The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 73: Lord of the Hidden Star


Xia Jinyi widened his eyes and said coldly, "Say it again."

Chi Ji gave him a sympathetic look and said, "Miss Xiuchun has already hanged herself and is pregnant. My son sent me to inform you."

Xia Jinyi stared blankly at his hands, stopped speaking, Chi Ji backed out, and just as he stepped out of the door, he heard a whimpering cry, it was a cry that broke the liver and intestines. , Chi Ji felt sour in her heart, and quickly accelerated her pace.

Xia Jinyi sat on the floor of the room in a daze, and Li Hanyou no longer appeared in his heart. He just recalled everything that happened after he got acquainted with Xiuchun, from playing lightly at the beginning, to later, this delicate woman has walked in. In his own heart, how many times the two of them have slept in each other's arms, looking forward to a better future together, he even thought that in a few years, he would be able to take Xiuchun away with him, but his hometown is a sad place, and he can't go back. , but there are still many places in the world where they can settle down. Until that day, I saw Li Hanyou, the woman who devoured her life and dreams, the woman who changed her destiny but completely forgot her. From that moment on, his life was over. Ri was just thinking about how to please the brutal prince, how to find ways to retaliate against Li Hanyou, so he willingly risked his life to complete the task given to him by Jiang Zhe, just because he knew how insignificant his own strength was. A Fengyi disciple, a royal princess, a general's wife, her own life and death are just like ants to her, so if she wants to take revenge, she can only tear down the big tree she relies on, so King Yong and Jiang Zhe have become his only options. , but even in those painful days, there was always a shadow by his side, comforting him, encouraging him, and giving him a ray of light in his heart, but he didn't take her into consideration. Secretly, he didn't even say goodbye to her, he even thought that if he cheated to death, then this gentle girl would forget herself and have a happy life of her own, but he never thought that she would actually hang herself and bring her own life. Her own child is gone, what a cruel decision, why did she make such a decision, is this retribution, is this retribution for helping the prince to murder so many innocent girls

The more he thought about it, the more painful it became. Xia Jinyi only felt that his internal organs were burning, dizzy and dizzy. He quickly passed out of a coma. Half-dreaming and half-awake, he seemed to have returned to his hometown with Xiuchun. Jojo, as if her parents were still alive, hugging their son and smiling from ear to ear. In the haze, Xia Jinyi subconsciously used the internal skills taught by the master. It is a kind of internal skills that have no effect, but can make people refreshed and sleep better. For many years, Xia Jinyi has been uninterrupted every day, although there is nothing. Other advantages, but although his internal strength has not increased, it has become more and more round. In the past year, Xia Jinyi has practiced very hard in order to stop dreaming of Li Hanyou's beautiful image. Today, he was in great pain and could not help but practice. But as he practiced, Xia Jinyi only felt a fiery warm current rising from his dantian. Xia Jinyi hesitated for a moment, the warm current had already flowed into his limbs, Xia Jinyi only felt that the meridians of his whole body seemed to be burned by fire, but it was strange, his heart The pain was actually relieved by a little bit, and when his heart moved, he continued to exercise, and as expected, bursts of warmth flowed from his dantian. He deliberately endured the greatest pain, but exercised more seriously. The pain that seemed to tear his whole body made him feel a little bit. comfort. I don't know when, he has been addicted to it.

If someone came in at this time, they would see a marvelous scene. A man's whole body was full of true energy, but it was burning like fire, and his expression was peaceful in pain. Xia Jinyi was also lucky. Chi Ji, who came to deliver the meal at noon, saw that the door was closed, and thought he was reluctant to come out because he was sad, so he just shouted outside and put the meal on the table. There must be death.

In the middle of the night, Xia Jinyi only felt a cool infuriating qi gushing out from his dantian, flowing all over his body. Wherever the infuriating qi passed, his limbs gradually recovered. The sadness and guilt in his heart no longer made him want to die in pain. When he sat up, he only felt a sour smell on his body. When he looked closely, it was actually pitch black. He hurried to the yard and took the well water to rinse it off. After taking a bath, he stretched out his hands and felt that his skin was almost transparent. , moist and elastic. He couldn't help but be startled. He didn't know what happened. At this moment, someone behind him sighed, "Yi'er, you have finally broken through the Seven Emotions Test."

