The Grandmaster Strategist

Chapter 94: Xiaoshuang fights fiercely


Great changes have taken place. Most of the current disciples of Fengyi Sect were trained by Sect Master Fengyi in the past ten years. Most of those disciples who were born and died along with Sect Master Fengyi have died on the battlefield, or are still hidden in the door. Xiu, they did not participate in this coup because of the decision of Fengyi's sect master. Li Hanyou and the others, although their martial arts talents are good, they have not suffered too many setbacks, and they are all at a loss for a while. He watched helplessly as the Hunting Palace's defense line was torn apart. But Ji Xia was different. She once followed Li Yuan to the world, and she immediately understood the current situation. She didn't discuss with Li Hanyou and the others. Li Hanyou also immediately understood what Concubine Ji meant. Now that King Qin's army has arrived, and the coup d'etat launched by Fengyimen has arrived, then the only way to survive is to hold the emperor hostage to break through. So she said loudly: "Go in, you must catch the emperor."

Hearing her shout, Qin Yi and Cheng Shu took a step back at the same time. Li Hanyou was about to break into the hall, but a gentle palm wind came on her face. Li Hanyou was about to resist, a move in her heart, turned over and exited, the man then walked out The gate of the hall, although wearing guard costumes, but with a handsome appearance, a pair of eyes as cold as ice and snow, is the evil shadow Li Shun who has broken through and left.

Li Hanyou's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back, and saw some people in night clothes walking out behind Li Shun, all of them were full of energy and walked vigorously. Li Hanyou was heartbroken, and now she can't care about anything, she said loudly: "Two senior sisters, sisters, let's go together." Yan Wushuang and Xie Xiaotong pressed their swords at the same time, and the female swordsmen of Fengyi Sect also stepped forward. Qi Qi drew his sword and pressed forward, and the battle was about to begin. Xiao Shunzi said coldly, "Do you guys also want to meet Wen Ziyanquan?" This sentence was full of murderous aura, as chilling as the 39th cold winter, and the timing of the speech was just right, although Li Hanyou and others faintly guessed it. Wen Ziyan might be unfortunate, but the news still surprised them, and they couldn't help but hold back. At this moment, those men in black have firmly guarded the gate of the palace. Li Hanyou's eyes flashed, annoyed in his heart, and now there is no chance for a quick decision, so he has to raise his sword and go forward to kill the palace gate. At this time, the sound of fighting was heard outside the palace wall of Xiaoshuang Palace, and the fighting was in full swing in front of the gate of Xiaoshuang Palace. Although the female swordsmen of Fengyi Sect were powerful in combat, the gate of the palace was too small and the sword formation could not be used. Moreover, there was a master like Li Shun on the opposite side. Although he had the upper hand for a while, he was unable to attack the gate of the palace. At this time, the door of the other side hall was pushed open, and Qin Zheng came out with the help of Empress Dou, who was in a panic.

Qin Zheng heard the screams of killing outside, and felt like falling into an ice cave. She remembered that King Qi was still in Xuanhuayuan, and she remembered what happened after the failed coup, and for a moment she forgot how to do it. action.

At this time, a clear whistling sound came from outside, and Ji Xia frowned and said, "Qin Zheng, don't go to meet them." Qin Zheng woke up like a dream, and rushed to the palace gate with some female swordsmen.

Just when King Yong started to attack the Hunting Palace, the Yulin Palace was also in chaos. Li An was in a state of disarray, grabbed Xiao Lan and asked, "Concubine Ai, save the lonely life." Xiao Lan was also very flustered. At this time, they heard Ji Xia's whistling sound. With nothing to do, Xiao Lan grabbed Li An and rushed towards Xiaoshuang Palace. At this time, King Yong's army had not yet rushed in. But by the time they arrived at Xiaoshuang Palace, an iron cavalry commanded by Qin Yong had already fought with the forbidden army guarding the place. Xiao Lan panicked and rushed into Xiaoshuang Hall. However, Qin Yong knew that the internal pressure inside was already very high, and it would only hurt to let Xiao Lan in, so he ordered to block them with bows and arrows and a human wall. Li An saw the flesh and blood flying in front of him, and the arrows flying around him. He was so frightened that he shouted, "I surrender, I surrender." At this time, he no longer cared about his identity, so he almost fell to his knees and begged for mercy. Along with Xiao Lan and the others were the guards around the prince. They were either greedy for life and fear of death, or they were dissatisfied with the prince for a long time. Seeing that the prince was so useless at this moment, they no longer had the slightest intention to fight. Some shouted surrender and retreated, while others left everything and slipped away. It didn't take long for the prince to be left with only people from the Fengyi Sect. Although Qin Zheng had already left the palace gate, he was blocked and could not accept Xiao Lan and the others to enter.

