The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 117: Beamless tomb 09


There is also a long corridor down the stairs at the entrance of the basement, with thick walls on both sides. The buildings in the tomb have an obvious characteristic, which is narrow and cramped. Even the ceiling is more than ten centimeters lower than that of ordinary houses, which makes people feel suffocated. Chen Yang took down the lantern from the wall at the entrance of the corridor, and there were matches next to the lantern.

Zhang Qiudao also took down the lantern on the other side of the wall and lit it up to illuminate the corridor. Walking along the corridor, Chen Yang asked Mao Zhen: "What should we do next?"

Mao Zhen patted the wall, turned around and said, "There are several forks in the road ahead, and each fork can lead to the underground graves."

Zhang Qiudao held up the lantern and looked at the wall: "Look."

Chen Yang and Mao Xiaoying came over to look at the wall, and saw extremely terrifying pictures of evil ghosts and purgatory on the wall. The first part is about a shipwreck, the sea is furious, and the huge waves sweep the tiny fishing boats, villages and humans into the sea. Next, the dead are unwilling to accept their early death, or they are worried about their wives and children. The ghosts wander in the world of the living, full of resentment. The ghost catches them and takes them back to the city of the dead in the underworld, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva helps them to transcend.

Some were saved, put aside their hatred and went to be saved, while some continued to hold grudges, and their resentment accumulated more and more. They were imprisoned in the City of the Dead, year after year. There were also ghosts who died in wars, floods, droughts and other natural disasters and man-made disasters gathered in the City of the Dead. The ghosts in the City of the Dead wailed all year round and never saw the light of day.

Chen Yang and others continued to look down with lanterns, and the paintings on the wall continued. The next painting was that various wrongfully dead ghosts gathered in the Wrongful Death City, and the resentment gathered. Over the years, even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva could not save them. What was even more terrifying was that these resentments gathered together to form a monster that devoured ghosts. This monster was condensed from resentment and could not be easily subdued. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had no choice but to personally create a small incarnation in the Wrongful Death City, and sealed this monster in the small incarnation of the Wrongful Death City, and threw it into the world of the living, and handed it over to the Taoist Tianshi in the world for supervision.

The murals are lifelike and the content is dark. In some scenes, you can hear the sound of ghosts crying day and night. Chen Yang was surprised to see the end and said, "Wuliang Yinzhai is not one of the incarnations of the City of Wrongful Death due to the condensation of resentment. Instead, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva created a small incarnation of the City of Wrongful Death after he could no longer control the resentment. He sealed the monsters of resentment into the City of Wrongful Death and cast them into the world of the living."

Zhang Qiudao frowned: "Could this mural be fake? Taoism can't possibly deceive us."

Chen Yang thought about Du Shuo, who had not told him the truth about the little incarnation of the Wrongful Death City. "Brother Du didn't tell me that either."

"The entire tomb is filled with resentment. He can do whatever he wants. It is possible that he deliberately painted these murals on the underground walls to mislead us," said Mao Xiaoying.

Mao Zhen was in front, with his back to everyone, and said, "It's true." He turned around and looked at the source of the resentment carved in the mural. In all the tragic and terrifying scenes, the resentment was transformed into black smoke. The wisps of smoke floated into the air and gathered into a black circle of light, and the source of the resentment was born in the circle of light.

He said, "This is the true face of the Yin House. The Taoist priest told you that the Yin House is one of the incarnations of the City of Wrongful Death, because the resentment cannot be transcended and has no self-awareness. In fact, it is not wrong, but the incarnation of the City of Wrongful Death was split by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It was he who threw the incarnation of the City of Wrongful Death into the world of the living, disregarding the lives of the people in the world of the living. It is unjust that he is called Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and it is unjust that he claims to 'not become a Buddha until hell is empty'. He is just seeking fame and reputation, but it turns out that he just emptied hell."

Chen Yang: "I believe in the Taoist Heavenly Master, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and my own Lao Du."

"So you don't believe the truth before you?" Mao Zhen asked with a sneer.

Chen Yang and the other two were silent. Mao Zhen sneered and walked around the two-meter-wide corridor a few times. After calming down, he said, "Forget it. If you were locked up in there for more than 20 years like me, your reaction would definitely be greater than mine when you first knew the truth."

Chen Yang: "It's not that I don't believe it, but I don't believe that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sent the incarnation of the City of the Dead to the world of the living out of selfishness."

