The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 58: Marriage is double


〖In May of the twenty-fourth year of Wuwei, the emperor conferred the title of the princess of King Jingjiang as the princess, and gave marriage to Qin Qing, the son of Qin Yi, the general of the Yuan Dynasty.

- "The History of Yong: Biography of King Rui"〗

On the way back, King Yong said with a sullen face: "Suiyun, don't worry, I will definitely kill Lu Jingzhong for you in the future."

I smiled lightly and said: "Why is your Highness angry, you should be happy, Lu Jingzhong is good at attacking and neglecting self-protection, he advises the prince, although it is a three-step strategy, but three strategies are difficult to achieve one strategy, isn't this a good thing? Besides, under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs, this person is still not in the heart of the minister, the minister is concerned about Li Hanyou, this woman's mind is really extraordinary, every move can affect people's hearts, it's her who wins this time, Qin Qing is afraid that she can't escape from her palm, even His Highness, isn't he almost tempted?"

Li Zhi couldn't help but said: "Suiyun is joking."

My expression did not change, and I said, "This girl is both a high-ranking younger brother from Fengyi Sect and a noble daughter of the royal family. What is rare is that she has a deep scheming and does not reveal herself, and her demeanor is not arrogant. It is reasonable for Qin Qing to empathize with her, I think. If it hadn't been for General Qin's excuse to refuse, I'm afraid that this matter has already happened, Your Highness should be careful of her, if she marries Qin Qing, her status will become more and more noble, I'm afraid that the one who hinders His Highness's great cause in the future is this woman."

Li Zhi said worriedly: "If Qin Qing really married her, then I'm afraid something is wrong. Although General Qin is fair and strict, if the marriage really happens, then..." Li Zhi didn't go on, but I already understood the meaning of the unfinished business. , waved his hand and said: "Your Highness, rest assured, although Qin Qing is the eldest son of the general, he cannot effectively influence the general. Although the relationship between father and son can be subtle, but for the sake of the family, the general will definitely not embarrass His Highness. Yong is a close confidant of the general, if this person can be drawn over, His Highness can be at ease."

Li Zhi said: "Qin Yong is loyal to the general, how can he win over him?"

I smiled and said, "Let this matter be left to the minister. If Your Highness recruits it now, it will make the prince and the general dissatisfied. There is a way for the minister to make him serve His Highness unknowingly."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "I leave this matter to you, and there is one more thing, the Jinxiu Alliance is so arrogant, the emperor will send generals to pacify, this king wants to recommend Zhangsun Ji, he is shrewd, capable, and strong in martial arts. First choice, what do you think?"

I said, "His Royal Highness, if General Changsun goes to do this, he will find some evidence that is related to the prince, I'm afraid it will also be suspected. If the minister expects it well, the prince will recommend King Qi to do this. There are no generals under the command of His Royal Highness the Prince who can fight well."

Li Zhi said, "If that's the case, then you won't get any evidence."

I smiled and said: "Actually, the Prince and His Highness are too anxious. The Splendid Alliance attacked military resources. This is just a small rebellion. If the Prince is not guilty of a thief, why would he be in such a hurry to send people to encircle and suppress it? The Crown Prince's actions have not been revealed yet. If His Highness exposes this matter, the Emperor will inevitably suspect His Highness's motives. The Crown Prince recommends King Qi to do this matter to cover it up. In the meantime, if the Prince recommends King Qi, His Highness might as well say that such trivial matters do not require a general, and let Qin Qing go. If Qin Qing has made a contribution, the emperor's marriage is a matter of course. Presumably the emperor will also think that the neutral Qin family is more suitable. I don't think the emperor will reject this candidate."

Li Zhi's eyes flashed, and he said, "Also, it is possible to divide the Qin family and Fengyimen. If Fengyimen insists on obstructing, this marriage will definitely not happen."

I smiled and said: "No matter what the result is, it is not good for His Highness. To be honest, I really did not expect the Jinxiu Alliance to have such a means. Although Huo Jicheng has a surly personality, he is a decisive person. No wonder the Jinxiu Alliance has not been able to completely suppress the ."

Li Zhi sighed and said, "Suiyun, this king only thinks that everything in this world is in your hands. Fortunately, you saved this king after all. Otherwise, this king would really be restless."

