The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 35: Red embroidered shoes02


There are now more Three Pure Ones on the wall on the right side of the branch, and there are also more offering tables. The five offerings are neatly placed on the offering tables, and the incense is complete. When Chen Yang came back, he saw Kou Xuanling burning incense to worship the Three Pure Ones, so he stood aside and waited for him to finish before speaking.

After Kou Xuanling finished offering sacrifices to the ancestor, he turned around and asked Chen Yang: "Director Chen, is there something wrong?"

Chen Yang shook the phone in his hand: "New order. Samsung, offer 20 million."

"So high?" Kou Xuanling washed her hands, picked up a white cloth and wiped them clean, saying, "The employer is not hiding anything, is he?"

"It was published on the app and verified by the Taoist Association, so it can be trusted."

Kou Xuanling nodded: "For Samsung's order, will you and I take the order?"

"Yes. Xiaoli is a fifth-grade Mengwei, and she can't take three-star orders yet. Moreover, she has recently opened up a business selling harmony marriage talismans and luck charms at school to make some pocket money, and her sales are pretty good. Zhang Qiudao is preparing to upgrade to a third-grade Five Thunder Heavenly Master, and is busy making up lessons. I also want him to concentrate on reviewing. If the upgrade is successful, our branch will have two Five Thunder Heavenly Masters and two Mengwei Heavenly Masters, and the success rate of taking orders will be higher. Maybe one day we can get a four-star order... By the way, have you ever taken a four-star order?"

Kou Xuanling: "Take it. But it's not my turn to take action. We are going to a thousand-year-old tomb. There are groups of hungry ghosts in the tomb, and all living beings who enter the tomb will be sucked dry of blood and flesh. There were seven Three Caves and Five Thunders Heavenly Masters and one Shangqing Heavenly Master who went there at that time. Two Three Caves and Five Thunders Heavenly Masters were almost killed, but many people also died. As a junior with the youngest generation, qualifications and skills among the group, I can only guard the door of the tomb and cannot enter."

"So scary." Chen Yang recalled that Zhang Qiudao had come back from the deserted village in Nanyue. Because of the Taoist Association's misjudgment, a five-star order was judged as three-star, resulting in the loss of a Heavenly Master. At that time, they had only reached the entrance of the village. "You still have to wait until you have enough experience before you can take the four-star order. Without saying anything else, you should prepare your things first and set off tomorrow."

"Where are you going?"

"Mentougou Jinshui Middle School." Chen Yang said without turning his head, and went to find Mao Xiaoli to draw talismans for emergency use. Ever since Chen Yang pointed out Mao Xiaoli's talent for drawing talismans, everyone in the branch office loved to ask Mao Xiaoli to draw talismans, and simply treated her as a human talisman machine.

Mao Xiaoli was straightforward. For her, drawing talismans was as easy as practicing calligraphy. She generously drew talismans when someone in the bureau asked her to draw them. After learning that Chen Yang had received a new order, she congratulated him and asked Chen Yang, "The best-selling ones now are the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady Marriage and Harmony Talisman and the Three Days Noble Blessing Talisman. Unfortunately, the effect is only a dozen minutes. I feel that the sales of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady Marriage and Harmony Talisman have dropped a lot recently."

Chen Yang suggested: "Why not try to stamp the Hehe Immortal Seal on the Hehe Talisman? I remember that you worshipped the Hehe Immortals as your ancestors, and you should have been given a Dharma Seal when you were ordained."

Mao Xiaoli's eyes lit up: "Yes, I will try it now. Thank you, Brother Chen. Goodbye, Brother Chen."

In the evening, Mao Xiaoli handed Chen Yang a box of talismans and happily announced to everyone that her harmony talisman could last for half an hour. Moreover, because of the inspiration she got from it, even the effect of the three-day noble blessing talisman was increased by ten minutes.

In addition to Chen Yang and Ma Shanfeng who expressed their congratulations, Zhang Qiudao and Kou Xuanling both sneered. Mao Xiaoli snorted twice: "There will be a time when you will beg me for help."

