The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 82: The conspiracy of manners


In Qixia Nunnery, when the bright and unparalleled woman revealed what she saw to the Fengyi Sect Master, the Fengyi Sect Master said lightly: "King Qi is difficult to control, this is what this seat has known for a long time, if it hadn't been for him. The possibility of succeeding the throne, this seat will not allow him to be willful, but now, he has a secret meeting with King Yong at this time, Wushuang, do you think King Qi will vote for King Yong at this time?"

Yan Wushuang hesitated for a moment and said: "In the opinion of the disciples, King Qi should not completely surrender to King Yong, and no one who betrays can get real attention and trust. Even if King Qi surrenders to King Yong at this moment, he can only win in King Yong. After that, it’s just to save his life, if King Qi helps the crown prince to ascend the throne, then in the future, it will be under one person and over ten thousand people. King Qi will not fail to understand this principle, Master, do you want Senior Sister Zheng to ask His Highness King Qi’s thoughts clearly.”

Sect Master Fengyi shook his head and said, "You can't startle the snake, sigh, Qin Zheng is really the most useless of my direct disciples. Not only is he unable to restrain King Qi, but he also lost his heart. What I taught you back then was the most important thing. One point is that we can't show our true feelings. If we are smart and witty and ambitious, we women are no worse than their men. The only disadvantage is that we are too easy to lose ourselves for those cheap emotions."

Yan Wushuang said: "Master has been overly concerned. Although Senior Sister Qin is unable to restrain King Qi, this is also because King Qi has a unique personality and a noble identity. If Master makes up his mind, Senior Sister Qin will definitely be able to follow orders and control King Qi."

The head of Fengyi's sect said happily: "Wushuang is indeed very smart, this time Yu'er succeeded in assassinating the ghost-faced general, and you have obtained such important information. I am very pleased in my heart, you must do things well, and let this seat see you. s hard work."

Yan Wushuang said: "The disciple will definitely live up to the high expectations of the master."

After hesitating for a while, Yan Wushuang said again: "Master, do you want to report this matter to His Royal Highness the Prince?"

Sect Master Fengyi sneered: "Reporting what he did, made him suspicious of King Qi, and now His Royal Highness is afraid that everything is already startled, so don't hit him, not to mention, if we hold this handle, wait until After the crown prince ascends the throne in the future, we can also better control the king of Qi, and I think he will know what he will do to him if the crown prince knows that he once had the intention to betray."

Yan Wushuang revered and said: "The sect master has far-reaching strategies, and the disciple admires it, but there is one thing that the disciple does not understand. Princess Changle has nothing to do with the government. Why does the sect master insist on persecuting her? Not worth the loss.”

Sect Master Fengyi sighed slightly: "You will understand this matter in the future, but there is a reason you must know, who is Princess Changle's sweetheart, although that person is unparalleled in intelligence, but such people are people with fragile hearts. , we all know that he was exhausted because of the attack on Shu, and he rested for several years. This seat sent people to Nanchu to check, and it was confirmed that he was in critical condition at that time. The diagnosis of a famous doctor said that his heart meridian was injured and he was on the verge of death for many days. Last time, the seat of King Yong's Mansion paid special attention, but his heart was severely injured. For more than a year, he and Princess Changle have secretly exchanged songs, so he must already have a deep relationship. If this time, Princess Changle Don't marry, with his body, he will inevitably become bedridden, and it may even endanger his life, so you should know how much it will help us."

Yan Wu's eyes flashed in exclamation: "As soon as this person entered the Emperor Yong's shogunate, everything went wrong for us, and now we can't assassinate him again. If we can eradicate this person like this, it's really worth the risk."

Sect Master Fengyi smiled lightly: "Actually, this pair is not bad for Princess Changle, Wei Ying's personality and appearance are very good, to be able to marry such a good son-in-law is already a good ending for her, so why bother with nostalgia? A weak and short-lived person."

Yan Wushuang said worriedly: "I heard that Princess Changle is soft on the outside and tough on the inside, but I don't know how the sect master will act?"

Sect Master Fengyi smiled slightly and did not answer.

At this time, Qingyue's voice came from outside the door: "Report to the sect master, His Royal Highness King Qi has entered the capital, and the prince leads a hundred officials to welcome you."

