The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 101: Death Calculator 07


Zheng Xiaoyu and Cheng Xi woke up in the middle of the night and heard a noisy sound outside.

Cheng Xi asked: "What's going on outside?"

Zheng Xiaoyu: "The sound of the fire alarm, it seems like there is a fire."

Hearing this, Cheng Xi sat up in shock, got out of bed and put on her slippers: "Then let's run." Zheng Xiaoyu held her back, and the two of them went out to see what was happening. Standing at the door, they found that the accident was in Ding Sheng's room. They went over to ask and learned that Ding Sheng had an accident but was rescued.

Ding Sheng had a cut on his neck, which was quickly bandaged and stopped bleeding. He was originally going to be sent to the hospital, but he refused to go. The hotel had no choice but to change his room. This happened at night, and Ding Sheng cooperated with the hotel manager and did not make much noise. This finally relaxed the tension in the hotel manager's heart: "Fortunately, nothing happened again. The magic talisman given by the master is indeed effective."

Zheng Xiaoyu and Cheng Xi, who heard the news and came to Ding Sheng's current room, suddenly sympathized with the hotel manager. He had no desires and no ambitions at all. And he called him a master so quickly. Didn't you think he was a liar before

The hotel manager waved his hand and said with the tone of an experienced person: "In our line of work, we always encounter all kinds of things when we are dealing with guests. It's not that we haven't encountered supernatural events before, but we just keep silent about them and treat them as normal things. So even if we encounter them again, as long as we accept them psychologically, it's no big deal. Besides, I think Master Chen and his team are really capable. At least no murders have happened when they are around."

Before Zheng Xiaoyu and the other two could react, Ding Sheng had already agreed. He said excitedly: "The master is really capable. I think we are saved." He described in detail what happened just now, and finally spread out the well-protected treasure talisman in his palm: "It is because it fell on me that I can survive. Otherwise, if you come to find me tomorrow, you will only see a cold corpse."

Cheng Xi clenched the talisman in her palm. She didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but she even slept with the talisman in her hand. When she heard the noise outside and wanted to go out to see what was going on, she also clenched the talisman in her hand. It seemed that the talisman could give her courage and make her less afraid. "Is there really a way to save you?"

Ding Sheng nodded heavily, and when he felt the wound on his neck, his excited expression suddenly wilted: "Trust me, and practice it yourself."

Zheng Xiaoyu held the treasure talisman tightly and thought, "Should we buy two more?" The first one was given by Chen Yang, and if he wanted it again, he would not be so shameless as to ask for it for free. Such a treasure talisman would not be too expensive no matter how much it cost.

The hotel manager had already slipped out and told other staff to pay more attention to the people in the presidential suite and to come as soon as they were called if they needed service. After giving the order, he was also thinking about how to buy a few more treasure talismans from Chen Yang. This thing is really effective, and he must buy a few more to report safety.

Zheng Xiaoyu and the others' incident happened on the sixth floor, while Chen Yang and the others lived on the top floor. There were many floors between them, so no matter what happened, it would not be reported to the top floor. But Chen Yang suddenly opened his eyes in his sleep and pushed Du Shuo who was sleeping next to him.

Du Shuo woke up, hugged Chen Yang and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yang blinked: "Something happened."

Du Shuo closed his eyes, leaned close to Chen Yang's head, and held him tightly. After a long silence, he said, "He is not dead."

Chen Yang: “Oh.” That should be the effect of the talisman. Fortunately, those people did not throw away the talisman, otherwise there would be no hope of salvation.

Du Shuo raised his hand, pressed Chen Yang's head, and patted him: "Go to sleep." Chen Yang closed his eyes, snuggled into his arms, and fell asleep again.

Kou Xuanling got up at two or three in the morning and slapped away Lu Xiuzhi's hand around her waist. She went into the bathroom, turned on the light, and pressed the flush button after using the toilet. Yawning, she walked to the washstand and looked at herself in the mirror. She found that her hair was sticking up and her face was a little oily. She stared at herself quietly for a while, turned on the faucet, washed her hands and face, and picked up the toothbrush to brush her teeth.