Zhang Qiu said: "Just think about it in your dreams."

Kou Xuanling: "Dream on."

The two of them spoke at the same time, and Mao Xiaoli snorted twice: "I hope you will never have to take an exam." After that, she turned around and went back to her room.

Kou Xuanling was puzzled: "What does this have to do with the exam?"

Chen Yang opened the box, and in addition to the Five Thunder Talisman, there was also the Three Days Noble Blessing Talisman. He put it away with a smile and replied to Kou Xuanling: "Because the people who buy the Three Days Noble Blessing Talisman are all students, and they usually won't fail when they wear it to the exam."


"It's not cheating." Chen Yang explained, "It's just getting luckier. For example, the content that happens to be tested is what you have reviewed before, or a question you saw before the test happens to be on the test. Or it happens to be a very simple question. In short, you will get luckier. The Three Days Noble Blessing Talisman is a very good and useful talisman."

Kou Xuanling and Zhang Qiudao were both top students, but they still didn't take it seriously. It was not until later when Chen Yang luckily survived Mentougou Jinshui Middle School by wearing the three-day talisman blessed by a noble man that they realized how big a bug good luck was.

The next day, Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling set out for Jinshui Middle School in Mentougou. Jinshui Middle School is located in the deep mountains of Mentougou District. It is said to be an elite school for rich children, famous for its strict school rules, terrifying restrictions and monitoring, and high talent training.

Kou Xuanling: "I've heard of this school. It's quite famous in the world of Heavenly Masters. Not only is it generous, but also because they invite Heavenly Masters to the school every year to perform rituals for the deceased."

"We invite a Taoist priest to the school every year to pray for the dead? Why? Do people die every year?"

"It's true that people die every year. Jinshui Middle School is famous for its high-intensity study, so every year there are students who can't stand the pressure and commit suicide. However, because Jinshui Middle School has a powerful backer and is hidden deep in the mountains, the media can't reach anything that happens. In addition, the school has strict control over student speech, so even if there are students jumping off buildings and committing suicide every year, it doesn't cause a big stir. There are still many parents who put their children in there, hoping to cultivate talents."

"Didn't the school hire a psychologist to provide psychological counseling for the students?"

"I heard that they hired a famous psychologist from abroad, but it's a pity that the psychologist himself almost got sick."

Chen Yang tilted his head to look out the window. The car was already heading deep into the mountains, with forests and lush greenery on both sides. Perhaps because he had lived in fear and the threat of death for more than a decade, he could not quite understand students who committed suicide due to stress.

After all, life is very precious to Chen Yang, and being able to survive is a very lucky thing.

“Then why is there a Samsung order?”

Kou Xuanling: "Isn't there any instructions on the app?"

"It's just a simple description of a student's accidental death, and other students witnessing paranormal events. So they want us to go over and solve it."

"It doesn't sound that dangerous, not as dangerous as the Samsung list."

"Maybe the price was too high. I grabbed the Samsung order in the blue section."

After taking a few orders, Chen Yang realized that the orders in the Dafu app are also divided into two sections: blue and green. The difficulty is also divided from one star to five stars, but the orders of the same star rating in the blue section are easier than those in the green section. This is because the star rating of the blue section is based on the price rather than the difficulty of the order itself.

Therefore, the orders in the blue section are usually in short supply, and you may not be able to grab them even if you try to snatch them. Chen Yang was lucky enough to grab the order of Jinshui Middle School by using Mao Xiaoli's three-day noble blessing talisman.

As they were talking, they found a car passing them and blocking their way. Kou Xuanling looked at the navigation system and found that Jinshui Middle School was almost there. Judging from the direction the car in front was heading, it should be heading to the same destination as them.

As expected, when they saw the gate of Jinshui Middle School, they found that the car that had been blocking them had been allowed to enter the school. Chen Yang said, "It seems that Jinshui Middle School has placed orders more than once."

