The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 84: Everything is ready


〖Wuwei twenty-five years on September 14, the emperor ordered the autumn hunting, the change will start.

- "Yong Shi·Gaozu Benji"〗

Jiang Haitao looked at Jiang Zhe with reverence. He was very aware of the weight of this person. These days, he has been recuperating in the hospital, but Princess Yong often came to visit him and could not help but tell him something, and Jiang Haitao was the best The strange thing is this young man who is so sick that he will die at any time. It was obvious that he could not protect himself, but he saved his life, and he heard that his cousin, King Yong, could be said to be obedient to him, so Jiang Haitao entered Hanyuan with the excuse of expressing his thanks in person. As soon as he entered the Cold Garden, Jiang Haitao knew that King Yong really attached great importance to this Lord Jiang. The guards of the Cold Garden were probably even better than the guards around King Yong.

I looked at this young man with a smile. He was young, with a childish look on his face. His clear eyes made people able to see through his mind immediately. Such a bright young man made me feel good, but doubts also arose at the same time. As the only son of the Marquis of the East China Sea, how could he have such a pair of eyes. After thinking about it for a while, I asked skillfully: "Little Marquis is a general, and it must be a deep water battle. Didn't you come today to borrow my collection of "Ocean Maps"?"

I asked this question cleverly. For ordinary people, "Ocean Maps" is just a profound and incomprehensible broken book, but for Jiang Shi, who is good at water warfare and shipbuilding, it is hard to find. This book was originally lost to the people, but before I reached the first place, I accidentally got half of the remaining copies. For me, this precious and isolated copy is hard to find. After I entered the Hanlin Academy, I have In the vast sea of classics of the Hanlin Academy, I collected some fragments. With my knowledge and the foundation of reading a lot of books, I repaired this book completely. When I dedicated this book to the Southern Chu court, no one was there. Pay attention to it, but it was sent to Chongwen Hall as an isolated copy. Originally, this book was like a pearl buried in loess, and it will never come out again. However, when Dayong was negotiating peace again, King Yong once asked Nanchu to present the classics, and this "Ocean Map Chronicles" was returned to my hands because of this. I have deep feelings for this book, so I kept it. After I came down, for some reason, the news that King Yong had a single copy of "Ocean Map Chronicles" spread like wildfire, and the news that King Yong rewarded me with this book was also known. Little, there were many people who wanted to see him, but because I never saw foreigners, I couldn't start. Today, I used this question to interrogate Jiang Haitao, but the meaning is very deep. Jiang Yong, Jiang Houye is really proficient in water warfare and has a far-reaching vision, as the intelligence said, so this "Ocean Atlas" can not be mentioned by him. If Jiang Xiaohou Ye knows this book, it means that Jiang Yong is very fond of this beloved son. If he values closeness, then the appearance shown by this young man is false. If he does not know at all, unless this son is unbearable, it is Jiang Houye who deliberately indulges his beloved son, but I think this young man is pure and innocent. Jia, like pure gold and jade, these two reasons are probably hard for me to believe.

Jiang Haitao stood up and said excitedly: "Ocean Tuzhi, I heard Daddy say it many times, and Daddy sighed and said, it's a pity that I can't see it with my own eyes. Are you really willing to lend it to me?" His expression was excited and excited, this is a teenager Seeing the look of the beloved thing, it becomes more and more indifferent. I wondered in my heart what kind of person Jiang Xiaohou was, so I said, "Dong Que, go and bring my book of "Ocean Atlas"."

After a while, I brought the "Ocean Illustrated Chronicle" that I re-transcribed and compiled. After I handed it to Jiang Haitao, he smiled and said, "But I can't lend it to you for nothing. After you read an article, I have to ask you. Some questions, if you answer well, I will allow you to continue reading, if you can't answer, you will not be allowed to read again."

Jiang Haitao said calmly: "Although Haitao is young, he has followed his father all the year round. Although some things are not very familiar, he can still know a little bit. As long as Mr. Jiang doesn't ask too hard, Haitao is confident that he can answer it."

