The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 24: Gilded Baby Corpse06


Qcheng Ancient Town is located near Longdaogang, Jiangjingmen, and is a well-known film and television shooting base in China.

That night, they rented a house in the ancient town. The ancient town has a developed tourism industry, and the hostel is like an inn, which is quite unique. Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao stayed in one room, and He Tianna and Gao Tianliang lived on the left and right next to them.

The two of them were fighting for the room next to Chen Yang, because Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao were He Tianna's bodyguards, so everyone could understand He Tianna living next door. Gao Tianliang had always been pursuing He Tianna, so everyone could understand that he lived very close to her.

So no one found it strange that the rooms were allocated this way, except for Master Cao and his two disciples.

In the evening, Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao were having dinner downstairs when Master Cao and his two disciples came over.

"Do you also accept orders from Miss He?"

Chen Yang looked up and found that Master Cao was talking to Zhang Qiudao. He glanced at the Alliance Scroll hanging on Zhang Qiudao's waist and silently looked away. He didn't have a tag, no wonder Master Cao didn't take him seriously.

Zhang Qiudao shook his head: "We are bodyguards." Ensuring He Tianna's safety is the same. They are just called differently. People who practice Taoism don't care about false reputation.

Master Cao was choked and sneered: "Daoyou, remember what you said, don't come to steal the business when the time comes."

"We guarantee the safety of our employers, so don't come and steal our business." Zhang Qiudao answered expressionlessly while drinking porridge.

Master Cao almost burst into curse, what's the difference

Two of his disciples stepped forward, grabbed Master Cao, and said, "Talking too much will hurt the relationship. Why don't we have a competition? If we win, you give up this business. If we lose, we will pack up and leave without saying anything."

Master Cao: "How?"

Zhang Qiudao shook his head expressionlessly, and Chen Yang answered first: "It's a deal, I won't regret it."

Master Cao glanced at Chen Yang and thought he was Zhang Qiudao's disciple. A Taoist who had not been promoted, not even a master of heaven, acted impulsively and had blind confidence in his master.

Zhang Qiudao opened his mouth, but in the end said nothing and chose to agree.

Chen Yang asked with a smile: "Comparison of what?"

Master Cao: "Have you ever heard the song 'At Jiangjing Gate, gongs and drums sound, and the dead are buried on Longdao Hill'?"

"I haven't heard of it. But the Jiangjing Gate and Longdaogang in the ballad, could it be that they refer to the Longdaogang near the ancient town where we are now?"

"That's right. Jiangjing Gate is a gate of Longdaogang. Q City has been a place of military strategists since ancient times, and wars often broke out. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a general attacked Q City and ordered a massacre. Outside Jiangjing Gate, corpses piled up like a mountain, and tigers and wolves in the mountains were gnawing at the corpses in broad daylight. Longdaogang has been a mass grave since ancient times, with countless bones and cold winds all year round. Moreover, from Jiangjing Gate to Longdaogang, there is a road with high mountains on both sides, but it splits in the middle of the flat land and winds to both sides, making it look like a dragon knife. It forms a dragon knife evil, and people are often killed and injured."

The so-called dragon knife is a pair of scissors. Since ancient times, scissors have also been called dragon knives. The terrain of Longdaogang is shaped like scissors, so Longdao Sha is also called Scissors Sha. As the saying goes, "Scissors Sha, the road cuts the house, and people are injured or killed." It can be seen that there are certain reasons why Longdaogang has been used as a mass grave since ancient times.

"What do you want?"

"I heard that the vacant land in front of Longdaogang will be developed into a commercial area. However, I heard that strange things have happened since the development began, and many workers have encountered ghosts. Inviting a monk to chant sutras to pray for the souls to be reborn has been useless, and the construction has been suspended for more than a month. Let's compete to see who can solve this strange thing."

Chen Yang shook his head and refused.

Tianshi Cao was displeased: "Fellow Daoist Zhang hasn't expressed his opinion yet, and you, my little disciple, are so quick to speak."

Zhang Qiu said: "His words are what I mean."

"According to what you said, Longdaogang has been a mass grave since ancient times. I'm afraid it has become a gate to hell. Either pick up all the bones that have been piled up for hundreds of years and piece together the corpses one by one. Bury them, and then invite forty-nine monks to chant sutras for them for eighty-one days to pray for their souls to be reborn. It's not difficult to invite monks to pray for their souls to be reborn, but how can you guarantee that every corpse can be pieced together intact? This is a huge project. Of course, you don't have to choose this method - you can choose to close the gate to hell."

"Nonsense! How can the gates of hell be closed?"

"You negotiate with the underworld."

