The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 13: Skeleton under clothes06


When it was almost dawn, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

As soon as Chen Yang entered the room, he grabbed Du Shuo, who had returned to his original appearance, and said, "Didn't you sense the ghost energy either?"

In fact, the willows by the river and the locust trees in the garden can conceal the ghost aura and can indeed deceive ordinary ghost officials. He just wanted to ask again so that he could have a better idea and determine the depth of the evil.

Du Shuo held Chen Yang's hand, interlocked his fingers, and said, "I don't care about the affairs of the living world."

"Ah?" Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly: "Ghosts and evil spirits harming people should be considered as things in the underworld."

"When evil spirits harm people, it is a matter of the living world. When people die, it is considered a matter of the underworld."

The rules of the Yin and Yang worlds are clear. Chen Yang has walked half of his feet in the underworld since he was a child, so he naturally knows the rules. Du Shuo is a ghost messenger, and if he breaks the rules, he will be severely punished. That's why the underworld cooperates with the human world, and the heavenly master captures evil ghosts, monsters, and demons, and then takes them to the underworld for registration and trial.

"According to what you said, the ghost locust tree's mischief is not considered a matter of the underworld... So has the tumor on the ghost locust tree matured?"

When the tumors on the tree mature, they will grow facial features. At this time, the ghost possessing the tree is no longer a ghost, but a spirit.

A ghost transformed into a spirit, possessing ghostly aura, wandering between the Yin and Yang worlds, will sooner or later become a disaster.

"Yeah." Du Shuo picked up Chen Yang, put him on the bed, and pressed his neck: "Sleep."

"I don't feel like sleeping."

Du Shuo paused and stared at him. The pressing action turned into an intermittent caressing, full of suggestive meaning. "You can fall asleep when you are tired."

Chen Yang grabbed the hand that was playing tricks on his neck and said, "I'm thinking about those things. I don't have the energy to think about them. Don't bother me."

Du Shuo climbed onto the bed, put his hand across Chen Yang's shoulders, and stopped him from moving: "It's almost dawn. If you don't sleep now, you won't have energy during the day. How can you find the evil spirit? Be good and go to sleep."

"It's the second day now. Tell me what the second keyword is?"

Du Shuo looked at him quietly, expressionless, and it was hard to tell what he was feeling. Chen Yang was not afraid of him. He was used to his paper tiger character and did not feel scared at all: "If you tell me, I can sleep well."

I was afraid that telling him would make me even more unable to sleep, but instead I became more excited.

Du Shuo said, "Recently, I learned a spell in the mortal world, and I found it very interesting. Do you want to see it?"

The ghost messenger learns the spells of the heavenly master in the human world

Chen Yang really paid some attention to this, and showed an interested expression on his face. So he asked, "What kind?"

Du Shuo casually made a hand gesture and said to Chen Yang with a focused look: "Wisdom is clear and the mind is at peace."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to realize that this was a truncated version of the Heart Purification Mantra, which had the effect of calming the mind. For him, it was like spraying a sleeping spray, and sleepiness came over him immediately.

He yawned and muttered, "You cheated me." Then he closed his eyes, hugged Du Shuo's arm, and fell into a deep sleep.

Du Shuo leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead: "Pure your heart and be at peace."

The blessing, which was blessed with the magical power of Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin Xuantian, was enough to allow Chen Yang to have a peaceful and dreamless sleep until he woke up naturally.

It was half past nine in the morning when Chen Yang got up, washed up, and went downstairs. Everyone else downstairs had already woken up.

Mao Xiaoli was closing her eyes, folding her hands in a strange gesture, holding a brush between her index fingers. In front of her was the dining table, on which were cinnabar and yellow talismans. Ge Qing sat next to her, propping up her cheek and watching curiously. On the other side were Feng Yuan and Wei Changping, who were lying on the dining table, their faces pale and their eyes dull.