I smiled slightly and said, "Of course I won't deliberately embarrass you." He motioned Dong Que to take out the book and put it on the bookcase. Jiang Haitao knew that this kind of precious book could not be read by himself, so he moved excitedly. After sitting in the chair and sitting in front of the desk, Dong Que stood by and turned the pages for him.

After he read an article, I asked him a few questions, and he really answered them rightly. Although some questions were superficially answered, they were already very prominent for his age. What surprised me was that after I repaired In this book, there are a lot of missing content. Although I have added the content sorted out from other maritime classics, there are still many uncertainties. In those places, I have marked them in the margins. Where did I get this opinion, there are several other opinions and my final judgment. I deliberately asked him about these places. He has his own unique opinions, and some of them are obviously more correct than my conclusions. For the next few days, I had a lot of fun with him every day asking questions.

In the end, in addition to the fact that Jiang Haitao is a natural commander of the navy, I also came to the conclusion that he is a straight man who doesn't care much about anything but water. If he goes out to sea or fights on water, he is definitely a A good general, but for other things, you still don't have to count on him. Thinking about it, Jiang Yong will be both relieved and distressed. With a slight smile, I wrote a short letter for Dong Que to keep, and Dong Que slowly put it away. These days, I have given him several short letters, but Dong Que is a smart person, and he doesn't have one. Look, it didn't even ask me what to do.

On this day, I was admiring chrysanthemums in the garden, when King Yong Li Zhi came to me and said solemnly, "Suiyun, the situation is now on the verge of breaking out."

I smiled lightly and said, "Your Highness, please speak."

Li Zhi said: "The emperor announced that he will go to the hunting palace to hold an autumn hunt the day after tomorrow, and the royal family in Beijing will all participate. The king of Qi wrote a letter to report his illness, but the emperor asked him to go with him while sick."

I said thoughtfully: "It seems that the emperor is also very careful. I don't know why the emperor held the autumn hunt?"

Li Zhi sighed and said: "A lot of trivial things have happened in the past few days. It's really hard to describe. This king originally thought that he didn't need to trouble himself, but now it seems that I have to work hard for you."

I said with a straight face, "Your Highness loves Zhe so much. If Zhe can't serve His Highness at a critical time, wouldn't he be living up to his great kindness, please speak bluntly."

Li Zhi sighed and told me the situation of the past few days.

Since I fell ill on the third day of September, while I was recovering, King Qi just kept making small movements at first, but King Yong was a military leader, and it didn't take long to find out that the only purpose of King Qi's army was to prepare for an ambush.

Today, Li Yuan ordered an autumn hunt. This time, 20,000 people were accompanied by the forbidden army, led by Qin Yi, the general of Qin. Among them, there were 10,000 people who belonged to the Dongying of the forbidden army. , Sun Ding is divided into 5,000 people, 5,000 people in the southern camp of the forbidden army, led by commander Yang Qian and deputy commander Hu Yanjiu, 5,000 people in the northern camp of the forbidden army, orthodox commander Pei Yun and deputy commander Xiahou Yuanfeng will accompany him. The Crown Prince, King Yong, and King Qi were all accompanied by edict. In addition, Empress Dou, Concubine Ji, Concubine Changsun, Concubine Yan, Princess Li Zhen of Changle, and Princess Li Hanyou of Jingjiang would all accompany them. Zheng Xia, a servant in the middle of the city, who has recovered from his injuries, Tan Yi, the commander of the Xiying battalion of the Imperial Guard, is in charge of safety in Beijing. There are countless other ministers accompanying him. Among them, I should pay attention to Cheng Shu, the Duke of Wei, and Qin Wuqi, the father of Princess Qin Zheng of Qi. , Wei Ying and Prince Shaofu Lu Jingzhong, who were new to Zhongshu Province soon.

This is not to mention, the emperor issued an edict that this time King Yong and King Qi could only bring a hundred guards. During the autumn hunting period, everything was carried out by military orders. The general of Fuyuan Qin Yi was the commander. It seems that the emperor already knew the current tension.

After King Qi’s letter of resignation was unsuccessful, King Qi’s army stopped moving, but King Yong judged that these troops could travel hundreds of miles in a single night, and could ambush the emperor’s holy car on the way back to Beijing, and King Qi judged There are good reasons for the deployment. Of course, King Yong also made preparations to block King Qi's army at any time, but this would inevitably lead to a war.

