The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 68: The master is here


Cheng Shu said with pity: "Silly child, you are also a hard-working child. You were deceived by those people. Tell Uncle Cheng, what are your plans in the future?"

Miss Xue said blankly: "Uncle Cheng, I don't know what to do. I used to be a disciple of Fengyi Sect, and my family background is good, so I don't know how many men pursue me, but there is only one Pei Yun in my heart, not because of He is my fiancé, but I like him. He went to Shaolin to learn martial arts. I always want to be worthy of him. I don’t want him to think that I am just an ordinary woman. I hope he can be proud of me. Worshiping in the Fengyi Sect, now I can barely be called both literate and martial arts, and my appearance is also called stunning. I thought he would treat me like a treasure, but he became more and more indifferent to me, and finally married someone else. , Dad originally advised me not to entangle me, but I was not reconciled. I worked so hard for him, but he regarded me as a broken shoe, so when a few sisters encouraged me, I forcibly married him. But it was useless, He has always been polite to me, but he was always by that woman's side at night. I hate it, I hate it, but I don't want to show weakness, so I can only watch them together. Later that child was born, and I never I have never seen him so happy, and my father-in-law and my mother-in-law are all concerned about the mother and son. I have endured all these, and I just asked him to look at me, but he came to discuss divorce with me. Finally, I couldn't help it, I wanted to kill the child who ruined my happiness, but it failed, he will never forgive me."

Looking at Miss Xue who was crying bitterly, Cheng Shu knew that if she hadn't collapsed now, she would never have told her own thoughts to an outsider. He felt pity and pity in his heart, and couldn't help but say, "Child, don't blame me. Uncle said you, you are wrong and you shouldn't go to Fengyi Sect. The disciples taught by Fengyi Sect are indeed noble and elegant, and they are qualified to be the concubines of the queen, but Pei Yun is just an ordinary person, just like Uncle, when Uncle and He Your aunt joined the army within three months of marriage. Your aunt served the two elders by herself for 12 years. It was only after I became a general that I brought them to Chang'an. At that time, my son was already a half-eldest son. But it was the first time my uncle saw him, and then I followed His Majesty to go all over the place to discuss. Where can I take care of my parents and children, it's your aunt who worked hard to manage the house, so people laughed at me as an old man, but who knew that I was guilty of Heart, I have treated her too badly in this life. In your place, if Pei Yun goes to war, I'm afraid you will follow. Although with your martial arts and intelligence, at least it won't become a burden, but Pei Yun wants to be a capable person. The wife who is filial to his parents at home and raises his children, children, you are so outstanding, that's why Pei Yun refuses to marry you."

Miss Xue was stunned for a long time, and said, "Isn't he because of the teacher's sect?"

Cheng Shu smiled bitterly: "If you think so, I don't blame you, but Pei Yun is not such a person, isn't that what you like about him?"

Miss Xue said bitterly, "It's too late to say anything now, my niece has no face to see anyone, please don't stop me."

Cheng Shu sneered and said, "Why are you so confused, there is a way to solve the big things, if you are willing to start over, with your talent and appearance, you can't find a home anywhere, the world is so big, if you After listening to Uncle's words, go to a place where no one knows you, and change your name, isn't it better than seeking death?"

Miss Xue looked out of the window with a confused expression. Cheng Shu saw her like this and knew that it was a critical moment, but she couldn't persuade her. At this time, it was best to have someone close to persuade her, but this person was very difficult to find.

Suddenly there was a sigh of guilt outside the window, Miss Xue's expression changed, she rushed forward and opened the window, but it was a man in black, handsome in appearance, with a faint murderous aura all over his body, but his expression was gloomy and his sword brows were deeply furrowed.

Miss Xue let out a cry, tears rolled down, Cheng Shu shook his head slightly, turned and walked out of the room, the man in black jumped into the window. Miss Xue said fiercely: "What are you doing here to see my jokes? Now everyone, until I, Xue Qiuxue, is cruel and vicious, and they all say that you should leave me. You are proud of yourself."

