The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 66: Visitors from the East China Sea


〖In the second year of Tongtai in Southern Chu, Zhe walked at night in Chang'an, and met Ye Tianxiu, the guard of King Qing, and Fang Yuanxin, a brave general under the command of Jiang Yong, Hou of Donghai.

— "The History of Chu in the Southern Dynasties: The Biography of Jiang Suiyun"〗

Xiao Shunzi raised the curtain of the carriage, and saw that the twelve guards who were protecting me were already holding the hilt of the knife and protecting the carriage, while Zhou Wu, the guard who was clearing the way in front, was pointing at the two who were ramming into the carriage and said, "You two. Who is it that dares to stop me from waiting for the car to drive."

I looked through the gap in the car curtain and saw two men standing in front of the car. One was dressed in gray, handsome and wore a long sword, and the other was in black. Although he looked good, his complexion was bronze. He was holding Zhou Wu's reins in both hands. I saw his palms full of faint scars at a glance, and my heart moved. Turning his eyes, he saw that the man in gray was holding a little boy of six or seven years old in his arms. He was in ragged clothes. Although he was excited, he didn't have much fear.

At this time, Zhou Wu could only be heard sternly: "It's still in the middle of the night, even though I'm galloping, it's hard to hurt anyone. Although this child appeared suddenly, I'm confident that I can stop the horse in time, so why bother me? "

The man in black said angrily, "No matter when, how can you gallop in the city on horseback, if I don't have the strength to stop the galloping horse, I'm afraid this poor child will be injured under the horse's hoof."

Zhou Wu was about to argue when Jing Chi came around from behind, glared at Zhou Wu, and said coldly: "Flying at night, I didn't expect there would be people on the street, isn't it ours, Jing is on behalf of my brother Apologies, since the two of you have the guts to meddle in your own business, you must be good guys, dare you come with us."

The two men looked at each other and saw the hesitation in the other's eyes. Although the carriage surrounded by this group of people was very simple, they knew that they were not made by ordinary people because they were well made. Moreover, although these guards were wearing plain clothes, they were not However, they are all imposing. From the posture of sitting on the horse, they know that they are from military backgrounds, and all of them have extraordinary martial arts. Such a team of guards is absolutely not in the family of princes, and their identities are all obstacles and difficulties. The two exchanged their minds, and the man in gray said indifferently: "Since you have already apologized, that's all. We still have things to do, so we won't bother."

Saying that the two of them were about to leave, Jing Chi laughed loudly, waved his hand, and eight guards rushed forward from left and right, and soon surrounded the two of them. Wrinkled, the man in black had murderous intent on his face. At this time, Jing Chi said: "Jing has been in Chang'an for many days. At first glance, the two of them are foreigners. This is the foot of the emperor. In the imperial capital, the big thief who kills people and steals goods from other places has arrived here. You also have to follow the rules, few dare to walk at night, after all, if you encounter the night guards, you will be in trouble, the two of you are so bold, you must be strong in martial arts, and it will not be a problem to be high."

The man in gray said coldly: "Why, there is no night ban in Chang'an, it is our business to walk in the dark, just because we are nosy, do you want to use the topic, but do you want to send us to officialdom?"

Jing Chi smiled and said, "That's not true, I just invite the two of you to visit us. If both of them are innocent, Jing not only apologizes to the two of them, but also makes friends with the two of them. No matter what is in the way, as long as Jing can be of help, there is nothing to say."

The man in gray was lying on the hilt of his sword with a solemn expression, and the man in black also put his hand on his waist, and he was about to shoot, but they saw that these guards were all staring at each other, and Jing Chi was a tiger with a mighty, murderous aura. The two of them have been shrouded in it, and I can't help but feel very uneasy in my heart. Even if I can break out of the tight encirclement, I am afraid that it is also when I am hesitating. At this time, the curtain of the car was lifted, and a young man leaned out. He was wearing a black cloak, covering his clothes, and his appearance was very frail and delicate. stop."

The two of them moved in their hearts, and both looked at Jing Chi with a flash of anger in their eyes, but they looked at me with doubts, and I felt even more that my judgment was correct, so I smiled and said: "Xiaguan, under the command of King Yong. , Sima Jiangzhe, the commander-in-chief of Tiance, has offended many of his subordinates just now, and Jiang apologized to the two of them on their behalf." As I said that, I bowed my hands and saluted.