The guard stopped them, and Kou Xuanling handed them the school employee ID card mailed by Jinshui Middle School, which they could enter the school with. The guard let them in as soon as he saw the ID card. When the car window was closed, Chen Yang heard him mutter, "Why are so many people here to die?"

Chen Yang turned his head to look at the guard returning to the guard booth. Just as he was about to turn back, a burst of crows suddenly came from the woods on both sides, cawing and flying into the air. The black flocks blocked the gloomy sky, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

He looked at the time. It was almost five in the afternoon. "It gets dark very quickly." It was June now, and it didn't get dark until seven. But it was not even five o'clock, and it was already dark. The whole school seemed to be in the dark as if it was trapped in the mountains.

"It doesn't look like it's going to rain." Kou Xuanling parked the car in the parking shed, locked it and got out. He looked around the school and said, "It's so quiet. Is it summer vacation now?"

"It's only mid-June. The school seems to have dismissed the first-year students because of a supernatural incident, leaving the second-year students who are about to enter the third year to make up for the lessons. So there are still teachers and students in the school, and they may still be in class."

I have to say that when I entered the school, I found that the whole school was strangely quiet. It seemed that there was no one there, no laughter or reading, just dead silence. Jinshui Middle School is very large. Walking straight from the school gate is a six-story administration building. There are woods and slopes on both sides, and there is a pond in front of the administration building. There is a road on each side of the pond. There are several school buses parked on the left road, and there is a parking shed on the right road.

Chen Yang and his friends parked their car in the parking shed, and walking down the road from the parking shed led to the playground, the cafeteria, and the old dormitory building. Walking down the road on the left led to the teaching building, the laboratory building, and the library. The buildings were all very old, especially the dormitory building, which had green vines all over the roof. Slopes could be seen everywhere in the school, and the tops of the slopes were covered with dense trees.

The growth of trees almost blocked the sunlight, so many places in the school were shaded and dark. Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling walked into the administration building. They could have walked directly through the administration building and walked out of another forest path, which connected the teaching building and the dormitory building. However, the two did not walk through the administration building, but took the elevator to the third floor.

Chen Yang: "Administrative Building 301, we have to report there first. They will explain the situation to us and arrange dormitories for us."

They arrived at Room 301, knocked on the door and went in. They found a young man and woman inside, carrying backpacks. There was a small gossip pendant hanging on the backpack, and it seemed that they were the ones who had just overtaken.

"Are you the other person who took the order?"

Chen Yang looked over and saw a serious-looking middle-aged man sitting behind a desk standing up and asking them. Chen Yang nodded, and the middle-aged man said in a gentle tone: "I am the general affairs director of Jinshui Middle School. My last name is Jin, and I am also the one who issued the list. Whoever can solve the supernatural incidents in Jinshui Middle School and ensure that the students can study normally will be given 20 million."

Before Chen Yang could speak, the man in the young couple spoke lazily: "Don't worry, Director Jin, you invited us siblings, and you invited the right people. We, the Qiu siblings..." He glanced at Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling, and said meaningfully: "We are not some charlatans or scammers."

Chen Yang quietly asked Kou Xuanling: "Do you know him?"

“I don’t know him.”

The implication is that there are no such people as the Qiu siblings in the world of Heavenly Masters. How can they receive orders from the Dafu app if they are not Heavenly Masters

Director Jin was obviously not someone who would take sides with others just because of a few words. He preferred seeing to believing. Therefore, he treated the Qiu siblings and Chen Yang impartially: "I'll have someone take you to the teacher's dormitory, and by the way, I'll tell you what happened in Jinshui Middle School in the past month."

After that, he called a teacher named Li to take them away. Teacher Li led them in front and introduced them, pointing to a teaching building a few dozen meters ahead and said, "That is the senior three teaching building, and behind it are the senior one and two teaching buildings. Now the senior one and two teaching buildings are closed, and only the senior three students are taking make-up classes. The previous student accidental death happened in the senior three teaching building."