"How shameless!"

Master Cao thought Chen Yang was just a newly initiated Taoist priest. How could the master say such fantastic words

Zhang Qiudao, who had read the report and knew how Chen Yang had openly bribed the ghost messenger, continued to eat in silence. Anyway, he was now a high-level heavenly master, and his disciples would speak for him in everything.

"You're making excuses, do you really not want to compete?"

Chen Yang retorted: "I didn't say I didn't want to compete, but even the monks can't save the souls, how are you going to solve the strange things in Longdaogang?"

Longdaogang has both the Scissors Evil and the Gate of Hell formed by a mass grave. No matter which one it is, it is very troublesome to deal with. Although the Scissors Evil is troublesome, it is easy to deal with. The Gate of Hell is difficult to deal with. Even if it is closed, there are still countless bones and corpses underneath that cannot be reincarnated.

"I have my own way. Master Zhang, just tell me, do you want to compete or not?"

"Bet." Zhang Qiudao raised his hand: "Hello, another plate of braised fish."

Chen Yang continued, "Give me two dishes, one plate of mapo tofu and one plate of spicy chicken. Add more spiciness."

The last sentence attracted the attention of the three people present. In Q City, there are still people who ask for more spiciness. It must be said that they are really brave. You know, people in Q City have a nationally famous lie - "Trust me, it's not spicy."

"My family likes spicy food."

"Is your family member here?"

"He just sent a message saying he'll be here in the evening. I'll take the food up and wait for him."

Zhang Qiudao hesitated and said, "How about I go and book another room now?"

"No need. Don't we have two bedrooms in that room? My husband and I can just sleep in one bedroom."

Zhang Qiudao was not worried about those things, he was just worried that the sound insulation was not good enough. Everyone might feel a little embarrassed.

"It will start tomorrow and last for seven days." Master Cao stood up and said, "Goodbye."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Zhang Qiu said, "What is his purpose?"

"Anyway, he has no good intentions." Chen Yang asked the waiter for another basket, put the food in the basket, and then said, "If he can solve the problem of Longdaogang, would he still be interested in He Tianna's four million?"

The construction of Longdaogang was suspended for a month, and the loss was hundreds of millions. As long as someone could solve the strange problem of Longdaogang and ensure that the construction started on schedule, I would be happy to pay tens of millions.

"Then why is he actively lobbying us?"

"I'll go check it out tomorrow. I'm going upstairs first. By the way, don't expose me to the public because I'm still not a Taoist priest of the Heavenly Master rank. Also, tell Gao Tianliang and He Tianna to keep their eyes open."


Chen Yang pushed the door open and saw Du Shuo sitting at the table with his back to the door. He walked over and took out the food from the basket while saying, "How did you resolve the complicated matters so quickly this time?"

Du Shuo glanced at him and said, "No. It's still piled on the desk waiting for comments."

"Is your boss willing to let you go?" Chen Yang said as he handed him the chopsticks. "I specifically asked the boss to make it more spicy. Try it."

"I am the boss myself." Du Shuo took the chopsticks, tasted a mouthful of tofu, and said indifferently: "It's not as delicious as yours."

"Really? This is the signature dish of the ancient town." Chen Yang automatically ignored Du Shuo's previous words. All men are like this, they love to show off in front of their partners, even at the cost of exaggerating the facts.

Du Shuo put down his chopsticks and waved to him: "Come here."

"What?" Chen Yang said as he walked over.

Du Shuo stood up and bit Chen Yang's mouth unexpectedly, covering it. The unique and light sandalwood scent instantly overwhelmed Chen Yang's mouth and nose.

After a while, Du Shuo stepped back and asked, "How is it?"

"Not bad."

Du Shuo remained calm and said: "That's why I said it's not as delicious as yours."

Chen Yang snorted, "Oh." Then he curled up his legs and sat on the sofa, holding the pillow to cover his hot cheeks and whispered, "You have to be reserved. It's not a good influence."

"Can an old couple still influence their children?"

Chen Yang held his breath and said, "Brother Du, you've been talking like a hooligan recently. You never said these things before."

In the past, Du Shuo was calm and steady, never talking too much nonsense in bed or outside of bed, and never being a hooligan. Rather than being a husband, she was more like his brother and father, taking care of him and teaching him.

"Are you disgusted?"

“… I don’t hate it.” But I’m not used to it.

“Do you think it’s novel?”


"That's good." Du Shuo put down his chopsticks, put the bowl and chopsticks back into the basket, and handed them to the waiter at the door. He came back and picked up Chen Yang and went back to the bedroom: "When will Zhang Qiudao come back?"

"Come back after dinner."