Xia Jinyi looked back and saw that under the bright moonlight, a Taoist priest in yellow was standing smiling. The Taoist priest did not know how old he was. He had a beautiful appearance and a skin like a baby. Man is his second mentor, the Taoist priest Mengdao Ren of Tiandu. He stepped forward and bowed down. He originally wanted to cry, but he felt that there were no tears to shed, which made him even more strange.

Mengdao Ren stepped forward to pick him up and said, "Yi'er, you can already know some things today. The teacher is not an ordinary person, but the current Sect Master of the Demon Gate Star Sect."

Xia Jinyi was slightly taken aback. He had heard the master talk about the three sects of the Demon Sect. When he went outside, he realized that few people knew about these things. He also suspected that the teacher might be a member of the Demon Sect. , and put it aside. Today, when Xia Jinyi heard his teacher personally admit his identity, Xia Jinyi put down a big stone in his heart. He smiled and said, "Jin Yi doesn't care about master's identity, but Jin Yi doesn't understand a lot of things, so please ask master to tell Yi'er."

Mengdao Ren took Xia Jinyi and sat on the stone bench in the yard. He smiled and said, "Good apprentice, I really did not choose the wrong successor for the teacher. Listen to me slowly. Chaos, scorching sun, Hanyuefu, Yinxingshou, it is precisely because the three sects have their own divisions of labor. The royal family that sucks the blood of the common people is corrupt. He once said that if the king is wise, the common people will suffer less. He believed that if the people were suffering, someone would rise up and create a new world, and the new dynasty would allow the people to have a hundred years of well-being, so he did not want the people to suffer when the dynasty declined, so he founded three schools of thought. , Sun Zong is a general who rises up, and Yue Zong is a military advisor who urges those giants to kill each other, jumping into war, subverting the ruling line, and prompting a new situation to emerge. I am afraid that there are not a few people left, and there are many wars, so it is no wonder that this is the case, but since then, how can I maintain my lifeline, so the patriarch is as knowledgeable as the sea, and he has created a star sect. The purpose of the star sect is to hide. In the world, it is like the stars in the sky, although they are common and do not know each other. Moreover, our star sect is responsible for the inheritance of the magic door, and guards the secret treasures of this door for generations. Among the ambitious young people, they choose to teach them the martial arts of the Japanese sect and the tactics of the moon sect. Therefore, although the Demon Gate is often surrounded by the black and white and the imperial court, it is always revived. It is our credit. It is a pity that the ancestors I can't think of a better way to bring peace to the people, so I can only use war to clean up the filth in the world and create new peace."

A look of doubt flashed in Xia Jinyi's eyes, and he asked, "Master, in that case, wouldn't Xingzong be sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, causing chaos in the world, but keeping himself out of it, wouldn't that be too much?"

Mengdao Ren smiled bitterly and said, "Silly boy, do you think that the descendants of the Xingzong are easy to find? The Xingzong has been passed down from generation to generation. After each suzerain takes over the mantle of the previous suzerain, he must look for disciples who can pass on the mantle. The previous sect master will return to the secret treasures guarded by our Xingzong to devote himself to the practice. The Xingzong secretly taught the heart method, called the 'Nine Death Technique'. After practicing this kind of heart method, the heart is the strongest, as long as the head is not cut off. , then we will never die, and this kind of mental method can make us live to be more than one hundred and twenty years old, but the inheritance of the seventeenth generation of the Xingzong has almost been interrupted twice."

Xia Jinyi thought for a while and asked, "Could it be that it is difficult to meet the special requirements of the descendants of the Xingzong."

Mengdao Ren said with a wry smile: "The first requirement of the descendants of the Xingzong is to have no relatives without any reason, and the six relatives have been cut off. The three requirements are that one needs to experience life and death before the age of 30. These three requirements have already left very few candidates to choose from, not to mention that our Star Sect also requires that the successor must be at least middle-aged or above.”

Xia Jinyi thought for a while, and said, "These conditions, the disciple can barely meet, but the disciple believes that if only these conditions exist, then there is no difficulty."

