The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 102: Death Calculator 08


Zheng Xiaoyu pursed her lips in the mirror to make her lipstick more evenly applied, then walked out of the bathroom and said to Cheng Xi who was lying on the bed, "Don't you want to go out and play with me?"

Cheng Xi shook his head tiredly: "I didn't sleep the whole night last night. I'm too sleepy. I want to catch up on my sleep. You can go and play by yourself."

Zheng Xiaoyu was a little worried: "Are you okay staying in the room alone?"

Cheng Xi: "It's okay. Don't I have the talisman given by Master Chen and the others? With the talisman, I'll be fine." She pointed to the talisman placed next to the bedside table. Next to the talisman there was a colorful flag folded into a triangle.

Zheng Xiaoyu smiled and said, "There is a triangular colored flag next to the bedside table. Don't confuse it with the treasure talisman." Cheng Xi waved her hand and laughed that she would not make a mistake. "That's right, then you should have a good rest." After Zheng Xiaoyu gave her instructions, she picked up her lady's bag and hung it on her shoulder: "I'm leaving."


Zheng Xiaoyu turned around naturally, and the lady's bag drew a beautiful arc in the air. The sharp corner wiped the treasure talisman on the bedside table to the ground. When the door opened and closed, the room returned to silence. The treasure talisman on the ground suddenly slid under the bed as if it was grabbed by something. Cheng Xi yawned and didn't notice anything.

She closed her eyes and reached for the bedside table, holding the colorful flag folded into a triangle in her palm, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw that allowed her to sleep peacefully. The light outside the window was too dazzling, and even though she had drawn the curtains, she still had trouble falling asleep. Cheng Xi's temper was a bit irritable, which was caused by her poor sleep.

Even the faint light made her unable to fall asleep, so she casually touched the silk scarf hanging next to her. She covered her face with the silk scarf, covering her eyes to block out the light, and covering her nose so that she was surrounded by the heat generated by her own breath. The atmosphere created would make her feel like she was falling asleep at the moment, and could deceive her brain to fall asleep quickly.

Not long after, Cheng Xi really fell asleep, and the room was silent. The ticking sound of the clock was particularly clear, and the second hand turned round and round. Under the hour hand, a ceramic doll's big dark eyes quietly watched everything that happened on the big bed. Only it noticed that the silk scarf was slowly tightened when no one was around, and finally suddenly wrapped around the face of the sleeping person, so hard that her head was even sunk into the mattress.

Cheng Xi uttered meaningless syllables, kicked her legs wildly, and struggled frantically, pulling the silk scarf on her face with her hands. The triangular colored flag in her hand was thrown on the quilt as if mocking her stupidity and dying struggle.

Zheng Xiaoyu got off the bus and felt uneasy. She didn't know what was going on, but she felt uneasy and as if something important was going to happen. This was definitely not a good thing, she thought, and then looked for the talisman in her pocket. She had to hold the talisman in her palm to feel safe. Just as she was holding the talisman in her palm, a strong impact from behind almost knocked her to the road. Fortunately, her clothes were caught so that she had some cushioning, and she grabbed the lamp post to stabilize her body. The next second, a car whizzed past her.

Zheng Xiaoyu's forehead was covered with cold sweat. If her clothes had not been hooked, she would have fallen directly onto the road, and the truck would have run over her head, tearing her into pieces. She looked down at the treasure talisman in her palm, and then she realized that her bag had been stolen. She shouted angrily: "Catch the thief! Catch the thief! Catch-"

She suddenly stopped, looked at the talisman in her palm, then looked up at the road, and an indescribable fear enveloped her whole body. If she hadn't felt something and looked for the talisman just now, would the talisman and her bag have been stolen, and would she have been hit and killed by a car without the talisman

Zheng Xiaoyu held the talisman tightly with shaking hands, walked around the road to the bus stop opposite, and got on the bus back to the hotel. She should have stayed in the room like Cheng Xi, and shouldn't have come out to play just because she had the talisman. The evil spirits that Master Chen mentioned began to try every means to take away the talismans from them, and then deliberately murdered them.