The two of them also bowed and returned the salute at the same time. The gray clothed man's eyes flashed with inexplicable light, and said, "It turns out that it is Mr. Jiang. I heard about it a long time ago. I have committed the crime of driving, please forgive me."

The man in black looked surprised and happy, but didn't speak, I glanced at him and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, Brother Fang should be careful in Chang'an. Leaked, it is inconvenient for my Highness to show mercy, Chang'an is good, but it is difficult to live for a long time, so please leave quickly."

I just said "Brother Fang", the two of them were shocked at the same time, their whole body skills have been condensed, and they are about to shoot, but my next words made them relieved. The man in black hesitated for a moment, then bowed down and said, "Mr. Jiang, Fang Mou's entry into the capital is also unreasonable. I wonder if the adults can take a step to speak."

I was stunned, seeing through the identities of these two people was by chance, that Ye Tianxiu was originally a subordinate of King Qing, and had secretly entered the capital many times. But I guessed it. This person has a special skin color, and it is obviously made by exposure to the sun all year round. Goodbye, there are traces on his hands that have been drawn by the rope all year round, and then based on the factors of friendship with Ye Tianxiu, I guessed. his identity. I wanted to say a few good words, and let them leave after expressing goodwill, to avoid some uncontrollable variables. I never thought that Fang Yuanxin would have a talk with me. If this matter spreads out, Jiang Yong will still be rebellious after all, although Emperor Yong didn't want to embarrass him at all, but it was not good for me after all, but seeing his eyes full of pleading, I softened my heart and said, "Brother Fang, please come to the car and talk."

Fang Yuanxin glanced at Ye Tianxiu and said in a low voice, "Go back first."

Ye Tianxiu also asked in a low voice, "He's a henchman of King Yong, you have to think about it carefully."

Fang Yuanxin smiled bitterly and said, "Young Master's life is very important, so I can't take it into consideration. King Yong will never take advantage of others' danger."

Fang Yuanxin stepped into the carriage, Ye Tianxiu gave me a worried look, and said goodbye, and was about to leave with the child.

I raised my voice: "Hold on."

Ye Tianxiu froze in her heart, turned around and said, "What is your order?"

I smiled and said, "Brother Ye is just a passerby in Chang'an. This child should be handed over to Jiang."

Ye Tianxiu's heart widened, and she said, "Then please, Lord Jiang." After speaking, she quickly disappeared into the night. One of the guards stepped forward, and bent over to lift the child onto the horse. The child struggled stubbornly and looked at the guard with hostile eyes. The guard laughed and patted his head.

As soon as Fang Yuanxin stepped into the carriage, he saw an elegant and feminine young man sitting there. He gave him a cold look, and that icy gaze made Fang Yuanxin feel as if his whole body was chilled by a bucket of ice water. He immediately knew the identity of this person, "Evil Shadow" Li Shun, a master of martial arts with amazing evil, but willing to be a servant.

I saw Fang Yuanxin's expression like sitting on pins and needles, and gave Xiao Shunzi a wink, the murderous aura around him immediately disappeared, Fang Yuanxin just felt relieved, and thought, Xie Ying is really unusual, I see that he has calmed down, Then he said, "I don't know what Brother Fang wants to say to Jiang?"

Fang Yuanxin said with a sad expression: "Since Mr. Jiang knows the status of the subordinate, he should know who the subordinate master is?"

I smiled slightly: "Jiang certainly knows it, but since General Fang knows that you are still Dayong's convict, why does he have to talk to Jiang in detail? If this matter leaks out, I'm afraid Jiang just wants to It's impossible to let go."

Fang Yuan said: "Fang Mou dared to discuss with Mr. Jiang because he saw that Mr. Jiang wanted to protect him."

I recalled the whispers he exchanged with Ye Tianxiu just now, and my heart moved, and I asked with a smile, "Excuse me, but is there anything I need to help you?"