He was so focused on brushing his teeth that he didn't notice the toilet button behind him was sinking. The toilet water hole seemed to be blocked, and the water kept gushing up until it overflowed. The overflowing water flowed out of the bathroom and toward the washbasin, like a living snake approaching Kou Xuanling's heels. The bathroom heater switch was turned on, and the tightly closed bathroom door lock moved twice and locked.

Kou Xuanling turned on the faucet to rinse off the foam on her face, and noticed that the temperature in the bathroom was getting higher and higher. The water heater in the shower room turned on silently, and the number showing the hot water temperature kept rising, finally stopping at a high temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. The water pipe switch slowly moved up, and the exhaust vent fan blades closed with a "swish".

The door and vents are tightly closed, and the gradually rising temperature of the bathroom heater will be triggered by the high-temperature hot water sprayed by the water heater, which will cause the metal fragments to cut people's feet and skin. The humid environment will cause the exploding bathroom heater to leak electricity, including the exploded water heater will jump out of the blue electric sparks, the nozzle will fall to the ground, and the water flow will merge with the water in the toilet and flow to the feet of the person in the bathroom, and the high-voltage current will instantly electrocute the prey.

Kou Xuanling spit out the last mouthful of water, put away the toothbrush and cup. He took out the talisman from his pocket and placed it on his palm. He turned around and saw the toilet overflowing with water. He turned off the main water pipe switch. The toilet tank ran dry after a while and the water stopped flowing. He turned off the bathroom heater and water heater, turned on the exhaust fan, and walked around on the smooth floor, successfully avoiding obstacles that could cause him to fall.

Finally, Lu Xiuzhi opened the bathroom door, leaned against it with his arms folded, and smiled at Kou Xuanling: "So you have to get up at dawn every day just to wash your face and brush your teeth."

Kou Xuanling's face froze for a moment, then he frankly admitted and exposed him: "It was the same when you were pursuing me." At the beginning, he regarded Lu Xiuzhi as a brother. He saw his fresh face every day when he woke up, which made him fall into self-doubt about his natural beauty for a while.

Lu Xiuzhi stretched out his palm: "Go back?"

Kou Xuanling held his hand, folded his palms and said, "Don't get up secretly to wash your face and brush your teeth in the future. It makes me get up early every day, wash my face and brush my teeth secretly, and then sneak into bed secretly."

Lu Xiuzhi: "You can be honest, because I know everything."

Kou Xuanling held Lu Xiuzhi's hand tightly, changing from a grip to a pinch. Her tone was calm: "So you watch me get up early every day and pretend not to know?"

Lu Xiuzhi confessed: "Because only in this way will you let me kiss you, and will you kiss me on your own initiative." Thinking of this, he smiled. If Kou Xuanling forgot to get up early and brushed her teeth and washed her face secretly, even if he took the initiative to ask for a kiss, he would be rejected, let alone take the initiative to kiss him.

Kou Xuanling: "Scheming."

The two of them stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door. The light in the bathroom was turned off, leaving only a small light. A black shadow suddenly flashed in the empty mirror. The black shadow stood there quietly for a long while before reluctantly leaving.

Kou Xuanling whispered: "I lost my sense of proportion and became anxious."

"It should be that they found that all accidents were destroyed and they couldn't kill anyone. Their independent consciousness was gradually wiped out and they began to lose control of themselves."

"No wonder. He took the initiative." Kou Xuanling yawned: "I'll sleep a little longer, remember to wake me up."


The whispers gradually faded away, and the room returned to silence. Lu Xiuzhi stared at Kou Xuanling's sleeping face, and after making sure he was fast asleep, he took out the yellow talisman and cinnabar in the dark and drew dozens of precious talismans. Since that thing was about to get out of control, he would force it into a desperate situation and destroy itself.