As Chen Yang approached, he heard Mao Xiaoli muttering, "… Protect your body and life above, and subdue ghosts and evil below. All life and death will be reduced to the way to cut off longevity. Hurry up and obey the command."

As soon as Ge Qing saw Chen Yang, he asked him to sit down and have breakfast. Chen Yang thanked him and pulled out a chair to sit down. He looked around but didn't see Du Shuo and Kou Xuanling. He thought they were probably out investigating a case, after all, it was so late.

"Master Chen, why did Master Mao make gestures and chant while drawing the talisman?"

Feng Yuan and Wei Changping pricked up their ears, wanting to know the reason.

"The rules for drawing talismans. Before drawing a talisman, you must cleanse your body and mind, cleanse the desk, chair, brush and ink. Before writing, you must bless the paper, ink, brush and inkstone. She was just blessing the brush, and now she is blessing the water. Only after reciting it sincerely can you start writing, and it should be done in one go."

"Is it so troublesome to draw a talisman?" Ge Qing was confused: "It's shown on TV. You just dip the brush in cinnabar and draw directly on the yellow talisman and it will be ready to use."

"If it were so easy, anyone could draw it. Would it be necessary for a Taoist priest to come to the rescue?" Chen Yang glanced at Mao Xiaoli, who opened her eyes, dipped her brush in cinnabar, and drew the talisman in one go. "But for some people, drawing talismans doesn't require such trouble. Just dip the brush in cinnabar and it will come naturally."


"Good talent. There are geniuses in every industry." Chen Yang pointed at Mao Xiaoli: "She is the genius of our branch. She was born to do this job. Others spend several days to draw a talisman, but she can draw a stack in half an hour."

Ge Qing opened his mouth slightly, looking at Mao Xiaoli with awe. He no longer had the arrogance he had yesterday, but was glad that he slept with her.

Mao Xiaoli quietly opened one eye and looked at Chen Yang, who was sitting upright, even when he was eating a piece of toast, he looked like an immortal who ate wind and drank dew.

Brother Chen is indeed worthy of being the director. She almost believed what he said.

After Chen Yang finished his breakfast, he saw Feng Yuan and Wei Changping sitting opposite him. He paused and said, "Have you guys not recovered from the shock you received this early morning?"

Feng Yuan sat up straight: "Fright is one reason, sadness is one reason, and there is another reason..." He looked unbearable but tried his best not to complain: "Master Kou, he is very pious."

Chen Yang: “???”

At this moment, Du Shuo and Kou Xuanling walked in. The former sat directly beside Chen Yang, and Kou Xuanling glanced at Chen Yang with a strange look. It was hard to understand what Chen Yang's charm was that could attract the director to change his previous indifferent image.

Could he be a descendant of an aristocratic family with great abilities and talents

When Chen Yang saw Du Shuo taking the toast and milk, he asked in a low voice, "Can you eat it?"


"I can actually eat food from the living world directly without any ritual. What kind of magical method is this?"

"I'll teach you later."

"Yeah." Chen Yang nodded, then asked, "The second keyword."

Du Shuo glanced at him and said, "Fang."

"Then what?"

“No more.”

"Just one word?!" Chen Yang couldn't believe it: "One word, how could I guess it?"

“So yesterday was a bonus.”

"..." Chen Yang put his hand under the table and secretly pulled the corner of Du Shuo's clothes: "Brother Du, can you tell me one more word quietly? Brother, Brother Du, tell me, okay?"

Du Shuo was unmoved and remained unmoved: "It has something to do with the Miyun haunted house."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up: "You are the best."

It is indeed a paper tiger.

After breakfast, Feng Yuan and the other two were driven out by Kou Xuanling, and wandered around to attract the attention of evil spirits. Especially Wei Changping, Kou Xuanling specifically told him to spend more time with the beautiful woman he met yesterday.

Wei Changping asked curiously: "Why?"

Kou Xuanling: "You said she was very beautiful."

"Is there a problem with being pretty?" Wei Changping: "Master Kou, is this discrimination?"