"How is the room soundproofed?"

Chen Yang leaned in Jin Shuo's arms obediently. She knew what he wanted to do, but she had no intention of resisting. She was as obedient as a little wife. "I don't know. I just moved in."

Du Shuo thought about it and felt that it was not a big deal. When he closed the bedroom door, he cast a silencing spell, but he didn't tell Chen Yang with bad intentions. This made Chen Yang cover his mouth the whole time. He didn't dare to make any sound even when he was bullied and cried, for fear that Zhang Qiudao who came back would hear it.

The sight of his young wife covering her mouth and crying silently made Emperor Beiyin want to bully her even more, so he used all his strength and almost bullied his young wife to the point of collapse.

Afterwards, Chen Yang lay exhausted on the bed, glancing at the time, it was already late at night. Du Shuo carried him to the bathroom, washed him clean, put him back on the bed, and then lay down on the bed himself.

Chen Yang approached Du Shuo and bit his neck hard, accusing him: "You bullied me."

The voice was hoarse, the whole body was limp, and the accusation sounded like a spoiled child.

Du Shuo let him do it, and after Chen Yang fell into a daze and fell asleep, he bit his ear and said in a low voice: "... Keep the novelty."

When he woke up the next day, the seat next to him was empty. If it weren't for the slightly sunken marks that proved someone had slept there, he would have thought that Du Shuo's return was a dream. Chen Yang got up, feeling refreshed. Except for a sore waist and some discomfort in his private parts, he had adapted well.

Chen Yang walked out and saw Zhang Qiudao using his laptop to look up information on the sofa and record it. So he poured a glass of ice water and walked over, pretending to ask casually: "Did you hear any noise last night?"

Zhang Qiudao said without even raising his head: "No."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he covered his mouth and didn't make any sound last night. Otherwise, it would be awkward to meet him this morning.

Zhang Qiudao raised his eyes and didn't tell Chen Yang that he got up in the middle of the night to drink water and saw Du Shuo also come out to pour water. There was a bite mark on his neck, which was quite fresh. He also heard Chen Yang complain in a hoarse voice that Du Shuo was too unrestrained after drinking the warm water that Du Shuo brought in.

After thinking about it, Zhang Qiudao decided not to say anything. Judging from the fact that Director Chen was not too thick-skinned, he decided not to remind him in order to avoid making him shy.

"Brother Chen, I looked up the Longdaogang incident. I found out that it has been haunted since ancient times and has never been peaceful. The developers have changed several times, and none of them believed in ghosts and gods. But they all died in accidents. The most recent developer is from Hong Kong and believes in ghosts and gods. He invited a monk from the White Horse Temple to pray for the souls of the dead, but people still died. Just two weeks ago, a worker got up in the middle of the night and hanged himself upstairs. Another worker accidentally slipped in the middle of the night and fell face first into a puddle. He drowned and his face was swollen when he was found. The water in the puddle didn't even reach his ankles, and the worker wasn't drunk."

"So evil?"

Chen Yang walked over, and Zhang Qiudao moved the laptop screen in front of him. On it were his notes: "Also, for a week in a row, the developer of Longdaogang spent a lot of money to summon seventh- to fourth-grade heavenly masters. He knew that the problem could not be solved, but he still had to summon so many heavenly masters. I can't guess what he wants to do?"

Chen Yang wrote down all the notes, and then opened the history of Longdaogang to browse.

"Longdaogang is the gate to hell, so it is inherently evil. But there must be something to suppress evil near the gate to prevent resentment, evil, and yin from destroying the spiritual energy of the land and water. But as a gate, Longdaogang cannot be used to build houses or live in, otherwise a disaster will surely happen."

The so-called gate of hell, nine out of ten people go there and never return. Even if you have the guts to live there, you won’t be able to survive. Therefore, Longdaogang must not be built with houses or developed into a commercial area.

"Then we still have to compete with Master Cao?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "I didn't say I wanted to compete with him. As soon as I heard it, I knew he was plotting against us. What is there to compete with? Ghost Gate is extremely evil, and it will definitely hit people, but there are evil suppressants here, so it won't be so evil. Two people died in just two weeks."

"You mean they might have dug out the evil-suppressing object and possibly destroyed it... Are they now eager to find an alternative method to suppress evil?"

"It's possible." Chen Yang returned the laptop to Zhang Qiu and said, "Leave this matter to you to investigate. I will follow He Tianna to the set."


Zhang Qiudao closed his laptop, put on his backpack and prepared to leave. When he reached the entrance, he turned around and said, "Brother Chen, I sent a few documents to the WeChat group. Click to download them."

"What briefcase?"