Mao Zhen answered for him, "For the greater good. Monsters that gather resentment will continue to absorb resentment if they stay in the City of the Dead for a long time. If they are allowed to grow, they will become monsters that cannot be eliminated. I know that this kind of monster that absorbs negative emotions is the most terrifying. It is not as easy to kill as the evil ghost Yasha. If it cannot be killed, it will grow again like weeds in the spring breeze. Moreover, its existence makes it impossible for the ghosts in the City of the Dead to be liberated."

He walked forward and said to Chen Yang and the others, "Come here."

Chen Yang and his companions walked over, lifted up the lantern, and illuminated the wall that they had never seen before. On the wall was a painting of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who, under the influence of the monster created by resentment, had only saved less than 10,000 ghosts in ten years. It should be noted that there were more than 10,000 wronged souls stranded in the Wrongful Death City every year, not to mention that the accumulation of ghosts over the years had caused the Wrongful Death City to be extremely crowded.

A riot broke out in the City of the Wrongly Dead, and then some evil spirits escaped, causing unrest in the world of the living. Moreover, this resentment actually affected the world of the living in many ways, and many people died in the riot even in the peaceful and prosperous times.

"The attacks and riots in the mortal world, from battlefields in troubled times to online violence and verbal violence in prosperous times, all breed resentment under the influence of resentment, and then feed back to the monster. Since this monster was born in the City of Wrongful Death and is one with the City of Wrongful Death, we can only forcibly peel off an incarnation of the City of Wrongful Death and place it in the mortal world. Anyway, in the mortal world, far away from the City of Wrongful Death, it is easy to save the soul, and at most one or two heavenly masters or heavenly masters who accidentally broke in and lost their lives will be sacrificed."

Chen Yang: "Death is inevitable."

"For the Yang world, this is an unexpected disaster."

“Grudge has the greatest impact and causes the most harm to the world of the living. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva guards the City of the Dead and is always sensing the location of the incarnation of the City of the Dead. He notifies the Heavenly Master when the Yin house is about to be born, and in recent years, he has prevented innocent people from accidentally breaking in and losing their lives.” The mural in front of Chen Yang depicts the scene of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sacrificing his life to guard Hell and the City of the Dead.

The gods are not omnipotent. They can kill evil spirits and save the dead, but they have to control life and death according to fate. Faced with the resentment that cannot be saved, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva must have hesitated and felt embarrassed. However, he was selfish and righteous, and the only thing he could do was to minimize the casualties.

There is no alternative, but it is the only choice.

Therefore, for the Heavenly Masters at this time, the fundamental reason for the appearance of tombs in the world is no longer important. What is important is how to seal it completely.

Chen Yang said to Mao Zhen: "You have quite a lot of resentment."

Mao Zhen looked at the three people in front of him, and the three people also looked back at him quietly. He sighed and silently chanted a calming mantra: "I know. Every time I see this wall, I can't help but feel resentful. You are not affected now, but if you stay for a long time, you will be affected like me, and slowly assimilated into those evil ghosts who are bent on killing." He walked forward: "So I don't like to come here, and I don't like to stay here. I almost lost my mind just now. Come on, I will take you to see the mural of the 'Breaking the City' ritual of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to save the dead city."

The group walked forward, turned two corners, and found a figure standing on the mural in front of them under the light of the fire. They walked closer and found that it was Kou Xuanling. Everyone was silent. Kou Xuanling turned around and saw them, and was quite surprised: "Why are you here too?" Then he found that their faces were not right, and the surprise was restrained a lot.

Zhang Qiudao asked Chen Yang in a low voice: "How to test it?"

Chen Yang raised his hand: "I'll do it." After that, he took two steps forward and said to Kou Xuanling with a very serious expression: "Old Kou, I just connected with my old man Du through the underworld hotline. He told me that your relationship with Old Lu was exposed, your father beat your uncle to a pulp, and burned the altar and statues of your ancestors."

Kou Xuanling was stunned for a moment, his expression became suspicious and alert, and he silently showed his magic weapon: "Impossible. Even if my uncle gave me to a man personally, my father would not beat him. Besides, the portrait of the ancestor has always been in my pocket and I carry it with me. Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao all know about it, what are you? Another mirage ghost?!"

Chen Yang nodded and said to the others: "Relax, he is real."

Hearing this, the others relaxed their guard. Kou Xuanling was puzzled: "Chen Yang, are you testing me?"

Chen Yang: "Just now I encountered a mirage ghost pretending to be you."

"You guys encountered that, too?"

Kou Xuanling told them what happened to him, which was roughly the same as what the mirage ghost had just said. The difference was that when Kou Xuanling opened the basement door, he stepped into the entrance of the basement corridor of the sixth house and walked over looking at the murals. He was just studying the murals of the "breaking the city" ritual of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to save the city of the dead.