The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 87: Blood spattered palace


A trace of guilt flashed in Empress Dou Shi's eyes, but it turned into complacency and pride. Li Yuan said coldly, "Zi Tong, you are the Queen's honor, but why do you do such a thing?"

Mrs Dou smiled bitterly and said, "Empress is honored? Hmph, the concubine only knows that if my son cannot succeed the throne, then the concubine and him will have no choice but to die. Now, Your Majesty, you intend to depose the prince, replace the Prince Yong, and reconcile the concubine with him. Where is the crown prince?" After speaking, Mr. Dou gradually became hoarse and his tone became more and more intense.

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "When will I depose the prince, who are you instigating?"

Shame flashed in Mrs Dou's eyes, avoiding Li Yuan's gaze, but Concubine Ji smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, your heart is shaken, everyone in the court knows that, besides, the crown prince has done something wrong, Worried about your punishment, I had to convince the queen to do so."

Li Yuan looked at Qin Yi with a cold look, and Qin Yi said embarrassedly, "Your Majesty, the minister also heard rumors that the prince forced the wife of a minister of the Eastern Palace to rape, causing people to die, but it is inconvenient for the minister to mention it, this was originally a remonstrance. officials' powers."

Li Yuan said angrily: "What a beast, I just let him cultivate his mind, but he did such a shameless thing. Since ancient times, the ruler is not the ruler, and the minister is not a minister. I must..." Li Yuan was silent here. Look to the queen. Dou's face was pale and said: "An'er cried to me. If this matter spreads to the emperor's ears, I'm afraid that the storage position will not be guaranteed. The concubine only has such a son, and no matter what, I can't watch him go to a dead end."

Li Yuan smiled miserably and said, "Okay, married for many years, it turns out that you are only thinking about that renegade son, no matter what." His expression gradually became cold: "Ji Xia, Li Hanyou, if I leave the Xiaoshuang Palace, I'm afraid that your The plan won't work either."

Concubine Ji smiled sweetly and said: "I know that the emperor has a hundred guards here, but I believe that I will never let one person escape."

Li Yuan smiled coldly and said loudly: "Kill all these rebels for me." Following Li Yuan's voice, the guards who were invisible in the side hall rushed out. This was originally because Li Yuan was sympathetic to them and did not take turns on duty. The guards are resting in the side hall, so although the guards outside have been cleaned up by Fengyi Sect, there is still a new force.

With Li Yuan's order, Qin Yi and Cheng Shu stood in front of King Yong and Concubine Changsun to protect them, while Leng Chuan rushed towards Concubine Ji, who threw off her palace robes, revealing a strong black suit. During the battle, the guards in yellow also fought with the female swordsmen of Fengyi Sect. In an instant, the front of Xiaoshuang Palace became the Asura Slaughterhouse.

Concubine Yan watched this scene in horror. At this time, Qin Zheng had already rushed over and said loudly, "Concubine Mother, hurry up and escape to the palace with the Empress."

Although Concubine Yan was usually weak, she hesitated for a moment, but called out, "Your Majesty, the concubine really doesn't know about this." After that, she rushed towards Li Yuan.

Qin Zheng was stunned for a moment. He originally stretched out his hand to stop it, but he finally did not. Li Yuan frowned and looked at Concubine Yan, who was full of anxiety. He knew that this concubine was usually the most docile and weak, and it was indeed impossible for him to participate in rebellion. . He sighed and let Concubine Yan threw himself into his arms. Qin Yi and Cheng Shu had already prepared to make a move, but Concubine Yan's status was so precious that neither of them dared to make a move. With this hesitation, Concubine Yan had already threw herself into Li Yuan's arms. Li Yuan handed her over to Concubine Changsun, and the two concubines supported each other and looked down at the steps in horror.

Qin Zheng stomped his foot and rushed to join forces with Ji Xia to deal with Leng Chuan. Ji Xia had been responsible for protecting Emperor Yong for many years, and she often cooperated with Leng Chuan, so she knew Leng Chuan's martial arts very well. However, she is talented and smart, and her swordsmanship is strong. The two trapped Leng Chuan. Although they could not win, Leng Chuan would not even think about breaking through their alliance.

At this time, the situation of the guards below will be much more unfavorable. Although they are all strong in martial arts, and most of them are from the military, they are good at fighting together, but the sword formations of the female disciples of Fengyi Sect are vicious and vicious, and they cooperate closely. They support each other and their swordsmanship is fierce, dividing the guards. Come on, it didn't take long for the ground to be full of corpses and blood.