Around nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Yang opened the curtains and the sunlight from outside poured in, illuminating the room clearly and brightly. He took a deep breath, turned around, picked up his backpack and said to Du Shuo, "Let's go out and play today."

Chen Yang had been saying that he wanted to go out and play two days ago, otherwise he would not have stayed in Shimen Town for three days. Today was the last day, and he had been delayed for two days because of the evil spirit. Now that he had the treasure talisman, he could go out and play without any worries.

Chen Yang walked out of the room and greeted Wei Xuan, Wawa, and Ma Shanfeng and his wife. Not long after, Zhang Qiudao and Dapang came over one after the other, greeting them. They all had signs of staying up late, so Chen Yang asked them what they did last night.

Zhang Qiudao yawned unhappily and didn't answer. Da Pang tried to answer as tactfully and briefly as possible: "Playing games."

Chen Yang glanced at Da Pang's round paws. He estimated that if the paw pads were placed on the phone screen, they would directly block the screen. Zhang Qiudao added coldly: "It's more like swearing at someone than playing games."

Big Fatty said calmly: "Their quality is too poor."

Zhang Qiudao gave him a 'hehe': "Professional at giving away kills and betraying teammates."

Da Pang said that he sympathized with singles, so he didn't bother with Zhang Qiudao, who had no girlfriend and could only rely on games to vent his energy late at night. Kou Xuanling and Lu Xiuzhi also went out, and everyone got into the elevator and arrived at the lobby. Zheng Xiaoyu and others were waiting for them in the lobby early in the morning. As soon as they saw them, they immediately surrounded them and talked about what happened last night, and expressed their desire to buy the treasure talisman.

Chen Yang: "You guys want to buy a talisman?" Zheng Xiaoyu and the others nodded shyly. Chen Yang looked at the hotel manager: "You want one too?"

The hotel manager said distressedly: "I feel that I have been unlucky recently, so I want to ask for a Taoist talisman to protect my safety."

Chen Yang: "It's really not that lucky. You can't ask for more than one talisman. It's useless to ask for too many. If you lost your talisman, come and buy one from me. Now you still have it, there's no need to buy another one. Or if you want to pray for your family, you can go to other Taoist temples to ask for talismans. If you need me to recommend a Taoist temple, that's fine. Their talismans and peace amulets are also good." He said as he handed a talisman to the hotel manager.

Zheng Xiaoyu and the other two were a little disappointed to find out that they couldn't buy the talisman, but they were also very happy to hear that they could buy a replacement talisman. They were frightened by the accident. Even if they had the talisman and escaped the disaster, they would feel at ease if they asked for a talisman for their family, friends or lovers.

After Zheng Xiaoyu and the others left, Lu Xiuzhi took out the talisman that Ling Chen had drawn and distributed it to Chen Yang and the others: "You took the substitute dolls. The birth dates of the substitute dolls show that they will encounter evil spirits in the near future. The evil spirit will not be able to kill you, so it will mistake the substitute dolls for your birth dates and turn to you."

Kou Xuanling: "That thing is anxious and panicked, it will definitely take action today." He smiled a little wickedly: "Today I will kill it."

We first went to Shiyan Mountain, got off the car at the foot of the mountain and walked up the 30-odd stone steps. On the stone steps was a large square and commercial area. A mature entertainment business circle has been formed around it, including hotels, hot springs, amusement parks, shopping centers and entertainment centers, and there are sightseeing cable cars and a famous temple built on the top of the mountain.

The group slowly dispersed in the crowd, and Ma Shanfeng and his wife took Wei Xuan to the children's play area as soon as possible. Ji Jiang followed closely behind with her wallet, and from time to time stopped Ma Shanfeng and his wife from buying hair accessories and clothes.

Zhang Qiudao found a massage chair first after entering the mall, paid with a credit card, and lay down on it to enjoy the air conditioning, refusing to move a step. Da Pang squatted on the ground and stared for a long time, then walked slowly to the back for dozens of steps, turned around, bent his legs to run, bounced, spun, and leaped - bang! Hit the target!