A few people looked over and found that the windows of the senior high school teaching building were tightly closed and the curtains were drawn. No sound could be heard. Qiu Shengming, the younger brother of the Qiu family, said, "There is no one here. The windows and curtains are closed. Aren't you afraid of being stuffy?"

Teacher Li said coldly: "The first task of high school students is to study. High school sophomores have already stepped into the third year of high school. If they don't study, will they be eliminated by the millions of students across the country?"

Qiu Shengming was speechless by the teacher's cold attitude. This was the first time he was scolded as a heavenly master. Although some people do not believe in ghosts and gods, the people who invite heavenly masters often believe in them. Since they believe in them, they will naturally respect them. Now that Jinshui Middle School has invited them to solve supernatural incidents, no one respects the heavenly masters.

Maybe it’s because highly educated people don’t believe in ghosts and gods.

Chen Yang asked: "Where did the supernatural incident happen?"

Teacher Li glanced at Chen Yang and said in a gentle tone, "The back mountain." He paused, as if remembering that they were the heavenly masters who came to solve supernatural incidents, so he added, "See the basketball court behind the library? The back mountain is behind the iron net of the basketball court."

When they looked over, they could only vaguely see the open space behind the iron net of the basketball court, which was indeed higher than the basketball court. That piece of open space should be the back mountain mentioned by Teacher Li, but unfortunately it was bare and covered with red soil.

Chen Yang stared at the soil for a long time until Kou Xuanling called him, "Let's go first."

At this time, he realized that Teacher Li had already left. "Yeah." Chen Yang responded and walked forward. After a few steps, he suddenly turned back to look at the teaching building. He was shocked to find that the curtains on the fourth and fifth floors of the teaching building had been opened at some point, and were covered with students' faces, all looking in this direction indifferently.

Chen Yang frowned, feeling that this order was going to be tricky.

Teacher Li pointed to the dormitory building in front and said, "This is the teacher's dormitory building. There are 14 senior high school teachers living in the dormitory, and there are four deans living in the dormitory building. As for the principal and vice principal, they live in the principal's office—"

Qiu Shengming interrupted Teacher Li and said, "Your principal and vice principal both live in the school, don't they live at home?"

Teacher Li stared at Qiu Shengming coldly, his eyes were quite creepy. After a long while, he said, "It is very rude to interrupt others casually, Master Qiu."

After Qiu Shengming apologized, Teacher Li continued, "You will live on the fourth floor, 404 and 405. Opposite the teachers' building are the boys' and girls' dormitories. No matter which dormitory you enter, you must first ask the dormitory manager for permission before you can..."

Qiu Shengming pulled his sister Qiu Shengmin from behind and said, "It looks like he has a problem with his brain. His eyes are very creepy. I felt numb all over my back after being stared at for a while."

Qiu Shengmin glanced at Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling, and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense." In fact, she had been feeling uneasy since she entered Jinshui Middle School, but she was reluctant to give up the 20 million yuan reward. With this money, she could retire with her brother and never be a liar again.

It turned out that the Qiu siblings were well-known swindlers who specialized in playing tricks. This time they came to Jinshui Middle School because Qiu Shengming heard two Taoist priests discussing the order of Jinshui Middle School in the coffee shop. When they heard the reward of 20 million, they went back to tell Qiu Shengmin, and the two of them conspired to get the Jinshui Middle School work permits from the two Taoist priests and drove here.

The five of them stepped onto the teachers' dormitory building. This building was old, and the stairs were so narrow that even two people standing side by side would feel crowded. Each step could only accommodate half a foot, and every step was a danger of falling. The corridor was still dark, and Teacher Li said, "The corridor lights will only be turned on at 6 pm and off at 7 pm. They will be turned on again between 9 and 10 pm. Don't go out in the middle of the night unless you have something to do."

Qiu Shengming almost missed a step and took out his mobile phone to illuminate the way, with an unhappy look on his face. Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling looked at each other with a serious look. He and Kou Xuanling both had good eyesight and had to be careful in the dark. But Teacher Li was used to it and even stepped onto the stairs without even looking, walking briskly.

