The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 1: Human skin painting 01


The midday sun was so fierce that the air seemed to be trembling, giving people the illusion that space was distorted. The road next to the subway entrance was extremely hot, with only cars coming and going in a hurry. On the sidewalk on the other side, pedestrians walked in unison in the shade.

The result was a scene where half of the sidewalk was crowded with pedestrians, while the other half was empty and exposed to the scorching sun.

The sidewalk near the subway entrance was full of cars and shared bikes, leaving only a narrow road for one person to pass. A young man stepped out of the subway entrance. He was wearing a white T-shirt and a long red plaid shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His right wrist was tied with an old red rope and an ancient copper coin. He was wearing black trousers and high-top shoes. He was carrying a backpack, with handsome features and a gentle temperament like a spring breeze.

In the scorching hot weather, the young man looked refreshing, like a cool breeze blowing on one's face. Before one knew it, the heat in one's body had subsided a lot, and one also felt much cooler.

Chen Yang walked into the community according to the instructions on the electronic map. Away from the noisy streets, the place suddenly became much quieter.

The community is surrounded by lush trees, and walking on the tree-lined paths will dispel all the heat.

"West Community... Building 10." Chen Yang looked up: "Turn left and go straight."

In front of me was the address on the employment document: Dafu Subdistrict Office, Building 10, Shenchun West Community. But what was in front of me was a residential building, and there was no place for Dafu Subdistrict Office.

Chen Yang asked an auntie who came out of a residential building, and the auntie pointed him to a small path: "Go straight from there and you will arrive."

The path was full of cars and bicycles, and there were four or five shared bicycles lying on the ground. Chen Yang walked towards the path, which led to dense trees and narrow gravel roads. After finally walking out, he saw an old residential building in front of him, six stories high.

When I walked into the yard, I saw a large piece of iron sheet on the left side of the gate, with the words "Dafu Sub-district Office, Shenchunxi Community" written on it.

Chen Yang entered the hall. The hall was not as formal as an ordinary street office. There were no rows of chairs or windows. It was more like an ordinary family living room, with a coffee table, sofa and a landscape painting on the wall.

This is the appearance of the hall on the left. In the hall on the right, there is a square offering table with two incense burners, two water cups and two wine cups, and two of each of the five offerings. The so-called five offerings are incense, flowers, lamps, water and fruits.

Behind the altar and incense burner are two portraits of ancestors, one is Zhang Tianshi of Tianshi Sect, and the other is Sanmao Zhenjun of Maoshan Sect.

Chen Yang twitched his lips, and felt that if he were the founder, he would definitely slap everyone who worshipped them.

The ancestors were squeezed on an altar, with no place to live, not to mention a portrait, but also had to squeeze with another person. It was so depressing.

Chen Yang shook his head, then paused halfway, his brows furrowed.

He remembered that this was the neighborhood office. How could a place that advocated science and reason worship the ancestors of two schools of thought? Did he go to the wrong place

Chen Yang turned around silently, knowing how it could be possible. He had just graduated and was given a job notice, and he was the director of a community street office.

It’s really unreliable.

Ma Shanfeng walked out of the office with his hands behind his back and a big belly. He saw a strange young man at first sight, and thinking of the young man who came to interview for the position of director today, he quickly called him.

"Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang turned around and saw Ma Shanfeng, who was smiling like Maitreya Buddha. He was a little confused: "Hello."

Ma Shanfeng quickly held Chen Yang's hand, stopping him from running away. He smiled and said, "You are the Chen Yang who came for the interview today. Did you bring your documents?"

"Yes, I brought it... Is this the Dafu Subdistrict Office?"

Ma Shanfeng nodded, and saw Chen Yang's doubt and hesitation through his narrowed eyes, so he said calmly: "We don't have too many rules here. The work is easy, and we are only busy at certain special times. Food and accommodation, five insurances and one housing fund are included. During the holidays, we have public travel expenses and we also send some fruits, grains and other daily necessities. Basically, if you don't quit, you can retire after working for 20 years. You can receive a pension, and the state will also allocate a house to live in..."

Chen Yang was already very excited after hearing this and was completely attracted by the five social insurances and one housing fund as well as the free food and accommodation.

He originally came from a small village in the south and was admitted to University B. After graduation, he wanted to stay in the big city, but food and accommodation were a big problem. Moreover, he was not alone, and he had a family to support.

“Can I bring my family to live in the dormitory?”

Ma Shanfeng: "How many people?"

"Just one. My boyfriend."

At this moment, Ma Shanfeng looked at Chen Yang with different eyes. He thought that he was capable and got married right after graduation.

"The house allocated to you has two bedrooms and a living room, and you can raise a child in the future." Ma Shanfeng changed the subject: "However, good treatment means that the conditions are demanding. You must pass the interview assessment first."

Chen Yang straightened his back, his peach blossom eyes full of joy and shining: "I will try my best."

Ma Shanfeng smiled and looked at the young man in front of him, feeling very happy.

The young man is handsome and very pleasing to the eye. As a representative of the branch in the future, he will be the face of the office. Looking at him again, he is excited and energetic just because he has a house to live in. It can be seen that he is a simple and motivated person.

Good, good, very good.

"So what are we testing now?"