Zhang Qiudao suddenly opened his eyes, his internal injuries were serious. He gasped hard, looked down at the fat man who was hitting his chest like a heavy weight, and said with trembling fingers: "Get out." The fat man ignored him and licked his fur. When he saw the little beautiful cat passing by, he used his claws to adjust the wig on his head. It was very good and not crooked.

Zhang Qiudao gnashed his teeth and said, "If you don't leave, I will take off your wig."

The big fat man froze, holding the wig on his head tightly with his two paws, with a look of extreme shock in his eyes. It seemed that he had not expected Zhang Qiudao to be such a shameless and vicious human being who was willing to hurt such a weak and helpless little cat.

Zhang Qiudao was silent for a long while, then looked at Dapang face to face for a moment, glanced at the massage chair next to him, paid the bill, and said with a suppressed voice: "Please." Dapang jumped onto the massage chair next to him, spread his limbs and leaned his back against it. In an instant, all the hair on his body stood up and he made a snoring sound that was so comfortable that he felt like dying.

Chen Yang took Du Shuo to the shopping area of the mall: "Let's go buy clothes, we need couple outfits." When they passed the boutique supermarket, they stopped, one of them stared at the candy section, and the other glanced at the high-end wine. Chen Yang: "Why don't we go in and take a look?"

Du Shuo: “You can’t buy it.”

Chen Yang: "Okay. I promise you'll just look at it, and you can't buy it. Those wines are expensively packaged, but the actual taste is not that good, so you promise you can't buy it."

"Okay." Du Shuo agreed: "You also have to promise not to buy candy."

"I promise."

Then the two of them stepped into the boutique supermarket and separated, each walking to their favorite area. Chen Yang couldn't control himself after watching for a long time, and secretly took the shopping bag and stuffed candy into it. Du Shuo stood by the high-end wine rack with his hands behind his back and observed for a long time, picking up the wine from time to time. The high-end wine salesman next to him came over and asked him if he wanted to buy it. Du Shuo glanced at him coldly, and the salesman immediately shut up and dared not ask any more questions.

Du Shuo, who seemed indifferent, stroked the wine bottle, his eyes slightly warm. He glanced at the candy and snack area casually, and when he didn't see Chen Yang, he asked, "Do you deliver the wine packages to your door?"

The salesman quickly replied, "Of course. But you need to pay for the postage yourself. If you spend a certain amount, postage is free within the city."

"Yes." Du Shuo nodded and pointed at the dozen or so bottles of wine he had selected and said, "Pack them all."

The total price of a dozen bottles of high-end wine is about over 100,000. The sudden surprise made the salesman immediately excited and enthusiastic: "Okay, sir, please wait a moment." He walked quickly to discuss with the manager. The manager soon came over to greet him personally and took out a list for Du Shuo to sign the mailing address.

Du Shuo paid the bill and thought for a moment before signing the mailing address, changing the branch office to the main office. The manager handed him the checkout bill and asked, "Do you want an invoice?"

"No need." Du Shuo paused and said, "Don't talk to me from now on. Just pretend that I have never bought any wine."

The manager was stunned for a moment and didn't understand but still did as he was told: "No problem, sir."

After finishing his shameful deeds, the King of Fengdu still walked to the door in a fair and calm manner. There, he saw Chen Yang with a gentle smile on his face, and took the initiative to walk over and said, "Have you finished reading?"

Chen Yang held his hand and nodded, "I didn't buy it."

Du Shuo: "Neither do I."

The couple tacitly quickened their pace and left the boutique supermarket. Just after they took two or three steps, someone ran out and shouted, "Mr. Chen, please wait a moment..."

Chen Yang ignored him and quickened his pace, but Du Shuo stopped him and said, "Someone is calling you from behind." Chen Yang calmly replied, "No, it must be someone else."

"Oh?" Du Shuo was suspicious: "Then wait and see if they call you."