After finally reaching the fourth floor, they found that all the dormitories on the fourth floor were empty. The doors were closed, no one lived there, and there was a thick layer of dust on the floor. Chen Yang frowned, and Teacher Li handed each of them a key at the stairs, saying, "Don't break into the other rooms, especially 401."

After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry. Looking at his back, it seemed that he was afraid of something.

Qiu Shengming quickly grabbed the key to dormitory 405 and left with Qiu Shengmin. As they walked, he muttered, "404 sounds unlucky."

Chen Yang squeezed the key in his hand and said, "Let's go."

Dormitory 404 is not too far from the stairs. When I opened the door, I found a bed, a cabinet, a table and chairs. I could even take out two quilts from the cabinet, which were quite clean. There was a layer of dust on the corridor outside, but there was no dust in the house.

Chen Yang walked to the balcony to look at the back of the dormitory building. Behind it was a hillside, but there was actually nothing to see. Jinshui Middle School was backed by a mountain and surrounded by mountains. Even though it was summer, the mountain breeze was still quite cold at night.

Kou Xuanling first took out the ancestor to worship, and then took out the bedding and spread it on the two single beds. He took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all. He looked up at Chen Yang who came out from the balcony: "I don't think I have any clue."

"Because Teacher Li and Director Jin didn't say a single useful word." Although Teacher Li didn't stop introducing the whole process, in fact, there was no useful information in summary. "Who was the deceased? The cause of death, the manner of death, and the supernatural events were not mentioned at all."

"So we have to find out for ourselves?"

"It's almost six o'clock. Teacher Li just said that the get out of class will end at six and evening self-study will start at seven. Let's go to the cafeteria now and ask the students."

Kou Xuanling nodded, and after packing for a while, the two left for the cafeteria together. After arriving at the cafeteria, they took out their work ID cards, and the cafeteria staff motioned them to go to the small cafeteria reserved for teachers.

Chen Yang said: "We want to be here, isn't that possible?"

The staff member said awkwardly: "No. The student cafeteria is only for students to use, and teachers have to go to the small cafeteria. This is the school rule."

"We have to follow the rules even when eating?"

"If you don't follow the rules, you'll be fired."

Chen Yang and his partner could only go to the small cafeteria. Fortunately, the small cafeteria was close to the student cafeteria, separated by only a wall. The two sat near the door. After more than ten minutes, students came in one after another. A round table was filled with six people, waiting for the chef to serve the last bowl of soup. The students started eating, and no one spoke during the meal. They all ate quietly.

This gave Chen Yang the illusion that he was in the army. The Qiu family siblings gathered around and sat with them, taking the lead in showing goodwill. Seeing this, Qiu Shengming said, "I always feel that they are like zombies, and their every move depends on orders. It gives me goose bumps all over my body."

Chen Yang: "You guys went out for a walk early in the morning. What did you find out?"

The two were still considering whether to say it or not. Chen Yang pulled his lips and smiled gently: "You are not the Heavenly Master."

Qiu Shengming asked back: "Could it be you?"

"We are." Chen Yang raised his eyes: "You are not. You can also sense that something is wrong."

When he asked the last question, he looked at Qiu Shengmin. Qiu Shengming wanted to refute him, but Qiu Shengmin held him back and answered Chen Yang seriously: "We are indeed not heavenly masters, but I can see dirty things."

"Sister!" Qiu Shengming was quite anxious.

"Born with ghost eyes." Chen Yang stared at the area between Qiu Shengmin's eyes, where the yin-yang eyes were located. "Are there a lot of dirty people in Jinshui Middle School?"

Qiu Shengmin looked unhappy. "On the contrary, it's so clean that I didn't see a single ghost. At the foot of the mountain, I could see one or two wandering souls that died in a car accident, but I couldn't see any souls halfway up the mountain. The school... is very clean."