Fang Yuanxin said: "Don't dare to lie to the lord, my lord was not confused last year, and only had a little blood. Unexpectedly, the young master went out to sea a few days ago and was injured by a sea snake called "rouge jade" in the sea, and his life was in danger. There are also famous doctors under the lord, but they are helpless. They can only see the young sun being tortured by poison every day. Although his life is barely saved, he cannot survive or die. The lord has also sent his subordinates to look for famous doctors, but everyone It was said that there was nothing they could do. In the end, the Lord only hoped to find Mr. Sang, the medical saint, but Mr. Sang has disappeared since he appeared in Chang'an Shenlong. Fang was ordered to look for clues in Chang'an, but he did not get any news, but he learned that Jiang The adults once studied medicine from Mr. Sang, and it is said that the medical skills are profound, Fang asked the adults to show the hand of rejuvenation to save the young master of my family, not only Fang Mou is grateful for this, but even the master of my family will not forget the great kindness of the adults."

I frowned and said: "General Fang, let's not talk about the position of you and me, it's hostile, and let's not talk about whether you can save Young Master Jiang, since you were assassinated, you are very weak, if there is no His Highness King Yong and my servant I am afraid that I will already be dead, if I go all the way to the East China Sea, I am afraid that people will be dying before they arrive, and now that King Yong is using me as counselor, I can’t leave it for a moment.”

Fang Yuanxin knew that Jiang Zhe did not tell a lie, regardless of his status as a master. After all, as long as Jiang Yongken surrendered to Dayong, he would definitely be reused by Emperor Yong. There are also many signs of weakness. If you travel thousands of miles, I am afraid that you will fall ill if you can't reach the East China Sea, but no matter what, the young master can't come to Chang'an. He thought about it for a long time, but still felt embarrassed. Originally, he thought of a way to kidnap Jiang Zhe, but after inquiring, he realized that Jiang Zhe was someone that King Yong highly valued. Besides, when we met today, Jiang Zhe was surrounded by tight defenses, and it was impossible for him to kidnap Jiang Zhe out of Chang'an.

I looked at Fang Yuanxin's face carefully. I was a little distressed at first, then took on a murderous aura, and finally I was desperate. I didn't know what he was thinking, but I couldn't leave Chang'an at this time, if it wasn't for Mr. Sang already He said that he will no longer practice medicine, and that Mr. Sang's seclusion is a secret, and he cannot tell outsiders. I have already recommended him to see Mr. Sang, but at this moment, only his young master can come to Chang'an. When I arrived in Chang'an, I was afraid that I would have no chance to leave. This would probably make Jiang Yong very embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Shunzi suddenly reminded me, "Young Master, it's almost time to arrive at the Vermillion Bird Gate."

When Fang Yuanxin heard it, his face was ashen. He knew that he had to leave. He said sadly: "Fang will explain this matter to the Lord after he goes back.

I moved in my heart and said, "Brother Fang, why do you rush to leave? Since you are willing to talk to Jiang, why didn't you see His Highness? His Highness is broad-minded and kind-hearted. Maybe you can find a way to help Young Master Ling, at least Jiang You can guarantee that if Brother Fang wants to leave, His Highness will not stop him."

Fang Yuanxin's spirit was shocked. He also knew that Jiang Zheken needed to get the permission of King Yong to treat the young master. He thought that the master had treated him as deeply as the ocean, so what if he risked his own life. After making up his mind, Fang Yuan said, "Then I'll ask Lord Jiang to introduce him."

I said solemnly: "General Fang, don't worry, Jiang guarantees that Mr. Fang can leave Chang'an safely."

Fang Yuanxin was about to answer when Xiao Shunzi suddenly changed his expression and said coldly, "Young Master, someone is following you."

I asked, "How many people, when did they start?"

Xiao Shunzi said: "These were adorned when we met General Fang. We had been far away from the car, but just now we suddenly approached a lot. Oh, I see, there are guards patrolling in front of us."

I moved in my heart and asked, "Whose subordinate is that Imperial Army."

Xiao Shunzi opened the curtain, looked at it, and said in a low voice, "Sir, General Qin is leading the inspection of the forbidden army, and he will meet us soon."

I sneered: "Xiao Shunzi, do you think Qin Qing will search my car?"

Xiao Shunzi frowned and said, "He probably won't check the driver of Prince Yong's mansion."

I smiled slightly and said, "According to the law, he has the right to inspect cars driving at night. Of course, if it's my identity, I don't need to check, but if he really wants to do a search, I can't stop it on the spot, presumably those people were following Brother Ye With Brother Fang, who would have encountered a big fish like me, this person is also decisive, and wants to use this method to frame me as a collaborator."

