The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 32: No. 444, Yejiazhai, No. 05


Chen Yang and Du Shuo finally walked to the next bus stop and got on the bus. It was already late at night. When they returned to the B&B, it was already around two o'clock in the morning. A group of people were having a bonfire dinner in the courtyard of the B&B, which was quite lively.

When the proprietress saw the two of them, she greeted them and said, "Someone is waiting for you."

Chen Yang looked over and saw a strange man. Suddenly Hu Xiang came out from behind the strange man, waved at Chen Yang and the others when he saw them. When he walked over, he realized that the strange man was the lay disciple of Baiyun Temple, the criminal police team member Shen Yihui.

"Let's talk inside." Chen Yang opened the door first, walked into the room, and sat with Du Shuo. He looked at Shen Yihui and Hu Xiang and asked, "Hu Xiang, why are you the only one back?"

Hu Xiang sniffed and her eyes suddenly turned red: "My cousins are all gone."

Chen Yang frowned: "What's going on?"

Shen Yihui said, "Let me talk first." He organized his words before saying, "Yingnan is going to No. 444 of Ye's House tonight to check for information, and he told me. I didn't think there was anything wrong with No. 444 of Ye's House, because I also went to investigate and didn't find any evil spirits, yin spirits, or even any resentment. It was very clean. So even though I didn't think it was necessary to go, I was relieved to let Yingnan go. I just didn't expect them to disappear."

Let's not talk about other things, just saying that there is no problem with No. 444 Ye's House is wrong. Chen Yang said: "Cleanliness itself is a big problem. There have been three tragic incidents, but there is no resentment. This shows that there is a big problem."

Shen Yihui rakes his hair and sighs dejectedly: "You're right. When I realized that cleanliness was the biggest problem, I sent a message to tell Yingnan and when I didn't receive a reply, I knew they might have met with an accident. I drove to No. 444 Ye's house and found Hu Xiang. Hu Xiang did not participate in Yingnan's expedition, but waited outside, and I didn't hear any sound from him after that. After I went in, I didn't find any trace of anyone. I mean, there was no trace left by anyone who entered the house."

In other words, Hu Yingnan and his group disappeared from No. 444 of Ye's House, and even the traces of their previous entry into Ye's House were erased. Perhaps after a while, they would forget about Hu Yingnan, Mao Xiaoli, and Kou Xuanling.

This is truly a terrifying ability.

It makes people feel fear out of nowhere.

Chen Yang looked at Hu Xiang with a serious expression: "Describe everything you know."

Hu Xiang suppressed his sobs and tried hard to recall what happened at that time.

"They went in, and I was scared, so I waited in the car outside. I was afraid of falling asleep, so I took out my phone to watch their live broadcast. We started the live broadcast at 12 o'clock and didn't go in until 11:30. Because there were a lot of people at the time, not just our group. My cousin and her friends went in last, walked around inside, and didn't find anything. They went to the second floor, and the screen went black at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor. Then I heard terrified screams from inside No. 444 Ye's House, and many people were screaming. But the next moment, all the sounds disappeared. I was very scared and wanted to muster up the courage to go in. But my cousin told me not to go in if anything happened to them, and to notify you and Brother Shen as soon as possible."

Chen Yang comforted her: "You did the right thing. Do you remember how many people entered the house?"

"About... 20 people." Hu Xiang thought back to last night: "There are seven of us in total. In addition to my cousin and her friends, Yang Xiao also brought two people from the association. There were three other groups, one with three, one with four, and another with six people. We were the first to arrive but the last to go in, so I wrote it down."

"Do you remember at what point they suddenly screamed and at what point they suddenly disappeared?"

Hu Xiang: "I know this, I was watching the live broadcast. The screaming started at 1:36 and lasted for ten minutes. After 1:46, it suddenly stopped and disappeared completely."

"Disappeared suddenly in an instant?"


Chen Yang felt it was quite tricky. If it was just an ordinary person who couldn't fight back, it would be understandable, but there were also Hu Yingnan, Zhang Qiudao, Mao Xiaoli and Kou Xuanling. Kou Xuanling was already a third-grade Five Thunders Heavenly Master, and even he had no power to fight back, which meant it was really difficult.

And he still doesn't understand why the previous tragedies left files, but the tragic deaths of He Tao's companions were all erased. What can erase the traces of a person's existence in the world? Besides gods, what else can it be

However, no god would be so tyrannical.

"Show me the video, the live broadcast of Hu Yingnan and his team."

Hu Xiang took out his phone and searched the page. He found the live video that Hu Yingnan and the others had left behind, clicked it and handed it to Chen Yang. Chen Yang took it and watched it with Du Shuo.

