The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 3: Human skin painting 03


Han Jiashan led them to the second floor, stopped at the door of Han Ke's room and knocked.

The door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged lady glanced at Chen Yang and his companions with red eyes, looking displeased.

Mrs. Han: "Why did you hire these quacks again?"

Han Jiashan pulled Mrs. Han aside and invited Chen Yang and the others into the house with a smile. Then he scolded Mrs. Han in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense."

Mrs. Han: "Keke is just under a lot of mental stress, just call a doctor. You keep saying that Keke is possessed by evil spirits, and you've invited so many quacks, but it's no use at all."

Han Jiashan was a little embarrassed and just said, "One last time, okay?"

Chen Yang turned his head to look at Mao Xiaoli, who shrugged: "For people in our line of work, it's common to take the blame."

"You don't have any tricks to pass the buck?"

Mao Xiaoli: "No. We usually blame our employers."

"What if I can't smash it back?"

"It's all thanks to our peers who smashed it for us."

Chen Yang shook his head slightly: "My business ability is not good enough."

When Mao Xiaoli mentioned this, she thought of Chen Yang who suddenly stepped out and turned professional, and immediately said with a tone of admiration: "Brother Chen, you are really good at speaking. Just now, Mr. Han's eyes changed when he looked at us, and his attitude became respectful. In the past, when we went out to do business, those people gave us a cold shoulder, preferring to believe those scammers who didn't have a Taoist license than us. As a result, the number of our orders being rejected increased, and we were almost unable to pay our salaries."

Chen Yang: "… You have exposed your salary status."

Mao Xiaoli quickly said, "There is still a basic salary." She smiled and rubbed her hands: "Brother Chen, are you studying religion?"



Chen Yang shook his head: "Major in Marketing. Elective for Folklore."

Mao Xiaoli clapped her hands: "Brother Chen, you look more professional than me."

Chen Yang smiled and began to look around the room.

The room was beige in color, a typical girl's bedroom. There was a large bed in the middle, and Han Ke was lying motionless with his eyes closed, with an IV drip still in his arm. There was a large bookshelf next to the wall, with many unopened figurines on it. The walls were covered with posters, mostly of anime characters, so the picture of a beauty among the anime posters was particularly eye-catching.

Chen Yang took a few steps forward and carefully copied the one meter long and half meter wide painting of a beauty in front of him. The painting showed a beauty in a sleeveless crescent-shaped white cheongsam, with her arms folded and looking out of the painting. Her arms were white, her eyebrows and eyes were picturesque, her teeth were white and her lips were red, which was extremely attractive.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

Chen Yang turned around and sighed when he saw Mao Xiaoli standing beside him.

"What a lifelike portrait... Huh? The date of signature... Xiao Fengyu, the month of Huang, Wuxu year. That means it was painted not long ago? But why is there no seal?" Mao Xiaoli seemed very interested in the painting and reached out to touch it.

Chen Yang stopped her: "Don't touch other people's things."

"Oh, yes." Mao Xiaoli quickly withdrew her hand.

"Let's go see what's going on with Miss Han."

Mao Xiaoli looked back and found that Master Lu and Master Luo had gathered around Han Ke to check the situation, so she immediately ran over to fight for the 400,000 yuan. Chen Yang also walked over and suddenly heard a faint female voice.


Chen Yang ignored him and walked forward. He heard Master Luo say, "Miss Han must have been targeted by a female ghost who wanted to take her life and reincarnate her to replace her own premature death with Miss Han's destiny of wealth and longevity."

"What's the meaning?"

Han Jiashan and Mrs. Han couldn't understand at all.

Luo Tianshi explained: "The so-called scapegoat actually steals the life of a living person and replaces it with the life of an evil ghost who died early, so that others can suffer in the ghost's place. The evil ghost will take the place of the living and continue to live in the world of the living. Miss Han's life was stolen by an evil ghost who died early, and that evil ghost wanted to replace Miss Han."

Han Jiashan was shocked: "Then is there any way to save Keke?"

Luo Tianshi said: "Please rest assured, since we have noticed it, we will naturally rescue Miss Han. In fact, there are police in the world of the living and ghosts in the underworld. Evil ghosts who kill people will be pressed before the Northern Yin Emperor and thrown into the eighteen levels of hell. The evil ghost wanted to replace Miss Han's identity and escape the eyes and ears of the ghosts. It was precisely because Miss Han had an extremely good fate, rich and long life, and auspicious stars helped her. This is originally a physique that can kill evil. If it weren't for Miss Han's casual remark that allowed the ghost to take advantage of the opportunity, she would never have suffered this unprovoked disaster."

Han Jiashan believed it without a doubt, but Mrs. Han was full of disbelief.

Compared to Han Jiashan, who grew up in a place called the gods and ghosts in western Guangdong, Mrs. Han is a genuine local and a firm believer in scientism.

"Nonsense, can a ghost replace a living person's identity? It's ridiculous. If this is the case, then everyone can be replaced by a ghost? Then everyone around me is a ghost."

"Say less."

Mrs. Han shook off Han Jiashan's hand, pointed at his nose and cursed: "When Coco was sick, you didn't call a doctor, but called a group of charlatans! This is how Coco's body was worn down. If you listened to me, you would have sent Coco to a foreign hospital earlier. Would Coco still be like this now?"