Fortunately, she was used to putting her phone in her pocket so that she could take it out at any time. She also put her room card and ID card in the phone case, which was a blessing in disguise.

Zheng Xiaoyu returned to the hotel and stepped into the hotel entrance. At this time, the silk scarf on Cheng Xi's face was being silently pulled, and Zheng Xiaoyu looked back at the scorching sun in the sky. Suddenly, it seemed as if she saw an evil ghost with its mouth wide open, rushing over to bite off her head. She took a step back in fear, feeling uneasy.

She hurried into the elevator, watching the numbers on the elevator change, the elevator door opening and closing, and Zheng Xiaoyu walked to the door of the room in a trance. Then she sighed, shook her head, swiped the electronic card to open the door, and looked up to see Cheng Xi struggling with her head wrapped in a silk scarf. At this time, Cheng Xi had begun to feel dizzy and weak. If Zheng Xiaoyu had come back a step later, she would have only seen her dead body suffocated to death.

Zheng Xiaoyu was terrified and hurried over to untie the silk scarf from Cheng Xi's face. The treasure talisman in the palm of her hand touched the tightly wrapped silk scarf, and the silk scarf instantly broke. Cheng Xi, who had survived the disaster, took a deep breath and grabbed Zheng Xiaoyu's hand so hard that veins popped out, with a look of fear and tears on his face.

Zheng Xiaoyu asked her: "Where is your treasure talisman?"

Cheng Xi looked at a corner of the bed, and Zheng Xiaoyu also looked over there, only to see the colorful flag that was originally placed on the bedside table lying quietly at the end of the bed. She understood everything in an instant, and she said, "You took the wrong one."

Zheng Xiaoyu got out of bed to look for the talisman, and finally found it under the bed. She handed it to Cheng Xi and told him tirelessly: "Take it and carry it with you. Don't keep it with you. The monster is watching us in the dark and trying every way to murder us." She told Cheng Xi what happened outside just now and said: "So it will try every means to steal the talisman from us."

Cheng Xi: “I understand.”

Zheng Xiaoyu hugged Cheng Xi and comforted him silently. In the corner of the room, there seemed to be a black shadow that was becoming increasingly transparent and was very reluctant to leave.

At night, Chen Yang and his group came down from the top of the mountain and went to relax in the hot springs halfway up the mountain. Looking at the group, he didn't see Kou Xuanling and Lu Xiuzhi, so Chen Yang asked them: "Has anyone seen them?"

Everyone shook their heads: "We didn't see them when we were climbing the mountain."

Big Fat: "Maybe they found a place to have sex there."

Wei Xuan and Wawa were curious: "Did they go to fight?" Big Fatty was condemned and looked down upon by the adults, including Ma Shanfeng, who always loved him. He also showed a disapproving look: "Big Fatty, you have to consider that there are two innocent children in front of you."

Dapang: ... a child over 2,000 years old and a genderless voodoo doll!

Chen Yang: "Maybe they went somewhere to have fun. Forget about them, let's go to the hot springs first. By the way, Big Fatty, can you take a hot spring bath?"

Because everyone around him was his own people, Da Pang, who had been holding back for the whole day, finally spoke: "Yes. I used to sneak into hot spring hotels to soak in the hot springs, especially in winter. It was very comfortable."

"I'm not talking about you. I mean, does the hot spring hotel allow you to go in and take a bath?"

Big Fatty ran to the front of the crowd and hugged his stomach with all his strength, rolling around and throwing a tantrum: "I don't care, I want to take a hot spring bath! If I don't take a hot spring bath, I will run away from home and not eat or sleep!"

Zhang Qiudao walked past Da Pang and strode in: "Not eating is good, it can help you lose weight."

Chen Yang thought: "You can lose weight." Du Shuo pulled him into the hot spring hall, and ruthlessly ignored the fat boy who rolled on the ground like a ball. Ma Shanfeng and his wife thought that he didn't need to lose weight, so they comforted him: "Don't make trouble, and still have to eat three meals on time. Be good." Then they led Wei Xuan in. The baby jumped and laughed at it, then jumped onto Wei Xuan's shoulder. The two became good friends without knowing when.