Shen Yihui had watched that live video countless times before, so he didn't go up to watch it this time.

The video starts from the moment they step into the courtyard of No. 444 of Ye's House. The people recording it are Yang Xiao's two companions. They are even more disrespectful to ghosts and gods than Yang Xiao, laughing the whole time. At least Yang Xiao wants to dispel superstition with a rational and correct attitude, while these two people are more like playing and adventuring.

After Yang Xiao introduced them, the two of them showed up and introduced themselves and Zhang Qiudao and the others. It was just that the words of introduction were worth pondering, as they directly pointed out the identities of the Heavenly Masters, which was obviously joking.

Zhang Qiudao and his friends heard their introduction and just glanced at it and didn't take it seriously. However, many comments praised the appearance of these people, saying that if all the Heavenly Masters were so handsome, they would be willing to support them even if they were superstitious.

Chen Yang didn’t quite understand the way young people think nowadays, so he closed the barrage and continued watching.

No. 444 Ye's House has two floors. In Shen City, where every inch of land is valuable, it is a full 200 square meters, and there is also a courtyard outside. If it is not too evil, it may not be bought even for tens of millions.

There were quite a few people on the first floor, laughing and joking as if they were treating this adventure as an exciting game. They moved the furnishings in the room at will, made loud noises, and even made up stories about the room's owner's past.

Zhang Qiudao and his men gave a few words of advice, which made the group of young people unhappy, and they surrounded them and wanted to fight on the spot. They were definitely not the opponents of Zhang Qiudao and his men, not to mention that Mao Xiaoli was there.

Mao Xiaoli was very clever. She took advantage of the crowd to stuff several talismans into Zhang Qiudao, Kou Xuanling and Hu Yingnan's mouths. The three took them, glanced at Mao Xiaoli, who was smiling brightly, and rushed into the crowd to grab some people at random, stuffed the talismans into their mouths, and forced them to swallow them.

What followed was an extremely chaotic scene. Some people attacked their companions with their hands and feet uncontrollably, and the other person followed suit. Some people suddenly became fond of the people they disliked and became close to them. Mao Xiaoli also left a talisman for herself. Others who were not hit wanted to attack them, but they ended up getting hurt for unknown reasons.

Chen Yang shook his head and laughed. Hu Xiang was also quite curious about this scene, so he asked what happened. Chen Yang said, "Xiao Li drew a talisman to play a trick on them. The one that was out of control was a substitute talisman, the one that they fell in love with was the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady's marriage and harmony talisman, and the one that he kept was the Three Days Nobleman's blessing talisman, in other words, a luck talisman."

Hu Xiang was impressed by the effects of the talismans and was quite moved. Then he heard Chen Yang say, "But the effect is only about ten minutes, Xiaoli's skills are not that deep yet."

Sure enough, after more than ten minutes, the talisman lost its effect, and the chaotic scene slowly returned to normal. Those who were hit were very surprised, but they did not dare to provoke Mao Xiaoli and the others. Instead, they stayed away from them. Perhaps because the incident was too strange, they were in awe and did not dare to tamper with the furnishings in the room.

Then some people went to the second floor where the crime scene had occurred. At this time, Mao Xiaoli and others were still on the first floor. They went to the room where the strange long-haired woman appeared on the ceiling as mentioned by Hu Xiang, and then heard shrill screams and extremely chaotic sounds inside.

They rushed out and ran to the second floor. When they reached the second floor stairs, the screen suddenly went black. The sound was chaotic, with crying, asking for help, and screaming mixed together. The next second, it stopped abruptly.

Chen Yang frowned, while Du Shuo pointed at the screen with his index finger, dragging it back a few minutes, and stopped a second before the black screen. Then he said, "There is a child here."

Chen Yang looked down and found a child squatting in a very secret corner at the staircase, staring straight in one direction. That direction was the staircase, or perhaps staring at the person going up the stairs.

It is now known that a female ghost, a tall figure wearing a bronze mask, and a little ghost appeared at No. 444 of Ye’s house.

Chen Yang turned off his phone and said, "I'm going with Du Shuo tonight."

He estimated that he would not be able to find any clues during the day, and the first three tragedies all happened at midnight. Perhaps this was a very special time point, and he also believed in the ability of Kou Xuanling and the others, and they would be able to hold out for at least one night.

Shen Yihui said, "I'll go too."

Chen Yang didn't object.

Hu Xiang also wanted to go, but Shen Yihui refuted him: "You are just an ordinary person. If you go, you will die. We have to distract ourselves to take care of you. Don't get involved."