"No. What's suspicious about her is that she's attracted to you."

"… "

Doesn't discriminating against him count as discrimination

Ge Qing was a girl and was afraid to go out. Mao Xiaoli told her not to be afraid, as she had just drawn dozens of Five Thunder Talismans. Ge Qing was grateful and reached out to take them.

Mao Xiaoli: "Two hundred per piece."

Ge Qing: “…”

Although she was ripped off, she still bought about ten tickets. The reason she didn't buy too many was because Feng Yuan and Wei Changping were also rushing to buy.

Mao Xiaoli: "Two hundred for ladies, five hundred for men."

Wei Changping was dissatisfied: "You are discriminating against sex."

But there is no other way, I still have to buy it.

Chen Yang secretly gave Mao Xiaoli a look of encouragement and praise, saying that she did a good job. Mao Xiaoli straightened her chest, full of confidence, and returned a look, saying that she would continue to work hard.

"By the way," Chen Yang said, "Come back this afternoon and take a nap and get a good rest. If you go out at night, the probability of attracting evil spirits is high."

Feng Yuan and the other two were horrified and firmly refused. Chen Yang sighed: "We will follow you."

Now they were barely able to feel at ease.

After Ge Qing and the other two left, Kou Xuanling looked at the pile of yellow talismans with wet ink in front of Mao Xiaoli. They were messy and untidy. She picked up the brush and started to paint again.

While painting, he muttered happily: "If I had known that yellow talismans were so profitable, I should have painted a few more."

Kou Xuanling was so shocked that she opened her mouth slightly: "You draw like this?"

Mao Xiaoli was puzzled: "Huh? What's wrong?" After a pause, she reacted and explained: "I just prayed for the pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

"… "

Drawing talismans requires timing, sincerity and a smooth process. There should be no distractions or interruptions. But look at Mao Xiaoli, who continued to draw after selling the talismans, thinking about selling them for money. Wouldn't the ancestor show his spirit and send down a thunderbolt to kill this unworthy descendant in front of him

Perhaps Kou Xuanling's expression of disapproval was too obvious, Chen Yang said: "Before Xiaoli drew the talisman, she only prayed for the pen, ink, paper, and inkstone. She didn't need a time or cleanse her body and mind. She recited the blessing before she put pen to paper, probably just to show her intention and go through the procedure."

Innate talisman!

A white light suddenly flashed through Kou Xuanling's mind. The Taoist yellow talisman is divided into innate talismans and acquired talismans. Acquired talismans require a lot of rituals and rules before drawing them, and even the date and time must be calculated. Even so, there is still a possibility of failure. Innate talismans, a flash of inspiration is a talisman, and it can be completed in one stroke, and nine out of ten times it will be successful.

This is a Taoist genius with an excellent physique. I am afraid that he does not need to be granted the title of Heaven, as his name has already been admitted to the Heavenly Court.

Kou Xuanling looked at Mao Xiaoli in amazement... and seeing the badge of the Sixth Rank Heavenly Master on his waist, his face suddenly darkened. How lazy must one be to become a Sixth Rank Heavenly Master

It is heartbreaking to see such good and excellent bones being wasted.

Kou Xuanling couldn't bear to look at Mao Xiaoli anymore, so she turned around and asked Chen Yang: "What rank is Director Chen?"

"No rank."

"What a handsome guy, yet he has no... no rank at such a young age?!" Kou Xuanling was shocked: "Can a Heavenly Master still be called a Heavenly Master if he has no rank? How did you become the director of the branch?"

“… There’s someone up there.”

Kou Xuanling: “…” He suddenly remembered: “No, didn’t you take a three-star order? I read the comments on the app afterwards, and some Taoist friends said that you summoned the Fengdu Ghost Messenger… Could it be that it wasn’t you, but Mao Xiaoli?”

Mao Xiaoli opened her eyes: "It's not me, it's Brother Chen."

"Without the grant, you cannot ascend to heaven. How can you summon the Fengdu ghost messenger?!"