At this time, the surroundings gradually became silent, and the army entering the Hunting Palace was ordered by King Yong, because there are many officials in the palace under house arrest. If there is no resistance, they will be firmly surrounded. There is no strong resistance outside.

Xiao Lan dragged the prince and fought hard, but there were more and more banned troops around. Although the female swordsmen were powerful, they only brought a long sword. If they attacked from a distance, they were trapped in the army and could only protect themselves. At this moment, Xiao Lan has never regretted so much. If she hadn't brought Li An with her, she would have already broken into Xiaoshuang Palace.

After the hunting palace was initially settled, King Yong, who received the battle report, rushed to Xiaoshuang Palace and saw Xiao Lan and Feng Feifei protecting the crown prince from left to right. They were surrounded by Dayong soldiers and female swordsmen from Fengyi Sect. The corpses of the two are already bleak, and they are about to die. Li Zhi frowned when he saw Li An curled up on the ground without a trace of royal manners. Fortunately, none of the soldiers attacked Li An. It seemed that there were no wounds other than the blood on his body. Li Zhi said loudly: "Fengyimen is rebellious. If you are tied, you can still have a chance to survive. If you want to resist, don't blame this king for being ruthless."

Feng Feifei looked up and saw that the banned army belonging to her side was about to lose its support. At this time, the sisters and sisters who were fighting hard at the palace gate and waiting to meet her couldn't support it anymore. If they didn't rush into Xiaoshuang now. Hall, those sergeants who were like wolves and tigers had already started rushing into Xiaoshuang Hall, and she was ruthless when she mentioned that Li An was waving him as a weapon in front of her. She thought that since those sergeants did not dare to attack Li An, she might as well use it. He blocked it. Sure enough, her hand made those soldiers not dare to attack her, and she had to force her to open it. In a flash, the only two women left at Fengyi Gate outside Xiaoshuang Palace rushed to the palace gate.

Qin Yong didn't dare to take the lead in the matter of the prince's life. Although the prince rebelled, killing or slaying the prince was also a matter for the royal family. It was not Qin Yong's turn to take the lead, so he looked at King Yong and waited for his order.

Li Zhi's heart was full of anger, and Feng Feifei's actions made him grit his teeth with hatred. Although he also hated and despised the prince, no matter what, he was his elder brother. He wanted to order the three people to shoot random arrows. After changing their minds, these three people would not have any effect even if they entered the Xiaoshuang Palace. They couldn't let their elder brother die in this situation. The prince should have his own way of dying. So he didn't make a sound and let the three people rush into the gate of Xiaoshuang Palace.

Although Xiao Lan and the three entered the Xiaoshuang Palace, but behind them, Qin Yong had already ordered his soldiers to rush into the Xiaoshuang Palace. At this time, Ji Xia, Xie Xiaotong, Li Hanyou and more than 20 Fengyi One of the female swordsmen's attacks, although Xiao Shunzi and other masters were desperately blocking her, she was forced to retreat into the main hall.

Li Yuan sat on the dragon chair under the protection of Qin Yi, Leng Chuan and others. Concubine Changsun, Concubine Yan and Princess Changle all avoided the throne and were guarded by guards. When the people from Fengyimen rushed into the main hall, Xiao Shunzi waited. Everyone no longer wanted to fight, and quickly retreated to the throne, setting up a defensive battle. And behind Li Hanyou and others, the smashed temple doors that had been destroyed by the fighting between the two sides were also completely smashed by the soldiers who rushed into the Xiaoshuang Hall. Li Hanyou and the others surrounded Li Yuan and the others, and outside they were the Yongjun soldiers who were throwing their weapons against rats. If there was a melee, although the Fengyimen would definitely be captured and killed, if Li Yuan, the two noble concubines and the princess were accidentally caught Injury, everyone here can't afford to suffer. For a while, the hall was silent, everyone dared not breathe loudly, and the atmosphere in the hall was very dull.

At this time, King Yong entered the crowd, his icy eyes swept across Fengyimen and Li An, and saluted Li Yuan: "Father, my son is late to rescue him, please forgive me."

Li Yuan said with relief: "Zhi'er, you are safe and sound, General Qin, I am very relieved that you came to King Qin on my secret decree. Well, don't worry about me, I will kill all these rebellions for me."