Li Yuan was anxious in his heart, he could not have imagined that the sword formation of Fengyi Sect was so powerful. How can this be done.

While commanding Ruoding, Li Hanyou was also shocked by the martial arts of these female swordsmen. Unfortunately, she will not be able to control them in the future. In that case, wouldn't she always be married to others? Paying attention to the movements of everyone in the field, I saw that although Leng Chuan still had the upper hand, he was unable to escape, and the Tiangang sword formation formed by the thirty-six female swordsmen he brought was rapidly swallowing life. If you want to solve it as soon as possible, you have to face the emperor. She took Xie Xiaotong to Li Yuan with a frosty face.

Qin Yi and Cheng Shu both looked worried. If they fought on the battlefield, they would have nothing to fear, but in this kind of battle, they would not be sure to deal with Li Hanyou and the female disciple of Fengyi Sect. Dayong is different from other countries. Most of the martial arts masters serve in the army, but the number of masters in the palace is inevitably less, and it is not obvious on weekdays, because Fengyimen is responsible for a large part of the defense work, so once Fengyimen defect , the defensive force around Emperor Yong was greatly weakened immediately. Of course, Fengyimen's swordsmanship is brilliant, which is one of the reasons why Fengyimen now has the upper hand.

At this time, Xie Xiaotong suddenly pulled her sleeve and whispered: "There is a noise outside, Junior Sister, you have to go and have a look. Now we can't let people know that we are forcing the palace."

Li Hanyou frowned and said, "You stay here, I'll take a look."

After saying that, Fei also seemed to leave the palace gate. Outside was the 3,000 Imperial Army that they could control, and the Xiaoshuang Palace and the surrounding area were filled with water. The palace is the princess of the royal family, I want to say goodbye to the royal father, who dares to stop me." But it was Princess Changle, with a few palace maids and a little eunuch.

Li Hanyou's eyes lit up, and she was in control of the princess. Not afraid that Li Yuan would not compromise, she approached Princess Changle and said with a cold smile, "Why did Your Royal Highness get here? Is there anyone on the way to stop her?"

Princess Changle looked at her with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes, and said coldly, "I saw the palace shaking, and I was worried about my father and mother, so I came to say hello. Although there were people who stopped me along the way, who would dare to embarrass me?" , Li Hanyou, why are you here? The father and mother are still safe."

Li Hanyou looked at Princess Changle, and saw that her usually cold face suddenly added a bit of royal prestige. No wonder no one dared to stop it. After all, the forbidden army outside was only deceived by herself. No wonder Princess Changle came to Xiaoshuang Palace. Besides, that's fine. Li Yuan's love for Princess Changle might force Li Yuan to give in. If Li Yuan really wants to fight to the death, I'm afraid it won't end well in the future. So, Li Hanyou said coldly: "King Yong rebels, Jingjiang is here to escort him, Your Highness Princess please." Princess Changle's eyes flashed coldly and she said lightly, "Okay, this palace is going to see the father."

After saying that, Princess Changle walked inward, and several palace maids beside her hurriedly followed. The forbidden army was about to stop it, but Li Hanyou waved his hand and thought: "These people are just coming in, do you want them to go out and talk nonsense?"

Princess Changle walked into the palace gate and saw blood everywhere and her delicate body was shaky. At this time, Concubine Changsun saw her from a height and exclaimed, "Zhen'er." She was about to go down, but was blocked by Li Yuan. . Li Yuan looked at Li Hanyou who was standing beside Princess Changle, and said angrily: "Li Hanyou, you are also a clan, and I have named you a princess. I can't believe that you are so ungrateful." Qin Yi, Cheng Shu and Changle said this. The princess's face changed drastically, but Li Hanyou was ashamed and annoyed, she didn't pay attention, she just smiled: "Your Majesty, if you are willing to back down a step, the concubine will not dare to offend, otherwise—" She looked at Princess Changle, at this time Princess Changle It had returned to normal, she did not look at Li Hanyou, and said loudly: "Father, my son has something to play, please put your thunder's anger to rest."

Li Yuan's heart moved, and when he saw that the current situation was not good for him, he sighed: "Alright, Changle, just listen to what you have to say? I will step down."