After the grand welcome ceremony in the suburbs, Li Xian was invited by the prince to enter the palace in the same car to meet the emperor. As soon as the invitation came out, Li Xian sneered in his heart. He was not an idiot. , he will treat him like this. It seems that the second brother is right, and the crown prince can't wait. Do you want to explain that King Yong should be bluffing? After thinking about it, Li Xian decided that if the prince sincerely asked himself, then he would not hide it at all. If he only wants to use his own strength, then he will not say a word, as long as he forces himself to rebel, then he will only obey orders.

Li An hesitated for a moment and said, "Sixth brother, you also know the current situation, King Yong is pressing step by step, the father is dark and unknown, my throne is already in jeopardy, sixth brother, you have always been me. People, if I lose the throne, even if King Yong sees no guilt on your father's face, you don't want to lead troops on expeditions. If you are not under house arrest, you will also be removed from your post. I'm afraid it's too late for you to regret it."

Li Xian's expression darkened, he didn't know the truth, but no matter what, he couldn't raise an army to rebel, wouldn't that betray his father's trust.

Li An said again: "Sixth brother, I won't say much, you should understand that now you have no way to retreat, if I can ascend the throne, I will definitely make you the assistant prince, then you will be under one person, sixth brother. , what do you think?"

Li Xian said coldly: "Then where does the eldest brother put the Fengyi Gate, and why are they all helping each other, the eldest brother should know well."

With an embarrassed look on Li An's face, he said, "Of course they have some requirements, but I can handle it. Sixth brother, you and I are brothers. When we join forces in the future, there will always be a way to limit Fengyi's sect."

Li Xian sighed softly and said, "My brother now knows, Your Highness can rest assured. As long as the father and emperor's intentions remain unchanged, my brother will never allow anyone to hurt His Highness."

Li An frowned, this was not the result he hoped for, he even hoped that Li Xian could offer to help him rebel, but this kind of thing cannot be opened by him. With a cold expression, he finally didn't want to take any more risks. Now, he can no longer act recklessly.

After King Qi was summoned by Emperor Yong, when he walked out of the palace, he saw a gorgeous carriage waiting there, he hesitated for a moment, and his close guard next to him whispered: "His Royal Highness, the princess is here to greet you in person, if you don't see me, It’s a bit too much, so let’s be perfunctory.”

Li Xian thought for a while, and when he walked to the carriage, a maid in the carriage lifted the curtain, revealing Princess Qi's smile, Li Xian's expression was somewhat mocking and slick, and smiled: "So it was Zheng'er who came in person. It is a great honor to welcome this king in triumph."

Qin Zheng's face turned red and said, "Your Highness is always so rude." Li Xian smiled and jumped into the carriage.

However, Li An returned to the mansion with a sullen face. After informing Lu Jingzhong of the result of the conversation, he just hurriedly said, "I'll leave this matter to you." Then he returned to the inner mansion. A moment later, a post from the Crown Princess inviting Mrs. Huo, the servant of the East Palace, was sent out. After half an hour, the bleak-faced Huo walked into the secret room in the Prince's mansion dedicated to the prince's lust. In the fury of the prince venting his emotions, the blood and tears of innocent women flowed.

In the afternoon of the same day, the master of Fengyi entered the palace to meet the empress. Soon after, Empress Dou dispatched a female official, Zhao Shanggong, to pass the imperial edict to Princess Changle.

Princess Changle frowned slightly, looking at Zhao Shanggong, who had passed the decree in front of her, and the Empress had passed the decree to her to go to the audience, which is not a good sign. Moreover, it was Shanggong who came in person. According to the system of the Great Lama Temple, the chief female officers of the other halls were Shangyi, except for the empress and concubines who were the chief female officers. Most of these female officers were older palace maids. , Just like Zhou Shangyi of his own Cuiluan Palace, she was the concubine's former trusted maid, and she is thirty years old this year. Whether it is Shanggong Shangyi, she has a very high status. Zhao Shanggong, the head of the female officials in the harem, did it in person, and Zhao Shanggong's mouth was very tight. He only said that the queen's concubine had invited the princess, but he refused to say anything. Although Chang Le was worried in her heart, she thought about it, soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover up, she is a princess who is deeply favored by the emperor, and even the empress can't do anything to herself, so she has a resolute look on her face, and said with a smile: " Please lead the way in front of Zhao Shanggong."