After hearing this, Hu Xiang gave up the idea. She was also worried about Hu Yingnan.

After things were settled, Shen Yihui took Hu Xiang away and glanced at Du Shuo as he left. For some reason, the other party didn't let him notice him at first, as if he had completely concealed his existence. But once he opened his mouth, he couldn't be ignored.

Shen Yihui knew that this person was probably an expert. It turned out that the Dafu Branch was a place where crouching tigers and hidden dragons were hidden, worthy of being the Imperial Capital Branch.

As soon as they left, Chen Yang immediately asked Du Shuo, "Brother Du, do you know anything? Will Zhang Qiudao and the others be okay?"

Du Shuo patted Chen Yang's head and said, "Go to sleep."

Chen Yang pushed Du Shuo's hand away and said in surprise: "How can I still sleep in this situation?"

"Can't sleep?"

Chen Yang stared at Du Shuo quietly for a few seconds, then quickly got up and jumped out of Du Shuo's arms: "I'm going to sleep now."

Unfortunately, he was a few steps too late. Du Shuo grabbed Chen Yang's ankle and threw him down, pressing him on the sofa and sliding down along the waistline under his clothes. He used practical actions to help Chen Yang fall asleep quickly.

When the passion faded, Du Shuo picked up Chen Yang and took him to the bathroom to wash him, then carried him to the bed and covered him with a blanket. Chen Yang was drowsy the whole time, Du Shuo kissed Chen Yang on the forehead, got up and left.

His purpose was obvious. He walked directly to a room and stood at the door without saying a word. The door opened automatically. Du Shuo stepped into the room. There was a man in green wearing a bronze mask.

As soon as the man in green saw Du Shuo, he kowtowed and bowed, and said respectfully, "Great Emperor."

Du Shuo stayed in the room for a few minutes and then left. Not long after he left, the man in green walked out of the room, along with four or five other men in green. They all left the B&B and blended into the night.

When he returned to the room, Chen Yang was half asleep. Noticing the quilt being lifted and smelling a familiar scent, he spontaneously snuggled into Jin Shuo's arms, grabbed his clothes and murmured, "Where did you go?"

"Go out and meet someone."


"Go to sleep."

Chen Yang fell asleep peacefully.

In the evening, Shen Yihui drove to the B&B to find them. During the day, Su Jianyuan came to talk to Chen Yang for a while. After all, the missing Hu Yingnan was her apprentice. When she heard that Chen Yang was going to No. 444 of Ye's house tonight, she could not leave Ziyang Palace for the time being, so she said that she would hold a Dharma Assembly in Ziyang Palace tonight to pray for everyone.

Shen Yihui drove Chen Yang and Du Shuo to the abandoned Ye Family Residence No. 444, and looked at Du Shuo through the rearview mirror. Du Shuo noticed it, glanced at him indifferently, and met Shen Yihui's eyes.

Shen Yihui's heart trembled instantly, and his whole body was in an uncontrollable state of alert. It was not until Du Shuo looked away for a long time that he slowly relaxed. But he did not dare to test Du Shuo again, but he was relieved. With such a person, the success rate of rescuing Hu Yingnan would be higher.

It was almost half past six when the three of them arrived at No. 444, Ye's House. It was not yet dark, but No. 444, Ye's House seemed to be shrouded in a shadow, which made people feel uneasy at a glance.

Yejiazhai No. 444 was renovated twice, this time in a new district. I don't know if it's because of the three tragedies or because Yejiazhai No. 444 itself makes people feel eerie, not many people live nearby. On the contrary, many people live outside, and it's very lively. There is also a square outside, where music is playing and a group of aunts are doing square dance.

When the car drove into the inner area, the sounds outside were suddenly cut off, and it became dead silent. In this atmosphere, it was no wonder that no one dared to move in.

There were two knocks on the car window. Chen Yang looked up and saw a boy standing outside. He opened the car window and heard the boy jokingly saying, "Are you guys here to explore the haunted house too?"

"Haunted house?"

The boy raised his thumb and pointed at the Ye Family Residence No. 444 behind him. "It's very popular on the Internet now. As long as it's live, there will be people watching. It's very mysterious. I heard that another group of people came to explore last night. During the live broadcast, the screen suddenly went black and chaotic screams broke out. Haha, now there are hot posts to discuss whether they are pretending or really encountered a supernatural event."

"If you really encountered a supernatural event, would you still dare to come?"

Boy: "Why not? People are afraid of ghosts, but ghosts are also afraid of people. There are so many of us here, and we have enough yang energy, so ghosts will be afraid of us."