Mengdao Ren gave him a deep look and said, "This is because of the limitations of the Star Sect's purpose, the disciples of this sect cannot enjoy the glory and wealth, they need to wander around to gain knowledge, wander without a home, and can't show their martial arts, even if In the event of a life-threatening danger, you can only escape and cannot fight back. In this way, although you are the sect master of the Star Sect, you will remain unknown for the rest of your life. How can this kind of shackles be endured by a person with peerless martial arts, so the rules of this sect, If you pass the test before the age of 30, you can become a named disciple. From then until the age of 60, you can be free and loose, but you cannot practice high-level martial arts. Anyway, the Nine Deaths can save your life. If you die unfortunately, it can only show that this person The temperament cannot be tolerated, and it is not worthy of being a descendant of the Xingzong. After the age of 60, we think that we can discern the temperament of this person and officially accept it as a disciple."

Xia Jinyi thought deeply: "So, the disciple is not the only candidate?"

Meng Daoren said apologetically: "Yes, I have already chosen two people before you, but it seems that you have the greatest hope. Now you are stealth and you have gone through tragic changes to see through the love calamity. Now you have broken through the Nine Deaths. If you can abide by the laws of Xingzong in the next 30 years, then I believe you will become my descendant."

Since breaking through the Seven Emotions, Xia Jinyi only felt that his mind was agile, and his emotions gradually became indifferent. He did not console his teacher, but instead asked, "If we all meet the requirements, how will my teacher choose?"

Mengdaoren said proudly: "I respect the demons and the strong. If they all pass, then it will naturally depend on who can survive after the cannibalism."

Xia Jinyi smiled lightly, and asked again, "Since that's the case, I've already qualified for the pre-selection. Master should also teach me some gadgets, so that I can save my life."

Mengdaoren didn't take it seriously, and took out a booklet from his arms, with some teeny small letters written on it, Mengdaoren said: "These things are some small tricks, you should learn these self-protection skills, it should not matter, but you must also understand, If you are unwilling to be lonely, you can become famous all over the world by relying on these things, and then you will lose the qualification to succeed the suzerain, but according to the rules of this sect, if you are willing to give up the opportunity to become the suzerain, then the star sect will not take back your martial arts, as long as If you don’t mention the word Xingzong all your life, then you can spend the rest of your life in peace.”

Xia Jinyi smiled coldly and said, "Do you really trust us candidates? I'm afraid there are other means of control."

Mengdao Ren's eyes flashed, revealing a hint of a smile, he took out a red pill from his arms and said, "This is the True Love Gu developed by the ancestor of my Demon Sect on the basis of Miao Jiang Gu poison, as long as you take this medicine , and then swear that unless you become the sect master of the star sect, you will not be able to mention the matter of the star sect for the rest of your life.

Xia Jinyi took the Gu Pill and said indifferently: "This medicine is under the order of Master, and I will die from the poison."

Mengdao Ren shook his head and said, "That's not the case. As long as you don't mention the matter of Xingzong, then your life and death as a teacher can't be controlled, and there is another benefit of True Love Gu, which is that it can delay aging and prevent other Gu poisons. Harmful, so I didn't get rid of this Gu until I was eighty-three years old this year, when I needed to explain the secret of this sect to you."

Xia Jinyi believed that what his teacher said was not false, and his face gradually softened. He picked up the Gu Pill and asked, "Master, do you know what happened to the disciple."

Mengdaoren sighed slightly and said: "I know for the teacher nine times out of ten, when the teacher placed orders in Kongtong Mountain, I saw that although you are honest and honest, but your face is miserable all your life, so I stayed to observe, you return to Kongtong Tong, I have already checked for you to report the family affairs to Shimen. Before Fengyimen sent someone to kill you, I tried to let the head of Kongtong know about it. That's why he didn't dare to offend Fengyi. You will be expelled from the door. You worship me as a teacher, and I will not teach you other martial arts, but will turn you into the prodigal son of today. The first is to make Fengyimen feel at ease with you, and the second is because if you want to If you want to become the sect master of this sect, if you are not unrestrained and entertain yourself, how can you survive the long years. Later, after you went down the mountain, although I did not follow you, I bought a gentleman on the beam with a lot of money in advance and asked him to follow you. Years, so this time you have an accident in Chang'an, I will come here in a hurry, the only pity is Xiuchun, I thought that since you are already tied down, I no longer expect you, as long as you take that little girl with you If I leave with your unborn child safely, I will have no fate with you, but who knows, this little girl was killed."

