wearing the silver fox fur that His Royal Highness King Yong gave last winter, Mr. Sang sat on a chair with his eyes slightly closed, while Xiao Shunzi was making tea. Two cups of hot tea were brought over in a short time, and I drank it all in one go. , I only felt that all my limbs and bones were relieved.

Mr. Sang also drank it all in one gulp, and smiled: "The tea sent by Your Highness is really good. Suiyun, King Yong treats you like a countryman. It seems that you are unwilling to live in seclusion with me."

I was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why do you say that, sir, is it because you don't like Zhe's service to King Yong?"

Mr. Sang said with a faint smile: "I don't bother to pay attention to these worldly things, King Yong is not a foolish person, there is nothing wrong with you assisting him, just for the sake of your body, I would like you to resign and go into seclusion. "

I said indifferently: "But can't my body be tired from now on?"

Mr. Sang shook his head and said: "Not only that, Suiyun, although your injury is serious, as long as you take care of it carefully, you can return to normal after a few years. As long as you are more careful in the past few years, there is no serious problem. It's just that your heart disease is difficult to treat. The heart is hurt by the seven emotions. If you can’t calm your mind and cultivate your illness, I’m afraid you will be terminally ill in ten years. The Heart Sutra has been hurt, and the sadness has not stopped over the years, so you have developed a chronic disease. Although your medical skills are good, it is difficult for a good doctor to heal himself, which is why you are today."

Xiao Shunzi's face was pale, he looked at Sang Chen without saying a word, Sang Chen shook his head slightly, sighed, and stopped talking.

We walked out of the juncture of life and death, but heard such news again, but the strange thing is that I didn’t feel the slightest sadness in my heart, and said with a faint smile: “This is also destiny of Zhe, that Zhe used to want to go into hiding, and now he has been accepted by His Royal Highness King Yong. If you can’t repay such kindness, it’s not lifelong. Besides, if you’re in a restless state, what’s the use of cultivating in the mountains? I don’t dare to hide it. I have a blood feud for killing my wife. Xiu. But ten years is enough, the disciple is confident that he can take revenge and help King Yong achieve great things. At that time, he will drift in lakes and seas, and he will see wealth and honor like floating clouds. Isn't it happy? "

Xiao Shunzi's face was pale at first, but after hearing this, his expression turned calm. Sang Chen glanced at him and asked, "Do you want your master to be fooled?"

Xiao Shunzi said respectfully, "Young Master likes this, the slaves can only rely on him, and the most slaves will follow the spring, and it will not make the master lonely."

I was not moved by what he said. After experiencing life and death, many of my thoughts have changed. Xiao Shunzi died for me. There is nothing difficult for him to live, so he just glanced at him lightly, smiled slightly, and said that he knew his painstaking efforts. He said this just to make me work hard for a few more years.

Sang Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, it's up to you, but I will take care of you for a while, and it will be up to you in the future."

I asked suspiciously: "Why do you still want to travel far away? Why do you need to be a family at home when you are so old?"

Sang Chen said lightly: "I'm too old, and I don't want to get involved in the world's disputes. The waves are rough here. I'm no younger than you, and I can't stand the wind and waves. But I'm really not young. If you have something to do in the future, you can go to Penglai, East China Sea to find me."

I nodded and said: "Sir is right, if the situation stabilizes, I also want to see the scenery of the overseas immortal mountains."

Mr. Sang hesitated for a moment, then said, "Suiyun, is your enemy Fengyimen?"

I was shocked and said indifferently: "Why would you say such a thing? Fengyimen is a martial arts leader, and he is the spiritual leader of Baidao and Dayong Yuanxun. How can I be enemies with them?"

Sang Chen said lightly: "You don't have to worry, I have nothing to do with Fengyi Sect. When Fengyi Sect Master became famous, I was not confused. Although she wanted to invite me to be a guest minister several times, I did not agree. This time They came to the door to seek medical treatment. I took a look and knew that Liang Wan was poisoned with the poison prepared by Duanencao. There was no cure for Duanencao, and there are only you and me who have this kind of medicine in this world. So I know it must be what you did, but you never do anything unreasonable, so I didn't tell them, just take good care of them, Liang Wan can return to normal, but the memory of the past will not come back."

I felt a little relieved and asked, "Don't you blame me for being so stubborn, sir?"

Sang Chen smiled lightly and said, "I never ask about worldly affairs, but it's too vicious to cut off the grace, so don't use it in the future."

I asked again, "How do you think about Fengyimen, sir?"

Sang Chen gave me a deep look, and said, "Sect Master Fengyi is a pitiful person. Hateful people must be pitiful. What you have to do is understandable, but you must not hurt your own body. If there is hatred, you only need to Remember who the enemy is, as for that hatred, it’s better to forget it, it will burn your heart, and you will treat yourself kindly if you don’t remember.”