That person was Pei Yun, and he said solemnly: "Qiu Xue, I never wanted to hurt you like this, but I didn't expect it to come to this stage. I thought that if you were willing to withdraw from the marriage, you would definitely find someone else. Ruyi Langjun, I didn't expect today."

Xue Qiuxue remembered what happened before, and couldn't help but feel sad, and said, "You really just want to find an ordinary woman as your wife, and you don't want to marry me?"

Pei Yun said sadly: "Qiu Xue, you are really outstanding. You have made a lot of achievements in both civil and military affairs. I have seen you talking about poetry, many of which I have never heard of, and you are involved in political, political and military affairs. , if I marry you, I will have one more wise helper, but Qiu Xue, I am really not interested in these things. Joining the army and serving the country is my long-cherished wish, but I don’t want to fight with others. It is already like this outside. To live a normal life, I hope my wife can cook a few home-cooked dishes, sew some clothes for me, and tell me some trivial things at home. That’s enough, I don’t need a wife full of scheming. But Qiu Xue , you are so dazzling, I am not worthy of you."

Xue Qiuxue said bitterly: "You are right, originally you were not worthy of me, not worthy of me..." After saying this several times, she was exhausted after speaking. Pei Yun took a step forward, but stopped again. After all, he refused to offend this former fiancee. He really hoped that this woman would have a good future. The tenderness was too late for her.

Xue Qiuxue finally calmed down for a long time and said: "Thank you, tell me the truth, it's not that I'm bad, it's just that you don't need a wife like me. Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I won't stay in this sad state of Chang'an. ."

Pei Yun tacitly agreed and said after a moment: "I have a junior brother who is doing business in the South China Sea. He and I are friends of life and death. If you are willing to go, he will definitely take good care of you."

Xue Qiuxue was silent, just when Pei Yun thought she would not accept it, Xue Qiuxue said lightly: "Thank you, I heard that the South China Sea has a peculiar scenery, and there are barbarians coming and going, so I wanted to see it for a long time."

The matter of Pei Yun has been reduced to a major event. Although many censors and courtiers have come forward to impeach, but as soon as Miss Xue's apology was presented, these impeachments lost their power, and Miss Xue also disappeared, although Xue The family claimed that Miss Xue had already cut her hair, but they did not know where she lost her hair. This sad and pitiful woman just disappeared from people's sight. No one knew that Miss Xue had already left Chang'an under the escort of Cheng Guogong's home, and left the place of pain that made her heartbroken.

But things didn't turn out as well as I imagined, and Pei Yun was still implicated. Although he was not demoted and punished, the emperor appointed Xiahou Yuanfeng to serve as the deputy commander of the North Camp of the Imperial Army. As a result, the originally monolithic North Camp Still a nail was inserted abruptly. However, Xiahou Yuanfeng is personable, with long sleeves and good dance, and is the emperor's favorite, so he quickly stood up. Fortunately, Pei Yun has always won the military's heart, and he will not be overridden. Finally, Xiahou Yuanfeng did not dare to advance too hastily, and the situation fell into stalemate stage.

Sitting in the pavilion, enjoying the gentle evening breeze, the faint fragrance of grass and trees wafts in my nostrils, I hold a freshly picked bamboo leaf in my mouth, and concentrate on blowing a simple tune, there is no skill, but it is The euphemistic and pleasant music flows in the cold garden with the night wind. When the song ends, Xiao Shunzi's figure appears in the distance. I don't know when it started. Whenever I feel bored or worried, I leave it behind. Everything, sitting here and playing the bamboo flute always calms me down. I have never forgotten Mr. Sang's diagnosis. Since I can't stay away from the hustle and bustle, I have to use this method to wash my mind. In fact, the guards in the cold garden knew that they would never disturb me when I was playing the leaf flute, and even Xiao Shunzi would not disturb me at this time. There was once a bodyguard that I valued very much and was expelled from the Cold Garden by me for breaking this rule. Since then, no one has dared to offend my disobedience.