Ma Shanfeng took out his phone and dialed a number. He whispered a few words and hung up. He looked up and asked Chen Yang to sit down: "Have some tea first. Someone will bring the assessment project down later."

Chen Yang nodded and sat down. Then he asked, "This is the street office, why don't we see anyone here?"

Aren’t weekdays busy

"We are the branch of the Daifuku Office."

Chen Yang couldn't keep smiling. The street office has a branch

"Three staff members. If you pass the assessment, it will be four. We are recruiting a branch director because we hope that the new director can lead our branch to develop and grow."

…and then unify the entire street and neighborhood

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, then asked, "Does it really include food, accommodation, five insurances and one housing fund?"

Ma Shanfeng said firmly: "Guarantee! If you pass the assessment today, you can move in tonight."

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and decided that as long as he didn't break the law and his food, accommodation, five insurances and one fund were guaranteed, he would definitely stay!

As he was speaking, a lively young girl jumped in: "Ma Shangfeng, I've got the order!"

"The test is here." Ma Shanfeng smiled, not at all angry about his nickname. He pointed at the girl and introduced her, "One of our Dafu Office staff, Mao Xiaoli."

Mao Xiaoli glanced at Chen Yang, and immediately introduced the benefits of the office staff to him with a smile, and took out a paper and pen contract, tricking him to sign it quickly. It was not until Ma Shanfeng coughed a few times that she said angrily: "Sign the contract after passing the assessment... I'll pick a simple assessment, handsome boy, I'm optimistic about you."

After that, she took out her phone, logged into an app, picked a simple neighborhood dispute, and was about to press confirm when Ma Shanfeng suddenly patted her on the back: "Xiao Li, are you done?"

Mao Xiaoli made a mistake and accepted the order. She immediately confirmed the order and could not withdraw from it. She looked at the difficulty level and saw three stars, which meant that only experienced people could accept it.

She was so angry that she pointed at Ma Shanfeng and cursed, "You are such a cunning old man!"

Ma Shanfeng smiled and said, "You can go with me. If it doesn't work, I'll hand it over to the General Administration." Then he said to Chen Yang, "Young man, come on."

Chen Yang was puzzled and looked at Mao Xiaoli.

Mao Xiaoli's face was full of regret, and she explained dejectedly: "The nature of our work in the Dafu Branch Office is different from that of ordinary street offices. We choose to accept work orders on the Dafu app on our own initiative, and the difficulty of the orders is divided into different levels. Five stars is the highest and the most difficult, but the pay is the highest. We have a basic salary every month, and we also get a share of the orders. The profit is still considerable."

"Dafu app?"

"Once you sign the contract, we will give you the link and account number, and let you download and log in. You can then take orders on your own. But even if you take orders, the employer may refuse... If your level is not high enough - forget it, pass the assessment first."

No matter how much you explain, it will be useless if you fail the assessment.

Chen Yang understood this from Mao Xiaoli's unfinished words, but he was still full of energy.

Food and accommodation are provided, as well as five insurances and one fund. Monthly salary plus commission is included, which is a lot of preferential benefits.

"Let's go, let's go to our employer's house now."

Chen Yang nodded and followed. He heard Mao Xiaoli muttering, "Strange, why did the three-star one agree? I just gave Du Gong, don't the three-star orders all look for Wu Lei?"

Chen Yang paused, and his eyes moved slightly.

The Dugong and Wulei mentioned by Mao Xiaoli are actually the rank of Heavenly Master. Heavenly Masters who have been ordained are divided into nine ranks, or nine grades. Only those who have been ordained are called Heavenly Masters. There are five, Dugong, Mengwei, Wulei, Sandong Wulei and Shangqing, from the seventh grade to the first grade.

Mao Xiaoli is the master of Du Gong, so she should be a celestial master between the seventh and sixth rank.

But isn't this just an ordinary assessment of community cultural construction and street people's mediation work? There's something wrong with linking the rank of the Heavenly Master to the work list.

Chen Yang pursed his lips and remained silent, deciding to wait and see the assessment.

Maybe he was overthinking it

Half an hour later, Chen Yang stood at the door of a villa and asked Mao Xiaoli seriously: "Tell me the truth, what does Dafu Subdistrict Office do?"

Mao Xiaoli: "It's not the street office, it's the Dafu Branch Office."

Chen Yang was a little desperate.

“Don’t worry, we are also civil servants, but our benefits are a hundred times better than those of ordinary civil servants… although we are still not as good as those in the General Administration. The nature of our work is actually similar, we are all serving the people.” Mao Xiaoli gradually fell silent, probably because Chen Yang’s accusing look was too obvious.

"What is the assessment?"

Mao Xiaoli gave a thumbs up: "Want to go in and take a look?"

“… … ”

When Chen Yang entered the villa, he found that there was not just one group of people coming, but two groups, and he heard that one group had just left.

Mao Xiaoli shook her head after hearing this: "He was desperate and tried everything. No wonder he didn't refuse our order."

Chen Yang thought about it, and after understanding the situation, he understood.

The family's surname was Han. Their only daughter was possessed by evil spirits, so they placed an order and invited several groups of celestial masters to come to their home. All the celestial masters returned empty-handed, and the difficulty of the order was raised from one star to three stars, which happened to be accepted by Mao Xiaoli.

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