Xiao Shunzi frowned and said, "It's inconvenient for you to refuse the search, and you can't do anything to hurt the Imperial Army. How can that be?"

I smiled and said, "Let Jing Chi deal with it first. It would be bad for me to come forward in a hurry. Qin Qing is really a pity."

At this time, the forbidden army was already in front of them, and the leader was a heroic person. It was Qin Qing. He rode forward and said loudly: "General Jing, why are you personally escorting? Who is in the car?"

Jing Chi said solemnly: "It turned out to be Commander Qin. The last commander was ordered to protect Jiang Sima. It is a heavy responsibility. It is inconvenient to greet him. I also ask General Qin to forgive him."

Qin Qing said with a smile: "What are you talking about, although Qin Qing's official position is slightly higher, the general is a brave general in the battlefield. Who does not know that the first brave general under His Royal Highness King Yong, the one who is best at beheading generals and capturing the flag is General Jing, Qin Qing is the last learner. I didn't dare to accept the general's big gift, and now it's late at night, I don't know if I can let Qin meet Jiang Sima, Qin Qing has the heavy responsibility of protecting the safety of the imperial city, so I don't dare to slack off, please forgive me."

Jing Chi frowned and said, "Although it's a matter of course to check people with suspicious whereabouts, but this is a car driven by Prince Yong's mansion, and there is Lord Sima in the car, why does General Qin have to check, the night wind is cold, and Lord Sima is not in good health recently, I'm afraid It's really inconvenient to see each other because of the cold."

Qin Qing's expression changed, and he turned back and asked a guard beside him in a low voice: "Jiang Sima is not easy to mess with, why does the princess want me to check his car? If King Yong gets angry and tells his father, I'm afraid I will be blamed."

The guard said in a low voice, "Don't worry, the concubine, our people see the rebel in his car, we don't want to embarrass Jiang Sima, such a general will definitely not agree, but if that person enters Yongwang's mansion, only Afraid of endless disasters, as long as the concubine takes the man away and says that it is an investigation, Jiang Sima will not dare to stop him.

Qin Qing was a little hesitant, but thinking that his wife has always been more resourceful than himself, he should be right, so he raised his voice: "It's just a routine, it won't take a long time, and it shouldn't hurt Jiang Sima's body." The curtains must be lifted soon.

Two guards blocked the road at the same time, but they knew that there was a person in the car that could not be exposed. Qin Qingjian raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, do you want to stop this commander from performing official duties?"

Jing Chi sneered and said, "If you were asked to search the car, wouldn't the court and the public know that you are General Qin's ability after tomorrow, and they actually searched the car in Prince Yong's mansion, but Jing is the one who will lose face at that time."

Qin Qing said angrily: "If King Yong was here, the last commander would naturally have to retreat, but now only Jiang Sima is in the car, then the last commander has the power to search, if you don't have any ghosts in your heart, why don't you let me take a look What?" With a wave of his hand, the forbidden army surrounded the car, Qin Qing looked at Jing Chi coldly, as long as he didn't say a word, he would step forward to forcibly search.

Fang Yuanxin froze in his heart, and pressed his hand on his waist again. He was originally a rebellious person. If he fell into the hands of the forbidden army, he would be dead but not alive, so he gave birth to a desperate heart. He couldn't help but secretly blame himself. It's time to take the risk and have a secret conversation with Jiang Zhe in the car. If you die, you can pay it back. If you get involved with this young master who may be the only young master who can save you, then you can't help yourself even if you die.

I shook my head slightly and held his hand gently. If I can't handle such a thing, am I still worthy of being the chief military advisor of King Yong? I glanced at Xiao Shunzi, took off a gold medal from my waist and handed it to him , Although there are many ways, this one is the most simple and straightforward. For the sake of General Fang’s heart, let’s use his power to bully others. Unfortunately, Qin Qing is too stubborn. Yes, unselfishness is not something anyone can do. It can only be said that Qin Qing is too naive.

Xiao Shunzi took the gold medal and stepped out of the curtain. After a while, I smiled faintly. This gold medal really works. It is indeed a good thing that King Yong solemnly lent me to use.