"You must memorize the scriptures to be promoted to Heavenly Master. Come on, Brother Chen. When your family member left this morning, he specifically told me to tell you to remember to review."

Chen Yang: “…”

Chen Yang also packed some things and followed He Tianna to the set. On the set, he met Gao Tianliang, but he didn't see Master Cao, but only one of his two disciples.

Gao Tianliang's eyes turned dark. "Master, do you have any way to get rid of that baby spirit first?"


"It came into my dream last night. Its shrill and terrifying cries gave me a headache. It also bit me in my dream, leaving me bloody and almost unable to wake up."

"Bite you? Where?"

Gao Tianliang was stunned and said hesitantly: "First he bit my neck, then my stomach..." Speaking of this, he looked in unbearable pain: "I feel cold all over when I think about it now."

Chen Yang put his left hand on Gao Tianliang's shoulder. It was just a casual touch, but it made Gao Tianliang unable to move.

"H-What happened?"

Chen Yang put his index and middle fingers together, pinched Gao Tianliang's collar and quietly turned it up, and saw the horrible black teeth marks underneath, as if it had been bitten by a beast. But Gao Tianliang didn't notice it at all, and he didn't even feel any pain.

"Nothing." Chen Yang let go and said calmly: "Where is the talisman that Qiu Dao gave you yesterday?"

"I put it in my pocket and carry it with me." Gao Tianliang tried to take out the talisman from his pocket, but he got a handful of ash. His face turned pale instantly. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that there was something strange about his dream last night. Maybe without the talisman, he would have died in his sleep.

"Master, what should we do?"

Chen Yang: "Relax." He lowered his head and took out a yellow talisman from his backpack and stuffed it into Gao Tianliang's pocket: "It's free, it's a service included in the business package."

Fortunately, he asked Mao Xiaoli to draw talismans for the whole night before coming, so he could give her more money later.

"What do you mean? Master, you won't help me to liberate the soul of that baby?"

"There are no conditions for salvation right now, so don't worry. This talisman can keep you going for ten days or half a month. When you're done, come back to me for more. I'll have someone deliver a box to you."

“… The key is that I couldn’t sleep because of the noise.” Gao Tianliang said with a bitter face.

"Is that so?" Chen Yang thought: "Have you ever heard of Night Crying Boy?"

Gao Tianliang nodded.

The so-called night cryer refers to a child who keeps crying in the middle of the night. There are also rumors that they heard strange noises at night and were frightened, causing them to cry non-stop. So there is a folk magic to stop the crying of the night cryer - "The sky is in a panic, the earth is in a panic, there is a night cryer in my house. If a benefactor who passes by recites it three times, he will sleep until dawn."

"Cut seven pieces of red paper and write this sentence on them. Post them in the downtown area. Do not look back and keep walking forward."

“Does it work?”

“It works.”

Gao Tianliang nodded, and immediately stood up and asked someone to cut seven pieces of red paper, wrote the words on them, and then went out to the downtown area to paste them up, leaving without looking back. That night, there was indeed no cry from the infant spirit, although another talisman was broken when I got up the next day.

He didn't notice that his back was covered with the baby's black handprints, but Chen Yang saw them. He was more tolerant of babies who died before they were born. At night, while Gao Tianliang was sleeping soundly, he called the baby out and told him about Gao Tianliang's prayers for it, and burned toys for it to comfort it.

The little baby spirit gave up the idea of killing Gao Tianliang and played happily with the toy. Later, it saved Gao Tianliang's life, causing Gao Tianliang to be grateful and sincerely do good deeds for it.

This is a matter for the future, so let’s not talk about it for now.

At this time, He Tianna was filming. A simulated toy gun was pressed against her forehead. She couldn't move, but when her hand touched her trouser pocket, her palm was suddenly burned. She screamed "ah" and dodged to the side. The bullet fired from the simulated toy gun grazed He Tianna's neck, leaving blood instantly.

A bullet hole appeared on the ground. The place was quiet. The man holding the imitation toy gun was stunned for a moment, then screamed. He stepped back step by step, accidentally slipped, and fell to the ground for a long time without getting up.

When people went over, they found that his eyes were wide open, with bright red blood coming out of the back of his head. He was dead.

At this time, the crew was in complete chaos.

The author has something to say: I have used up all my manuscripts. Although I can guarantee daily updates, I cannot guarantee updates at 12 o'clock every day.

I've been busy these two days, I'll update on Saturday.

There will be more later on Saturday.

Pre-collected documents:

Romance: The Buddha Fairy

Modern Dan: "The Big Farmer [Through the Book]"

Column request: Mu Xi Niang.