There was a bleak look on my face, and Li Zhi said in shock, "What's wrong with Suiyun? Could it be that this king said something wrong."

I smiled slightly, and let go of the disappointment in my heart, thinking that although I have a stubborn disease in my heart, as long as I rest in peace, I may not be able to live a hundred years. Although this fight can only damage my life, but within a few years I will definitely be able to protect my life. When the king ascends the throne, the world will be so big, can't I find a place to rest and recuperate? "The lake is green and full, and people in the past will go. I heard the singing of the dagger, and the boat does not know where to go." I chanted in a low voice. . Li Zhi smiled and said, "Whose poem is this, why is it so carefree?"

I casually said: "This is what I saw in the book before, and I don't know who wrote it. Your Highness, the emperor will summon His Highness soon, and His Highness should go back and get ready to change clothes. The minister promised to teach General Jing. , don't let him go with you."

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Okay, this king wants to see how Suiyun can teach this stubborn disciple to become a good person."

I also smiled and said, "If I ask him to write a poem by himself, I don't know what reward His Highness will give to the minister?"

Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "This king can't think of it for a while, you don't like gold and silver jewelry, and you have read all the books and classics. If Suiyun wants something, you might as well say it, and this king can use it as a reward. ."

I respectfully said: "Your Highness is serious, but there is only one thing. Last time, His Highness was furious because of the assassination of a minister, because Jiang Nanchun introduced the poisonous hand and evil heart. Although His Highness did not seal Jiang Nanchun, he made Jing Zhaoyin Yan Yan. Cha, these days, Jiang Nanchun has not been at peace for a day, I ask Your Highness to show mercy and forgive my cousin."

Li Zhi immediately remembered this incident. He was furious that day. If Guanxiu had not reminded Jing Shunqing that he was Jiang Zhe's cousin, he would have confiscated Jiang Nanchun. After losing his life, Li Zhi forgot about it again. When Jiang Zhe mentioned it, Li Zhi couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "This king is too busy to forget, in fact, I have already checked, so that my cousin was not involved in the assassination, this king will send someone to inform Jingzhao. Yin Yisheng. This isn't really a reward, so let's say, if you can teach Jing Chi to write poetry, this king will reward you with this." He took off a jade pendant from his waist and played with it in his hand.

I know that this jade pendant is a gift from the royal family. It is a top-grade jade, more than a thousand pieces of gold. This is an extremely valuable bet. Then he smiled and said: "I have known for a while, I originally wanted my cousin to be taught a lesson and let him know the word 'prudent', but my virtuous sister-in-law came to cry two days ago, she is a weak woman It is very pitiful to leave her hometown, and now she is showing her face to plead, I can't help but give her face."

Seeing me smiling, Li Zhi said, "If you lose Suiyun, what are you going to bet on?"

I thought about it for a while and said, "I have received a lot of rewards from His Highness. If I can't come up with anything special, I don't seem sincere. Well, if I lose, I am willing to take this as a bet." Pointing to the jade belt around the waist.

Li Zhi looked at it suspiciously. Although this jade belt looked good, it was just embellished with some suet jade belt plates. Although it was gorgeous, it was neither finely carved nor high-quality jade, so how could it be worth a bet? But of course he didn't care, he said, "That's fine, just bet on your jade belt."

I smiled slightly. There is no need to tell Li Zhi now that this jade belt was designed by me recently, and it was just picked up by Xiao Shunzi two days ago. There is a mechanism inside, which can shoot poisonous needles three times in a row. This is prepared to protect myself. If another assassin comes to me, I still have a chance to fight back. How precious is this jade belt, besides, Or "Tianji Pavilion Special".

While we were talking, we had already returned to Prince Yong's Mansion. As soon as we walked to the door, we saw a royal guard galloping towards the front. He had an edict in his hand. Enter the palace."

Li Zhi hurriedly said, "Enter the palace immediately after this king has changed his clothes."

The guard stood up and stepped back and said, "As ordered."

I, an idler, went back to Hanyuan. Apart from Xiao Shunzi, there was a reluctant Jing Chi who was with me. He managed to escape from the head-scratching wine order. Muscles and bones, unexpectedly, I was called into the cold garden by me.