Zhao Shanggong led Princess Changle around to a Changxuan, which was beautifully furnished and filled with chess and Yaoqin. Empress Dou Shi was playing chess with a snow-clothed and masked woman when she saw Princess Changle walk in. , then pushed Qiping and said: "Forget it, Ben Gong admits defeat. Changle comes over and pays respects to the master of Fengyi."

Princess Changle's heart jumped, she stepped forward and bowed down and said, "Changle knocks on her mother and sees the door master."

The snow-clothed woman's clear and icy eyes revealed a touch of unknown emotion. She stepped forward to pick up Princess Changle, and said with a smile, "The last time I saw you, I was a little baby, and now it's Tingting Yuli."

The queen sighed: "It's just that this child has a hard life. She was sent to marry Nan Chu by her father, and now she is a widow at home."

The snow-clothed woman smiled and said, "Changle is dignified and elegant, how can you live alone for a long time? I heard that the emperor has chosen a son-in-law for you, and soon you will be able to play harmoniously and respect each other like a guest."

Princess Changle was not allowed to speak, but Mrs. Dou smiled and said, "The concubine her father chose for her is the son of Wei Xiang. Although there is no indication of the time of the marriage, this matter can't be dragged on for too long. Changle, what do you think? ?"

Although Princess Changle was already prepared, she still felt a chill in her heart. She tightly held the folding fan that she never left, as if that person was supporting her, smiled and said, "Mother has been worrying too much, now that Changle is accompanied by the Buddha, it is because her heart is like still water. , and please don't bother your maiden, Changle has already rejected this marriage with the royal father."

The Queen hesitated a bit, and glanced at Fengyi's sect master, Fengyi sect master praised: "Chang Le is right, we women don't necessarily have husbands to accompany you, the Queen's concubine also takes pity on your youth, you still have to think about it carefully. , your fan is quite elegant, can you show it to me?"

Chang Le's heart was tight, but he had to hand over the folding fan and said, "Please appreciate the door master."

The sect master Fengyi took the folding fan, looked at the poems on it, and said softly: "It is colder than the water and the water is lighter than the autumn, and it is far away from the beginning to see the ferry head. Good poetry, worthy of being the number one talent in Southern Chu." After that, she looked at Princess Changle with chilling eyes, and said, "Is the princess really unwilling to get married?" Princess Changle only felt short of breath, as if there was Mount Tai The pressure hit her face. Although she was always weak, her temperament was soft on the outside and firm on the inside. Because of her status, the sect master of Fengyi just used her aura to bully her, so she was able to endure it. The cold voice of Fengyi's sect master sounded in her ear: "Princess, Wei Ying is also the husband that the emperor has painstakingly chosen for you. I'm worried about you." Princess Changle felt in a trance, the strong pressure almost forced her to say yes, but the image of the pale and weak scholar in Tsing Yi quickly appeared in her mind, her eyes fell on the folding fan Above, she said with a trembling voice: "Thank you for the care of the sect master, Changle has no intention of remarrying now, Wei Ying is good, but he is not a good person."

The head of Fengyi's sect raised his long eyebrows lightly, shook the folding fan gently, and said, "The princess rejects the emperor and the queen's good intentions so much. It must be because her intentions are firm, and this seat is inconvenient to persuade them." After speaking, the hand suddenly exerted force, and the hand-made folding fan Turned into powder.

Princess Changle screamed, tears in her beautiful eyes. Fengyi's sect master said apologetically, "I lost my hand for a while and destroyed your folding fan. Well, I will compensate you with a good one."

Princess Changle only felt that a flame was burning in her heart, and said angrily: "No, it's just a folding fan, the door owner doesn't need to blame himself." Although she said so, her bright eyes projected an unforgettable hatred. I mean, even the sect master Fengyi felt a chill in his heart.

At this time, Empress Dou said, "Chang Le, you are not in good health. Seeing that you are pale, you must be tired. You should go back to rest early."

Chang Le strongly endured the grief and anger in his heart and resigned Ruyi, but his footsteps were a little staggered. Lu'e, who was standing in the distance just now, didn't notice all this, but felt that the princess was in a bad mood, and hurriedly helped her back to the bedroom. , Suddenly a surprised voice came from a distance: "His Royal Highness, why are you here too?"