But what puzzled King Yong and his generals and staff was why King Qi agreed to accompany him, so that absolutely no one could command King Qi's army to attack the holy chariot.

Looking at the information in my hand, I could not help frowning. I could have imagined such a result. Just the day before yesterday, King Yong sent a secret letter to General Qin, informing Li Hanyou that his background was suspicious. Although there was no evidence, Li Hanyou was indeed separated since he was a child, and was later sent back to Jingjiang Palace by Fengyimen. Come, at least it will make General Qin suspicious. Some things are better to be believed than not to be believed. I already know the effect. As soon as the letter arrived at the General's Mansion, Cheng Shu was invited over, and then Qin Yong was also summoned. Although he did not know what they had discussed, Qin Yong had already rushed to the army of General Qin. In fact, during the autumn hunting period, the army controlled by Qin Yi was under Qin Yong's control. I didn't expect them to believe, I just put them on guard, which has exceeded my expectations.

In addition, just yesterday, the wife of Shao Hanlin's wife, Huo's family, committed suicide by hanging. Then overnight, the news of the prince forcing the wife of the traitor, making her ashamed and committing suicide spread all over the city. In comparison, everyone believes that although the emperor may not know it, but after the autumn hunt, it is absolutely impossible to hide, so if the prince cannot force the palace during the autumn hunt, then I am afraid that the fate of being abolished will be difficult to change.

I sighed, although the Crown Prince was forced by me to turn back, why is the layout of Fengyi Gate so weird

I originally thought that Fengyimen would arrange for King Qi's army to suddenly break into the emperor's palace. After all, the 20,000 princes of the Imperial Army and Fengyimen could control at least part of them, and they should attack suddenly from the inside and the outside. My plan was to let General Qin discover the abnormality "in time". , and then set a trap. Once the army of King Qi arrives, General Qin and King Yong will come forward. No matter what King Qi is, we can control the situation, and then, with the cooperation of masters from various factions, we will eradicate Fengyi Sect in one fell swoop. . But this is not the case now. The nearest Qi King's army is also two hundred miles away from the autumn hunting location, and the nearest Qin General's army is within a hundred miles, and the Yong King's army is also two hundred miles away. Then, I I absolutely do not believe that with the disciples of Sect Master Fengyi, the rebellion can be successful, and Sect Master Fengyi is still in Qixia Nunnery, and he is not ready to go to the autumn hunt with him. In my expectation, Sect Master Feng Yi would have accompanied him, but now it is completely different. I am really at a loss as to how the situation will develop. Sect Master Feng Yi really reacted differently. King Qi's army is no more than King Yong's army. If the two armies are at war, and there is no King Qi in the army, then it is impossible to succeed. Now that the forbidden army is under the control of General Qin, rebellion is impossible. What rebellion

Regarding the actual military affairs, I am not as good as King Yong and those generals. After repeated discussions, there is still no possibility that the crown prince can force the palace to succeed, but if there is no possibility of success, they will never proceed. In the end, we have to After negotiating, Changsun Ji will take King Yong's army to attack at any time to block King Qi's army. Jing Chi and Sima Xiong will escort them. Shi Yu and others will preside over the overall situation in Beijing. Wang Jinwei admitted that it was the common meaning of several sects, and he himself monitored Fengyi's sect master. In fact, even masters of their rank could detect the existence of each other even though they were separated by a few miles. , so, we are not worried that he will follow the sect master of lost Fengyi, and Xiao Shunzi and Dong Que are both participating in the autumn hunt with me. Although my illness has not been cured, this time is very important, how can I not go .