Sometimes cleanliness does not mean good things. There are bound to be wandering ghosts in crowded places, especially in schools, forests, etc. A while ago, someone died, and before we could ask the heavenly master to save the soul, the soul disappeared completely.

Kou Xuanling knew that Chen Yang was particularly sensitive to Yin and ghost energy, so he asked, "How is it?"

"Yin." Chen Yang shook his head: "No ghost energy."

Yin energy gathers naturally in the forest, and with the strict school rules of Jinshui Middle School, it is always dead and gloomy. There are many old buildings in the school, and the buildings are covered with green vines, which makes it even more gloomy. So it is not strange for Chen Yang to feel the yin energy, and not feeling the ghost energy is just like Qiu Shengmin not seeing any lonely souls.

Qiu Shengmin took a deep breath and said, "Let's work together, 30% to 70% of the profit. How about that?"

Chen Yang smiled and refused: "The Yin-Yang Eyes are not important to us." If they want to see ghosts, there are ways to do it. Besides, when the Heavenly Master reaches a certain level of cultivation, he will have more or less sensitivity to those things, so it is not important whether the eyes can see or not.

Qiu Shengmin forced a smile, pulled Qiu Shengming up and left. Qiu Shengming was puzzled: "Sister, why do you want to cooperate with them? I don't think they are very powerful. And you said the school is very clean, which means that the supernatural events are all fake. Can't we just fool around, take the money and leave?"

"It's not that easy." Qiu Shengmin stopped and looked up at the window on the third floor of the administrative building of Jinshui Middle School. The curtains were opened a little. Suddenly, he saw a face stuck to the window, staring at this direction. When he looked again, there was nothing.

Qiu Shengmin staggered back a few steps, grabbed Qiu Shengming's hand and said, "Let's leave. I have a bad feeling."

Qiu Shengming hesitated: "Sister, 20 million. With 20 million, we won't have to cheat people anymore! Sister, let's wait and see. Let's talk about it after tonight. If nothing happens tonight, we will stay. If something happens, it's not too late to leave."

Qiu Shengmin finally couldn't resist her brother's request and agreed to stay for one night. She had to leave tomorrow anyway, and the ominous premonition in her heart became heavier and heavier.

After half past six, the people guarding the canteen left, and all the students began to whisper. Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling stood up, sat at the table next to them, and asked the boy who was chatting excitedly.

The boy initially thought that the teacher was frightened, but when he learned that Chen Yang and his team were here to investigate the cause of death of the school students, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Who else could have killed him? It must have been a ghost."

The author has something to say: This unit is not scary. Horror does not exist. I don’t think it is scary.

By the way, I would like to recommend the pre-collected novel - "The Big Farmer [Travels Through the Book]", a novel about a farmer who travels through the book.

The bottom travels through the book, and the top is reborn. The top is the male protagonist of the original book.

The introduction may be revised to make it more fluent.


Wang Yuebai, a member of the Agricultural Science Academy, is reborn as the cannon fodder male supporting role in an urban male-oriented novel, the stupid son of the village chief.

The system requires him to follow the storyline, and there are still five years before the storyline begins.

When Wang Yuebai had nothing to do, he built a farm in the backward and impoverished Wangjia Village and led the villagers to raise pigs and become rich.

Five years later, Wangjia Village was named a national advanced village for prosperity. Farmer Wang Yuebai was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and became the most beautiful girl, becoming famous.

Li Yan was not a good person before his rebirth, and after his rebirth, all his internal organs were black.

Only Wang Yuebai is his only kindness.

Thank you for the nutrient solution and mines^v^

Billionaire Tengger threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 12:12:00

The braised pork is not braised and threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 13:22:16

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Throwing time: 2018-06-09 13:37:55

Mog threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 14:13:13

Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 14:16:39

Zhenzhen the cutie threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 16:53:05

violets01 threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 17:23:40

Mao Afei threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 17:25:17

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Just a taste and threw 7 mines

Throwing time: 2018-06-09 22:17:58

Yancai threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-10 00:50:17