Chen Yang nodded: "You know a lot. It seems that you believe in ghosts and gods?"

"It is better to believe it than not to believe it."

"Then you still dare to come?"

Even if they believe in it, they don't respect ghosts and gods, and they just want to have fun, which makes people dislike it even more. The boy nodded as a matter of course: "The spirit of exploration... How about it, do you want to join us?"

Chen Yang smiled: "There are only three of us."

The boy said, "It doesn't matter. There are six of us here, which makes nine people in total. It will be easier to get things done with more people." At this time, two other boys came in to lobby them, and said that they could give up the second floor so that Chen Yang and his team could go live first.

Chen Yang smiled: "Aren't you treating us as targets?"

Several boys laughed awkwardly, and one of them cursed at them when he saw that they were unmoved after talking for a long time. The general meaning was, "Don't be shameless when you give me a chance." Chen Yang's reaction was to directly lower the car window, almost pinching the hand of the cursing boy.

Chen Yang said coldly: "It's in the way."

Shen Yihui: "Knock them out."

Chen Yang frowned and looked at Du Shuo. Du Shuo said, "Let them in and give them a scare so they can get rid of their arrogance."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded in agreement. Then he really put up a talisman when they entered the Ye family's house, attracting the wandering ghosts nearby. The group of boys were scared to death and screamed within half an hour of entering. When they ran out, they were still shouting that there was a ghost.

After tearing off the soul-calling talisman and sending away the wandering ghosts with the soul-sending talisman, Chen Yang returned to the car and waited for time. At midnight, the three of them got out of the car. They closed the car door and looked up at the night sky. There were no stars and the moonlight was pale.

There was silence all around, not even the sound of insects chirping. This shows the evil nature.

Du Shuo stood beside Chen Yang and went in with him. The three of them had an obvious purpose and went straight to the second floor. When they were at the staircase on the second floor, Chen Yang subconsciously looked towards a hidden corner at the staircase, but did not see the little ghost that appeared in the live video.

They looked at the time and it was only a little after twelve o'clock, so it seemed that it was not time yet. They stepped onto the second floor and found that the staircase was right in the middle of the second floor, so they went to both sides separately.

When they separated, Shen Yihui took out a string of bells from his pocket and handed them to Chen Yang: "The Baiyun Temple's soul-calling bells. If you want to contact each other, just shake them and you can hear the other party's bells."

Chen Yang took the bell and said goodbye to Shen Yihui at the stairs. Du Shuo naturally followed Chen Yang. A long corridor led to the dark end, with large rooms on both sides. They pushed open the doors of the large rooms and walked in to observe. There were only some ordinary furniture in the rooms. At the end of the large room, there was another door. When they opened the door, there was another small room inside.

"The structure of the room is very strange." Chen Yang stood in front of a mirror in the small room, staring at the black marks on the mirror and said, "The orientation of the house is also wrong. It faces south, but it is biased to the east. It happens to be on the ghost line, which is a sign of bad luck. It would be strange if there were no murders in such a house for many years, but other houses around do not have such feng shui taboos. Only the Ye family's house at No. 444."

Chen Yang shook his head: "Evil nature."

"A room within a room, a through hall, and the front door faces the stairs." Du Shuo turned sideways and pointed at the bedroom door and the mirror: "The door faces the mirror, which is a bad feng shui pattern."

The Feng Shui of houses or buildings has a great impact on people's daily lives, especially in Chinese architecture. If you are not careful, your house will be tampered with or violate some Feng Shui taboos, which may lead to financial loss or even death.

The so-called room within a room, through-the-hall evil and bedroom door facing a mirror are all Feng Shui taboos that gather evil spirits. As for the front door facing the stairs, it will only cause loss of money, which is not as bad as the previous three situations.

The internal Feng Shui pattern is a gathering place for evil spirits, and the external house location is on the ghost line, which is evil on top of evil. It is impossible to live in such a house without suffering from bloody disasters. However, it is impossible for the people who built the house to violate such a fatal Feng Shui taboo, which is simply harming people.

Chen Yang leaned forward to take a closer look at the black marks on the mirror, and suddenly saw a black shadow reflected in the mirror. He turned around suddenly and saw a black shadow flash past the bedroom door.

"Brother Du, I'll go over and take a look first."

After saying that, he ran out and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Du Shuo was a step slower and did not catch up. He turned back and stared at the mirror. The next moment, the mirror made a crackling sound and several cracks appeared.

"Don't put your mind on Yangyang, or I will make you a real ghost tribe."