Hearing the word "charlatan", Master Lu and Master Luo looked displeased.

Chen Yang looked at Han Ke on the bed. The girl was skinny, with sunken cheeks and dark circles under her eyes. She looked really scary. As he was looking at her, Han Ke suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took two steps calmly and found that Han Ke's eyes were not on him, but on the painting behind him.

No one noticed that Han Ke had woken up. His face was gloomy and dull, like a ghost.

Master Lu said, "Mrs. Han, I will ask you some questions. You just need to answer yes or no. See if what I say is right."

Mrs. Han: “Okay.”

Master Lu: "Has Miss Han's personality changed drastically? She seems to have become a completely different person that I don't recognize?"

Mrs. Han hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes."

Master Lu: "Have your living habits, dressing, and behavior become those of a stranger?"

Mrs. Han retorted: "But some paralytic neurological diseases can also cause a person's temperament to change drastically."

At this time, Han Ke on the bed suddenly said, "It's so noisy. If you want to make a noise, go outside and make one."

The bedroom fell silent for a moment.

Chen Yang said, "Mrs. Han, has Miss Han ever lived in western Guangdong?"

Perhaps because Chen Yang's image is easy to make people like him, Mrs. Han softened her tone and said, "She only went to worship her ancestors last month. She didn't like to go before, but this time she heard that western Guangdong is a place where ghosts and gods are believed in, so she insisted on going. She only stayed for five days."

"So, after just five days, even your accent has changed?"

Mrs. Han's face changed, as if she had just realized that her daughter's accent had changed to that of western Guangdong. Her daughter had lived in the capital since she was a child and spoke authentic Beijing dialect, so how could it suddenly change

Even if illness is used to explain the drastic change in personality, it is impossible that even the accent has changed.

"Mrs. Han, please try again. Trust us. If Miss Han's condition doesn't improve after tonight, can you send her to the hospital? It's only one night anyway." Chen Yang suddenly seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, will Miss Han still sing tonight?"

Thinking of that miserable Cantonese opera, Mrs. Han couldn't say the words of objection that she was about to say. She just nodded randomly: "Only tonight..."

"Okay. I promise I won't let you down."

Han Jiashan's eyes were full of gratitude when he looked at Chen Yang, but Chen Yang just smiled without saying anything, looking mysterious and unpredictable, like a master.

Master Lu and Master Luo didn't expect that they were busy as much as Chen Yang and couldn't even smile. They looked at each other and decided to deal with the guy who came later first.

Han Jiashan and Mrs. Han left the bedroom, leaving Chen Yang and others with Han Ke.

Master Lu and Master Luo now stood on the same front to deal with Chen Yang together.

Luo Tianshi said first: "The evil ghost will come again tonight. It will definitely possess Miss Han first, and then come to the living room to harm people. Only at these two times can the evil ghost be caught. We are on the same path, so why not cooperate."

Chen Yang smiled and refused.

Master Luo Tian gave a barely perceptible smile, just waiting for these words.

Young people are arrogant and want to keep all the work for themselves as soon as they start to take orders. They are unwilling to cooperate with others, but they don’t know that the older you are, the wiser you will be. No matter how talented you are, you still need to go through a lot of experience.

"In this case, we will split up. Whoever catches the evil spirit and saves Miss Han will get the order. We won't bully others. Master Lu and I will guard the living room together. You will guard the bedroom. If you can't solve the problem, we will take action. When we take action, you can't interfere."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Then aren't you at a disadvantage?"

"Do you agree?"

Chen Yang nodded: "I agree. I am taking advantage of it."

Mao Xiaoli frowned and let Chen Yang hold her back.

Master Lu, Master Luo and the little disciple went downstairs together and waited in the living room until night fell.

Mao Xiaoli: "Brother Chen, why did you agree? They obviously teamed up to plot against us. They said they wanted us to stay in the bedroom, but who doesn't know that the evil spirit is the most ferocious when it first takes possession of the body? It's a three-star level list, and the two of us alone can't deal with the evil spirit. When the evil spirit leaves the bedroom, it will be their turn to attack. But before that, we should use up the evil spirit's ghost energy first."

Mao Xiaoli sighed. Brother Chen really didn't know much about these things. He thought that dealing with the evil spirits first would be an advantage.

Chen Yang smiled, borrowed Mao Xiaoli's phone to take a picture of the portrait hanging on the wall, and then returned the phone to Mao Xiaoli.

"Xiao Li, can you help me ask Mr. Han? Just ask him if he recognizes the woman in the portrait. Or, is she the one who died young on the tombstone?"

Mao Xiaoli: "You mean—"


"Okay, I'll go ask now. Wait for my news."

Mao Xiaoli left, and only Chen Yang and Han Ke were left in the room.

Chen Yang found a place to sit down and took out his cell phone to fiddle with it.

After a long time, Han Ke suddenly turned his head and stared at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang noticed something was wrong and looked over.

Han Ke: "I advise you not to meddle in other people's business."

Chen Yang said seriously: "Don't make trouble, go back to where you belong. Otherwise, I will beat you into the Six Palaces of Luofeng."