Jing Chi looked at Jiang Zhe's back dejectedly, and once again cried bitterly in his heart, this weak scholar actually got His Highness's decree to control him. There are many civil servants, but most of them are strategists who are good at military strategy. These people Jing Chi respects ghosts and gods and keeps them away, but this scholar has never seen him make plans. He hides in the cold garden all day, and walks a few more steps to get angry. He was panting as if he was about to die, but King Yong really trusted him and asked himself and others to obey his orders. Jiang Zhe sent him to do that inexplicable thing last night, but Jing Chi is still a little confused.

Following up with Hanyuan, although they went out with King Yong, the guards who protected Jiang Zhe also went. They skillfully and quickly occupied the key spot. Hanyuan soon became a fortress that was impregnable. , This man was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of the rope for thousands of years. At this time, Jing Chi suddenly felt a chill on his body, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of eyes that were as cold as snow. It was Xiao Shunzi who saw his expression and warned him with his eyes. Jing Chi froze in his heart, but he admired Xiao Shunzi's martial arts very much, and quickly lowered his head.

Back in the living room, I summoned Jing Chi, picked up a copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War, put it on the desk, and said lightly, "If you can memorize this book, I will let you out." Jing Chi stared at it dumbfounded. The thin booklet had a bitter smile on his face.

I smiled and said, "I'm not in good health, so I can't teach you today. From tomorrow onwards, I'll teach you for half an hour every day. For the rest of the time, you have to copy what I taught you. I know how many you recognize. Words, by the way, you can recite and copy in the next room, Xiao Shunzi will supervise you. Okay, you can move your luggage to Hanyuan."

Jing Chi was horrified, and was about to refuse, but saw a resolute divine light in the weak scholar's eyes, and said involuntarily, "Yes, my lord."

After Jing Chi left, Xiao Shunzi asked dissatisfiedly, "Why do you have to worry about such a rude man, it's better to rest and recuperate."

I said lightly: "Looking at this person's face and personality, he is most loyal and straightforward, decisive and brave. If he can learn some military techniques, His Highness will have a loyal general. This person is the most affectionate, and I can also get a guarantee in the future. Why don't you do it? You ordered it to go down. The secret camp should send someone to approach Qin Yong. It is best to gain Qin Yong's trust. Hua Liu and Lu'er are both selected from the hidden group. Let Chen Zhen choose one to do this. This is a matter. The Splendid Alliance will make a big mess, and we should stop it. How to arrange the rest of the people is up to you, but at least half of the people in the secret camp should be left for me to use, and the other half of them will be arranged for them to hide in. Folks, we will need them in the future."

Xiao Shunzi nodded silently and said, "I'll do it tonight, we've already prepared, it won't be very troublesome, Young Master, Li An and Lu Jingzhong are too rude, if it wasn't for the Master's important affairs, I would have taken them long ago. life."

I said lightly: "In the future, their lives will definitely be taken by you."

That night, I learned that after a dispute with the royal front, Qin Qing was appointed to destroy the Jinxiu Alliance. Although the prince strongly supported King Qi, King Yong was right. Of course, a small Jinxiu alliance did not need a prince to destroy it, and Qin Qing This candidate was very much in line with the emperor's wishes. After King Yong came back, he told me that he had discovered that both the prince and the king of Qi had sent people out privately. As for whether Fengyi Sect sent people, King Yong did not know for the time being, but he thought that they would not be idle.

Next, I was busy training the stupid apprentice. Although he fell asleep when he saw the book, he was not as stubborn as Lu Can back then, so I also taught him some examples to guide his interest. Although Jing Chi was bored at first, he was quickly aroused by others. Although he did not understand military law, he fought in the army all year round. He soon asked me questions based on his own experience. A, teaching is good, after two or three days, Jing Chi is already listening with great interest. Every morning, he waits outside for me to get up. In the afternoon, I force him to copy books, but he actually persists. Those ink-splattered manuscripts made me laugh and cry, but I finally explained Sun Tzu's art of war roughly in half a month, but it may be because of temperament, he still doesn't understand this one, I don't force it, Sun Tzu The art of war is extensive and profound, and even I would not dare to say that I am proficient in all of them, let alone this person, remembering that when he taught Lu Can about Sun Tzu's art of war in the past, he asked a question and knew ten. When I talked about the chapter of the Nine Changes, he always had some doubts, and although he was extraordinary in military strategy, it was a pity that he knew too little about the sinister nature of the human heart.