On the gravel road leading to the hot springs, there lay a huge, unidentified object, pitch black, round, desolate and lonely. Big Fatty turned his neck with a click, unable to believe it and as if struck by a bolt from the blue: Did they no longer love the cute Little Fatty

Finally, Da Pang got his wish and went to the hot springs, because Shiyan Mountain Hot Springs has pet hot springs and hot spring pools where people and pets can soak together. Shiyan Mountain has hundreds of hot spring pools of various sizes due to its special geographical location, and is very famous in J Province and even the whole country. Built on the mountain, the hot spring hotel with a romantic atmosphere is designed by using the natural strange rocks.

The group booked a large hot spring pool and a small hot spring pool next to it. Aunt Ma and Ji Jiang took Wei Xuan to soak in the small hot spring pool, while Chen Yang and others soaked in the large hot spring pool. Originally, the large hot spring pool was reserved for Kou Xuanling and Lu Xiuzhi, but without them, the hot spring pool seemed too big.

Du Shuo and Chen Yang were chatting in a corner, and no one could interrupt the intimate atmosphere between them. Zhang Qiudao and Ma Shanfeng were talking about the Taoist exchange ceremony nearby, and mentioned the "roadblocks": "The death calculator calculated that Aunt Ma's birth date and time would be a disaster, while the birth dates and times of the rest of us were misfortunes, fire and disease, and it seemed that there was no way out. I don't know when we will encounter them."

Ma Shanfeng took a sip of sake while Aunt Ma wasn't paying attention, sighed comfortably and said, "As long as that evil spirit appears, it will use those fake birth dates to harm us. But if it is broken, the evil spirit will die, and we will be considered to have passed the test."

Zhang Qiudao responded, "Yeah."

Big Fatty stood on the bank of the hot spring pool like a majestic general. The bank was covered with non-slip stones. He stared into the distance, with a solemn and resolute expression on his fat face. Suddenly he shouted loudly: "Fat Cat Torpedo, fire!" He suddenly sprinted forward, jumped and spun, crashed into the hot spring pool, and splashed violently, spraying Zhang Qiudao and Ma Shanfeng's faces.

Chen Yang and Du Shuo were only interrupted because of the distance. Dapang did not dare to play the game of Fat Cat torpedo launch close to the emperor, otherwise it would directly turn into a jet torpedo and fly into the free sky.

Zhang Qiudao calmly drank a sip of wine and decided not to return the wig to Da Pang within a week, let alone remind it that the wig had fallen off. Ma Shanfeng wiped the water off his face and secretly took a sip when Aunt Ma was not paying attention. Da Pang spread his limbs, like a long-haired black blanket floating on the hot spring water. The scary thing was that Wei Xuan and the doll were attracted by Da Pang's way of playing, and they all climbed ashore to load torpedoes for launch.

In the end, the romantic hot spring bath turned into a torpedo launching playground for the kids and the fat cat. Chen Yang wanted to lock them all in a small dark room.

At the same time, the kitchen of the hot spring hall was busy. Because Shiyan Mountain is a tourist attraction, everyone who comes to visit will definitely come to the hot spring hall to take a bath, so the catering business will inevitably develop. The hot spring hall also monopolizes the catering business, and there are multiple kitchens inside. The kitchen closest to Chen Yang and his team is busy in an orderly manner.

The fire was bright, the environment was hot, hot oil was splashing, and the chefs were rushing back and forth. The new chef took out the frozen pork leg from the freezer and placed it on the countertop. He took out a spray gun and filled a gas bottle. This place was close to the oil fume control pipe, and a thick layer of oil stains accumulated on the pipe, forming rows of oil droplets. The new chef took the spray gun and sprayed it at the frozen pork leg. The open flame jumped up and burned the oil stains on the oil fume control pipe.