Although I can only wait and see what happens now, I still let Xiao Shunzi send out my order. All the secret camps are in motion. They must be able to respond to various changes at any time. I don’t worry about this. They are all good at changing situations. I also gave them the token of King Yong's Mansion, they can get support at any time, I clenched my fists and must believe in myself, even if the situation suddenly changes, I can turn the tide, not to mention that I can't see Yong now. What is lacking in the layout of Wang and I

In Qixia Nunnery, Sect Master Fengyi stood with his hands folded under the moonlight. Behind her, stood her trusted disciples on both sides, Wen Ziyan, Xiao Lan, Feng Feifei, Xie Xiaotong, Yan Wushuang, Li Hanyou, except Liang Wan was already insane, Ling Yu was not injured, Qin Zheng couldn't get out, everyone was there, and behind these disciples stood a total of 100 female swordsmen, all dressed as snow, with icy faces, they It is the backbone of Fengyi Sect that was cultivated by the master of Fengyi Sect. These women were adopted by Fengyi Sect since childhood, and the Taiyin Sutra they practiced lacked a part of the key, so they were all ruthless and cold-hearted. Like ice, in their eyes, there are only loyalty and killing.

After a long time, the head of Fengyi Sect said lightly: "During the autumn hunt, that is when we launched, this matter must be successful, otherwise my Fengyi Sect will be doomed."

Wen Ziyan said coldly: "Master, don't worry, everything has been arranged properly. If we are not successful, it is destiny."

Fan Huiyao said coldly: "I never believe in any destiny, Ziyan, remember, although I can't go there in person, you must cooperate sincerely, Hanyou, Xiaotong, you are responsible for the emperor's affairs, Qin Zheng will obey your orders at that time, Xiao Lan, Feifei, you are responsible for cooperating with the prince to clear all the resistance forces, Ziyan, Wushuang, you are responsible for encircling and annihilating King Yong, and this seat also has to deal with the nosy Cizhen, just I can't support you anymore."

Everyone nodded on one knee: "Disciple obeys."

Fan Huiyao didn't let them get up, and said, "There is another person who will cooperate with you. He is a registered disciple who is secretly accepted by this seat."

Following her voice, a man walked out of the room, Wen Ziyan and others looked surprised when their eyes fell on his uncovered face.

Fan Huiyao said lightly, "He is the protector of Fengyi Sect. This time, you should listen to his advice."

Wen Ziyan and others suddenly understood a lot of things they didn't understand before, but they didn't show it, they just responded respectfully.

Sect Master Fengyi looked at the confused night and said, "Even if King Yong and the others guessed, they would never have thought about the layout of this seat. Hmph, they want to force the prince to rebel, don't we know that there are only the prince and Lu Jing in this seat? Zhong Cai believed that Li Yuan was indeed going to depose the prince, but he didn't know that this seat had known Li Yuan for many years and knew his personality very well. If it is shaken, it will definitely be detrimental to us. Besides, if the crown prince succeeds in rebelling, there will be endless troubles, and he will have to rely on this sect in the future. Listen, after this is done, my Fengyi sect will be the master behind Dayong, so you must do your best. ."

Wen Ziyan and others have strong ambitions in their eyes. As women, they are about to complete a career that no one can match. What could make them more proud and proud than this

In Prince Qi's mansion, behind the heavy curtains, Li Xian lay lazily on the soft couch, his expression indifferent, Qin Zheng came over with a somewhat uneasy look, brought a bowl of ginseng soup, and said, "My lord, please use ginseng soup. Tang, we will leave for autumn hunting tomorrow, so you should rest early."

Li Xian looked at Qin Zheng and smiled sarcastically: "Okay, Princess Qi, you are very powerful, a bowl of medicine will make me useless, it seems that you are loyal to your teacher, but you forgot What are three obediences and four virtues?"

Qin Zheng said with tears: "My lord, the concubine is really for your own good. Although the concubine was instructed to approach His Highness in the past, the concubine is really true to the prince, but I can't resist the master, and they said That's right, if the prince ascends the throne, the lord can be a very important subject, and the concubine and child can be safe and sound. If King Yong succeeds, not only will the life of the concubine and the child be safe, but the lord, you will be harmed by King Yong sooner or later. For the sake of the prince, my concubine would rather die than hurt the prince."

Li Xian smiled bitterly and said: "Am I also duplicitous? Although I scolded you, I actually hope that you can succeed. Otherwise, I really want the family to go to Huangquan Road together."

Qin Zheng said excitedly: "No, no, we will definitely succeed, Master will never fail."

Li Xian sighed, thinking, is it really that easy, he remembered that thin and weak face.

Today and tonight, I don't know how many people have trouble sleeping through the night.