Chen Yang refused: "No." But he couldn't pull Du Shuo, so he finally gritted his teeth and watched the clerk in the boutique supermarket stop in front of him and said: "Mr. Chen, the mailing address you wrote is in the imperial capital, you need to pay extra for postage. The free mailing mentioned just now is limited to the same city. I'm sorry, I hope you can understand."

Chen Yang covered his face, his scalp tingling: "I know, I will pay after it is mailed."

Du Shuo asked: "What did you buy?"

"General supplies!", "Assorted candies."

Chen Yang and the clerk spoke at the same time. Du Shuo lowered his eyes and looked at the top of Chen Yang's head, and said in a low voice: "Wait for your explanation." The clerk felt that the situation was not good and slowly retreated. Chen Yang showed a flattering smile and shook Du Shuo's sleeve: "I bought it back not to eat it, but to put it up for viewing. And Wei Xuan loves to eat it, so I bought it for her. I don't eat it, I really don't eat it. Look, have I ever eaten it secretly?"

Du Shuo exposed him: "Oh, it just didn't work. Just take a look and don't eat it?"

Chen Yang nodded hurriedly: "I won't eat it because my teeth are in bad condition. Besides, I only eat the candies you make. Other people's candies won't attract me." He made a disdainful expression.

Du Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly, pinched Chen Yang's neck, and curled the corners of his lips slightly: "I don't believe it. Think it over and explain it in detail."

Chen Yang was extremely frustrated, and he kept pestering Du Shuo, trying to get away with it by acting like a spoiled child. The two of them walked for a while, and someone shouted from behind, "Mr. Du, please wait a moment!"

Du Shuo paused slightly, pretending he didn't hear anything and continued walking. But Chen Yang sensed that his little radar was starting to work, and he dragged him away, "I'm calling you, someone's calling you, don't leave." Then he waited excitedly for the manager of the boutique supermarket to come over and asked him, "Hello, what's up?"

The manager looked at the relationship between the two and said without further investigation: "It's like this, Mr. Du bought more than 100,000 high-end wine from us. Because it needs to be mailed to the capital, we need to ensure that the wine is intact and purchase insurance. Mr. Du, rest assured, we will pay for the insurance, but you need to sign."

Chen Yang snorted coldly and chuckled twice, grabbing Du Shuo who still refused to turn around: "I asked you to sign, Mr. Du."

The emperor put his fist to his lips and coughed twice. He took the insurance policy without looking at Chen Xiaoyang and signed it without even reading it. The manager reminded him: "... Sir, if you don't read it-" He was frozen in place by Du Shuo's glance. He took the insurance policy with his name signed and left stiffly. Later, he remembered that Du Shuo had told him to pretend not to know the person after buying the wine... Did he do something wrong

Chen Yang sneered: "Mr. Du, think it over and explain it carefully!"

The emperor never expected things to change so quickly, and felt guilty for a moment: "It's just a collection."

"Look, don't drink it?"

The emperor remained calm and said: "High-end wine is valuable only when it is collected."

The couple broke the cookie and quarreled with each other. Chen Yang refused to be held hands, Du Shuo apologized and promised at the end: "I don't drink, and you don't eat candy, okay?"

"What about the things I bought?"

Du Shuo answered decisively: "Collect it!"

"Keep your word."


Chen Yang thought about it, agreed to reconcile and hold hands. At the same time, they thought of the candies and high-end wines they bought at high prices, and their hearts were bleeding.

Du Shuo lowered his eyes, all he could see was Chen Yang, and he sighed silently. No matter how much he felt sorry for Chen Xiaoyang, he couldn't bear to see him angry, and he didn't want to quarrel with him. Forget it, high-end wine is valuable only for collection.