Li Zhi smiled bitterly, Li Yuan said that, he couldn't do this, and quickly said: "Father, don't worry, now these rebellions have been caught in the net, please take care of your health, and wait until the sons and officials capture them, and hand them over to the father to deal with. "

Li Hanyou said coldly: "His Royal Highness King Yong should not be too complacent. Although we are defeated, the emperor and the crown prince are still here. If His Royal Highness wants to take the opportunity to kill his father and kill his brother, then he can naturally order an attack, and the obstacles will be removed at that time. It’s logical to inherit the throne, if not, let’s have a good talk with us, so as to keep your father and brother.”

Li Zhi also knew that this was necessary, but he was very tired of Li Hanyou's actions, his eyes turned around the people in Fengyi Sect, and finally fell on Ji Guifei. He smiled slightly and said, "I don't know what opinion the noble concubine has, if it is too harsh, I am afraid that even if the father and the king agree, these soldiers will not agree, the crime of treason is the crime of annihilating the nine clans. The king is too indulgent, causing a clear discussion between the court and the public, and I am afraid that it will make the world laugh."

Ji Guifei's eyes changed from misty to gloomy, and she said coldly: "If you want to punish the nine clans, the emperor and King Yong will not be able to escape the guilt. Anything you say now is nonsense. As long as His Highness lets go of a way of life, we will naturally not. hurt the emperor."

King Yong's eyes flashed: "If this king makes a way out now, are you really willing to leave like this?"

Concubine Ji was stagnant, if she went out like this, if King Yong repented, wouldn't these people be self-destructed, what a promise, she did not believe that King Yong would not fall into the trap. At this time, Li Hanyou suddenly said coldly: "What's so difficult about this? If His Highness let go of the road and let Princess Changle be a hostage, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?" After that, she looked at Princess Changle with murderous eyes. She was also Bingxue smart. , Li Yuan mentioned the secret edict and Xiahou Yuanfeng's betrayal is naturally the reason why Qin Yong led the army to suppress the rebellion, but how did this secret edict fall into the hands of Xiahou Yuanfeng? After thinking about it, only Princess Changle sent someone out of Xiaoshuang Palace. Seeing that the glory and wealth had come to nothing, Li Hanyou had already hated Princess Changle thoroughly. What's more, although Li Hanyou also has the identity of a princess, compared with the real Princess Changle, although she is conceited with both talent and beauty, she always has some fear and jealousy in her heart, which is why she proposes to take Princess Changle as a hostage. Although she was selfish, everyone in Fengyi Sect thought it was a good idea. Li Yuan knew that Princess Changle's favorite was the best hostage candidate.

Li Yuan and Li Zhi were both furious. They both felt guilty about Changle because of Nan Chu and his relatives. How could they bear to make her a hostage, so they said in unison, "No." , but Li Yuan and Li Zhi's father and son looked at each other, but they both felt that the hearts of father and son had never been so close to this moment. However, Li Zhi felt a headache when he saw the uncompromising expressions on the faces of the disciples of Fengyi Sect. He couldn't help but think, I asked Jiang Zhe to find them, but why haven't they been found yet? If Suiyun is here, what will happen? A good way to solve the current situation, right

King Yong had arranged for his confidants to find Jiang Zhe before he entered the palace. Jiang Zhe was not afraid of life and death, he stayed in the dangerous place, strategized strategies, and reversed the general trend. At this moment, Li Zhi was extremely grateful to Jiang Zhe, so he ordered that if he found Jiang Zhe, immediately I want to report, but there is no news until now. King Yong is already worried about Jiang Zhe's safety.

From the moment King Yong entered the hunting palace, I was stared at by four big men. The most trusted guards around King Qi were very worried that King Yong would send people to harm King Qi during the chaos. I persuaded King Qi to avoid it for a while, but King Qi rejected it lightly. They had no choice but to stare at me.

These four guards knew Jiang Zhe's weight in King Yong's heart, and they thought that they would use this person as a hostage as a last resort. As long as His Royal Highness Qi saw the Emperor, His Highness did not participate in the rebellion, then the Emperor would punish His Highness no matter what. , and will not harm the life of His Highness.

After a while, the noise outside gradually quieted down, and after a while, someone knocked heavily on the door, and a eunuch who was serving in Xuanhua Garden went to open the door tremblingly. As soon as the door opened, a team of sergeants pushed the eunuch aside and quickly controlled Xuanhua Court up and down. A young general strode towards the main hall. King Qi stood in front of the window with his arms and hands and looked out, which was the direction of Xiaoshuang Hall.

This young general gave a military salute. Although King Qi was also suspected of being rebellious, he was different from the prince. King Qi had a high prestige in the army. But he didn't rob people's wives and concubines, and although there were many concubines in his mansion, he never used strict family law to restrain them. All concubines and concubines could ask to marry out of the mansion as long as they wanted to. King Qi not only would not. Embarrassed, but will send a generous dowry.