I gave a light salute reassuringly, "Thank you for your teaching, sir." The only person in this world who can make me submit has already made it clear that he won't ask me anything, so I really don't have any scruples. Although I don't know what kind of past Mr. Sang has with Fengyi's sect master, it is already irrelevant.

Sang Chen sighed, the child felt like his temperament at first sight, although he was the same age as his grandson and he really regarded him as a grandson, but he also knew that he could not change his mind, Fengyimen Lord Fan Huiyao had talked to him about wine several times. That woman is a shining existence. Although she is used to living alone, she has also been attracted to her, and she has also collected the fragments of the Taiyin Heart Sutra that she has collected. I gave it to her. If I didn't have the share I gave her, then I believe that she would not have achieved what she is today, at least ten years later. He has never regretted it, because martial arts is not important to him, but For the sake of this child who will meet Fengyi's sect master sooner or later, he passed all martial arts to Li Shun, so Li Shun could better protect Jiang Zhe.

Looking at Jiang Zhe, Sang Chen said lightly, "I'm leaving now, take care of yourself."

I hurriedly said: "Today is too hasty, I'd better stay for a few more days, so that I can give Mr. a ride."

Sang Chen smiled slightly and said, "No need, you are not in good health, what are you sending me to do?"

At this moment, a brisk voice said in the distance: "Why, who is leaving." I looked up, but King Yong Li Zhi walked over with Sima Xiong. Then he said, "Your Highness, Mr. Sang is leaving now."

Li Zhi hurriedly said: "How can you be in such a hurry, sir, I haven't had time to repay the life I saved last time, but this time I saved Jiang Sima's life, if I stay for a few more days, I'm afraid I will say that this king was not well entertained. "

Sang Chen said lightly: "It's useless to stay too much, Suiyun is no longer in serious trouble, the old man still has things to do, so he has to leave."

Seeing that Sang Chen's words were firm, Li Zhi knew that he couldn't force it, so he asked someone to get gold beads worth thousands of gold, and said, "This king does not dare to keep them, please accept these gold beads, sir, I dare not say thank you, just help each other. "

Sang Chen said lightly: "Suiyun is my old past. If His Highness hadn't spared the precious medicine, I'm afraid that he would have already died. Sang is so grateful, how dare he accept gold and silver."

Now King Yong refused to agree, and begged Mr. Sang to accept it. I knew Mr. Sang's temper and didn't want them to get stiff, so I persuaded: "Sir, let's keep these gold and silver, if it is spread that it is King Yong His Highness doesn't even pay the travel expenses, I'm afraid it won't sound good, and the husband often treats the poor and sick. They have no money to buy medicine, and they often ask the husband to help out. The gold and silver, Your Highness, should be accepted for them Bar."

My words are right to the point. Although Mr. Sang's heart is as cold as ice, he always needs to heal when he sees a sick person. Of course, he has to pay for it himself, so he is always empty. Fortunately, he has saved thousands of people everywhere. There were people who received him, but those people probably didn't know that Mr. Sang couldn't remember who they were.

Sang Chen felt that Jiang Zhe was right, so he accepted the gold and silver and left. King Yong sent them off in person, and I was the only one who was forbidden to follow. I could only watch Mr. Sang walk out of the cold garden. Alas, I have only one elder in this world. We will be separated in just a few days after we meet. Depressed ecstasy, that's all.

Xiao Shunzi came back soon after sending me off on my behalf. He looked hesitant and said, "Young Master, do you want to check Mr. Sang's relationship with Fengyi's sect master? It seems that I haven't seen any information on these matters."

I said lightly: "No need, Mr. Sang has to be a person I know very well, since he said it doesn't matter. If we kill Fengyi's sect master, Mr. Sang will not be offended, as long as we don't overuse Fengyi's sect master. Besides, what kind of character is Fengyi's sect master, even if we destroy the entire Fengyi sect, we may not be able to hurt her."

Xiao Shunzi's expression changed, and he asked, "If Fengyi's sect master escapes in the future, then there will be endless troubles, and there must be a way to trap her."

I looked at Xiao Shunzi and smiled slightly: "There is a way to do this, but it's up to you. If you can take on Fengyi's sect master without losing a hundred moves, then I have a chance of winning."

Xiao Shunzi looked resolute and said: "Young master, don't worry, I will do it." I smiled and nodded. He said again: "Why hasn't His Highness come yet? He must have something to discuss with me when he came here today."

Xiao Shunzi's expression suddenly became very strange, and after a while, he said, "His Royal Highness received some news just now, so he didn't come over. He must have come over soon." As soon as he finished speaking, I already saw Li Zhi's figure, but I didn't. There was no time to ask Xiao Shunzi why he was upset.