On this day, I ordered Jing Chi to write the whole book silently, watching him write with sweat like rain. I regretted letting him write on my desk again. It’s okay, I don’t care if I don’t see it, I lie on the soft couch with my eyes closed, and gradually enter dreamland. Suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps in the distance, and I opened my eyes suddenly, only to see Li Zhi walking in full of anger.

I smiled slightly and said, "Little Shunzi, serve tea to His Highness and let His Highness calm down. What's the big deal, let His Highness be like this?"

When Li Zhi saw Jiang Zhe, the anger in his chest gradually subsided for some reason, and when he saw Jing Chi who was stunned there, there was still ink on his face, and the book case was also a mess, and he couldn't help laughing. He sat down and took the fragrant tea that Xiao Shunzi handed over. After drinking it, the last trace of anger disappeared. Jing Chi quickly got up to say goodbye, I smiled and said, "You can't be lazy, go to the next door to write, if you peek at the book, don't blame me for punishing you for copying the book and copying it."

Jing Chi hurriedly swore that he would not peek. He would never forget the last time I took his test, he peeked at a book and was punished by me for copying Sun Tzu's Art of War ten times. He didn't sleep that night. what.

After Jing Chi went out, I said lightly, "What happened?"

Li Zhi said coldly: "Qin Qing is indeed talented. The Jinxiu Alliance is greedy for merit and harassed many times. Qin Qing deliberately indulged, and then he was captured in one net. Although he escaped some remnants, it has not become a big climate. Unfortunately, Huo Jicheng is still It was a fly in the ointment, but it made sense. The captured Jinxiu League rebels all confessed to colluding with the officials of the Ministry of Housing and smuggling. Qin Qing was upright and fair, took all the confessions, and sent them to the emperor together with the witnesses. , but these are only circumstantial evidence, because no one can testify against the prince and Cui Yang. After all, Huo Jicheng escaped, so the prince made it clear in front of the father, saying that the officials of the Ministry of Household had started it, and Cui Yang was ordered by him to verify the smuggling rumors. However, he was assassinated by the Splendid League. His father finally asked him to examine himself behind closed doors. The Minister of Household, Liang Jinqian, was about to be dismissed, but was persuaded by Wei Xiang to make Liang Jinqian take the guilt temporarily and make merit. Qing and Li Hanyou."

I asked, "It's been a long time since the emperor favored the prince. Your Highness doesn't have to worry. Now, I'm afraid that people with lofty ideals in the world already know the true face of the prince. This has already achieved the goal. But why did Li Hanyou and Qin Qing get married so quickly? Did the general not object?"

Li Zhi sighed: "Li Hanyou originally followed Qin Qing to quell the rebellion in private, and saved Qin Qing's life from the Jinxiu Alliance assassin. How can the reputation be tarnished, the father emperor also specially named Li Hanyou as Princess Jingjiang, and Qin Qing is now the commander-in-chief of the concubine."

I sighed and said, "Isn't His Highness prepared for this matter, why are you so angry?"

Li Zhi was silent for a moment, then said, "My father has decreed that Princess Changle will marry Wei Ying."

I shook my hand, and the folding fan in my hand fell into the dust. After a while, I leaned over and picked it up and said, "This is not a big deal. The emperor wants to choose a son-in-law for the princess. It's unusual, and it's even rarer to have a peaceful and upright temperament, isn't His Highness also optimistic about their marriage?"

Li Zhi said bitterly: "Suiyun, you really don't know what the emperor's younger sister is thinking, why does she always carry your poems with you, why does she give you the rare scrophularia ginseng to extend your life? Lan went to see her, why did she love herself as a nun? Are you really so incomprehensible? Did you know that the emperor's sister heard that her father had given her a marriage, but she cut her long hair herself and wanted to become a nun, which attracted the emperor's father. Furious, the father asked her, as long as she spoke, anyone could be called as the concubine, but Changle said nothing, and is now under house arrest in the harem by the father. You enter the palace to propose marriage, are you willing?"