Xia Jinyi's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Master, what are you talking about, didn't Master Jiang say that Xiuchun hanged himself?"

Mengdao Ren glanced at him with pity, and said, "I arrived a little late at the palace. Miss Xiuchun's body is still warm. She was targeted to death. Although she is secretive, she can't hide it from my eyes."

Xia Jinyi hissed: "Who, who killed Xiuchun, she was just a weak woman, neither threat nor worth, who would kill her."

Mengdao Ren said lightly: "I went too late, I didn't see the murderer, but can't you guess?"

Xia Jinyi only felt that his heart was twisted by a knife, and he turned his face away and stopped talking. Mengdao Ren sighed: "If I don't tell you about this matter, you are very likely to become my descendant, but I don't want you to regret it for the rest of your life, child, you can do it yourself in the future."

Xia Jinyi looked at the dawn outside the window, but felt that he wanted to cry but had no tears. He said lightly, "Master, to what extent can I be qualified to compete for the position of suzerain."

Mengdao Ren gave him a deep look and said, "I believe that when you lose your qualifications, you will understand that a small person can take advantage of other people's brilliance, but if many people see your own brilliance, you don't need to Go, thirty years later, in the temple where our master and apprentice lived, I hope you can come to your appointment on time. Now, it's time for you to take your medicine."

Xia Jinyi looked at the Gu Pill and said in a low voice, "It used to be difficult for the sea to make water, but Wushan is not a cloud, and apart from hatred, there is nothing I can't let go of in this world." , he only felt that the pill would automatically roll into his belly as soon as it touched his lips.

Mengdao Ren glanced at him with relief, and said, "I hope our master and apprentice will meet again. I have already ordered their acupuncture points for the people in this house, and now they are about to wake up and leave for the master."

Huang Ying flashed, Mengdao disappeared, Xia Jinyi's handsome face showed a smile, it was a smile that made people feel bitter when they saw it.

Not long after, Chi Ji appeared with a somewhat uneasy look. He was taped on acupuncture points last night, and Meng Dao Ren was very clever. Not only did he not know, but he was very good, but he was born in a secret camp and always felt that he should not sleep. It was so heavy, so we came together to check on Xia Jinyi's situation. When I came in, I only felt that Xia Jinyi's complexion had changed a little, but when he saw Xia Jinyi's expressionless expression, he seemed to be in great pain, so he didn't ask much, just tentatively asked: "Xia Jinyi's complexion has changed. Didn't your son rest last night?"

Xia Jinyi smiled lightly and said, "Jin Yi can't sleep peacefully when his beloved dies."

Chiji's clear expression flashed, and he said, "Young Master Xia is still in condolences. Losing a loved one is painful, but Miss Xiuchun knows her well and hopes that Young Master Xia will be happier."

Xia Jinyi was slightly taken aback and said, "Why, little brother, do you know the pain of losing your lover at such a young age?"

Chi Ji sighed slightly and said, "My son has a poem that has never been circulated. If son Xia is interested, I can sing it to you."

Xia Jinyi said with interest, "What is the word, I'll accompany you."

Chi Ji's eyes flashed with sadness, and said, "It's a song of Spring in the Garden." Xia Jinyi took the Dongxiao, and his mind was condensed, and he began to play. Chi Ji sang in a low voice along with the music:

"In the blink of an eye, life is so short, how can you forget it when you are low. Remember the blue waves and the moon are cold, the green sleeves and swallows dance; at the curved place, the silver man crosses in darkness. The love is hard to stay, and the flowers are left behind, and you will cry more deeply after winning. , Longitudinal lovesickness, who will describe the shadows.

Lying at night listening to the bitter rain. There must be frost for short hair. Only the blue sky is vast, and the dust is broken; the butterfly shadows are fluttering, and the touch is still hurt. I want to think of Qingyan, I can't bear the red blood, and I have a few days of yesterday's fragrance in my dreams. Really helpless, Qian Sheng Ye Di, composed the ileum. "

Xia Jinyi played the song while listening, but later, the song began to stutter, but it became more and more sad. When the song ended, Xia Jinyi only felt that the heartache that seemed to disappear had appeared again, and finally burst into tears.