Chang Le looked up tiredly, but Wei Ying and a little eunuch were standing there. In the past, Chang Le would definitely leave for excuses, but now she can hardly think, and asked in a daze: "Why is Mr. Wei here?"

Wei Yingrong said with faint joy: "I have already entered the Zhongshu Province to serve the emperor. Just now, the emperor learned that the master of Fengyi was coming, and specially sent a minister to report to the empress, and asked the master to stay for a while. The emperor wanted to invite Sect master's dinner."

Chang Le felt anger burning in his heart when he heard the words of Fengyi's sect master, and was about to leave, but only felt dizzy, and his delicate body fell to the ground. Lu'e screamed. She was not very strong. Although she was barely able to hold the princess, she was unable to do what she wanted. This time, when she came to see the queen, Princess Changle didn't bring many palace maids. The only little eunuch was too young to help the princess. In desperation, Lu'e had to look up at Wei Ying. Although Wei Ying was a man, he was the princess' "fiance" after all. E knew that the princess loved something else, but she couldn't let the princess fall into a coma like this.

Wei Ying hesitated for a while, then hurried forward and stretched out his hand to help each other, and said, "There is a room nearby, where the princess can rest for a while, or call an imperial physician to diagnose the pulse."

Lu'e said happily: "Thank you, Lord Wei, for reminding me that this is the west side of the Imperial Garden, and next to it is the palace of Concubine Duan. Please help me to send the princess there."

Wei Ying picked up the princess and said, "Then ask Miss Lu'e to lead the way."

Lu'e said to the little eunuch: "You hurry up and report to Concubine Changsun, saying that the princess suddenly fainted, and please ask the concubine to pick up the princess at the concubine Duan's palace."

The little eunuch agreed again and again, turned and ran away. Wei Ying hugged Princess Changle and followed behind Lu E. Although Lu E walked in a hurry, she always kept an eye on her back. Seeing a look of pity and love flashing in Wei Ying's eyes, she couldn't help feeling sympathy. It's good to change your mind.

She didn't go very far. Lu'e may have been in a hurry. She accidentally fell and covered her ankle and cried out in pain. Wei Ying said anxiously, "Miss Lu'e, what's the matter with you?"

Lu E smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Wei, this servant may not be able to walk."

Wei Ying shouted, "Is there anyone nearby?"

Lu E also shouted twice, but in the end Lu E could only helplessly say: "Mr. Wei, please follow this road not far, it is the residence of Concubine Duan." Wei Ying hesitated: "In the harem, How inconvenient I am."

Lu'e said anxiously: "What time is it? If you still have concerns, I'm afraid that the princess's condition will worsen. Besides, you and the princess still have a marriage contract, so it should be fine."

Wei Ying could only say: "Miss Green, please wait here, I'll send someone to rescue the girl." After that, she continued to move forward along the path. After a while, Wei Ying was a little confused, and there were two roads in front of her. Which way should he go? After thinking about it, he walked forward along the path on his left. After a while, a palace appeared in front. He was so happy that he stepped forward and knocked on the palace door, but only an old eunuch came out to greet him.

Wei Ying smiled bitterly: "I'm Wei Ying. Princess Changle suddenly fainted. I wanted to send her to the palace of Concubine Duan, but I went the wrong way."

The eunuch said with sincerity and fear: "This place has been uninhabited for a long time. Please Sir Wei send the princess in to rest first, and the old slave will call someone."

Wei Ying could only say: "I'm sorry to bother you, please find someone to take care of the princess."

After the old eunuch left, only Wei Ying and Princess Changle were still in the silent palace. Looking at the pale beauty lying on the bed, Wei Ying's heart sank. Talented, intelligent, and respected by others, but Princess Changle stubbornly rejected him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel anger in his heart, but when his eyes fell on Princess Changle, he became gentle and kind. Although it was a pity, Princess Changle was not. A woman whom he admires.

The closed door of the hall made the light in the bedroom dim, which made people feel ambiguous. Wei Ying only felt that his mood was quickening. In the corner of the bedroom, the smell of the burning spices in the incense burner became stronger and stronger. Wei Ying felt more and more unable to hold back, and his gaze towards Princess Changle became a little more obscure.