The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 140: Extra Qixi Festival 02 Avoid being foolish


Lu Xiuzhi: "My real name is Lu Jing, and my courtesy name is Xiuzhi."

Kou Xuanling turned to look at Lu Xiuzhi, his face full of confusion: "Real name Lu Jing?"

Lu Xiuzhi nodded.

Kou Xuanling said "oh" and ate the whole bunch of meatballs in his hand. His attitude was very calm, but the calmer he was, the more uneasy Lu Xiuzhi felt. He didn't know if Kou Xuanling could react. He said, "Xuan, you don't blame me?"


Lu Xiuzhi: "What do you mean?"

Kou Xuanling turned around and smiled at him: "I don't mean to blame you."

Lu Xiuzhi immediately shut up, lowered his head and followed Kou Xuanling, working hard and behaving himself in a proper manner. He answered whatever Kou Xuanling asked, and shut up when she didn't ask. Kou Xuanling: "Grandmaster Lu Jing?"

Lu Xiuzhi: “Yeah.”

Kou Xuanling: "Why didn't you tell me when you got married?" The wedding was held at the Kou family's ancestral temple, and they celebrated the day and night. He didn't tell me then, but four years later. He looked at Lu Xiuzhi and said, "What else are you hiding from me?"

I wiped Xiao Kou Xuanling's memory twice! Lu Xiuzhi remained calm and said sincerely, "No more." Only God and he know about that kind of thing. Only a fool would confess at this time. "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would divorce me."

Kou Xuanling: "Aren't you afraid now?"

Lu Xiuzhi quietly hooked his hand and smiled, "Deep feelings make it hard to break up." It's okay to just make a fuss. Didn't Du Shuo also not confess at the beginning? It took him longer to confess than him. It took him only four years, while Du Shuo confessed six or seven years later. In the end, didn't they still fight at the head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed? He was also learning from his predecessor.

Kou Xuanling suddenly thought of something: "Then you know that I have been worshipping Grandmaster Lu Jing?"

Lu Xiuzhi nodded: "As time goes by, I am moved."

Kou Xuanling's face flushed slightly, and she glared at Lu Xiuzhi, who had become thicker-skinned after marriage, and said, "Don't tell my dad and uncle." Lu Xiuzhi immediately nodded and said it was no problem. Kou Xuanling now felt weird when she thought of Lu Xiuzhi following her and calling her family elders. Everything was messed up.

Kou Xuanling passed by a fruit stand and asked about the price of durian. After looking at the uneasy Lu Xiu, he bought the durian and said, "Then you still want me to worship your portrait?"

Lu Xiuzhi put his fist to his mouth and coughed softly: "It tastes different."

Kou Xuanling: "What?"

"Nothing. I have no right to deprive you of your hobbies. It's not good to tell you my identity directly in front of you." Lu Xiuzhi took the six-pound durian from Kou Xuanling's hand and said, "I'll take it."

Kou Xuanling walked forward and turned into the supermarket to buy instant noodles, keyboards, electronic scales and other items. Every time she bought these things, she would look at Lu Xiuzhi, and her eyes were so strange that Lu Xiuzhi felt uneasy and panicked. Fortunately, these were all on the surface, just ordinary punishments. Lu Xiuzhi was mentally prepared. He had even posted a special help post before, and the answers in it were almost the same, "No matter what the punishment is, you must accept it obediently, admit your mistakes sincerely, and generally punishing you means the crisis is over."

Lu Xiuzhi also checked the methods that wives in the mortal world used to punish their husbands, and found that they basically made them kneel on keyboards, durian, washboards, etc. He was mentally prepared, so he was able to accept it.

Kou Xuanling met Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao on the way to buy things. After saying hello, she returned to the apartment she had bought as a wedding house. Lu Xiuzhi closed the door and displayed the things in front of him, and asked Kou Xuanling: "I choose or you choose, I accept it."

Kou Xuanling looked at him strangely, then said, "I'm going to take a shower."

The reaction was wrong. Lu Xiuzhi's heart suddenly tightened. He pondered for a moment outside the bathroom and took out his phone to ask Du Shuo who was celebrating the festival. Du Shuo only replied with two words: "Take care". Lu Xiuzhi turned off his phone and waited for Kou Xuanling to come out.

The durian, keyboard, electronic scale and other objects placed on the ground were like terrifying evil spirits that appeared in person and were showing off in front of him, but these were not enough to make Lu Xiuzhi feel scared. What really worried him was Kou Xuanling's attitude.

It's so peaceful.

Half an hour later, Kou Xuanling came out in a bathrobe with a flushed face. He kicked Lu Xiuzhi's feet and said, "Go take a shower."

Lu Xiuzhi pointed at the things on the ground: "These things..."

Kou Xuanling: "Put the durian and instant noodles in the refrigerator. Wei Xuan's zombies will come tomorrow, and I'll treat them to durian instant noodles." When he mentioned the words 'durian instant noodles', he showed a look of fear and shock, and then continued to point at the keyboard and electronic scale and said: "The keyboard of the branch computer is broken. I will take it over to install it tomorrow. Chen Yang asked me to buy the electronic scale. Big Fatty crushed the electronic scale because it needs to control its weight." After explaining, Kou Xuanling looked at Lu Xiuzhi suspiciously: "You don't think I asked you to kneel like this?"

Lu Xiuzhi shook his head: "No." He quickly took the things away from Kou Xuanling and asked him before entering the bathroom: "Are you really not angry?"

Kou Xuanling lazily curled up on the sofa, and said without turning his head: "Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, I'm not angry."


"Valentine's Day." Kou Xuanling turned around, put her arms on the back of the sofa and rested her chin on them, seducing Lu Xiuzhi with a half-smile: "I was ready inside just now, are you still stalling for time?"

Lu Xiuzhi's heartbeat quickened, his breathing became more rapid than before, his eyes were deep: "Wait for me."

Kou Xuanling: "Well, hurry up."

Lu Xiuzhi finished his shower in the bathroom excitedly, and used a flower-scented shower gel for the rare occasion. When he came out of the shower, he didn't see Kou Xuanling in the living room. He thought he was waiting in the bedroom, so he opened the door and pushed it open, only to find that it was locked. He immediately tried to get in by other means, but heard Kou Xuanling say, "You are not allowed to come in."

Lu Xiuzhi: "Ah Xuan, didn't you say that today is Chinese Valentine's Day and you won't be angry?"

Kou Xuanling: "Yes. I'm not angry on Qixi Festival, but it's 12:11 now, Qixi Festival has passed. I'm angry, and you are not allowed to come in."

Lu Xiuzhi stared at the closed door. He was still excited. He never expected Kou Xuanling to be so cruel. "Xuan, how about another punishment? Kneeling on a durian? Keyboard?"

"No, don't waste it. You can choose the living room or the guest room. Oh, and there is also a shrine for you to stay in." Kou Xuanling laughed softly, which made Lu Xiuzhi's heart itch even more. "Good night, sweet dreams." After that, she never responded to Lu Xiuzhi again.

“…” Lu Xiuzhi silently turned around, grabbed the pillow and stuffed it into his arms, then stood in front of his own shrine, staring at the portrait that looked nothing like him for a long time. “Same person, different fate.”

Fighting at the head of the bed and at the foot of the bed? F*ck! I can't even get through the door.

The author has something to say: This is the ending of this chapter.

The next book is a romance novel "The Buddha Fairy"

The next book is pure love "The Big Farmer" (depending on the situation to decide whether to publish it)

In addition, this article may contain some comments that I plagiarized some well-known ancient danmei novel. If you don’t care, just ignore it.

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