The reason why King Qi set this rule is also a good story. At the beginning, there was a dancer who was sent by someone else in Prince Qi's mansion. She looked very beautiful, but King Qi lost interest after being favored a few times. It happened that this dancer's childhood sweetheart lover entered. After becoming a bodyguard in the Qi palace, the old love between the two rekindled and they had an affair, but they were discovered by another guard. The guard wanted to force the dancer to have an affair with him, but the dancer refused to do so. King Qi secretly informed. King Qi really summoned two people to ask the guilt, and after asking the truth, he ordered the guard to be dragged down and beaten with dozens of sticks. After scolding him for a while, he married the dancer to him as his wife, and then recommended the guard to be a military officer. Instead, the whistleblower was kicked out of the palace by King Qi, and King Qi ordered this. rule. Some of his staff advised him that this would be a loss of dignity, but King Qi smiled and said: "This king is fond of the new and hates the old, who knows, these women are not pitiful to be alone in my palace, it is better to marry them out, so as not to avoid Spend the king's money."

Although many prudent civil officials criticized King Qi for this, the warriors in the army loved King Qi even more, because King Qi often summoned warriors in the army to participate in banquets, and during the banquet, the concubines and dancers around him always came to sing and dance. Wine, there are many examples of being married to those beauties.

Therefore, although this general was ordered to take the King of Qi, he did not have any deep hostility. He said loudly: "The last general Tian Long was ordered by His Royal Highness King Yong to come to protect His Royal Highness King Qi. His Royal Highness has an order, please do not go out, so as not to be taken by the chaotic army."

King Qi turned around, his face was pale, but his expression was very peaceful, he said lightly: "How is the Xiaoshuang Hall?"

The general was stunned and said: "I don't know." At this time, his deputy walked in and whispered beside him: "There are several guards of King Qi in the side hall who refuse to disarm."

Tian Long glanced at King Qi and whispered, "Do you want me to teach you how to do this?"

The lieutenant said in difficulty: "They held a person hostage, saying it was Lord Yong Sima Jiang Zhejiang."

Tian Long was shocked. He was naturally trusted to be sent to detain King Qi, so he naturally knew the importance of Jiang Zhe. King Yong also specially instructed the generals that if they found Jiang Zhe, they must take good care of him. Glancing at King Qi vigilantly, Tian Long said, "Your Highness, can you please order that your subordinates cannot resist?"

Li Xian smiled slightly and said, "This king wants to go to Xiaoshuang Palace, but I wonder if the general can make the decision?"

Tian Long looked embarrassed. He did not have the power to allow King Qi to go to Xiaoshuang Palace, but Jiang Zhe was held hostage by King Qi's subordinates. What should we do? At this time, a gentle voice came from outside: "Your Highness, why is this?" Although it was obvious that he was out of breath, his voice was very firm. Tian Long and the lieutenant looked out, only to see a scholar in Tsing Yi walking slowly with the help of two guards of King Qi, while the other two guards held swords to protect each other. "The gold medal, originally this gold medal may not be useful, but there is a line of small characters on the lower right foot of the gold medal, which reads "Qin bestows Yong Wang Li", indicating that this gold medal was bestowed by the emperor to Yong Wang, so no one dared to stop it.

Tian Long immediately knew that this scholar was indeed King Yong Sima Jiangzhe, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

I waved the two generals to step aside and said, "His Royal Highness, now that the overall situation is set and irreversible, why do you have to go to Xiaoshuang Palace?"

Li Xian said lightly: "It's because the overall situation has been decided that I'm going to take a look. You should understand that my princess is there."

I shook my head. Sometimes King Qi is really stubborn. After thinking about it, he finally said: "Xiaguan is going to Xiaoshuang Palace. If His Highness does not dislike it, then go with Xiaguan."

Li Xian's expression changed: "What is your physical condition, don't you know, what can you do at this time?"

I smiled slightly and said, "Today is the day I want to see, how can I be patient here, please lend me the sedan chair, Your Highness."

Li Xian's expression changed and changed, and said: "Okay, this king promises you."

Tian Long and the two exclaimed: "Your Highness, Sir, this?"

I held up the gold medal and said, "In front of King Yong, the subordinates will bear the guilt, and it has nothing to do with you." The two of them were silent.

At this moment, above the distant wilderness, a faint white figure was as swift as a meteor, pointing directly at the hunting palace, the autumn wind blew, and a white silk slipped to the ground, revealing the red bloodstains on the silk handkerchief.