Then Xiao Shunzi handed over the tea, I smiled and said: "Although General Pei has suffered some setbacks, it will not affect his future future. In fact, we are not a failure. Anyway, we value Pei Yun, not the person. For that battalion, I will post a post tomorrow to invite General Pei to come to Hanyuan as a guest, and invite His Royal Highness to accompany you as well."

Xiao Shunzi said lightly: "His Royal Highness has invited General Pei to come to the mansion tomorrow. Since Young Master also wants to see him, I will tell His Highness to hold the banquet in Hanyuan."

I shook my head and said, "Since His Highness has already invited me, I will not go. Some things should be handled by His Highness. By the way, how is Shaolin?"

Xiao Shunzi frowned and said, "The famous sect has really calmed down, and there is no movement yet."

I smiled slightly and said, "If it wasn't for being so humble and forbearing, why do you think Shaolin has been enduring for so long? For over a hundred years, so many gangs have been short-lived, but this kind of bearing is missing. Sometimes things are like this. If it weren't for the ties of common things, how could I live in the world for a long time, Xiao Shunzi, your martial arts were originally excellent, but I saw that you were too harsh, and you lacked a bit of forbearance. , the so-called rigid can not be long, soft can not be defended, strange can not win the right, fighting with soldiers can not blindly use strange, I think the same is true of martial arts, you think about it.”

Xiao Shunzi was thoughtful, but at this moment, a peaceful voice said, "Jiang Tanyue is indeed spiritual. This is the truth that I only understood when I was forty years old."

I was shocked, this voice was soft and clear, as if it was close to my ear, but I knew that I had a good sense of six, and it was clear that there was no such person within a hundred meters. I looked at Xiao Shunzi, but Xiao Shunzi was fascinated by it. , apparently forgot to protect me. After a second thought, I suddenly smiled and said, "Elder Cizhen's visit to the Cold Garden is truly glorious. Please forgive Zhe for the inconvenience and welcome him from afar, and invite Master to meet you in the garden."

There seemed to be a flower in front of me. A middle-aged monk wearing a gray monk's robe appeared at the entrance of the garden and walked slowly. I looked around and saw that this middle-aged monk had a handsome appearance, his face was like a full moon, and his brows were a little rouge red and hemorrhoids like danzhu. , no matter how I look at it, I feel that this monk is just an ordinary monk, but I vaguely feel that the master's slow walking pace, every move is natural, as if he is one with the world. Xiao Shunzi also looked up, his eyes flashing, although he knew the identity of this person, but the people in the world were dispensable people in his eyes, so he had murderous intentions instead, such a person If you want to hurt the son, you must have the ability to stop it.

With his killing intent, he only felt that the strong pressure around him was coming towards him. He was shocked and looked at the young master, but found that Jiang Zhe's expression had not changed. As he became stronger, he only felt that someone was chanting Buddhist scriptures in his ears, and he had to endure and submit. However, his mind was very firm, but he insisted on it and refused to retreat. The pressure was getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Shunzi. I only felt that the whole body could hardly move. Suddenly, he moved in his heart and took some resistance. Sure enough, the pressure weakened a little. He smiled coldly, and suddenly the whole body was murderous, and the murderous aura quickly spread in the cold garden. Inside, a strange scene appeared. It was obviously summer evening, but the cold garden, from the pavilion in the heart of the garden to the gate of the garden, was half of the autumn wind, and the other was the spring. It is getting weaker and weaker, but the aura of swearing to death is getting stronger and stronger, and even that kind of mellow aura is gradually bringing some chilling air.

Although I was in the pavilion, I didn't personally feel the incompatible atmosphere, but I knew something was different when I saw the leaves falling without wind within a radius of 100 feet, and then swirling wildly. Later, I saw that Xiao Shunzi's face was getting worse and worse. He wanted to know who was at a disadvantage. He rolled his eyes and picked up a teacup and threw it to the ground. Frightened, the two people who were fighting each other began to recede in a tacit understanding, but after a while, they had returned to normal. The monk didn't see how to move, the distance of a hundred zhang seemed to be a step away, and he raised his leg and walked to the pavilion. He smiled and said, "Master Li's martial arts have taken a different path, and they have followed the 'ruthless' path. Unexpectedly, donor Li has a heart as strong as a stone and cannot be moved by external forces. If donor Li devotes himself to hard work and achieves the realm of 'forgetting love', he must be the identity of a generation of masters."