Li Hanyou was overjoyed, anyway, she was not afraid of Li Yuan's escape, so she waved her hand, the female swordsmen quickly retreated behind Li Hanyou, and the surviving guards retreated to the front of the steps, protecting Li Yuan and others, only Empress Dou was left standing alone.

Princess Changle glanced at Li Hanyou and said coldly, "We can't talk about these things in public. If Jingjiang has no opinion, we might as well enter the hall to discuss."

As long as things are easy to solve, Li Hanyou is happy and generous, and said with a smile, "That's how it should be."

Li Yuan, Qin Yi, and the others were all overjoyed. In this way, they could rely on their houses to set up defenses, and they couldn't help but admire Princess Changle. At the moment, the swordsmen of Fengyi Gate surrounded Xiaoshuang Hall, Li Yuan and others carefully entered Xiaoshuang Hall, those guards controlled all entrances and exits, Li Yuan sat on the dragon chair, Qin Yi and Cheng Shu were separated on the left and right. , Concubine Ji Gui and Li Hanyou stood opposite each other. At this time, Princess Changle stood up and bowed to Li Yuan first, saying: "Princess Jingjiang, no matter how quibble you are, you are always besieging the father and emperor now, which is an act of chaos, whether it is the crown prince or the second emperor brother, I am afraid that this kind of thing cannot be tolerated. Moreover, your purpose is only to temporarily let the father and emperor rest in Xiaoshuang Palace. If you force the father and the emperor to accept it, it will not do you any good. If you are willing to be calm and peaceful The father and the emperor talked and discussed a few conditions, and there is nothing left to fight and kill like now, and besides, the second emperor has now broken out of the encirclement, and your priority is not to be entangled here."

Li Hanyou's expression changed, Princess Changle naturally understood what Princess Changle said, but Li Yuan would not agree to what she asked. She glanced at Concubine Ji with a look of questioning in her eyes. Concubine Ji smiled and said: "Changle is indeed a reasonable person, and we don't ask much. Please ask the emperor and General Qin to hand over the military talisman, so that we can mobilize the army of General Qin. After the matter is completed, the prince will naturally come to the emperor. guilty."

Li Yuan and the others showed anger on their faces, just as they were about to refuse, Princess Changle had already said, "This matter is of great importance, so we shouldn't make a rash decision. Why don't you just wait outside for a while and let us discuss it."

Li Hanyou thought for a while and said, "Is it enough time for one incense stick?"

Her request was very harsh, but Princess Changle immediately said: "The time is enough, please wait outside first, Rong Bengong persuades the father and emperor. Yan Guifei, don't you want to ask the sixth emperor brother's situation? ?"

Concubine Yan Gui was at a time when there were six gods and no masters. When she heard Princess Changle's words, she said, "Zheng'er, where is Xian'er, I don't believe that he would do such a monarch and fatherless thing."

Qin Zheng glanced at Li Hanyou in embarrassment, and Li Hanyou said lightly, "Go and explain to Empress." After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the palace door. Concubine Ji also smiled and greeted Empress Dou and Concubine Yan Gui to the side hall for a chat. Only Princess Changle and Li Yuan were left in the lower hall.

When Li Yuan saw that the person had left, he asked suspiciously, "Chang Le, what the hell are you doing?"

Princess Changle smiled slightly and said: "Father, the situation is dangerous now, but the second brother has already escaped, and King Qin's rescue is just around the corner. If the father has an accident, how will the chaos be put in order, so the father might as well bear it for a while, Presumably before they caught the second brother, they did not dare to do anything to the father, and the father could temporarily save some of his strength, lest they jump over the wall in a hurry and hurt the father, mother and concubine."

Li Yuan sighed and said: "I don't know this truth, but their requirements are too harsh, if you give them the military talisman, let alone your second emperor brother has no life, even I will become something in the pockets of others. "

Princess Changle said: "Father, don't worry about this, if they want soldiers to run the imperial decree, they will give it to them, but the commander of General Qin's army is the general's confidant, don't you have a private token? A secret message, or it will be done.”

Qin Yi's expression changed and said: "Your Majesty, this is feasible. Qin Yong is my nephew and is loyal to the royal family. Please ask the emperor to write a secret decree and stamp it with a private seal. He knows it, plus my token, sure. You can transfer him to King Qin."

Li Yuan looked overjoyed and said, "Okay, Chang Le is really thoughtful." But after looking at it, there was no pen and paper beside him. However, Chang Le took out a white velvet handkerchief from his bosom and said, "Father, as long as you stamp your private seal, someone will write your will later."