The new chef kept turning the pork leg over and over, trying to heat it evenly. The flames kept burning the oil stains on the oil fume control pipe, and the oil stains melted and dripped. The sound of dripping was very clear at a certain moment, but the busy chefs could not hear it at all. The head chef was sent out to discuss the food issues in the kitchen, so he did not notice the new chef's illegal operation.

Du Shuo, who was allowed to drink alcohol due to the special period and the special place, was sipping sake with his eyes closed. Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The bright moon is as round as a white jade plate, not a bleak white color but just the right color to bring out the color of lingering love and make people indulge in it. The petals of the October cherry blossoms float in the air, and in the mist, they seem to be dotted on the bright moon.

Chen Yang turned around and lay down beside the hot spring pool. He turned his head and saw Du Shuo with an expressionless face. He asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Du Shuo: "It's okay." He kissed Chen Yang's cheek to comfort him, and then placed his right hand on the edge of the hot spring pool. He tapped his thumb, which was wearing a half-jade ring, three times. The jade ring hit the stone by the hot spring pool, making a subtle and crisp sound. It was like a sound wave spreading silently, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, creating ripples, and finally returning to calm.

At this moment, the lonely ghosts in the mountain received the order from Fengdu Emperor and competed for the opportunity to execute the order. The ghost who lived the longest in the mountain sneaked into the kitchen of Shiyanshan Hot Springs, bringing gusts of cold wind. Seeing the head chef outside the kitchen, he rushed over and possessed him. The head chef's eyes rolled up in an instant, his face turned green and wooden, but the person talking to him did not notice his change.

The head chef walked into the kitchen with stiff hands and feet, and suddenly woke up to find himself in the kitchen. Before he could figure out what was strange, he found that the new chef's operation was not standard. He immediately shouted at him to turn off the spray gun.

The new chef was frightened and sprayed the flame onto the oil fume control pipe. In an instant, the oil fume exploded like water. The head chef quickly took out the fire extinguisher and sprayed it, and directed others to put out the fire and evacuate the crowd in an orderly manner. The fire was quickly brought under control, without causing major property losses or casualties.

Fortunately, if the head chef was not there, no one would notice the irregular operation of the novice chef. At the moment of the explosion, everyone would scream in fear and flee in a hurry. The kitchen is small and crowded, and there are many guests outside, which would cause chaos if not handled with care. At that time, let alone putting out the fire, there is a possibility of a stampede in the chaos.

Fortunately, there was no danger and the crisis was under control.

In the hot spring pool, Chen Yang pushed Du Shuo: "Did you hear any sound?"

"Your voice?"



"Really?" Chen Yang was a little confused. He seemed to have heard an explosion just now, but it was quite far away. However, the hot spring hall was still very quiet, so it should be fine.

Du Shuo chuckled, put his arm around Chen Yang's shoulders and said, "Turn around, I'll rub your back for you."

Hearing this, Chen Yang turned around happily. Du Shuo took the towel and glanced at the shadow lying on the October cherry tree, then withdrew his gaze expressionlessly. He didn't even sneer at it for being too self-conscious, and the shadow was unwilling to give up.

If the plan goes well, there will be an explosion, death in fire, death in disaster, death in calamity, being frightened in a stampede, death from illness due to the death of relatives and friends, and no one can escape its arrangement.

Unfortunately, it failed.

The shadow gradually became transparent until it disappeared. All the accidents leading to the series of premeditated murders came to an abrupt end at this moment.

The author has something to say: Good children should not learn from Dapang and Wei Xuan to play diving in the hot spring pool ^v^

This behavior is wrong!

Next chapter, Dragon Locking Platform.

There are two more chapters.

ps: Let me tell you something, at 11 o'clock I closed the writing software, and when I opened it again, the more than 2,000 words I had written disappeared. I couldn't find them no matter how hard I tried. At that time, I pretended to be angry, but in fact, I was very happy inside, because I had a reason to delay the update hehehehehehehe... Then I found the more than 2,000 words that disappeared the next second.

So annoying.