Xiao Shunzi stepped forward and saluted: "The master is too famous. The villain has no ambition to become a master. As long as he can protect my son's life and safety, it is enough."

Ci Zhen gave Xiao Shunzi a thoughtful look, only to see the divine light in his eyes, which was a firm and unshakable determination. I'm just afraid that he will do whatever he wants, and he will roam the world. Later, he will inevitably cause monstrous murders, and the damage will be a hundred times worse than that of the Demon Sect. However, God has the virtue of good life, and he has arranged for a person to restrain him and correct him. He looked towards Fangcai. Jiang Zhe, who threw a cup as a warning, made the two of them stop making peace. Although this young man's eyes were dim, his eyes were full of awareness of the world. He gave Jiang Zhe a light salute and said, "Old man is kind, I have seen Mr. Jiang."

I panicked a little, and hurriedly returned the salute: "Master is a master, Zhe Yan dares to accept this great gift, please don't do this, Master, please take a seat."

Cizhen smiled slightly and said, "In the future, Tan Yue will naturally know that you deserve this gift from Lao Na."

I respectfully said: "Master is here, Zhe is flattered, and I don't know if there is anything to teach me."

Cizhen said lightly: "I originally wanted to see His Royal Highness King Yong, but I have heard for a long time that Tanyue's intelligence is amazing, so I came to visit first. When I saw it today, Xiao Tanyue's heart was hurt, and I was afraid that if he stayed in the red dust for a long time, it would hurt his life and his life. Since Tan Yue is proficient in medical theory, why not think about himself."

I smiled slightly and said: "Zhe is also a common man, His Royal Highness King Yong treats Zhe with great grace, and his magnanimity is also admired by Zhe. If Zhe abandons the mortal world at this moment, he is really guilty of gods, so he dare not do it, and he also asks the master Don't tell His Highness this, lest he be worried."

Cizhen sighed slightly, and said: "Jiang Tanyue has this heart that everyone can learn from each other, Lao Na is naturally tight-lipped, Tan Yue respects my Shaolin, although Lao Na will not imitate the rest of the world to care about grievances and grievances, but he also has the heart to reciprocate, Lao Na has a few internal skills, It doesn't have any other effect, but it can strengthen the body and nourish the heart. Although Tanyue has never practiced martial arts, these few mental methods are just ways of breathing and breathing, and they will not be laborious. I hope it can be helpful to Jiang Tanyue. ."

I rejoiced: "Thank you for your generous gift, Mr. Sang once said that in the world of martial arts, only the Shaolin Temple's mind is the most pure and inaction, self-cultivation of body and mind, if Zhe can live a few more years, it is all given by the master."

Cizhen smiled and said: "Jiang Tanyue assists King Xian, the merit is in the people of the Sheji, what do these few mental methods count." As he spoke, he said a few mental methods and explained them to me carefully. Xiao Shunzi was on the side with a happy expression on his face. Originally, he was most worried about my body. Now that he saw a turnaround, he was naturally overjoyed, and his gaze towards Cizhen became a little softer.

After a while, footsteps were heard in the distance. It was King Yong Li Zhi who brought Guanxiu, Gou Lian, Changsun Ji, Jing Chi, Sima Xiong and others hurriedly. Everyone came to the pavilion with respect and respect. Be polite. Although Cizhen was a grandmaster, he did not show any arrogance at all, and returned the ceremony with a smile.

Li Zhi stepped forward and said excitedly: "It has been several years since the last time I saw the master. The master's face remains the same, but Li Zhi, suffering from political disputes, has aged a lot."

Cizhen said calmly: "His Royal Highness, the old man is here to convey the wishes of the people in our temple. If your highness has an order, all the people in our temple will obey."

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, but there was hesitation in his expression. He originally only hoped that the Shaolin Temple had limited support, and that was fine, but he never expected to get the full support of the Shaolin Temple. What happened.