Li Yuan looked hesitant, he really couldn't believe anyone in his heart at the moment, Princess Changle said quickly: "Father, my son, there is no way, if you write a decree, this secret decree will never be sent out, father. Emperor, you also know that the son and the prince have always had some feuds, will you still help them?"

Li Yuan glanced at Chang Le again, and finally took off the wrench on his hand and stamped a private seal on the lingerie. Princess Changle hurriedly took Lingpa over and looked at Qin Yi, but Qin Yi did not hesitate and handed a piece of jade to Princess Changle. He will definitely recognize the birthday gift you gave me." Princess Changle was relieved and said, "General, General Qin Qing may have been detained by Fengyimen, so you might as well ask them to bring General Qin over later. "Qin Yi's expression darkened and he didn't speak.

At this time, Li Hanyou said loudly: "The time is up, Ben Gong has come in." This time, Li Hanyou's face was full of frost, and it seemed that there must be a result. Princess Changle said neither humble nor arrogant: "Jingjiang, the royal father has agreed to your request, but we also have conditions."

Li Hanyou's expression changed, and he said, "As long as it is reasonable, we can discuss it."

Princess Changle said with a smile: "These conditions are not harsh. First, if there is no second emperor brother coming in person, or if you see the second emperor brother's head, you are not allowed to harass the father emperor again."

Li Hanyou said simply: "There is no problem with this. If the rebellion is not eliminated, we will naturally not disturb Your Majesty."

Princess Changle said lightly: "The second condition, I am afraid that General Qin Qing has already been controlled by you. There should be no problem in sending him here, right?"

Li Hanyou smiled coldly, thinking that Qin Qing was useless, and said, "There is no problem at all, this palace will send people over later." Although she did not show any expression, but no one in this palace is a master of observing words and expressions. , immediately saw through her mind, and even more disgusted.

Princess Changle smiled slightly and said: "This third condition is for Ben Gong. Ben Gong and concubine's maids are in Hanxiang Garden. Now the hunting palace is in chaos. Ben Gong wants those few The maid also came to Xiaoshuang Palace, I don't know if I can allow it?"

Li Hanyou thought to himself, even if you don't mention it, I can't let you go back to Hanxiang Garden, and nodded: "Of course, this palace will send someone to pick them up."

Princess Changle said, "Wait a minute, please take him with me. When I left Hanxiang Garden, I had something to say. Unless I ordered it, they were not allowed to leave Hanxiang Garden for half a step, and let this servant go back and pass on my message. Order, and avoid many troubles."

Li Hanyou originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard the last sentence, he felt that it was reasonable. Some things are better known to people than to be seen by others. She glanced at Concubine Ji, and when she saw her nodding lightly, she said, "Alright, that's it."

Princess Changle smiled and said, "Then please let Jingjiang do it. If there is no problem, when General Qin Qing and the maids of this palace arrive, the emperor will give you the military talisman."

Li Hanyou's eyes flashed, and he said, "If this palace fulfills its promise, but the emperor regrets it, then what should I do, this palace does not have so much time to entangle with you."

Li Yuan snorted coldly, but Princess Changle said coldly, "If this is the case, this palace will give you my life."

Li Hanyou smiled complacently and said, "Okay, the gentleman has a word, hurry up." After speaking, she raised her right hand, Princess Changle smiled faintly, stepped forward, raised her slender hand, and the two of them clapped their hands for an oath. There was a flash of coldness in the middle.

Princess Changle smiled faintly again, took out a jade pendant, the jade pendant was wrapped with a snow-white velvet handkerchief, Princess Changle handed the jade pendant to Xiao Liuzi, and said, "Go and tell Zhou Shangyi, and let her bring us all here. "

Li Hanyou looked at it with her eyes, and most of the velvet was exposed outside, with no writing or ink, so she didn't go forward to check it. After all, she didn't want to offend the royal family too much. In any case, the Fengyi Sect would be controlled by the Dayong royal family in the future. political.

Xiao Liuzi took the jade pendant and lingpa, and resigned respectfully. Li Hanyou made a gesture, and Xie Xiaotong brought two female swordsmen from Fengyimen to follow.

Princess Changle breathed a sigh of relief and finally completed the task entrusted by the man. She smiled at Li Hanyou and said, "I probably have to wait for a while. Would Jingjiang have a cup of tea?"