At the other end, Zhang Qiudao and Lu Xiuzhi were walking on the road outside the mall. They walked to a place with fewer people. This was a road that had not been renovated yet. There were several puddles of water beside the road, which showed that this place had been in disrepair for a long time. The drainage pipe joints were not well sealed, and water seepage and leakage caused water accumulation on the ground. In addition, because it rained a little on the top of the mountain in the early morning, the poor drainage outlet caused water accumulation on the road.

Many children wearing rain boots were playing in the water, jumping into puddles and splashing water, having a lot of fun. Many children love to come here to play, because they will not be scolded by adults for playing loudly here, and it is regarded as a playground for children. The water surface was shaking, reflecting the surrounding streets, the faded banners with "Opening Sale" written on them, and the pedestrians.

Water seeps into the ground from the drainage pipe. If you look at the cross section of the ground, you will find that in addition to the surface cement, the soil layer below has been eroded and washed by water over the years, forming a huge gap. Cracks appear in the surface cement of the road surface, and the water on the ground seeps into the cement along the cracks, forming water drops.

Tick. Tick.

The sound of water dripping from below was clear, and the sounds of play from above were even louder. A group of children came running over to play in the puddles, and the soil below suddenly shook, with water dripping and sand rustling down.

The night scene lights on the four-meter-tall and two-meter-tall sign hanging at the entrance of the store flickered, but because it was not very bright during the day, it did not attract attention. The wires behind the sign flashed a series of sparks, and the water droplets on the sign were shaken off by a loud laugh and fell on the wires with exposed batteries, causing a series of sparks to fly.

When Kou Xuanling was talking and laughing, the talisman in his pocket fell to the ground. He squatted down to pick it up, and his smile suddenly froze. He suddenly looked up at a group of children laughing in front of him, and was horrified: "Azhi!"

Lu Xiuzhi reacted, and the two of them moved at the same time. The ground cracked inch by inch, like a spider web splitting apart, and the subtle sound, like the sound of silk tearing, was inaudible to human ears. The sand and soil below the ground fell faster and faster, like a landslide. The children on the road jumped down, landed, bent their knees, and didn't have time to bounce up. The parents watched with a smile.

The accident happened suddenly and unexpectedly in front of them. When the ground collapsed and the signboard fell down to cover the deep pit, the smile on the parents' faces had not yet disappeared.

The next second, screams rang out, and emotions of panic, fear, worry, and madness all gathered together. Just before the ground collapsed, Kou Xuanling grabbed the faded banner, tore it off, rushed over, circled the five or six children and tied them up to his body, stabbed the peach wood sword he carried with him into the soil to ease the impact of the fall, and quickly found a hidden corner to avoid being hit by the collapsed rocks.

There was a deep pit with accumulated water below. Kou Xuanling fell into the water and found that it was deep enough to drown a group of children. He pushed the children onto the rocks to comfort them and stop them from crying, while the light board above fell down and covered the skylight above.

When no one else noticed, Lu Xiuzhi picked up the heavy sign and threw it several meters away. The two-finger-thick wires on the sign were also pulled off, and the cross-section flashed with sparks, twisting and catapulting several times as if controlled by someone and falling straight into the deep pit.

The pit was filled with water, and even though Kou Xuanling carried the children to the rocks, the water still reached their ankles. If the wires fell into the water, the huge current could kill them in an instant.

Kou Xuanling's pupils constricted, reflecting the electric wires that were rushing towards him with bared fangs and claws.

The wire stopped ten centimeters from the water surface.

Kou Xuanling looked up and saw Lu Xiuzhi holding the electric wire with red eyes. He suddenly laughed and wanted to pounce on Lu Xiuzhi at this moment. The treasure talisman in his pocket fell and floated on the water. He picked it up and opened it to see that the rune was not blurred. It was still waterproof.

The news that no one was killed in the collapse of the old street shocked the entire Shiyan Scenic Area. The atmosphere of escaping a disaster filled the entire old street, and the parents cried with joy. When they calmed down and wanted to thank the heroes who saved the people, they found that they could not find them.

The author has something to say: Road death is an unexpected safety accident that may occur when walking on the road, such as road collapse.