After that, the mirror broke again, with countless cracks on it, and some even had powder. This showed that some people were targeting Chen Yang, which made Du Shuo very angry.

After Du Shuo left, several people in green clothes appeared in the bedroom, wearing bronze masks on their faces. They were the people who had stayed at the B&B, and the one in the lead had a look of awe and fear in his eyes.

"Master, who is he? Why is he so arrogant?" A younger one among the green-clothed men asked in confusion and indignation: "Chen Yang is a descendant of the Ghost Dao, and a member of the Wu Clan. The Wu Clan and our Ghost Clan are of the same lineage and ancestry, and we should help each other. What right does he have to accuse us of plotting against Chen Yang?"

From the young man in green, we can learn that these people in green should be the people of the ancient Shu Kingdom that disappeared long ago, the descendants of the three-eyed ghost clan. As for the black shadow just now, it was a lonely soul that they brought over to attract Chen Yang's attention.

The master scolded the young man in green: "Watch your words! From now on, if you need Chen Yang's help, you must treat him with courtesy. If he does not accept our request, you are not allowed to force it."

The position of the Great Master in the ghost tribe is equivalent to that of the head of the tribe. When he reprimands, the others naturally obey. While the young man in green obeys, he can't help but wonder in his heart: "The Great Master, who is he?"

"We must fear God."

Chen Yang followed the shadow to the end, but there was no road and no shadow. So he stopped and looked around. The structure of the house prevented the moonlight from shining in at all. Not to mention at night, it was very dim even during the day.

Chen Yang was holding up his phone to illuminate the room, and when he turned around, he noticed a door half a person's height in the corner. So he walked over and opened the door, which opened easily.

Behind the door was a staircase leading down. Chen Yang ducked down to enter, and after walking up a flight of stairs, he could stand up and continue walking down. He probably went through the first floor to the basement, and finally reached the last step.

In front of me was a wider space, with some old torture instruments, a bronze mask with vertical eyes hanging on the wall, neatly arranged wooden stakes, iron stakes and bronze stakes, and a bronze hammer.

Following the light of his phone to the wall, Chen Yang also saw three bodies hanging on the wall. He could tell their genders by the tattered clothes on them. There was an adult man and woman, and the remaining body was a child.

The eyes of the three people were all pinned with stakes. The man had a wooden stake, the woman had an iron stake, and the child had a bronze stake. Chen Yang didn't know the difference between stakes made of different materials, but judging from the skeletons of the three people, they had been dead for at least sixty or seventy years.

Could it be the first member of the Ye family who died in No. 444 of the Ye family residence? No, there are four members of the Ye family in total, and there are only three bodies here.

Chen Yang took a step back and turned off the light. He caught a glimpse of a child's shadow passing by the skeleton. When he looked over again, the corner was empty. There were many cages in the basement, and the cages were full of skeletons, which seemed to have struggled before death.

When he reached the last two cages, Chen Yang saw Hu Yingnan, Zhang Qiudao, and other people beside them, all in a deep sleep. Another cage was also full of sleeping people, and he saw Mao Xiaoli and Kou Xuanling inside.

Chen Yang tried to wake them up, but failed. A closer look revealed that they were all missing a soul, which caused them to be unconscious.

However, apart from the soul of a child and the black shadow that had just led him here, no other souls were seen in the Ye family’s house. Where did so many souls go

Just as Chen Yang was puzzled, he heard a sound of breaking air behind him. Before he could think, he dodged it and looked back to see a tall figure wearing a bronze mask with vertical eyes, holding a bronze hammer and a bronze stake.

At the same time, the soul-summoning bell in Chen Yang's pocket vibrated violently.

The phone also made a sound - it was 1:36.

The author has something to say: This chapter will probably be finished tomorrow.

In addition, it was mentioned earlier that the Ye family house was very clean and no souls could be found. However, Du Shuo saw a little ghost in the live broadcast. This is not a bug, and it will be explained in the next chapter.

Thank you for the nutrient solution^v^

Thank you for your mines^v^

The braised pork is not braised and threw a mine

Lu Jinqin threw a mine

I threw a mine as I pleased.

Meng Xiaoxi threw a mine

The otaku just threw a mine

Tanbenjun threw a mine

A handful threw 1 mine

Lu Jinqin threw a mine

Su Yi~threw a mine

mz threw 1 mine

The spirit threw 1 mine

Yoruichiho threw a grenade

Su Zitian threw a mine

21014891 threw 1 mine

Mango Mango threw 1 mine

Wanhu threw a mine

Qu Jiujiu threw a mine

A few glazes threw a mine

29188814 threw 1 mine